Community > Posts By > Kevrides

Kevrides's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:49 AM
The rest of the world gives the USA a hard time because they want us to be stripped of our "Super Power" status. They want a complete globalization of all government to "equalize". This wont work. There is a double standard. When the world sees that military action or policing needs to be done in places where human suffering is being handed down by dictatorships they expect the USA to jump in and do the right thing. When we do they call us bullies.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:33 AM
I have celebrated St. Patrick's Day but then again my family is of Irish decent. They immigrated here 4 generations ago and did so through Ellis Island legally. I don't fly an Irish flag on that day. The flag in front of my place is the American flag because I am an American. Not an Irish-American or any other hyphenated label.

I don't mind Americans celebrating non American holidays. I'm not crazy about seeing folks who shouldn't even be here celebrating their country's independence or any other holiday for their "home country". If they want to celebrate their country's heritage without assimilating into ours legally I'd rather have them do that at home in their "home country".

Diversity is cool when it's legal.
I don't go into the city and celebrate Puerto Rican day either.

When I see flags hanging out of windows in highly populated urban areas I just prefer them to be American. This is America right?

Kevrides's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:19 AM
Suspension of gas taxes is a band aid fix. Not even a fix really because it will do NOTHING to lower the price of gas.

How about starting some legislation to support the development of more nuclear power plants? What about getting rid of the stupid congressional stranglehold one our natural resources in ANWR and the outer continental shelf?

What about overturning the mandate that %25 of our corn crop be turned into a stupid biofuel. What do you think that does to food prices?

Energy reform should START with building more nuclear power plants and drilling for oil in Alaska and off of Cali, Fla, and in the gulf that has been stymied for 25 year by the libs. Once up and running the millions of barrels of oil that would be produced DAILY could ELIMINATE the need of imported oil for 5 years. That should give us some time to develop some new energy source. Maybe cellular.

Kevrides's photo
Sun 05/04/08 05:39 PM
I have no problems with Mexicans. Unless they are coming to America illegally. But I don't discriminate. I have a problem with anyone not going through legal channels to live and work in the USA.

I don't celebrate the holiday because it's not mine.I would probably be having a beer anyway. 20 years ago no Americans cared because the marketing gurus had not hit the gold mine yet. I still don't care.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 04/30/08 07:01 PM
I'm here to show my support for the only candidate that may even care a little about what America needs which is fiscally and morally conservative values in hopes that he will spend more time doing what is right for this country than "reaching across the aisle" to his liberal socialist counterparts in congress and the senate.

King of the run on sentence.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:41 PM
Fact is if he says that sometimes you are difficult then you probably are. Difficult for him to deal with.

Stop pouting ya big baby.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:29 PM
Yet more nut job left wing lies:
See anything ever cut and pasted by madisonman.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:25 PM
"Former generals" who cares what they say? They aren't on the ground in Iraq now. Why would I care about a former general who is entrepreneurial enough to get himself an analyst gig on the mainstream news? The ones I have seen on are far more critical of the war and of the administration in general than you report. Of course you are a progressive so facts are secondary.

I don't read the tripe printed in the NY Times but it does not surprise me at all to find that you do. I feel that they could be shut down for disclosing matters of national security.

I don't know how you can call yourself an Umerikan and expect respect from anyone, especially from Americans.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:18 PM
Choices are abortion or to have the child. Correct. Soak the system for welfare and have multiple babies while doing that is one way it's done. The other more sensible thing is to give the baby up for adoption. It saves the baby (yay!)and gives a couple who otherwise may not be able to have a child the chance to enjoy and appreciate having a family.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:12 PM
I'm pretty sure that there are a lot of things madisonman doesn't "get". If he can't cut and paste it from some leftist site he's not so sure about it.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:02 PM

here is some of what the so called left wing media has done for corperate America.(Fixed it for you, your spellcheck must be off)...........have helped create the myth that social security is failing, paving the way for the realization of one of the right's political wet dreams: privatization of social security.

{It's true you know. Social Security is busted. Like it or not.}

perpetuate conservative myths about wellfare and simultanously turn a blind eye to corporate wellfare.

{I'm no fan of any form of welfare but when the government bails out a corporation they save many jobs and keep tax revenues flowing.}

sensationalize street crime and ignore corporate crime.

{I'm sorry but I do not see this as a true statement. The mainstream loves to go after evil corporations. The sensationalism of street crime is a tad tedious don't ya think. That's what folks apparently want to see though.}

treat religious right groups such as the Promise Keepers with kid's gloves and thus help legitimize them in the public perception

{While groups like the NAACP and ACLU are scrutinized? Give me a break.}

generally avoid reporting on the lunatic fringe of the right, such as militias, neo-Nazis and anti-abortion terrorists, and in particular, avoid examining the personal and ideological connections these groups have to the Republican party
created the perception that there is widespread popular opposition to affirmative action when in fact most people support it.

