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Fri 05/20/11 07:41 AM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Fri 05/20/11 08:01 AM
I see your points, I figure a few of them must be married or something...just into games...I get it.

I personally would much prefer to meet people in real life, because its REAL....but that old grocery store thing just doesnt work.

And I dont want to come across as thirsty...(which I understand this post really ruins I just want to meet people, urgh...Y is this so dang hard?

I have thought about the gym thing..but thats not my scene.

I have considered some sort of church that is really involved with the community, however, I am not a religious person & I would feel I was being fake.

I know women who are my age and older who have just accepted the fact that they do not have a partner....they seem content with that...its not what I want, but, maybe its time to consider that.

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Fri 05/20/11 07:07 AM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Fri 05/20/11 07:12 AM
OK, I understand completely that everyones experiences are different.
However, allow me to share mine and please share your comments.

I have been divorced for a few years now. And I have been trying this internet dating thing, but to no avail.

More often than not, the guy comes across as interested, will email and text, and call...but when it comes to actually going OUT...its rare...almost non existant.
I understand scheduling is a problem for everyone...I have a schedule too...& if I got to know someone well enough I would be more than happy to invite someone to my home for dinner and a movie here.
But, I just cant seem to get to that point!

I dont feel like they arent interested, because they will continue to contact me via the internet or phone. However, just dont seem to want to make the time for the first, second or third date.

This is a problem because I dont go out. I am a not from this area and know very few people. So, dating is very difficult. But in all honestly I am really starting to get lonely.

What's up?

no photo
Wed 05/18/11 03:25 PM
Most likely they dont know the answer, so each of them give you their own answer in hopes to apease you enough to get you off the phone.
This is a TracPhone plan, as will all of these low cost prepaid plans, you will have to give up something. The average cell phone user goes though a new phone at least once per year, the fact that you have not is a problem for them.

My advise would be to call them and dont hang up until they can call you on your phone and get it working. Threaten to call the attorney generals office if necesary.

Good Luck

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Wed 05/18/11 07:28 AM
Depends on what YOU are seeking. She is most likely seeking a comitment. A father for her unborn child. Is that what you are seeking?
She may be feeling lonely and abandoned, and may really want a man to accept her....we all do...but that is NOT your responsibility...dont go into it for that reason. But if you chose to go into it, be plenty aware of what your signing on for.

As far as the comment about unprotected sex...that is just plain ole stupid.noway If pregnancy is the worst thing you are worried about when putting on a condom that you have no business having sex! There are lists and lists of diseases that can and do kill! HSV, HPV, HIV, Syphilis, Clamydia.....and on and on and on.....the first three have no cure and combined more than half of the us adult population has one of them! Wrap it up!

no photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:05 AM
I believe women want the same thing men want (maybe a little more).

We certainly want the good guy, but we also want the fun guy once in a while. Both terms are extremely subjective.

Some of us just want any guy...(or girl) some will just take what we can get...

If relationships were easy then there wouldnt be a million services and websites out there making millions off of our inability to find it on our own.


no photo
Tue 05/17/11 09:00 AM
@ do you do that?

@ Gully27...welcome...

no photo
Tue 05/17/11 08:58 AM
happy Welcome!

no photo
Mon 05/09/11 01:23 PM

I'm on my computer now.

The phone is the G2.

I paid $50.00 for the phone, but had to sign a two year contract.

tmoble sucks
my daughter had them for a short time
and everytime if she was a day late they would cancel her service
my older sister is also finding that as a problem

That has nothing to do with their service. It's a bussiness. You don't pay your bill on time you don't talk. You wouldn't go in the grocery store & load up on groceries, carry them out telling them you'll be back the next day to pay. That's just good bussiness sense!!

I agree, I have been very pleased with tmobile, yet I pay my bill on time.

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Mon 05/09/11 07:45 AM
It aquisition of TMobile is not official yet...
I just switched to Tmobile from AT&T after being with them for 8 years. So far I am extremely happy with TMOBILE. But At&t was great too, but Tmobiles phone and prices cant be beat. They definately have the coolest phones. and FREE GPS....
Lets just hope AT& T doesnt screw all that up!

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Fri 02/04/11 01:25 PM
I am always sweet, but disrespect me and piss me off and I will become saltier than the Atlantic Ocean.

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Thu 01/13/11 04:40 PM
I think your right, however I applied it in reverse (somewhat).
People I have met in person, and was attracted to. I imagine if I had seen their profile on line with a photo, and realize I may have passed on that person.
But there is alot to be said about personal conatact/connection. A persons swag can win me over every time.
No profile words or pictures can convey that.

no photo
Sun 01/02/11 03:56 PM
drinker Id love a bottle of chocovino....

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 01:53 PM

I agree with most,,but really I think if you cant make the time to be old fashion,and meet people on your own theres a problem,,friends help turns in to trouble,,the net gives you false hope,,and church gives you good girls soon to turn bad,,lol,,but really where did we go wrong when it came to love at first sight,the bump into someone in a store, the oh what time is it,,see all this leads up to the date where you do get that door open for you and the chair pulled out and pushed in,,the kiss good night when he turns and you think,,wow whens the next time I can get the door open,,and the respect being treated like a woman...

love Im in

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 01:48 PM

I am dating a man with 9 kids. huh ( yeah, I I have met all but 4. I met those little guys once. I was scared. I thought that they all would think that I was a bad person...(the evil new girlfriend and stuff, you know..) 2 Of his boys were 18 when I met the two. Then on a visit to the x-wife's' house, I met the other 4 boys. The 2 older boys came over to visit just about every weekend.

Then all of a sudden his 3 girls were so rudely given to us. ( I am not saying that I was mad that we had to take them...It was the way the X girlfriend had did it.) After the girls were there for 2 days they felt so comfy in calling me mom. We had the girls for 2 and 1/2 years until their bio-mom decided she wanted to play mommy again and took them for a month.....mad explode grumble. We are still waiting to get them back. Have to go to court on that one. :angry:

I got so attached to his kids that at times I think about the girls and I just sit and cry. I miss them so much. I worry about them because the X's choice in fast boyfriends is NOT what is good for these little girls.

I would date a guy with kids, you never know where you will find that buried treasure. I feel that this is the best decision that I have ever made with my life and that of my 2 children.

noway Who wants all that drama???? One or two kids is fine, if he has an entire football team of kids, than I pass...Being alone isnt all that bad....

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Thu 09/02/10 04:03 PM
Go head get down

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Sun 07/18/10 07:32 PM

I'm interested in an interracial relationship! I can't seem to find any interest from the individuals that I contact! Am I on the wrong site?:smile:

Maybe because you have no picture duhhhhh lol.

I agree, post a pic

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Sat 07/17/10 03:10 PM
To each his own.

Be careful to lable your friends a "better or stronger" relationship..she she got what she settled for. If you are happier being alone, yet respected..than do that. If your happier with the title wife or girlfriend, without the respect, than who is anyone to say leave?

no photo
Thu 06/17/10 06:26 AM
Happy Birthday! Wishing you the best!

no photo
Wed 06/16/10 01:19 PM
Simply awesome. We have some big scary looking creatures hanging out on our streets, but none as cute as that.

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Tue 06/01/10 08:21 PM
across the river, watching

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