Community > Posts By > splendidlife
Through all the ages man has believed in an invisible power, through which, and by which, all things have been created and are continually being recreated. We may personalize this power and call it God, or we may think of it as the essence or spirit, which permeates all things, but in either case the effect is the same. So far as the individual is concerned, the objective, the physical, the visible, is the personal that which can be recognized by the senses. It consists of body, brain and nerves. The subjective is the spiritual, the invisible, and the impersonal. The personal is conscious because it is a personal entity. The impersonal being the same in kind and quality as all other. Being is not conscious of itself and has therefore been termed the sub-conscious. The personal or conscious has the power of will and choice and can therefore exercise discrimination in the selection of methods whereby to bring about the solution of difficulties. The impersonal or spiritual being a part or one with the source and origin of all power, can necessarily exercise no such choice, but on the contrary, it has infinite resources at its command. It can and does bring about results by methods concerning which the human or individual mind can have no possible conception. You will therefore see that it is your privilege to depend upon the human will with all its limitations and misconceptions, or you may utilize the potentialities of Infinity by making use of the sub-conscious mind. Here then is the scientific explanation of the wonderful power which has been put within your control if you but understand, appreciate and recognize it. To attempt to harness the sub-conscious or will the higher self to serve conscious desire seems to lead down the same path of discontent that limited conscious "thought" already experiences. What then must be done? Little, if anything, ordered by conscious will seems to magically manifest. Must something click to release the conscious will from its never-ending barrage of demands? Is what releases us from this miserable insistence of having to have things go our way something Divine? Or could it be as simple as acceptance of all that already is? |
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Sun 03/22/09 03:32 PM
You will find that you may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law. Is not this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to know that our lives are not subject to caprice or variability of any kind? This stability is our opportunity, because by complying with the law, we can secure the desired effect with invariable precision. It is the law which makes the Universe one grand paean of harmony. If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos. Here then is the secret of the origin of both good and evil. Thought results in action. If your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good. If your thought is destructive or inharmonious, the result will be evil. There is but one law, one principle, one cause, one source of power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the results of our action, or our compliance or non-compliance with this law. The importance of this is well illustrated in the lives of Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and disharmony. Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal, but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law. The other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even the bad, because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing the "wind" and shall reap the "whirlwind". So, perhaps in loving the bad, the good more readily reveals itself, all in equal balance? |
Religion breeds peace
leaders of nations if they had stronger faith in god and his loving will peace would surely spread throughout the world. Well, George W. Bush supposedly had a very strong faith in God. At one point he even claimed that God told him to invade Iraq. And that certainly goes along with the kinds of things that the Biblical God had traditionally told leaders to do. There are many examples of God telling military leaders to murder heathens. So having a faith in the Biblical God doens't seem to help much. i know it is a dream only now but if they would focus on the loving will of god the world would be as we all want it. filled with opportunity for all, love and peace.
It's my understanding that the men who flew the planes into the World Trade Centers believed that they were doing the will of God. There are many examples of people doing horrible things in the belief that they are doing the will of God. A fellow by the name of Jim Jones murdered his whole congregation of followers in the name of God. There are stories of women who have killed their babies in the name of God. Often times religious people harrass and even harm other people in the name of God. We've seen this throughout history notably during the Burning Times in Europe when many innocent midwives were tortured then burned alive at stakes until dead. All in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty and his arch enemy Satan. We see loving people who have choosen same-gender mates being harrassed and belittled by people in the name of Jesus Christ the Almighty "Savior". I think there are some religions that do promote peace. Wicca seems to be a religion based on the creed of "Do as ye will and harm none". That certainly seems to be a creed worth looking into. Perhaps it has some divine origins. Maybe we should all convert to Wicca. ![]() In the meantime, the Mediterranean religions that are all based on a jealous God who lusts to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and has as his first commandment the totally egotistical statement "Thou shalt have no other God before me!" just doesn't seem to have produced very peaceful results. The Jews, Muslims, and Christians can never seem to get along. And the Christians fell into two major parts, the Catholics and the Protestants, and they can't seem to get along with each other much less any outside religions. Even the Protestants themselves have fallen into a myriad of demoninations that are always at each