hey temp its the repubican way. start wars. but to much of a coward to fight them yourself. send other people to fight your battles. Last I checked we sent Americans. American who signed up to do so. Didn't force anyone from any other country to go. Did not draft you to go. As our troops fight for your freedom and your protection from radical Islam just remember that it is because of them that we havent had more attacks since 9/11. |
while we are at it. why dont we blame illegal immigration. for floods. gas prices.anyone get the point. It makes about as much sense to blame all of those things on the current administration yet you don't have a problem pointing your finger there. |
The republicans make up stories about Obama? gtf out. I don't gues they learned how to do that from the liberals who came up with ne BS almost daily for the entire pesidency of GW. Not to mention the conspiracy theorists and their anti american agenda.
Fact is regardless of what the pentagon released Obama is not a supporter of the military and wants to loose the war against terror. He has laid out plans to surrender for crying out loud. |
How can u sit at ur puter in another country and call those that are on the brink of losing their homes irresponsible when u don't know the reasons behind each individual foreclosure? There are many hard working Americans who are losing their homes not because they won't pay their mortgages but because they have unfortunately lost their jobs, many due to work being sent overseas due to cheaper labor, who no longer have the money to pay said mortgages. I dont think; 1) Im calling anyone irresponsible. 2) Winx is from outside the US 3) Republicans are not American ... Anything else? Nope. Winx was born and raised and still lives in the mid-western part of the U.S. And...Winx doesn't look at the people that are losing their homes as being irresponsible. We have a Chrysler plant closing in my city. There will be over 2,000 unemployed people when that happens. The Anheuser Busch headquarters is in my city. They were sold to a Belgium firm. We are expecting job losses there too. If these laid off people lose their homes, they are not being irresponsible. ![]() Anyone who took a variable rate mortgage in order to afford more house than they could actually support is irresponsible. There are those who have lost their homes due to other reason but the majority of those in "crisis" are to look no further than the mirror when dealing blame. The numbers look huge at 740,000 or whatever. What percentage of homes in the US does that represent? It's about 3% or less if I recall that means 97% of mortgages are doing ok. Sky Not Falling! |
With those tax breaks the oil companies can afford to hire people who need work. They are also the #1 spenders when it come to the R&D of alternative fuel sources. Doesnt everyone want to be free from imported energy/oil?
I'd rather the monies be spent by those who are willing to spend it on the research needed to get the price of energy down. It's a whole lot better than taking that money and shoving it down some special interest rat hole where we will never see it again. |
as a democrat. i really don't like obama either. but did not like back stabbing Kerry either If you don't like the man have you considered taking a look at the other candidate? Are you a party line voter who will only vote for a Dem or can you use your better judgement to help elect the correct person for the job? Look at the cadidate's position on issues that matter most to you. It's not as if McCain is some super conservative. He has continuosly reached accross partys line to work with Dems. I think his lack of conservatism is a weak point but you may see it as a plus. |
if you think that republicans only give tax breaks to the rich you are being foolish. I got a tax break with Bush and I am not rich although Obama with all of his millions IS and will probably consider me to be.
This country is going to catch on to the media bias and all of the ugly real life truths about Obama. He really just wants to be president and does not seem to care in the slightest about you. |
I disagree with just about every position Obama takes. I do not consider myself a racist.
Sheering Sheep
Edited by
Mon 07/28/08 08:24 AM
Yes I am singling out religious groups because they are the ones who get tax exemptions that other groups do not get! Did you read the thread? It's subject is the tax exempt status of religious organizations. O-k, repeating this a third time including an example for those that don't seem to understand. The Catholic church is among the richest institutions in the world but pays no taxes here in the U.S. I am not sure about their tax status in other countries but here yes, the reason they pay no taxes is that the U.S. government grants them an exemption that is unique to religious organizations. If you want all religious groups to pay taxes then lets make sure ALL religious groups pay taxes. And while we are at it lets make those contributions and their contributors to all of the Muslim organizations in this country public. The folks who cheat people out of their hard earned money (not like the government leaves them much) in the name of God will pay their tax upon their death. |
Find me a country without racism and I'll find you a country who's history you haven't looked into. Racism is not an American trait. It is human. Sorry people favor people who are like them. It doesn't have to get nasty but the fact that it still does after all of these thousands of years should tell you that you should get used to it. It is a human disease and can be controlled only through a good education and a wise conscience . I would use a term other than disease. I don't think it can be eliminated with any amount of education. I think it is better thought of as a condition that should be dealt with on a case by case basis. People who don't understand right from wrong or good from evil should be educated but beyond that you have to trust that the goodness of humans will outweigh the badness of our weaknesses. |
We need change .
Less government good.
