Community > Posts By > splendidlife
What is romance?
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Wed 02/18/09 07:04 PM
Romance can be a dangling carrot, promising to keep one drunk with the forgetting of one's own insecurity.
It can be the point of acceptance after which one has been able to hear, not just positive, but any negative about them self from their loved one. Hmmmm... True respect of mutual want instead of being enslaved by mere ideas of what the other wants. <- Easy to say... Not as easy to live. |
What is Reality?
If the vast majority of the planet's inhabitants where actually under that delusion, it would be an entirely different planet, indeed. Why do you say that? People in love are known to do stupid things. Love doesn't make people wise, nor does it necessarily make them nice toward people they aren't necessarily in love with. Besides, I never meant to imply that they remained in that state for very long, only that it seems to be a quite popular delusion. Many people claim to be in love with other people that aren't necesarily in love with them back. That still qualifies as love whether it came to fruition or not. That "delusion" is popular per the media. Do we REALLY believe in it or is it just a dangling carrot? People chase it like a dog chases it's tail. Being "In Love"... Just another Religion used to control the masses. |
What is Reality?
people claim that I use delusional to much's hard not to when most of the planet's inhabitants seem to fit that category If being in love qualifies as delusion, then there's no question that the vast majority of the planet's inhabitants are delusional. Love has been the subject and focus of human attention throughout all of history. Is love a delusion? Perhaps it is. But then that only proves that delusion is the spice of life. Take away delusion and what do you have left? A bunch of uninteresting drones that could easily pass as emotionless robots. If the vast majority of the planet's inhabitants where actually under that delusion, it would be an entirely different planet, indeed. |
Edited by
Sun 02/15/09 05:13 PM
Okay, then lets assume you are right and God made mankind from the mud of the earth. Let's just say for a minute.. that this is a fact. How did God do that? Get down to the nitty gritty on a quantum level or even magick and tell me how you think God did that? No matter how miraculous anything is, there has to be a method or means by which the thing was done. What was the technology that accomplished that feat... LOGICALLY. Remember, it MUST BE LOGICAL in order to make sense. I'm serious about this question. You apparently require logic in order to make sense of information. Where is your logic in the story that God created mankind from the mud? What does that mean to you? How did God do that? Smoke and Mirrors Smoke and mirrors as an answer would only be logical in the use of slight of hand. Since I doubt that every living thing or piece of dirt or land-form that's ever existed on this planet has been a mere entertaining prop for the Gods' entertainment... Energy shaped every speck of matter into some form of physical manifestation. Humans are of the same basic elemental components as mud/dust. So, I guess it's not so far fetched. When Religion can shut up long enough to see how Science will provide the facts and Science can see into the value in the code of text... Perhaps that will be when it starts making total sense. Each physical body (animate or inanimate) has energy flowing through it. It responds in infinite ways to the energy of those bodies surrounding it (in one way or another). If we all transmit energy and respond to energy... it seems to make sense that the energy that originated all of this interaction, throughout "creation", is of the same stuff as all of us. We are all like walking antennae with connections to total energy of which we have only a smidgen of any sense. What keeps driving us to face this overwhelmingly exhausting human condition, generation after generation? Perhaps we (in our blindness) unconsciously (or subconsciously) seek to connect with the energy that sparks it all. God? Is that you? Crystal Entity? Is that you? Cosmic Flare? Is that you? |
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Sun 02/15/09 05:11 PM
I leave the images alone. It is not an authority to me to state the right or the wrong, for where would they know that from? It is only a thinking material. Most folks have no brain, but only an imitation chip. Keep this in your calculations, it helps. Imitation and gathered memory thus far... Emotion based memory. Trapped in the memories through which all current information is filtered, we imitate to survive the fear of feeling "bad". |
Planetary ascension anyone?
Anyone ascending through transmutation of lower frequencies into higher ones? The Earth is shifting from the dark ages into the Golden age. Anyone keyed in? pAAAAAAAAAce! -Jess Sometimes I believe it could be linked to an ascension of sorts... Other times I think I'm just PMSing. |
Planetary ascension anyone?
My neighbor's dog eats his own poop. THAT proves it. |
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Fri 02/13/09 01:01 PM
For anyone to suggest that anyone else is "beyond help" is to admit, out loud, their own tendency of condemning others.