other throats. Did you hear about Bishop Carlton Pearson who was pronouced a "Heretic" by the majority of the Christian Community simply because he believes that he had a epiphany from God telling him that there is no such place as 'Hell' and that the Bible had been misunderstood? Clearly these religions are dead religions. They don't believe that God can inspire Bishops today in real time. They worship their dogma like as if it's carved in stone. Even God cannot change it now because no one believes that God talks to anyone anymore. If we truly want to find peace in the world maybe we should turn to the atheists and ask for their advice. They seem to be quite sensible and getting along with everyone just fine. Many of them are great humanitarians, doctors, and scientists who study creation in great depth with great reverence. Clearly they have found some inner peace without a God concept. And they have clearly shown that love is possible without God. Love can indeed come from humans. ![]() Surprise suprise! ![]() Perhaps even turning to the gnostics could bring an all inclusive sense of peace. |
Religion breeds peace
peace can only come from god to u through his guidance. then if u spread that peace to others it can spread. but u really only acheive inner peace through faith in god and his love. there fore having faith in god is how to spread peace. leaders of nations if they had stronger faith in god and his loving will peace would surely spread throughout the world. but right now i dont think the world governing leaders are focused on what they should. they focus on money and many are corrupt. that leads to distrust and war. i know it is a dream only now but if they would focus on the loving will of god the world would be as we all want it. filled with opportunity for all, love and peace. Hmmm... If we would all focus on others rather than self, then maybe the will of god (the heart) would more readily be known to all and the world would be filled with love, peace and infinite possibility. Anytime I experience hell on earth (which has been most of what I've experienced today) its as a direct result of my focusing on myself. Yuck! |
dear christian god, ever hung out with other significant religious figures? - Jimmy -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - Dear Jimmy, yes, all the time! ganesh is a bit of a bully. i'm afraid of him. fighting him would be like fighting goro from mortal kombat. (sweet game) buddha's cool - a bit touchy about his weight. there's a bunch of kami that hang around my yard sometimes, i keep leaving food out for them - hoping one will become my pet. on the other side of the tracks you have all the old gods / goddesses. you know, the "mythology" ones. they're ok in small doses, but they get really mad once you bring up the word 'mythology'. touchy peeps. funny thing - people always say that me and allah could be twins. lol seriously - in fact i'm gonna be covering for him while he goes out with this wickedly hot valkyrie. (i'm jealous, allah gets all the babes) anyway, i gotta go hide in a dumpster - i heard ganesh is looking to to beat me up again. later jimmy, - christian god Dear Jimmy, Me and the gang got together and decided to invite you "up" for a game of kick-mortal. You game? oxoxox God |
Hypothetical question...
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Sun 03/22/09 10:38 AM
Be ye perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect. But if the Father in heaven is the creator of this unviverse then the Father cannot be perfect because his creation is not perfect. So much for the idea of a 'perfect' doctrine. In fact, the doctrine these words came from is so horribly flawed that it's the most imperfect docrtine even created by men. That's the irony of this doctrine. It claims to be the word of a perfect God yet the word itself is absurdly imperfect. Quite the oxymoron. Imperfect is the magic ingredient we get to use for comparison. How else could we ever have any clue of what perfect might be? This is true. Also, in what way would the God of Abraham have been 'perfect'? ![]() In the old testament he taught people to stone each other to death. I don't personally feel that a "perfect" God would ever do such a thing. This God also condoned slavery, he condone male superiority or male chauvinism against women. He is appeased by blood scrifices. That's no perfect IMHO. He leads people to a "promised land" that's already occupied by 'heathens' and then tells his people to murder the 'heathens'. That's far from a perfect God IMHO. He floods out an entire planet to try to wash away sin supposedly knowing full well that water can't wash away sin. He's an absolute terrible "Fatherly Figure" not even coming close to what I would consider to be an even mediocre mentor much less a perfect mentor. He even created animals that eat each other. It seems to me that if God were perfect he would have created a very distinct difference between plants and animals and created all animals to be herbivores. In what way would this God supposedly be "perfect"? ![]() I don't see anything 'perfect' about the God described in the Old Testament. Not even close. In all honestly (and this is clearly my own personal opinion), but when I read these stories this God appears to me to be a bumbling idiot. Not even close to being reasonable much less "perfect". So where does the assumption that God is 'perfect' come from? ![]() And what are we supposed to understand that means? It certainly can't mean anything related to the behavior of this God as told by the authors of the Old Testament. And beyond that we really know nothing of this God other than what we might conjure up in our very own imaginations. My idea of a 'perfect God' would be a God who has absolutely nothing to do with the Biblical stories at all. There's just nothing perfect about the behavior of that God in any of those stories. So where does this idea that God is perfect come from? ![]() The idea that "God" is only perfect comes from the idea that we HAVE to be only perfect. That idea has been manufactured by people (us) all along. Everybody must get stoned... It's all in the interpretation. |
Hypothetical question...
