Community > Posts By > splendidlife

splendidlife's photo
Tue 03/17/09 07:19 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Tue 03/17/09 07:20 PM

The OP in this case has brought up some really good scriptural points. One of the things I find incredible about some of the responses is that there is an underlying accusation of "quote mining" or, roughly explained, cherry picking verses to try to make a point. While I don't believe that is what the OP has done, it is worth pointing out that the mere arguments are part of the bigger picture (and in this case, issue) with scripture.

One of the things that has always baffled me as it relates to scripture is why a God who wanted the basic choice (that being a choice between eternal enjoinment (sic) and eternal separation) to be so confusing?

Let's use changing a tire as an example. Let's say that I was charged with writing a manual for everyone to understand, that covered changing a tire. Remember, I've been charged with constructing a manual that is easily understood. This is to ensure that everyone who picks it up is picking up a solid and accurate guide.

But what if instead of writing a simple and straightforward account of how to best change a tire, I made filled the manual with alagory and vague charges. What if I used symbolism, or metaphors? What if when done the manual was potentially confusing enough to require people to have to go to school and/or tire seminary in order to properly follow my directions? How stupid would such a document be?

But that is exactly why I take issue with so many of the scriptures. God, knowing that not everyone who read the "word" was going to have a high I.Q. or a special gift for metaphor deciphering, still choose to allow via proxy a complicated book. The bible is NOT straightforward at all. It talks in riddles and allegory, symbolism and metaphor enough that entire colleges and even doctoral degrees are offered in it's understanding. Why?

Shouldn't the easiest and most unencumbered book ever written actually BE the bible? Shouldn't God have wanted it that way? Shouldn't he have insisted that above all else the book be written so that there is no ambiguity, no guessing, and no misinterpretation?

Entire books are dedicated to certain passages and entire encyclopedias are dedicated to the book of John. Why? Shouldn't truth be as simple and as clear as possible? And shouldn't the all-knowing, creator of everything be able to commission a book that no one could possibly debate? It is one thing for people to debate the authenticity of a holy book but when the debate rages not on the authenticity of the book but on the meaning held within, the smacks of purposeful obfuscation, not clarity of vision or heart.

If I wrote the tire changing book, I would write it as clearly and as concisely as possible. I would leave out words and processes that made people have to dig for the truth.

The Bible's biggest flaw is that it is so completely debatable, so void of consensus. It is that lack of clarity and the endless debates that make me more and more curious as to who in fact the author really was.

Thanks for reading.


Perhaps "misinterpretation" is an integral part of the human experience.

splendidlife's photo
Tue 03/17/09 07:17 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Tue 03/17/09 07:21 PM

These words we take literally seem to mean utter brutality!

Perhaps they're more like code for greater understanding of relationship between self and higher self.

No illusion/delusion dissolved (of only self as most important) until one actually identifies, acknowledges and accepts that they've been operating purely for self all along. Further faulting self for operating this way seems to only lead straight back to looking only at self. More of the same.

Challenging one's own perception at the cost of utter abandonment of anything once believed.

Will the Higher Self carry me through?

How is anything not about yourself. Even if you only do something to help someone else, most would say it makes them feel good to do so. That is a selfish motive in and of itself. You only do good as long as it makes you feel better about yourself. We need to move away from this idea that there is such a thing as an unselfish motive. Even if one was to do good with no expectation of reciprocity immediate or at some point in the future, it either makes you feel good or you are just dutifully depositing with expectations of divine dividends.

When I'm driven only by self preservation, I'm blind to what every other human has to teach me. That leaves me miserable and utterly isolated. Can't help but be aware of the self that I am at any given moment, but tired of doing so at the expense of seeing another.

Dog-tired of the isolation.

No formula to suggest that I "must not" focus on self. Just ideas that what I was living in kept me as an island.

splendidlife's photo
Tue 03/17/09 02:48 PM
These words we take literally seem to mean utter brutality!

Perhaps they're more like code for greater understanding of relationship between self and higher self.

No illusion/delusion dissolved (of only self as most important) until one actually identifies, acknowledges and accepts that they've been operating purely for self all along. Further faulting self for operating this way seems to only lead straight back to looking only at self. More of the same.

Challenging one's own perception at the cost of utter abandonment of anything once believed.

Will the Higher Self carry me through?

splendidlife's photo
Tue 03/17/09 02:21 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Tue 03/17/09 02:48 PM
oops Double Post

splendidlife's photo
Tue 03/17/09 01:28 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Tue 03/17/09 02:09 PM

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. How many pictures are these words worth?