{The lunatic fringe on the left has become the democratic base. I never see fluff pieces on nazi groups, what are you even talking about? You think that affirmative action has that broad of a support base? I'm sorry you've been beaten out by someone who is less qualified than you but fills a quota need.}

all but ignore waste, mismanagment and corruption in the military-industrial complex, especially as it relates to the planned missile defense system

{I recall seeing reports on outrageous military spending and I still hear all of the time about how some defense contractors are misbehaving. I mean hell, HALIBURTON.}

downplayed protests against the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO by portraying protestors as leftist fringe groups, communists and anarchists

{Those protesters were for the most part leftist, communists and anarchists.}

report corporate PR as legitimate scientific research.

{They also report that Al Gore is some type of climate expert when his name and "legitimate research" don't ever belong in the same story. Besides who spends more on scientific research than corporations?}

Given these facts, the claim of the liberal media bias is shaky enough as it relates to major newspapers and television networks.

{That is laughable. Over 80% of media personalities admit to being democrats.}

But when one admits radio stations into the picture, the claim becomes wholly preposterous. Conservative hate radio has been carpet bombing the nation with hard-right ideology, unbridled hatred towards liberals and Clinton, distortions, lies and bogus science for years. Hate radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Gordon Liddy, Michael Reagan and Oliver North are heard by millions of people every day, and they have no progressive counterparts of any significance. Not exactly surprising, considering that corporate sponsors have a vested interest in supporting pro-business voices, and suppressing progressive ones.

{I listen to conservative leaning talk radio frequently (I know..shocker) and I just don't hear the hate you talk about...or whoever wrote what you cut and pasted here. Conservatives don't hate liberals, we just point out that liberal policy is more often than not bad for our country. You say progressive and I say I'd prefer less progress in the direction of socialism and bigger government.}

Have a nice day. :wink: (I wrote my own response here so hence the lack of a cut & paste credit.)

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 01:30 PM
Where'd you hear about spin classes for our generals? Was it from mainstream/left wing media or did you hear/read it from one of your hardcore militant moveon.orc type outlets?


Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 01:11 PM

Why do you hate your country? Your hatred shows.
Why is it that you believe any viewpoint which varies from your leftist radical viewpoint is not valid?

Conservatism has a voice in this country (thank God)and it is talk radio. The leftist socialists have a voice as well. It's called the mainstream media. If Rush bothers you so much I suggest sticking to Keith Olberman, Chris Mathews, one of the major network talking heads or some other leftwing nut job.

Rush's battle with prescription drug addiction is one he has shared with the public. He left the airwaves to rehab and makes no excuses for it.

Fox news is mainstream media (atleast here in kentucky) and its pretty right wing. I would love to see a left wing media, just to see what crazy stuff they come up with cause right wing goes nuts lol.

I was referencing the historical mainstream media that unfortunately is the way the majority of Americans get at least some of their doom and news. ABC, NBC CBS The NY Times and other major news outlets. You can say that AP is biased because they are. Same with CNN, CNBC, well.. just about every news channel on TV other than fox.

If you want to see left wing media just open your eyes and watch ABC,NBC or CBS. You will get left wing shoved down your throat and wont even know it.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 12:08 PM
BTW subsidies for corn farmers to grow 25% of our US corn crop for Ethanol instead of food is a bad idea. Just saying

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 12:01 PM
Because they don't want a socialist in the White House.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/28/08 05:56 AM
Why do you hate your country? Your hatred shows.
Why is it that you believe any viewpoint which varies from your leftist radical viewpoint is not valid?

Conservatism has a voice in this country (thank God)and it is talk radio. The leftist socialists have a voice as well. It's called the mainstream media. If Rush bothers you so much I suggest sticking to Keith Olberman, Chris Mathews, one of the major network talking heads or some other leftwing nut job.

Rush's battle with prescription drug addiction is one he has shared with the public. He left the airwaves to rehab and makes no excuses for it.

Kevrides's photo
Sat 04/26/08 08:40 AM
The police were acquitted for a reason. Race had nothing to do with this incident.

Al Sharpton is doing the rally and civil disobedience thing. He's a waste of oxygen.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:56 PM
They build walls because the Palestinian terrorists are fond of BOMBING them. duh

Kevrides's photo
Thu 04/24/08 08:52 PM
No branch of government needs more power than they have now.
President Bush has not abused his power. If you want to talk about abuse of power lets talk about the filibustering that has taken place every time Bush nominates anyone for anything.

Every day that congress is in session you loose a little bit of your liberty.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 04/23/08 04:49 AM
It is all part of operation chaos. Working like a charm.:wink: