Community > Posts By > canaryrx8

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 02/17/09 03:37 PM

subdivisions by rush ,on the drums:smile: of course i'm no neil peart...but then again it's neil peart and then everyone else:smile:
Neil is a god amongst men. hands down. I tried learning yyz but had to put it down. I couldnt deal with the 3/16 or whatever ridiculous time it as in.

x a kuhjillion, Neil is not of this earth, reminds me of Les Claypool on bass, guys like that make ordinary instruments do extraordinary things.

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 02/17/09 03:31 PM

Exactly my point. If God MADE everybody to be good...then we wouldnt have the "right" or "wrong", "good" or "bad" issue. We would ALL be good and matter what.

But it was the "freewill" factor that brought all the drama and agony. Why not take the easy route, and make us all the same goody two shoes??? Why all the drama?

simple, without drama you have no faith.

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 02/17/09 01:30 PM

it is because of believers that atheists are created,they have forced their belief upon an person by giving them that title

how do you know this? How does anyone know why anobody was created in the first place? slaphead

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:15 PM
nothing - taking a break from listening to stuff :wink:

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:09 PM

About author
William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books: War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know and The Greatest Sedition Is Silence. His newest book, House of Ill Repute: Reflections on War, Lies, and America's Ravaged Reputation, will be available this winter from PoliPointPress.

ohhhh right, so Mr. Rivers is going to be insanely objective in reporting the facts right?

I guess I should go find some anti-obama guy's article in a conservative rag and that would be just as relevant...not.

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:01 PM
Edited by canaryrx8 on Mon 02/16/09 06:03 PM
I'm amazed at how many people in this thread didn't vote for him, I figured after the first 2-3 anti-messiah posts this would be overrun by rabid obamamites going crazy and cussing everyone out, I guess they're mad at him too? what what an interesting development laugh What I'm wating for is for all this to somehow come back to being blamed on Bush, 'cause we all know that everything sucks and it's all his fault right??? bigsmile

edit: I'd still LOVE to know where his birth certificate is (the real one please), where he got over 200 million in campaign funds (?!?!), and how on earth he passed a security clearance too, I guess celebrity trumps everything or? bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 02/16/09 05:54 PM
greast place to sell stuff, crappy place to meet people.

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 02/16/09 05:33 PM
skateboard store, go figure huh? bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 02/16/09 03:06 PM
Beastie Boys - Beastiality (remixes etc.)

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 09:19 PM

I wanna be saved too:cry:

wheres prince charming when you need him huh

sorry, I can't be everywhere at once rofl biggrin

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 08:50 PM

a Michael Bolton song on a commercial. I have a question. How does/did he sing that way without popping a nut?

Simple, he had them removed... how do you think he gets that high? laugh

had them removed? I'm thinking he never had them to begin with, some of those pics of him with the huge fro/long hair look awfully feminine laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 08:47 PM
Australia! or visit my niece in San Francisco :smile:

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 07:56 PM
having absolutely no soul whatsoever for butchering all those songs, that's probably how he does it bigsmile laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 03:59 PM

When was rap cool?
I think I missed that...

Damn, you said it before I could. you guys are hysterical!!!11!!! yawn

I'm glad I listen to as many different styles of music as possible, and EVERY single genre has its good and its bad, name me one that doesn't?

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:41 AM
old school warner bros and animaniacs were the bomb, we'll probably never see cartoons like that again :cry:

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:38 AM
get some hobbies man, go ride a bike, go see a movie, I dunno, I've been single forever and always find stuff to do, just use your imagination and get out of the house already laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:35 AM
old school break dancing music from the movie "wild style" :banana:

canaryrx8's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:20 PM
any activity that requires athleticism, skill, and balls the size of boulders is way more fun than any team sport in my opinion, I'm just happy that the general public finally recognizes professional skateboarders and how truly talented they are.
I can remember skating in the 80's and being treated worse than a convicted murderer by most people, constant harassment, people calling me all kinds of awesome names, a couple of times while innocently skating home I've had drinks chucked at me etc. Some people might complain that it's a little more mainstream, but I was happy to see it go that way and finally get the props (along with other "extreme" sports) that it deserves. I've been riding since I was 9 years old, there's nothing like the feeling you get from sticking that awesome trick or catching that perfect wave etc., it's commonly referred to as the "stoke" and you can't get that from anywhere else, or from any other sport for that matter. happy

canaryrx8's photo
Sat 02/14/09 08:36 PM
my little doggie snoring laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Sat 02/14/09 08:34 PM

Sweet! Tesla, electric sports car!

Might want to watch the Top Gear episode where they review that car :wink:

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