As if any single human is in any position to make that determination of another. When I dance that dance, I only end up condemning myself. Nowhere else to go, but to have it glare right back at self. |
what "bad" shall I create for myself today??? I seem to be able to stumble my way into creating "bad" quite successfully without any forethought. The very idea/picture that it could actually almost be "fun" to create "bad" for self (almost like a game) sure seems like it could lift a lot of weight off of the heart. constant incoming thought stream of forethought no longer being defined, just understood?? To be free of constantly "having" to define every friggen thing that passes before my eyes seems as a dream-come-true. Much like when I dream at night... I'm free. so any "constant unchanging definition" of what exists, or is possible to exist, BE MOST A LIMITED THING, SO LEAST AS GOD??? No wonder I can't find God!!! so self is then MORE PRONE TO BECOMING THE EXACT SAME THING IN SOME ESSENCE, OF THE SAME PRINCIPLE, OF WHAT IT SEEN AND DESPISED, as it now has SUBCONSCIOUSLY WILLED ITSELF AS AN "ENEMEY" TO THE PROPOSED EVIL IT "OBSERVED"??? Hmmm... Had that experience of, in an instant, being thrust into a bottomless pit of misery, feeling completely lost, 10,000 leagues lower than the person I just condemned. Now, where to? so if there is belief in god, then it CANNOT RESTRICT" data intake!!! That certainly would seem to make actually "feeling" god... possible. the conscious mind just simply has no idea of the "elation of spirit" that come from laying down it's "restrictions of love placed on OTHERS"??? Fly... Be Free... |
Modern Mind
Its by Steve Turner, I Knew it would get a reaction. I pretty much think that is your ultimate goal, Nubby, Reaction! I will chalk it up to your youth. You seem to need to find anyone, even remotely intellectual to back your view of your god, from poets to scientists, anyone will do, as long as they buy your version. That is suppose to convince us that your right. It just convinces me that you are desperate to be right. Proves nothing but it must be fun for you because you are still at it. Aren't we ALL desperate to be right? |
6000 years
Science is about what can be known, as soon as something is determinable it is within the realm of science until then it is not. Religion could never be apart of science unless supposed gods could be understood by science. Your two assertions that some religious scientists admit that there are limits to science, and that science and religion can mix are contradictory statements. Which is it, can science know god, or is science and the super natural exclusive non-overlapping magisteria? You cannot have your cake and eat it. Does it seem possible that Stephen Hawking could be moving in this direction? |
This indicated to me that the real meaning of "sin" is in our own thoughts and beliefs in which we create our reality. |
6000 years
Edited by
Sun 02/01/09 11:37 AM
I have a question... I don't understand how people use the bible to justify that the earth is only 6000 years old? I've talked to some people that tell me it's "verified" that even dinosaurs are only thousands of years old instead of millions. And that they died in the Noah's flood. I just wanted to hear if anyone out there has a rational arguement for the earth only being 6000 years old. I personally, think it's a crock How 'bout the possibility that there have been about 6000 years of recorded man (humans as we know them)? All of the some-odd 4.5 Billion years of movement that led up to man have been measured on a time-scale that we, in "real" time, only know from our "earthly" perspective. Doesn't the bible chronicle age-spans that vary from only a few to thousands of "years"? What "exact" biblical time-scale can anyone actually verify? Dunno. This possibility may suggest that none of what anyone has actually been saying has been a crock. Uh-oh! That would suggest no need for argument. Ha Ha! |
Emptiness is a remedy for the foundation of all delusions — ignorance — so all the other delusions will disappear. The minute one meditates on emptiness, anger for example, will stop. Anger arises when you believe in the false I, false object — all this which does not exist. So when one meditates on emptiness of the self and other objects, there is no foundation for anger. This is the most powerful antidote. But if it arises again, it is because there is no continuation of the meditation; the meditation, the mindfulness, has stopped. The problem is to remember the technique. Once you remember the technique, it always works. When you don't remember the technique, it is delayed and the delusion, anger and so forth, has already arisen and taken you over. Always think about Karma. Buddhists don't believe in God. This basic Buddhist philosophy helps you remember there is no separate mind outside of yours that creates your life, creates you karma. Whatever happens in one's own life comes from one's own mind. These aggregates, all the views of the senses, all of the feelings, happiness, sadness and so forth—your whole world comes from your consciousness. The imprints of past good karma and negative karma left on the consciousness manifest, become actualized. The imprints to have a human body, senses, views, aggregates, all the feelings—everything is realized at this time, and all of it comes from consciousness, from karma. If your meditation on emptiness is not effective, this teaching of karma is very powerful for us ordinary beings. The minute one meditates on karma, there is no room in the mind for anger because there is nothing to blame. Thinking of karma is practicing the basic Buddhist philosophy that there is no creator other than your mind. It is not only a philosophy but a very powerful technique. Anger is based on believing in a creator: somebody