Be ye perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect. But if the Father in heaven is the creator of this unviverse then the Father cannot be perfect because his creation is not perfect. So much for the idea of a 'perfect' doctrine. In fact, the doctrine these words came from is so horribly flawed that it's the most imperfect docrtine even created by men. That's the irony of this doctrine. It claims to be the word of a perfect God yet the word itself is absurdly imperfect. Quite the oxymoron. Imperfect is the magic ingredient we get to use for comparison. How else could we ever have any clue of what perfect might be? |
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Sun 03/22/09 09:35 AM
God says: I don't understand this idea of everyone wanting to be an individual in their own right. I thought I was the only person who counts? I can relate! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Poor slob... Afflicted with the same pesky human traits as the rest of us. |
Hypothetical question...
Be ye perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect. See that you are just as perfect and imperfect as your "Father in Heaven". See that you are just as "Jesus". There is no sin punishable by "Hell" in the afterlife. |
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Sat 03/21/09 06:50 PM
<<<<<How are we intuitively guided? Don't we all experience from varying degrees a certain amount of intuition, knowing or wisdom that comes from within? What if this so-called god about which we constantly debate resides in each of us as if like a personal angel or higher self? What if the link between our everyday conscious thought and whole (Universal) understanding was a visceral pathway through the subconscious mind? What if we decided to call the place in each of us that holds the potential for complete connection to wisdom... "higher self"? When one becomes completely opened to one's own greater or higher self, perhaps it's like finally being reunited with one's own soul mate. We hear how this happens just before death... Complete recognition, peace and understanding.>>>> My personal belief is that the whole idea of a soulmate, has grown out of the need to answer the calling home of our own soul, or higher self, as you put it. And when the soul answers the call and meets itself once again back at "home", the completion might feel like what we perceive to be "a match made in heaven". If we were to experience this with our higher selves here on Earth, as mortals, I would imagine the importance (pressure to) of finding a perfect mate from the outside would diminish. Maybe then we'd feel free to experience each other without the pressure to secure each other's devotion at any cost. Imagine the freedom! |
One the "soul mates" issue... I happen to believe that we live multiple lives in series. And I also believe that we tend to "hang out together" across multiple lives. Not that we always have close relationsship with the same people over and over. But that the people we are closest to tend to be people that we've been close to before. Anyway, I think a person can have multiple "soul mates" - people that one has been close to for a long, loooooong time. ![]() What baffles me is why people think that a soul mate always has to be of the opposite sex? Is there some idea that we always incarnate as the same sex? To me that seems pretty superstitious. ![]() ![]() The idea of a soul mate was that originally one soul was split into two souls, one was made a man and one was made a woman and they must find each other again to be "whole." This idea is a symbolic one and reflects the necessity to have a male and female in the physical world in order to procreate the species here. Some people believe that they must find their "soul mate" to be happy. A silly idea if you ask me. But if you believe that you met your soul mate and lost him then, you create a belief that there is no hope for happiness for you and by believing that, you create that reality for yourself. It is our beliefs and our thoughts that create our reality. What if our soul mate is us... Our higher self? I'm not sure I understand. Please explain. How are we intuitively guided? Don't we all experience from varying degrees a certain amount of intuition, knowing or wisdom that comes from within? What if this so-called god about which we constantly debate resides in each of us as if like a personal angel or higher self? What if the link between our everyday conscious thought and whole (Universal) understanding was a visceral pathway through the subconscious mind? What if we decided to call the place in each of us that holds the potential for complete connection to wisdom... "higher self"? When one becomes completely opened to one's own greater or higher self, perhaps it's like finally being reunited with one's own soul mate. We hear how this happens just before death... Complete recognition, peace and understanding. So with a bit of self-discovery who needs relationships? Yeah, well... Relationships ultimately force us to either temporarily destoy ourselve's or help us more clearly understand the ones we have withourselves. |
Aren't we ALL to varying degrees power hungry, coniving tryants who use every circumstance to our advantage with the habit of taking what we want with little thought of the cost to others?
