Topic: The origin of both good and evil. | |
You will find that you may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law.
Is not this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to know that our lives are not subject to caprice or variability of any kind? This stability is our opportunity, because by complying with the law, we can secure the desired effect with invariable precision. It is the law which makes the Universe one grand paean of harmony. If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos. Here then is the secret of the origin of both good and evil. Thought results in action. If your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good. If your thought is destructive or inharmonious, the result will be evil. There is but one law, one principle, one cause, one source of power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the results of our action, or our compliance or non-compliance with this law. The importance of this is well illustrated in the lives of Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and disharmony. Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal, but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law. The other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even the bad, because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing the "wind" and shall reap the "whirlwind". |
Edited by
Sun 03/22/09 03:32 PM
You will find that you may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law. Is not this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to know that our lives are not subject to caprice or variability of any kind? This stability is our opportunity, because by complying with the law, we can secure the desired effect with invariable precision. It is the law which makes the Universe one grand paean of harmony. If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos. Here then is the secret of the origin of both good and evil. Thought results in action. If your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good. If your thought is destructive or inharmonious, the result will be evil. There is but one law, one principle, one cause, one source of power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the results of our action, or our compliance or non-compliance with this law. The importance of this is well illustrated in the lives of Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and disharmony. Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal, but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law. The other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even the bad, because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing the "wind" and shall reap the "whirlwind". So, perhaps in loving the bad, the good more readily reveals itself, all in equal balance? |
You will find that you may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law. Is not this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to know that our lives are not subject to caprice or variability of any kind? This stability is our opportunity, because by complying with the law, we can secure the desired effect with invariable precision. It is the law which makes the Universe one grand paean of harmony. If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos. Here then is the secret of the origin of both good and evil. Thought results in action. If your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good. If your thought is destructive or inharmonious, the result will be evil. There is but one law, one principle, one cause, one source of power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the results of our action, or our compliance or non-compliance with this law. The importance of this is well illustrated in the lives of Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and disharmony. Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal, but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law. The other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even the bad, because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing the "wind" and shall reap the "whirlwind". So, perhaps in loving the bad, the good more readily reveals itself? Very nicely put. Short and sweet. An illustration I once read gave a scenario of a man hitting you with a stick seemingly without provocation. You cannot be angry at the stick, it is an inanimate object with no intentions whatever... You should not be angry at the man, but rather feel compassion for him, for he is lashing out as a result of a strong emotion that he is unable to control. Besides, if you are to think of Karma, when the man hits you and you become angry, you have relieved him of his bad Karma and you now have the bad Karma to dispose of some how. But, if you return positive, good Karma to him, he is stuck with the bad Karma and may eventually die with the bad Karma. However, if we act out of compassion solely so that we will not get the bad Karma (for selfish motives) and not out of altruistic intentions, the bad Karma still resides with you and not the man who strikes you unprovoked. For it is only with true compassion that we can even begin to understand the other man's plight and anguish and rid both beings of negative emotions and bad Karma. |
I would neither love nor hate the bad. To give it any energy or attention at all serves only to perpetuate it.
I would not be angry at the man personally for hitting me with a stick, but I would probably not feel enough compassion for him to prevent me from knocking him on his ass. Therein his karma is returned to him strait away. |
You will find that you may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law. Is not this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to know that our lives are not subject to caprice or variability of any kind? This stability is our opportunity, because by complying with the law, we can secure the desired effect with invariable precision. It is the law which makes the Universe one grand paean of harmony. If it were not for law, the Universe would be a Chaos instead of a Cosmos. Here then is the secret of the origin of both good and evil. Thought results in action. If your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good. If your thought is destructive or inharmonious, the result will be evil. There is but one law, one principle, one cause, one source of power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the results of our action, or our compliance or non-compliance with this law. The importance of this is well illustrated in the lives of Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony. Carlyle hated the bad, and his life was a record of perpetual discord and disharmony. Here we have two grand men, each intent upon achieving the same ideal, but one makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law. The other makes use of destructive thought and therefore brings upon himself discord of every kind and character. It is evident therefore that we are to hate nothing, not even the bad, because hatred is destructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining destructive thoughts we are sowing the "wind" and shall reap the "whirlwind". |
You mean it DIDN'T start from a sibling rivalry of two angels???
Edited by
Sun 03/22/09 07:04 PM
I would neither love nor hate the bad. To give it any energy or attention at all serves only to perpetuate it. I would not be angry at the man personally for hitting me with a stick, but I would probably not feel enough compassion for him to prevent me from knocking him on his ass. Therein his karma is returned to him strait away. Perhaps, at first, to equalize old patterns of fearing the bad by welcoming it, we sooner see it has brought no greater bad to do so? I've been running from bad for so long... It seems a relief to just be still. |
^^^Battle between Good and Evil^^^ |