created this problem; this happened because of this person. In daily life, when a problem arises, instead of practicing the philosophy of no creator, we act as if there is a creator, that the problem was created by somebody else. Even if we don't use the word God, we still believe someone else created the problem. The minute you think of karma and realize there is no creator, there is no basis for the anger. We need to think: In the past I gave such a harm to sentient beings, therefore I deserve to receive this harm from another sentient being. When you get angry what you are actually saying is that you can harm others, but you feel that you should not receive harm from others. This is very illogical. So in this practice you say, 'I deserve this harm.' Another practice is to use this situation to develop compassion: I received this harm because of my karma. Who started all this? It's not because of the other person, it's because of your own actions. You treated other sentient beings this way in the past, that is why you receive harm now; your karma persuaded the person to harm you now. Now this person has a human birth and they harm you because of something you inspired in the past. By harming you now they are creating more negative karma to lose their human rebirth and to be reborn in lower realms. Didn't I make that person get lost in the lower realms? In this way you are using that problem to generate bodhicitta. This means one is able to develop the whole Mahayana path to enlightenment, including the six paramitas, whether sutra path or tantra path. One can cease all mistakes of the mind and achieve full enlightenment. Due to the kindness of that person you are able to generate compassion, free sentient beings from all the sufferings, to bring enlightenment, to cause perfect happiness for all sentient beings. One can also think in this way: by practicing compassion on that person, one is able to generate compassion towards all sentient beings. This person, who is so kind, so precious, is helping you stop harming all sentient beings, and on top of that, to receive help from you. By not receiving harm from you, peace and happiness come; also, by receiving help from you, numberless sentient get peace and happiness. All this peace and happiness that you are able to offer all sentient beings comes from this person. Similarly, one can practice patience in this way and is able to cease anger. There are many techniques for practicing patience; I don't need to go over all that now, but will write about it one day on a new thread one day perhaps. Another thing that is very good is the liberation in the palm of your hand: generally speaking one doesn't get angry at the stick that the person used to beat you. The stick itself is used by the person, so therefore there is no point in getting angry at the stick. Similarly, the person's body, speech and mind are completely used by the anger, by the delusion. The person's body, speech and mind become like a slave, completely used as a tool of the anger. The person themself has no freedom at all. So therefore, since the person has no freedom at all, they should become an object of our compassion. Not only that, one must take responsibility to pacify that person's anger. By whatever means you can find, help the person's mind, pacify the anger. One can meditate on how that person is kind, how that person is precious like Dharma, precious like Buddha, precious like Guru; kind like Buddha, like Guru or like Jesus if you wish. The conclusion is that if no one has anger towards us, we can never develop patience. If everybody loves us then we can never generate the precious quality of patience, the path of patience. So therefore there is an incredible need in our life for someone to have anger towards us. It is so precious, so important that someone has anger towards us. It's not precious for that person, but for us it's very precious. For that person it's torturous, it's like living in the lower realms. But for us, that person having anger towards us is so precious. We have a great need for this, a great need. It's important that someone loves you, but it is even more important that someone has anger towards you. You see, if someone loves you it does not help you benefit numberless sentient beings or actualize the entire path to enlightenment. So why is this person the most precious thing to me. Because they are angry with you. To you, this person's anger is like a wish-granting jewel. Yes it sounds absurd to you, but think about it for a moment. Also, your anger destroys merit, destroys your happiness, not only in day to day life but in long term happiness. As Bodhicaryavatara mentions, one moment of anger delays realizations for one thousand eons. Anger is a great obstacle, especially for bodhicitta realizations. Therefore, because this person is angry towards me, I am able to develop patience and overcome my own anger and complete the entire path to enlightenment. One can complete the two types of merit, cease all the obscurations, achieve enlightenment, and free all sentient beings and lead them to enlightenment. It is a hard concept to learn, but if you seek deeper you will understand what is meant by this article. Best relief I've felt in a long time was this sensation of feeling hollow (empty). I didn't "make" it happen. I awoke one morning and it was already there. "I" can't do a thing. The more I "try" the more frustrated I become (angry). |