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Sat 03/21/09 03:51 PM
One the "soul mates" issue... I happen to believe that we live multiple lives in series. And I also believe that we tend to "hang out together" across multiple lives. Not that we always have close relationsship with the same people over and over. But that the people we are closest to tend to be people that we've been close to before. Anyway, I think a person can have multiple "soul mates" - people that one has been close to for a long, loooooong time. ![]() What baffles me is why people think that a soul mate always has to be of the opposite sex? Is there some idea that we always incarnate as the same sex? To me that seems pretty superstitious. ![]() ![]() The idea of a soul mate was that originally one soul was split into two souls, one was made a man and one was made a woman and they must find each other again to be "whole." This idea is a symbolic one and reflects the necessity to have a male and female in the physical world in order to procreate the species here. Some people believe that they must find their "soul mate" to be happy. A silly idea if you ask me. But if you believe that you met your soul mate and lost him then, you create a belief that there is no hope for happiness for you and by believing that, you create that reality for yourself. It is our beliefs and our thoughts that create our reality. What if our soul mate is us... Our higher self? I'm not sure I understand. Please explain. How are we intuitively guided? Don't we all experience from varying degrees a certain amount of intuition, knowing or wisdom that comes from within? What if this so-called god about which we constantly debate resides in each of us as if like a personal angel or higher self? What if the link between our everyday conscious thought and whole (Universal) understanding was a visceral pathway through the subconscious mind? What if we decided to call the place in each of us that holds the potential for complete connection to wisdom... "higher self"? When one becomes completely opened to one's own greater or higher self, perhaps it's like finally being reunited with one's own soul mate. We hear how this happens just before death... Complete recognition, peace and understanding. |
One the "soul mates" issue... I happen to believe that we live multiple lives in series. And I also believe that we tend to "hang out together" across multiple lives. Not that we always have close relationsship with the same people over and over. But that the people we are closest to tend to be people that we've been close to before. Anyway, I think a person can have multiple "soul mates" - people that one has been close to for a long, loooooong time. ![]() What baffles me is why people think that a soul mate always has to be of the opposite sex? Is there some idea that we always incarnate as the same sex? To me that seems pretty superstitious. ![]() ![]() The idea of a soul mate was that originally one soul was split into two souls, one was made a man and one was made a woman and they must find each other again to be "whole." This idea is a symbolic one and reflects the necessity to have a male and female in the physical world in order to procreate the species here. Some people believe that they must find their "soul mate" to be happy. A silly idea if you ask me. But if you believe that you met your soul mate and lost him then, you create a belief that there is no hope for happiness for you and by believing that, you create that reality for yourself. It is our beliefs and our thoughts that create our reality. What if our soul mate is us... Our higher self? |
One the "soul mates" issue... I happen to believe that we live multiple lives in series. And I also believe that we tend to "hang out together" across multiple lives. Not that we always have close relationsship with the same people over and over. But that the people we are closest to tend to be people that we've been close to before. Anyway, I think a person can have multiple "soul mates" - people that one has been close to for a long, loooooong time. ![]() What baffles me is why people think that a soul mate always has to be of the opposite sex? Is there some idea that we always incarnate as the same sex? To me that seems pretty superstitious. ![]() ![]() I had a dog who was (and still is) my soul mate. (Get your minds out of the gutter... no beastiality involved!) ![]() He moved on from this world in '99. I have never seen a pair of eyes look more deeply into my soul. |
Vain Imaginations
makes me wonder if one of those countless religions is "correct", or if they're all equally silly. i'm leaning toward the later. I think they are all equally silly and at the same time equally sagacious. The main thing is that people need to keep their religions to themsleves, at least in terms of proselytizing them as dogmas that 'must be believed' by others. I find specific traditions within the concepts of Witchcraft and Shamanism to be quite useful and meaningfull to me. However, my religious views in this matter include a 'believe' in the existence of spirits. Many people may find that notion to be silly. I also view these spirits as animal totums as well as faeries and other deities in the spiritual realm. Many people may think that the idea of sentient animals and the concept of 'faeries' to be silly. Ironically those same people may believe with conviction in demons and angels. Are these concepts really different? Or are they just a different way of viewing the same spiritual entities? If someone ones to believe that their God had to sacrifice his son to pay for their horrible behavior I have absolutely no problem with that. If they feel that they have been horrible enough