Community > Posts By > canaryrx8

canaryrx8's photo
Thu 01/01/09 08:29 PM

it sure has. its alittle depressing.

i think thats why im only dating older women now. because they DO seem to have morals and ideals women my age dont seem to have. atleast most of them.

pffft, you must be getting lucky then laugh laugh bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:14 PM
Was jamming to AudioSlave a while back, now I'm listening to the Orange Bowl on TV in the background laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:12 PM
There are bands and sounds that I do not like even though I can appreciate the ability of the players. Jerry Garcia comes to mind. I hated the sound of his guitar but appreciated the talent. We can agree to disagree on what sounds appeal to us, but bad or untalented musicians are not debatable.

Unfortunately the bad and untalented have superior marketing these days, so they sell a ton of music and that makes some people think they're "good" when actually they're not that great.

canaryrx8's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:04 PM

i dont think my comment hurt his feelings. it was a joke

but i agree/disagree slightly.

i dont think its one sexes fault. its hard to date in general because i think the moral standards of people today arent what they used to be. and if your truly looking for love/serious relationship in general its hard to find a good person to spend your life with.

but this is a 22yr olds opinion. woo.

I would have to agree, I've watched it decline over the years and I think it sucks.

canaryrx8's photo
Thu 01/01/09 06:55 PM

Marketing and image can sell records but they can't turn a pile of steaming crap into good music


I don't mind Kiss, but I'm not a fan. I don't like the Beatles either, or The Eagles for that matter.

Just because something is popular or sells a lot of records doesn't mean it's any good, Britney and SoulJa Boy sold TONS of albums, can anyone here honestly say they're "good"?

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:32 PM

The problem I have with pre-built PCs is all the junk that they come with.

Not a problem with a volume (or not actually) copy of your preferred OS , just wipe whatever drive it came with and start fresh. happy

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 08:01 PM
I just hate seeing people get taken advantage of, I thought you were asking because you honestly didn't know, not because it was just some experiment to see how people react to your question. Again I'm sorry if that sounded harsh, but it was more out of concern than trying to slam you or anything like that. Good luck out there, and yes, it did happen to me actually, which is another reason why it sucks to watch other people go through it.

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:53 PM
nope, not at all. I'm usually pretty straightforward and honest with my feelings, sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not so much. laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:19 PM
always build my own, although that may change if the prices keep dropping like they have been on pre-built ones. I have always gone with AMD's also, my current setup looks like some cheesy lan party rig, I've got the plexi window on the side and blue cooling fans scattered everywhere, I'm using an Aspire case laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:12 PM
Worlds Apart by Jars of Clay

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:10 PM
Gabriel and Dresden

ToolRoom Knights Vol 2

Remix of The Killers "read my mind" :banana:

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:07 PM
not scary to me at all, I don't think anything's scary as long as you're doing it for the right reasons and with honorable intentions, if you go into it thinking "meh, I can always get a divorce" or "man this guy/girl is loaded, I'm set for life! now, what's the number for that guy/girl I met at the....." etc., then yeah, it's probably pretty scary. laugh

I really think it's sad it's not taken more seriously these days, I still think it's a very serious and worthwhile commitment, just seems most people these days think it's stupid or a joke. My guess is probably because they're terrified of real commitment and work in a relationship, or they just don't get the point or don't want to be "tied down" even though they've been seeing the same person for like 5 years and live together etc. I really hate how our culture has trivialized a lot of things that are more meaningful and important over the years in lieu of less meaningful, instant gratification type stuff instead. ohwell

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 06:00 PM
too many things to list really, the word's out now too as EVERYONE appears to be moving here. :P

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:51 PM
any artist who lip synchs live performances. At least alot of the people on this list actually play instruments and sing, more than can be said for some of the "popular" crap out these days lol

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:46 PM
if you can't tell you may want to consider taking a break from dating while you figure it out, otherwise people are just going to take advantage of you.

(not to sound harsh, just my opinion)

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:17 PM
mine slipped a little last year, and I suffered for it, so mine have gone up a bit since. I may have to lower them again soon, or start seeking out people in different cities since nobody here in my town is worthy, or available for that matter (haha :P )

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:51 PM
didn't read all 7 pages but I like God of Wonders by third day :)

canaryrx8's photo
Tue 12/30/08 06:40 PM

See? I just took care of everyone!

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:03 PM
Austin is recession proof and drawing a lot of people from out of town, because of this the city is overrun with a ton of people trying really hard to "fit in", not understanding that this place has always been about not fitting in and just going with the flow. Before all this madness South Congress was not "SoCo" and traffic was easier to deal with, and there were weren't Walgreen's, CVS, and a condo complex exploding on every corner. Just focus on the good and block out the bad and you'll be just fine, it really is a neat place to live with tons of stuff to do, and before too long all the people screwing it up for everyone else will grow tired of it and jump ship to the next trendy town anyway lol

canaryrx8's photo
Wed 11/26/08 07:56 PM
Austin here, hello neighbors!