Emptiness is a remedy for the foundation of all delusions — ignorance — so all the other delusions will disappear. The minute one meditates on emptiness, anger for example, will stop. Anger arises when you believe in the false I, false object — all this which does not exist. So when one meditates on emptiness of the self and other objects, there is no foundation for anger. This is the most powerful antidote. But if it arises again, it is because there is no continuation of the meditation; the meditation, the mindfulness, has stopped. The problem is to remember the technique. Once you remember the technique, it always works. When you don't remember the technique, it is delayed and the delusion, anger and so forth, has already arisen and taken you over. Always think about Karma. Buddhists don't believe in God. This basic Buddhist philosophy helps you remember there is no separate mind outside of yours that creates your life, creates you karma. Whatever happens in one's own life comes from one's own mind. These aggregates, all the views of the senses, all of the feelings, happiness, sadness and so forth—your whole world comes from your consciousness. The imprints of past good karma and negative karma left on the consciousness manifest, become actualized. The imprints to have a human body, senses, views, aggregates, all the feelings—everything is realized at this time, and all of it comes from consciousness, from karma. If your meditation on emptiness is not effective, this teaching of karma is very powerful for us ordinary beings. The minute one meditates on karma, there is no room in the mind for anger because there is nothing to blame. Thinking of karma is practicing the basic Buddhist philosophy that there is no creator other than your mind. It is not only a philosophy but a very powerful technique. Anger is based on believing in a creator: somebody created this problem; this happened because of this person. In daily life, when a problem arises, instead of practicing the philosophy of no creator, we act as if there is a creator, that the problem was created by somebody else. Even if we don't use the word God, we still believe someone else created the problem. The minute you think of karma and realize there is no creator, there is no basis for the anger. We need to think: In the past I gave such a harm to sentient beings, therefore I deserve to receive this harm from another sentient being. When you get angry what you are actually saying is that you can harm others, but you feel that you should not receive harm from others. This is very illogical. So in this practice you say, 'I deserve this harm.' Another practice is to use this situation to develop compassion: I received this harm because of my karma. Who started all this? It's not because of the other person, it's because of your own actions. You treated other sentient beings this way in the past, that is why you receive harm now; your karma persuaded the person to harm you now. Now this person has a human birth and they harm you because of something you inspired in the past. By harming you now they are creating more negative karma to lose their human rebirth and to be reborn in lower realms. Didn't I make that person get lost in the lower realms? In this way you are using that problem to generate bodhicitta. This means one is able to develop the whole Mahayana path to enlightenment, including the six paramitas, whether sutra path or tantra path. One can cease all mistakes of the mind and achieve full enlightenment. Due to the kindness of that person you are able to generate compassion, free sentient beings from all the sufferings, to bring enlightenment, to cause perfect happiness for all sentient beings. One can also think in this way: by practicing compassion on that person, one is able to generate compassion towards all sentient beings. This person, who is so kind, so precious, is helping you stop harming all sentient beings, and on top of that, to receive help from you. By not receiving harm from you, peace and happiness come; also, by receiving help from you, numberless sentient get peace and happiness. All this peace and happiness that you are able to offer all sentient beings comes from this person. Similarly, one can practice patience in this way and is able to cease anger. There are many techniques for practicing patience; I don't need to go over all that now, but will write about it one day on a new thread one day perhaps. Another thing that is very good is the liberation in the palm of your hand: generally speaking one doesn't get angry at the stick that the person used to beat you. The stick itself is used by the person, so therefore there is no point in getting angry at the stick. Similarly, the person's body, speech and mind are completely used by the anger, by the delusion. The person's body, speech and mind become like a slave, completely used as a tool of the anger. The person themself has no freedom at all. So therefore, since the person has no freedom at all, they should become an object of our compassion. Not only that, one must take responsibility to pacify that person's anger. By whatever means you can find, help the person's mind, pacify the anger. One can meditate on how that person is kind, how that person is precious like Dharma, precious like Buddha, precious like Guru; kind like Buddha, like Guru or like Jesus if you wish. The conclusion is that if no one has anger towards us, we can never develop patience. If everybody loves us then we can never generate the precious quality of patience, the path of patience. So therefore there is an incredible need in our life for someone to have anger towards us. It is so precious, so important that someone has anger towards us. It's not precious for that person, but for us it's very precious. For that person it's torturous, it's like living in the lower realms. But for us, that person having anger towards us is so precious. We have a great need for this, a great need. It's important that someone loves you, but it is even more important that someone has anger towards you. You see, if someone loves you it does not help you benefit numberless sentient beings or actualize the entire path to enlightenment. So why is this person the