Community > Posts By > SeriouslyJustSayHi
Good job, America
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Mon 09/17/12 07:09 AM
Was your son drafted? Very good question. Muslims killed people on our soil, politicians made big speeches, dumba$$ kids fell for it and enlisted. Happened in Vietnam now 9-11. Guess what? In a few years history will repeat. Thing is Vietnam there was a draft. Thousands of kids were forced to kill & die. These kids today VOLUNTEERED for this. They are made out to be heroes going off to forgein land, killing civilians, coming home mamed and killed! & THEN WE CRY FOUL! Nah, you signed up to kill! To be killed. You volunteered for this. So, your complaints about what you chose to do falls on deaf ears. |
Good job, America
You are blaming America yet your son signed up for the military didn't he? There is no draft. He made a decision. He is an adult Exactly my point |
Good job, America
I am very sorry you are so upset about your son being deployed.
I asked the questions "Was he drafted?" knowing full well the answer. What did he expect (or your expect when you proudly attending his graduation from boot camp)? We encourage our children to go off to forgein lands and kill other innocent civilians. And then we complain when they dont come home. Stop giving our children to these war witches! Stop glorifying the military as some heroic event. Not my child! NO WAY NEVER! |
Good job, America
Was your son drafted?
Babies Behind Bars?
Edited by
Fri 06/29/12 09:44 AM
Until you live with the fear of being a crime victim, have been a crime victim, or can't get and education or earn a living or get medical care because criminals have more rights than citizens you will change your mind about a lot of this. I personally would much rather increase the building of hardcore lock down no frills prisons where inmates have two choices either serve your time, if you do your crime, and move forward on your own steam or return to jail. I refuse to reward bad behavior when it is getting harder and harder for people who have committed NO crime to get by. If a person is behind in job skills, education, social skills because of incarceration I say tough. Should have thought about that before you got your self arrested the first to the average of five times or more before someone does time in this country. Anyone who trys to tell me that they can't make it in the USA after incarceration is ignoreing the resources that are available. You get out of jail you are on the playing field you created by your crime. Is it harder to move up through society? No doubt. But people do it everyday. Ex-cons have all the same resources everyone else has and even more if they choose to work with the highly skilled and well networked probation and parolte system. Is it easy? No. Is there no discrimination? No But hey that is the real world. You make choices you live with them. I can tell from your statement you have no idea what you are talking about....You don't know me, where I live or what I "deal" with on a daily basis. So to make a statement that I would change my mind based on what YOU think I have or have NOT experienced shows your true ignorance. I would strongly suggest you stop watching FOX news, get yourself to a library and read a book, or actually visit a prison. Or a probabtion office. Go to drug court. See who is sitting there..Wealthy white men? Good Luck finding one of them (unless its the judge or a lawyer) then on recess for lunch you can go out and have a few drinks, smoke a few joints before returning to the bench. SMH Its people like YOU that are the cause of this problem we now have. IGNORANCE! |
Babies Behind Bars?
Keep in mind is was only YESTERDAY that the US Supreme Court decided that it is unconstitutional to sentence our YOUTH to LWOP! (Life without Parole)
Look up Sara Kruzan...she has a wonderful video on YouTube.. the rest of the world looks at us in horror when they hear how we incarcerate even our own kids. We are a throw away society. If we don't conform, we are locked away...sometimes forever! |
Babies Behind Bars?