More powerful government bad. Conservative values both economic and social leave alot more control in the hands of the citizenry. When the goverment jumps in and takes control of a situation the situation always worsens and you loose some freedom in the process. The government is there to protect our liberty and our ability to live free and achieve the goals we are so inclined to achieve. They were never meant to be a distributor of wealth or an entitlement giver. As Americans we all have the same rights. No group deserves preferential treatment in the eyes of the government. |
Find me a country without racisim and I'll find you a country who's history you havent looked into. Racisim is not an American trait. It is human. Sorry people favor people who are like them. It doesnt have to get nasty but the fact that it still does after all of these thousands of years should tell you that you should get used to it.
How Ignorant Are You?
Edited by
Mon 07/28/08 08:06 AM
One of my favourite sayings is, "The trouble with the world is that the stupid are too sure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Seems to somewhat fit with what you are saying. I like it better as " The trouble with the world is that the misinformed are the majority and that the informed are brushed off as being too conservative." |
We need change .
I'm all for education.
Educate the masses so they know what our fore fathers meant when they formed our great country and layed down the guidelines. Educate them on what the consitution meant then and how those ideals are still as valid today as they were 200+ years ago. Nothing wrong with educating people about religion either though I think that it is best done outside of public school. The framers of our constitution had some good ideas that are based in christian beliefs. This is not a problem as those ideals translate well to our system of government. Less government is good. More government is bed. As long as people continue to believe this and know that it is true the less likely they will be to vote for someone who has big plans for change...change to less freedom for you and me and more power for the government. |
"O" For...
OPRAH...er um...Obama... So the flag now is replaced by the guy who wants Americans to vote for him huh? American flag disappears from Obama campaign jet Candidate's trademark 'O' replaces stars and stripes By Aaron Klein © 2008 WorldNetDaily Define neocon and for crying out loud know what the term means before you use it. Liberals tend to paint with such a broad stroke. I don't call all Democrats "Stalinist" or "Marxists" although I feel that your leaders are close to being hose things. As far as this thread is concerned: Doesn't shock me in the slightest. Just shows that there is nothing more important in Obama's mind then Obama. Even at the expense of America. The U.S. flag no longer appears on the tail of the plane that will be used by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama (Courtesy Sun-Times As part of a month-long aircraft makeover, a painted American flag was removed from the tail of Sen. Barack Obama's official campaign airplane and was replaced with the presidential candidate's trademark "O" symbol. The refurbished 757 was unveiled to members of the press today, 41 of whom boarded the craft and took off to meet Obama in Amman, Jordan, where the presidential candidate will stop as part of a Middle Eastern and European tour. Obama traveled to the Mideast earlier this week on board a separate airplane. Fox News blogger Bonny Kapp, traveling on Obama's new airplane, reported: "The North American jet that flew Obama and his traveling crew around for much of the primary season was refurbished with new seats and power for each passenger a must on the campaign trail. And the plane that once had an American flag on its tail now sports the Obama 'O.'" http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=70236 LOL, was this suppose to signify something sinister? The false patriotism of the neocons is far worse than any insignificant thing they bring up against any competitor. |
If there is blame to be laid then it must be Bush's fault.
Who is right ?.
As a republican I am not worried in the slightest about gay people. I do consider marriage to be a sacred and holy institution though and see nothing niether sacred or holy about a gay couple.
The two wars you speak of are just 2 of the almost countless reasons we need a president who is strong on defense in the white house. |
rush limbugh
yes and if i had a high price team of lawyers i could get the same.rush is trash. anyone who believes rush. is brain dead, I believe that if you can't find some common ground with Rush then you are brain dead. Political parties aside Rush stands for conservatism. He calls out both Democrats and Republicans who do or say stupid things. There just happen to be more Democrats doing that than Republicans. Nobody gets a pass for being liberalistic, progressive, marxist, socialist. Think about the stupid bill McCain tried to push through last year with Kennedy that would have allowed 12 million plus illegal imigrants amnesty. The public outcry killed the bill. Public outcry was led by conservative talk radio. |
State of the Economy
Yes chazter but those who earn more must be punished for being successful. I mean who is going to pay for all the free stuff the government wants to give to those who don't want to get off of their asses and work?
rush limbugh
No he didnt. Rush payed 30,000 dollars to have the charge of DR shopping dropped! His lawyers and time were worth more than 30,000 dollars. They had no evidence, but they planned to continue perusing charges. For Rush and his lawyers, it was just easier to pay 30,000. For me, I would just go to prison, I couldn't afford those kinds of lawyer bills. The simple facts of the matter is that a charge without evidence was being prosecuted, while the only people who had committed a crime (blackmailed Rush) were given immunity. I think a judge ruled the FBI couldnt use the evidence they had. To keep them from pursueing it further and save himself from a guarunteed conviction he plead quilty to the one charge and payed a fine for them to quit on the other. It saved money for both sides and time for the FBI! Why did the judge rule that the evidence could not be used? Was it gathered illegally? |