most precious thing to me. Because they are angry with you. To you, this person's anger is like a wish-granting jewel. Yes it sounds absurd to you, but think about it for a moment. Also, your anger destroys merit, destroys your happiness, not only in day to day life but in long term happiness. As Bodhicaryavatara mentions, one moment of anger delays realizations for one thousand eons. Anger is a great obstacle, especially for bodhicitta realizations. Therefore, because this person is angry towards me, I am able to develop patience and overcome my own anger and complete the entire path to enlightenment. One can complete the two types of merit, cease all the obscurations, achieve enlightenment, and free all sentient beings and lead them to enlightenment. It is a hard concept to learn, but if you seek deeper you will understand what is meant by this article. Best relief I've felt in a long time was this sensation of feeling hollow (empty). |
To Bless Is To Curse
To Bless is to Curse as To Curse is to Bless I don't know thought I experiment with these words Hmmmm... Vedy Interesteeeeenk, Indeed! |
To Bless Is To Curse
When someone gives their blessings is it used as a way to push their religious views into others' face Do the religious use blessings as a way to be a walking talking human billboard to advertise their religion and force it upon others? Do those that say may God bless you and may the angels watch over you just assume that blessing should be acceptable to anyone they wish to express it to but would they feel comfortable if a Satanist blessed them by wishing that Satan and his legions of demons watch over them or would they enjoy it if someone bless them by sticking pins in a voodoo doll So are the religious just being arrogant by assuming that someone not of their faith wish to receive their blessings and not even comprehend or even care that others not of their faith may view their blessing the same as having a curse place on them No the religious are not being arrogant. It is those who take offense that are actively looking for an excuse to hate those with differing religious beliefs and/or cultures. Perhaps it is ALL of us (to varying degrees) who "hate" anyone with differing anything. We feel threatened by anything that won't agree with our individual modus operandi. "Heaven" forbid anything should prove us wrong. since "Heaven" was the place where the first war and the first world war took place ... it's not the best example of preaching against Hate fact isn't it the template for Hate ... Hence the quotation marks. "Splendid" are you developing "parable syndrome" ...also everytyhing is not about hate ..."in God we trust" is on all the US currency but you won't find to many people that hate money but you may find many that don't want the religious term "in God we Trust" push into their face LOL... I meant that this was why I put the the word "Heaven" in quotation marks. Hence meaning: For this reason. In other words, because I don't believe in the "Heaven" that using that word would suggest, I'd put it in quotations to show the play on words. |
To Bless Is To Curse
When someone gives their blessings is it used as a way to push their religious views into others' face Do the religious use blessings as a way to be a walking talking human billboard to advertise their religion and force it upon others? Do those that say may God bless you and may the angels watch over you just assume that blessing should be acceptable to anyone they wish to express it to but would they feel comfortable if a Satanist blessed them by wishing that Satan and his legions of demons watch over them or would they enjoy it if someone bless them by sticking pins in a voodoo doll So are the religious just being arrogant by assuming that someone not of their faith wish to receive their blessings and not even comprehend or even care that others not of their faith may view their blessing the same as having a curse place on them No the religious are not being arrogant. It is those who take offense that are actively looking for an excuse to hate those with differing religious beliefs and/or cultures. Perhaps it is ALL of us (to varying degrees) who "hate" anyone with differing anything. We feel threatened by anything that won't agree with our individual modus operandi. "Heaven" forbid anything should prove us wrong. since "Heaven" was the place where the first war and the first world war took place ... it's not the best example of preaching against Hate fact isn't it the template for Hate ... Hence the quotation marks. |
To Bless Is To Curse
Edited by
Wed 01/21/09 07:26 AM
When someone gives their blessings is it used as a way to push their religious views into others' face Do the religious use blessings as a way to be a walking talking human billboard to advertise their religion and force it upon others? Do those that say may God bless you and may the angels watch over you just assume that blessing should be acceptable to anyone they wish to express it to but would they feel comfortable if a Satanist blessed them by wishing that Satan and his legions of demons watch over them or would they enjoy it if someone bless them by sticking pins in a voodoo doll So are the religious just being arrogant by assuming that someone not of their faith wish to receive their blessings and not even comprehend or even care that others not of their faith may view their blessing the same as having a curse place on them No the religious are not being arrogant. It is those who take offense that are actively looking for an excuse to hate those with differing religious beliefs and/or cultures. Perhaps it is ALL of us (to varying degrees) who "hate" anyone with differing anything. We feel threatened by anything that won't agree with our individual modus operandi. "Heaven" forbid anything should prove us wrong. |