The main reason we have the highest population as far as prison is due to our prison system is not as harsh as those in other countries I am not sure where your getting your information from. I am sure it is just opinion based on propoganda and not fact. It has been proven over and over again that harsher punishment does NOT produce less the death penalty does not prevent murder.. We have the highest prison population due directly and solely to the fact that we are not free to choose our own path. We are not free to chose to live how we personally see fit. We are not free to medicate ourselves. We are not free to defend ourselves. We are not free to raise our children the way we see fit. No other contry on the planet incarcerates their children at the rates we do, Most other countries do not even have the death penalty (we do). We have prisons in our country that keep their prisoners in TENTS! with no airconditioning in 100 degree plus temps...feed them grits every day...I could go on and on. I don't know what prisons you have visited, but they are no walk in the park. No other country cages their citizens like we do. If you don't believe me, and think I am some leftist whacko, research it. Solitary confinement for tens of years! We are a sick and twisted inhumane society, and until we wake up and stop answering every question with "lock um up!" we will continue to be so. The Prison Industrial Complex cages our citizens for PROFIT. It is beneficial for these PRIVATE prisons to cage our citizens, each empty cage is money being lost, and we cannot build them fast enough! Who sets these "guidelines" that I am supposed to live by? Those guidelines which are selectively enforced and prosecuted. We are no better or safer society than we were 40 years ago when the prison boom started. (Again, I implore you to research my statement)...yet we are building prisons at alarming rates. |
Babies Behind Bars?
What we all need to keep in mind is that the U.S. has the HIGHEST INCARCERATION RATE ON THE ENTIRE PLANET!
We incarcerate more of our citizens than anywhere else in the world! The U.S. has between 3-5% of the worlds total population and 25% of the worlds prision population. Until we address the fact that the US is NOT the home of the free, rather the home of the FOR PROFIT, PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX...we will continue to have broken families, and babies being born to mothers in prison, fathers incarcerated etc... We need to wake up and realize that we are by far not FREE! That there is a price on each one of our heads. |
The War On Drugs
No victim no crime. That is my philosophy. Law suits requires damages, prison time should be the same. If the offended party cannot detail what the damages are then there should not be a crime. Morality laws are universally about shaping other peoples behavior, only problem, they dont work. They just cause people who do not agree to resent the ruling class. Not true, most drug addicts commit other crimes while high on drugs. . . and criminals who are not addicted to drugs do crime while not high. What is your point? Its a useless factotum. No you know what its not useless, it may be that we can help the person who is committing crime due to drug addiction where the person committing crime for other reasons may not be medically able to be helped.
If anything its more likely when you treat drug addiction you remove the pressure to commit the crime. It could also be that if you remove the social sanctions, such as cannot get a job without passing a drug test ect, that you remove the desire/need to commit the crime. This social issue is not fixed by locking people up with rapists and murderer's and violent offenders. The facts speak for themselves. Great points. Thank you so much for your comments! |
The War On Drugs
I'm for legalizing weed and not putting users in prison,but legalizing LSD,well 300,000,000 people on LSD wouldn't be a good thing.*waves hand in front of face*yep i still see tracers. I am not suggesting legalization of all drugs, however DECRIMINALIZATION. Alcohol and Tabacco are perfectly legal, And, those drugs are more of a threat to our society than all other drugs combined! Locking people up for simply possession drug paraphanilia is costing us. Our children have an easier time buying LSD than alcohol, because there is no regulation. Prohibition only exacerbates the problem. |
The War On Drugs
I am just so sick and tired of seeing people locked up for non violent & consentual "crimes". I am tired of TRILLIONS of tax dollars go to this "WAR" & watching my mother who has worked since she was 9 years old, dying and suffering, because she can no longer afford healtcare, and does not quality for public healthcare. I don't support using tax money for healthcare, but legalizing would have benefits in your mother's case. Drug companies currently spend around $403,000,000 and seven years in order to get a new drug passed through the FDA. If all drugs were legal, your mother's doctor could proscribe cutting edge (but largely untested) drugs, which would be incredibly cheap to buy. This is already possible in many countries, it works to reduce the cost of healthcare. Thank you for your comment. I was only trying to make the point that since the inception of the "WAR ON DRUGS" started by Nixion, and carried on throughout the last almost 4 DECADES, there has been TRILLIONS of dollars spent by our governement, only to make the problem worse. I can think of many things that could have made this country a better place, and kept them in the leadership role with that money. If we werent paying so much in property, income, sales and all sorts of other taxes, then maybe we could afford our own healthcare! |
