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Thu 04/23/09 06:04 PM

Help around the house (being fixing things or yard work...)

This list is endless...maybe that is why I am single???:wink: sad

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Thu 04/09/09 08:40 PM
You say you have been in a relationship with this man for 2 years, yet you have been on this site for a year.......So yes you betrayed him.. Sounds like you were never fully committed to him anyway. Let him go to find someone who wants him completely.

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Mon 04/06/09 04:45 PM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Mon 04/06/09 04:46 PM
I dont see any issue with asking someone how many partners they have had. if we are going to consider being intimate with someone we should know.

There should never be secrets, or things "in the past". The past has ways of creeping into our future, and if a woman wants to know, she should be given an honest answer (same if a man wants to know)


no photo
Tue 03/24/09 07:56 PM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Tue 03/24/09 07:57 PM

its kind of like musical less spoon than people playing at the table.


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Thu 02/12/09 05:49 PM
Edited by SeriouslyJustSayHi on Thu 02/12/09 05:55 PM

It may not be a popular reply but, why would you continue to use him, for you whims, if you consider him a loser.
When I first read your post, a monkey swinging on a vine came to mind. The monkey won't let go until they have another vine in their grip.

Your right. But I dont really want just another vine, cause I have this one here. I want to learn to be happy alone.

I have every reason to be happy. I have great kid, a good education. I can be funny, b1tchy, I can keep busy with my education, my kid, my house, yard, friends....but, for some dumb reason, I am not at my personal best (inside) when I am alone. I feel like something is missing.

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Thu 02/12/09 04:51 PM

U got used to it and got comfy. Then when it was ripped away u realized what you had. Doesn't matter If he was a loser. U saw something in him and dated him which made him your loser. Chin up! Time heals all. But then again some things never leave you.

love it!

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Thu 02/12/09 04:50 PM

Entertain your mind, find something that interest you. Don't push it too hard for relationship or you won't find the right person. Instead do some social activity, go outside, go out, sign up to a gym, or pool club, go where people go and let the opportunity come to you, instead of searching for it.
I know I'm telling these things to myself as well. flowerforyou

Thank you, I know your right, I suck at being alone. I mean I am pretty independent. I have my own house and car, and blah blah...It would be just nice to have someone to hang out with from time to time. Even kinda casual, no drama, but causal usually mean causal sex (which grosses me out!) And if its anything more they (men) seem to wanna keep their boots under my bed.

My social circle is so small (but as my friends put it "being with HIM is slowing progress"...

I just need to be patient and focus on some other important things I guess.

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Thu 02/12/09 04:36 PM
That breaking up is so hard?

I have been trying to end a relationship with a man who was to the say the very least a LOSER!

It has been an on again off again relationship for over a year. Basically if there was nothing much going I would hang out with him.

Lately things were getting serious on his part, but the more time I spent with him the more hopeless I realized this situation was.

Anyway, I finally got him to leave me alone for a while, but now I am bored AGAIN...URGH.

I should be happy that I have some peace again (which I am) but I am also kinda bored too. And I feel slighted, even though it was me who told him to hit the bricks!

OK, I know I am nuts, but any advise on how to just move on (with minimal pain)?

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Thu 02/12/09 04:20 PM
I am guilty of doing this. I hate talkin to family members. Probably because I dont have much great to say about my own life and am not really interested in what mundane stuff is going on in theirs, so I avoid the calls like the plauge.

However, I never complain about lack of phone contact after.

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 05:27 PM
Based soley on your height and photos, you are completely dateable. However, I have no idea how you smell, or what you sound like, or if you spend way too much time playing video games or something like that...

But on the outside...all is more than good!

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Tue 02/03/09 07:08 PM

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Thu 01/29/09 08:25 AM
Its not hard to drive stick. I beleive the only true way is to go out and buy one and figure it out!

A true jersey chick will ALWAYS drive a stick!

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Fri 01/23/09 02:59 PM
Didn't know it was made into a movie, but would love to see it.

And OH YEAH, I am know there are men that are "just not that into me" but I usually figure that out quickly and then I jet. I am not one for wasting my time...THEN they usually change their minds...but by then I am already gone!

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Mon 01/19/09 04:09 PM

Have you ever been Stood Up...... waiting on a date?
What excuse did they give.....
Did you give them another chance?

I got stood up waiting at the airport waiting for a guy off here to fly out to Africa...he gave no excuse, but seemed amazed that I got upset

I gave him 3 more chances...but he never wanted to actually meet it appears...tears tears tears

how much did it cost YOU?slaphead

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Fri 01/16/09 06:33 PM

hi all names randy and yes i am new to this .
just looking around to see if there is a man out there who wants and needs a good man ,i do hope there is some still out i have been trying to think why is it everytime i find a guy that is rt for me he wants to be friends .

We all wonder that

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 09:19 PM
baby you look FINE

Stop all the BS about being a big guy....many women like a guy with a little dont seem morbidly obese!

your height is something I am sure the ladies love

You are an attractive light skined man..get some confidence and know you are hawt and then the women will flock!

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Thu 01/08/09 06:08 PM
having money is a plus, but certainly not what I am looking for,

I have my house and my car and food on my table. If you have nothing interesting to say, or I dont find you attractive, your money wont change that for me.

And I agree with previous posters...broke guys are more fun! As long as your able to support yourself (especially these days) you are straight with me.

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Thu 01/08/09 04:54 PM
The Professor without a doubt...!love

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Thu 01/08/09 07:39 AM
Mirror, how do you come up with such topics? They certainly cannot all be from personal experience.

I usually wouldnt tell someone I fell out of love. I think it is something that happens mutually and it happens before either one realizes it, by that time no words are needed.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:31 PM


I felt itblushing blushing blushing

was it good?:tongue:

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