to merit such an act perhaps they are in dire need of salvation and therefore this picture makes sense to them. I won't argue with that. However, when they start claiming that the sacrifice their God made to them was also made for me then I have a real problem with that. That's when spirituality crosses the line. Keep your God's to yourself. There's nothing wrong with sharing what you believe to be true for YOU. If you believe that you've been bad and your God had to take drastic measures to pay for your horrible behavior then so be it. That's a belief I can respect in another person. But as soon as they start telling me that this same scenario is true for me is when they have crossed the line. Especially if they start claiming that I must also accept this horrible sacrifice that their God made or their God will be mean to me. Excuse me? If they have such a MEAN God, then from my point of view they are worshiping a demon. ![]() None of the deities that I believe in would ever dream of being MEAN to anyone without just cause. ![]() So as soon as someone threatens me with their God I have no choice but to conclude that they are worshiping a MEAN demon. For no "God" would ever be so MEAN. That's my point of view and intuitively I shun away from any Gods who are defined as being so MEAN. To me, MEAN = DEMON. So if you worship a MEAN God then you are a demon worshiper as far as I'm concerned. The proselytizing of such hateful mean deities should be classified as a "Pyschological Hate Crimes". And certainly this should also be classified as "Child Abuse" as well if a parent is teaching a child that God will be MEAN to them if they don't believe in him. The proselytizing of MEAN deities who threaten eternal damnation to those who refuse to succumb to the proselytizers should be outlawed as "emotion hate crimes". ![]() It's just not right. Perhaps to continue to rail against it, is to continue to be caught in the grips of profoundly negative childhood memories. Do you just walk away? Any religion or political power that uses scare-tactics to bring the masses into submission will NOT go down without a bloody fight. How can only a few ever speak enough words? It will take some kind of major shift in consciousness, triggered by something FAR more powerful than any human. If the collective energy of the Universe somehow builds into an event superceding anything we could ever imagine, and somehow every measure of up and down was removed from our consciousness... Perhaps all would have no choice but be completely re-booted. Then, any garbage about anybody dying for anybody else's sin will seem as ridiculous as some reality show about a balding, bandana-wearin', middle-aged rock star I never heard of hooking up with a bunch of dull-witted plastic Barbie girls, all fighting bitterly for his affections. |
Vain Imaginations
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Sat 03/21/09 09:50 AM
What I see from these verses is that God has placed, or created, within every living creature an intuitive knowledge of right and wrong. When it talks about His wrath "is" revealed I believe it could be said that His wrath "has been" revealed for God "hath" shown it to them. People know when they are outside of God's way of life, there are no excuses.
If that’s true then there’s no need for any dogma or religion. It must also be true that everyone who truly feels good about their beliefs must indeed be correct. And that would even include atheists who feel good about being atheists. Thanks for the confirmation that all beliefs that instill genuinely virtuous feelings are necessarily "God's way of life". ![]() From the moment conscious mortal thought begins, long before we exit the womb, we prepare to observe, compare and contrast everything we experience around us with an original feeling of perfect connection. Any event that triggers memory of connection to a complete sense of peace is what we will deem "good"... After we hit the ground, we begin to create a sort of internal "religion" of comparison. This is "good" and closest to complete peace... This is "bad" and farthest from that feeling of peace. As we develop and become more aware of the people and situations around us and our families and/or society start introducing (inflicting) their dogma, we compare what they speak to that internal feeling once wholly felt. We try our best to match it up... to make it fit. That dogma or religion that others try to "gift" to us was already being created internally. Not by some singular "God", but rather by each individual’s internal process. People intrinsically know when they’re operating outside of their own learned ideas of good. They clamber to correct themselves in order to stay within the ideas… with or without any specific religion. "God" and dogma are conceptual tools, acting as barometers of one's own separation from or connection to its whole self. Could these words be just vain imaginings? Did the devil have my tongue speak such utter nonsense? If ego equal evil, then perhaps the answer is... yes. ![]() |
GREAT!!!! so where can i pee? Anywhere you want if you're wearing a diaper. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tell us brother... How did you get bent over? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Not bad... Sounds like a decent deal. Depends on your persprctive. |
God... I'm bored
right back at ya there. AND i wore the pointed toed boots ![]() Ouch! It suggests a new kind of church... Church of the pointed toe boot. Bend over and receive your salvation. Bow down before the one you serve You're gonna get what you deserve |
ducks, sheep and cats???? don't wanna know....don't ask don't tell ![]() Duck (verb)! Incomming sheep! ![]() Mommy, I'm scared! |