The War On Drugs
![]() Plus half the people interviewed are major truthers and anti Republican Poisoned well fallacy. Who they are doesn't matter, what matters is if they are right or wrong. so their position on this is anything the Republican party is against. ![]() Just because the Republican Party opposes legalization, that doesn't mean they are right. Statistics show that legalization reduces consumption. We went through that right here in the USA with Prohibition. This would free up prison space, close some prisons, reduce crime, save lives, etc. Knowing this, the question becomes WHY do Republicans oppose legalization? Not true, most drug addicts commit other crimes while high on drugs. "MOST"???? No sir, not most. However, decriminalizing drugs, would not make it a free for all. If a person committed a crime on drugs, they would (and should) still be held accountable for the crime they commit.. For example using the drug alcohol is currently legal in this country, however, if you consume it in public, or you drive while under the influence of it, or rob the liquor store, you are commiting a crime. And therefore are charged accordingly. And Alcohol contributes to more deaths in this country than ALL illegal drugs combined including violent drug related deaths. Also note, that first offense drinking and driving carrys a mandatory minimum of 2 days in jail in most states yet is known to kill thousands of people every year. First offense POSSESSION of a relatively small amount of a CDC carrys a mandatory minimum of 5 years in Prision...just for possession...and I am not talking kilos of cocaine here. |
The War On Drugs
Thank you to all who commented. I would like to continue this conversation, and I will be sending you friend requests.
My question now is, what do we do to decriminalize drugs. I know its an uphill battle, The alcohol & tobacco industry would do all they could to keep their drugs legal. I know its a way to make a profit off of the poor. But, in the big picture, I see money for medicare. Money for higher education. Reducing the national debt...etc... I do not use illegal drugs. I may have a drink or two every so often. But, it is something that humans have done since the inception of time. I am just so sick and tired of seeing people locked up for non violent & consentual "crimes". I am tired of TRILLIONS of tax dollars go to this "WAR" & watching my mother who has worked since she was 9 years old, dying and suffering, because she can no longer afford healtcare, and does not quality for public healthcare. I am ready to do my part, write to politicians, protest, whatever it takes to try to make a change. I am grateful that you all took the time out to read and comment. Even if you do not agree with me. |
The War On Drugs
I know its long. But I promise its worth it. There are small movements around the country to try & make changes. Occupy for prisions.
The War On Drugs
I want my THREE TRILLION dollars back that the US has spent on this so called "WAR ON DRUGS" that has only made the illegal drug problem in this country worse!
Drugs be it Alcohol or any other substace is a social issue, NOT a criminal issue! |
The War On Drugs
This is a topic I feel very strongly about. I encourage you to please take the time to watch this documentary. We need to take back control. We need health care, education, not incarceration. |
Given Up
I am not happy with my life and I am trying to change things. However, it has nothing to do with having someone in my life. Yes, I have given up on being with someone. Men aren't attracted to me and really a relationship just drains me. I don't have time or the energy for the silly mind games men play in relationships. I realize I am better off alone. I am with you on not having the time or energy for the silly games... However, your statement "Men aren't attracted to me" is look FABULOUS! I wish I looked that good, and you have a decade on me! |
Heaven Has Another Angel
![]() I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family! ![]() |
Given Up
Im in a relationship where there is like no feeling of love, we hardly ever have sex, when I look at him I dont think to myself that he is handsome and that I want to have sex with him. I have sex with him out of need and thats probably once a month if im lucky. But its just sex. I think all the time about leaving and having my own place but I am so afraid of being by myself, my children r grown and have their own lives. Im not happy in my relationship what do I do. I dont know what to tell you on that one. I mean there is alot more to a relationship than sex. But sex and attraction is something that I have learned that gets ignored and forgotten about...maybe some relationship therapy would help reignite the spark...Men also have physical issues that make it more difficult to engage in sexual activity. In that case we all hope that we have someone by our side who loves us despite our appearance, or even physical abilities... what ever you chose, just take your time and really think it through. |
Given Up
Man...I could go for a fried egg right now. lol ![]() |