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB)

"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." (Luke 14:26)

"But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one." (Luke 22:36 NASB)

Attempt to preserve the illusion of safety for self and for loved ones within an illusion (like family members) ...ultimately for the sake of self, with no sight of anything greater for ALL... Soon misery ensues.

Illusion gives way to bitterness...

Restless and discontent as loved ones seem to more and more fall short in the mutual collusion of concealing insecurities.

Soon, hate wells up... Fear and denial of hate, clinging tightly to ideas of being "good", more denial of negative, yield to more negative.

When most interested in preserving status quo for self and immediate loved ones, without question... illusion eventually evaporates, leaving nothing but painful, stark reality.

Dissolve illusion of only self as important and challenge perception of those around self at the cost of utter abandonment (willing to lay one's own life down) for truth and for the sake of greater learning for ALL...

splendidlife's photo
Mon 03/16/09 02:55 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Mon 03/16/09 02:56 PM
I figure that, if I’m ever to hear god (or my higher self) speak to me, I imagine myself in a place of neutrality, with a quiet mind... no longer trying to prove myself right. The more "righteousness” feigned, the further a connection to anything greater.

...My mind screws me every time.

I've been in it for my own damned comfort. Not wishing to learn anything new outside of what I "think" makes me strong and holding on to old ideas out of fear of admitting any harm I've caused has not allowed any neutrality or quietness. Seems kind of similar to using religious doctrine to prove self right in attempts to over-ride or hide from feelings of guilt... Guess I'm not so unique, afterall.

For me, holding on to powerful memories as a guide to how to protect myself from any further pain has actually created more of the very same pain from which I've been running. At this point, seems that reaching out to doctrine and dogma as any kind of guide to free myself seems like more of the very same.

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:47 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 03/14/09 08:50 AM

I don't believe in "Christ" & have been told that i'm going to "HELL"

:tongue: At least, it will be warm.:tongue:

You have a misunderstanding of hell. Hell is separation from God. God is love. Hell will be the absence of love. God is good. Hell will be the absence all that is good. Hate will consume you. Hope will be lost. The bible uses metaphorical language when speaking about hell. It is a scary thing to be lost from God forever.

if im a non believer, does that make me not lost?
i dont find myself hate filled at all, and am nowhere near scared of a magical man from up above. so i guess i live in hell each and every day...

A non believer is lost with out God, he is stuck in his sin.
Hell will be the absence of love. You dont feel hate filled because of the work of God in your life. The feeling and emotions God has given you are important for the existence of free will.

Lewis points out, for the non believer it would be hell to be with God for eternity. Which means there is a deeper rejection going on than we may know.

We are not talking about a magical man from above. I am talking about a God who spoke the universe into existence by the power of his word.

so as a non-believer it would be hell for me to go to heaven? because wouldnt that mean that it would be heaven for me to pass on and spend my time with lucifer? or are we saying that since spending eternity with god would be hell, that god and lucifer are the same? you are right, i am lost. (you just got caught in your own web of lies i think)

i dont feel hate filled because of the work of god in my life? but i dont surround myself with people who believe in this nonsense and i know for a fact the people around me bring joy to my life.

to believe in your hallucinations of a god, would be the equivalent of belief in santa or the easter know, the 2 guys jesus gets together with on poker night. because theres just as many childrens stories written about those magical beings as there are of your god.

-According to Lewis, eternity with God would be hell for the non believer.

-Hell was created for Lucifer and the angels, it was not initially meant for man. It is outer darkness, you will not see, nor be seen by anyone.

-Lucifer was a created being, his reason for existence is God. God has never ceased to be. "I AM"

-There is no empirical evidence for Santa clause or the easter bunny. There is however good evidence to believe that the Judeo Christian worldview is true.

Perhaps Lucifer is nothing more than the relentless drive to get for self rather than for ALL.

Then Hell would be the utter isolation and disconnection from ALL brought on by constant want, need and demand for self.

I know... How dare I bring my mere interpretation into your belief?

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:45 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 03/14/09 08:45 AM

It is said that faith can move mountains.

If by your faith you wish the mountain to move right… and by mine I wish it to move left…

What would we accomplish?

How many of faith are there… each attempting… by faith… to make a thing so(in their eyes)?

Would not the mountain crumble and become but dust?

Would god bring us to him if we were not ready?

Perhaps the mountain does not move until we become one in our want... when the want for ALL equals all wants ever wanted for self... when want for self disappears.

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 08:32 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 03/14/09 08:35 AM
Is it actual "Religious" Belief that's embedded or an innate knowing that something greater than the physical self exists? Something that was felt and known even before exiting the womb... Something connecting us to everything.

Religion is an attempt to quantify this knowing and fit it into definition.

