Community > Posts By > HotRodDeluxe

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 09/17/13 08:38 PM

I know right? All's that page has is user comments on a forum much like this one, not anything credible. It's sad that the conspiracy theory nuts think everything is an inside job.

It's more than sad, it's pathetic that such a tragedy is reduced to such a brain dead CT.

Nah I think what's pathetic is people who keep falling for the same damn ******** time and time again........but carry on........

Yes, it's often referred to as reality, but carry on, be my jest. laugh

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/16/13 11:18 PM

I know right? All's that page has is user comments on a forum much like this one, not anything credible. It's sad that the conspiracy theory nuts think everything is an inside job.

It's more than sad, it's pathetic that such a tragedy is reduced to such a brain dead CT.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/16/13 10:04 PM

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.

Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.

Be careful of that one Conrad, the Daily Mail misrepresented the original NASA release and others have continued to put it about.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/16/13 09:55 PM

and look at this! The guy had security clearance to be there!

The blurb about it is a little down the page:

This has inside job written all over it!


HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:52 PM
False Flag? laugh

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:07 PM
Us and them, yet they are us. Hmmm.....

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:02 PM

Can any of you prove without doubt that the chemtrail phenomenon does not exist? Remember, our government is never truthful with us.

How does one prove a negative?

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 09/08/13 11:00 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Sun 09/08/13 11:03 PM
Chemtrails? Do sane adults actually believe this garbage?

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 09/08/13 10:57 PM
No, it is common knowledge. Didn't Madeleine Albright acknowledge CIA involvement some years ago? I know Obama did.

Iranians elected Mossadegh prime minister in 1951. Quickly, the leader moved to nationalize oil production in the country -- a move that would have been a serious blow to the United States and Britain and a win for the USSR.

Because of the failure of oil negotiations with Iran, along with a number of other issues, the United States was concerned "that Iran was in real danger of falling behind the Iron Curtain."

"If that happened, it would mean a victory for the Soviets in the Cold War and a major setback for the West in the Middle East," Donald N. Wilber, a principal planner of the mission, wrote within months of the overthrow. "It was the aim of the TPAJAX project" -- that was the mission's code name -- "to cause the fall of the Mossadeq government; to reestablish the prestige and power of the Shah."

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/05/13 11:20 PM

I simply liked the article. laugh
I will be more specific: YOU have a right to your own opinion.

and I don't worry or care if they are selling books.

A "figure of speech" that means nothing or has to be explained or defended, does not need to be said or used. Its rather pointless.

LOL, whatever.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/05/13 11:10 PM

The latest research conductedd over group of men &women using latest MRI, proved the difference of nature,mind and body of men & women. It shows that men uses fight & flight way to face stress or any tough situation. Blood supply flow more towards left of men i.e. right parts of brain is more active. on the contrary women shows a lymbic activity suggests for emotions activity. Men shows Mars types while women are emotional of venus type. Adrenalin &stress harmone produce much more in men than in women in same stress Again we know that mars is planet represent wrrior or lord of war and venus is godess of beuty and sex if any astrology of thus affects our life is further get supports by this study.


HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/05/13 11:07 PM

I'm not worried, and everyone has a right to their own opinions.

I never stated they didn't have a right to their opinion however dumb it may be, and 'don't worry' is merely a figure of speech similar to 'no matter' or 'it's of little consequence' etc.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/05/13 11:01 PM
Obviously Sheldrake's and Hancock's particular brands of pseudo-science aren't ideas worth spreading, and of course, Natural News being purveyors of dumb ideas, takes umbrage to this.

Don't worry, the books will sell anyway.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Thu 09/05/13 10:04 PM

What???????...You didn't like seeing Palin in a bikini!!surprised

I'd rather see you in a bikini. drool

tongue2 ((((Hotrod))))...Miss you!!flowerforyou

Ever the lady and ever beautiful. blushing flowerforyou

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 09/02/13 07:31 PM

Not if the repubs put up another dolt like mcLame.

Tea Party needs represented.

What???????...You didn't like seeing Palin in a bikini!!surprised

I'd rather see you in a bikini. drool

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 09/01/13 08:38 PM

It's a sound tactic if the hostilities escalate. He's just covering the bases, so to speak.

I smell a conspiracy. smokin

laugh Don't worry, it'll be the Jews fault.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 09/01/13 06:22 PM
It's a sound tactic if the hostilities escalate. He's just covering the bases, so to speak.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 08/20/13 12:08 AM

aeroplane [ˈɛərəˌpleɪn] US and Canadian, airplane [ˈɛəˌpleɪn]
(Engineering / Aeronautics) a heavier-than-air powered flying vehicle with fixed wings


pi·lot (plt)
1. One who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.


air·craft (ârkrft)
n. pl. aircraft
A machine or device, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or dirigible, that is capable of atmospheric flight.


thus drone [aircraft] are flown by a pilot

Not all, some are computer controlled, but that is irrelevant. Obviously, it flew over your head.


HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 08/19/13 09:55 PM

Interesting theory on the big bang. Need a Sheldon Cooper to agree or offer the anti-thesis.

All galaxies are moving away from each other as a result of the big bang, we know this, right? Can someone answer this for me:

If most galaxies have black holes in their center, sucking everything in, then surely there comes a point when gravity overrides the momentum gained from the big bang, drawing all galaxies back in to one piece of matter (eventually).

Galaxies are colliding and becoming one, which will eventualy happen to our own milky way and our nearest neighbour, Andromeda. So, stop me if im wrong here: more mass = more gravity. Given that in space there is nothing but a void, surely, eventually gravity will override the momentum of the big bang on galaxies draw them all back in to one finite point, like it was prior to the big bang?

That said, gravity is both the strongest and the weakest force in the universe. If only light enough to move objects in space (look at a comets tail always pointing AWAY from the sun, or ION propulsion) is there any way this would override gravity. Lets not forget light in the universe wont last forever?

Im clearly no physicist, but its food for thought and would be good if someone else can offer anything to it.....

According to Hawking, the universe will eventually contract and form a singularity which in turn will create another universe. Our current universe may well be just one of many in an unbroken chain.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 08/19/13 09:19 PM

I see that the "truthers" continue to believe in a fairy tale. They don't know the source of the large quantities of NT required to take down the buildings. They don't know who planted it in utter secrecy in three large buildings--and how they did it. They don't know why, after all these many years, no one with credibility has stepped forward to support their theory. They don't have a believable critique of the dust analysis. They don't believe video footage showing planes crashing into the buildings. They don't believe an airliner hit the Pentagon (despite numerous eyewitness accounts to the contrary). They don't have enough credible evidence to even get a hearing in a court of law.

Yet they persist in pursuing one of the all-time dumbest conspiracy theories in history.

All the desperate attempts to gain some form of credibility aren't working.

Says it all really.

it began as a left wing anti bush movement..

then they realized that they could line their pockets with cash from writing books, making movies and giving speeches/lectures..

it is nothing more than a money making enterprise..

Of course it is, and they have no shortage of gulls willing to buy into the fantasy.

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