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:43 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 03/14/09 07:47 AM
If each human, just as all matter, contributes to the influence of gravity, could we, somehow... at will, be released from it's affects?

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:39 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 03/14/09 07:46 AM

Or: Two fat people would be sucked together in the supermarket as they tried to pass each other in the isle.

I'm reminded of a Family Guy Episode. laugh

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:36 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 03/14/09 08:19 AM
Get On Your Boots!

You don't know how beautiful you are...

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:29 AM

LOVE the new album, it has elements of their past sound with a continuation of some of the more edgy rock and roll type sound mixed in (like Vertigo for example). I like that I can listen to it all the way through and not skip a song, it's hard to find releases like that nowadays. :smile:

Very rare for me to be able to listen to anything over and over again... all the way through.

Have you really listened to the lyrics?

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:25 AM

Ever tried being yourself? If someone don't like for being yourself then they are not worth being with.

I agree 100%. But he has to notice me first to see the real me. I just need to grab his attention long enough for him to see me. That's what I was asking for, was help getting attention. He only sees the 'buzzed/drunk' side of me. You know?

Who's to say that the buzzed side of you isn't part of the real you?

Be direct, girl... You have absolutely NOTHING to lose. If you don't get what you hoped for, walk away, knowing your own courage, and move on. I think we women have been conditioned to believe we must be persued and end up wasting a lot of time waiting around.

If he doesn't get it... he doesn't. He's one out of 6.6 billion.

splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/14/09 07:18 AM
Anything you effort to win over will never be "won"...

If you feel you aren't precious enough to be loved no matter what you do... and must make special efforts to gain love, you'll get your ass kicked (emotionally) every time. This is from one who has gotten her ass kicked more than enough times.

It's a living hell in that place of always trying.

Give it up.

Let it go.

Free your own damned self (whether or not he's in the picture).

splendidlife's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:37 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Fri 03/13/09 08:38 PM me...been there and done that !!!

if you only knew about my recent ummmmm mess lol

i have had terrible things in my life....can't change the past....only learn from it.

it's not easy i know...sometimes it helps me (like very recently) for people to kick me in the butt or something to get me to snap out of things. i'm hard headed and the nice caring words don't always does soothe me at times but someone yelling at me to snap out of it wakes me up

no....i was super woman but i think davidben stole my cape laugh

Perhaps that "cape" you speak of is all that ever stood between the all too well known pain of a constant struggle/strife to prevail and your TRUE super woman.

That struggle to prevail is more than just good intentions to rise up and overcome...

It is your tyrant.

splendidlife's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:31 PM me...been there and done that !!!

if you only knew about my recent ummmmm mess lol

i have had terrible things in my life....can't change the past....only learn from it.

it's not easy i know...sometimes it helps me (like very recently) for people to kick me in the butt or something to get me to snap out of things. i'm hard headed and the nice caring words don't always does soothe me at times but someone yelling at me to snap out of it wakes me up

no....i was super woman but i think davidben stole my cape laugh

Perhaps that "cape" you speak of is all that ever stood between the all too well known pain of a constant struggle/strife to prevail and your TRUE super woman.

splendidlife's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:08 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Fri 03/13/09 08:08 PM

The gift is when I'm NOT given what I want... No more placating, numbing/dumbing scoobie snacks to block me from the whole picture of this self-created house O' cards... and the beauty beyond it.

what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger???

i do believe that IMO. although i think by now i would be super woman by now laugh

Aren't you super woman?

If you say you should be by now, you must not yet know that you already are. flowers

How about that misery of living in constant expectation of another... how about all those times of feeling deeply hurt and disappointed by a perceived lack of reciprocation? This was prevalent especially in my "love" life.

Living in the clutches of expectation of another more than the actual "let-down" has caused the greater misery. The "let-down" is like a speck of dust compared to the tyrant in self, constantly demanding "it" not ever be let down.

Oh, to be free of that enslavement!

splendidlife's photo
Fri 03/13/09 07:36 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Fri 03/13/09 07:39 PM
The gift is when I'm NOT given what I want... No more placating, numbing/dumbing scoobie snacks to block me from the whole picture of this self-created house O' cards... and the beauty beyond it.

splendidlife's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:58 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Fri 03/13/09 07:00 PM
In this agreement, where no one takes a stand for a friend by risking getting spit on for telling how they see their friend actually creating their own misery, there's absolutely no freedom. By insisting that only good words are helpful, a whole other universe of understanding gets truncated. We dumb each other down and wonder why we feel half-dead.

If you agree to *****-foot around my bull-sh1t, I'll agree to do the same with you... We are no "good" to each other.

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