Community > Posts By > canaryrx8

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 08:29 PM

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 08:26 PM
Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it sucks.

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 08:11 PM
A couple of ones that crack me up

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 08:02 PM
I want to ride my bicycle...I want to ride my bike....ooops...wrong song bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 08:49 AM
yeah, only a handful of exclusive titles for either one now, I love both Forza and GT so I wound up with both, I guess Metal Gear is supposed to be pretty cool, but then you have Halo so.......

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 08:13 AM
thanks for reminding me of the part of the 80's I don't miss one bit.


canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 07:42 AM
311 - greatest hits album, or I could just post up every single time a new song comes on laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 07:38 AM
Do you prefer Gran Turismo or Forza? bigsmile I have both actually, like the Ps3 better since my older 360 didn't come with the hdmi connection and has no blu-ray player, the newer 360's have hdmi now but still no blu-ray, as far as graphics go they're pretty close. I will say my 360 has died and been sent off twice, my ps3 has never died in well over a year now.

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 07:35 AM
funny, I wake up every morning thinking the same thing.......

about myself. (pffffft) bigsmile laugh

canaryrx8's photo
Mon 03/02/09 07:24 AM
meh, I was friends with a girl who had smaller ones, to me they seem like boring pets though, you can't play with them or take them for a walk, they don't care if you're home or not, they remind me of cats, only a lot creepier and harder to feed. If I met someone who had them I wouldn't care, unless they were obsessed with them and talked about them for hours and hours and hours, then I'd be out like ninja quick.

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:42 PM
Gary Numan - Cars never get sick of that song lol

love 80's tunes, have tons of it and rock it all the time, my Addidas even have fat laces in them. bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 03/01/09 04:47 PM
of course!

that show was funny then, bigsmile

(sandberg has some funny stuff though I will admit)

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 03/01/09 04:22 PM
angel in a centerfold - j geils band ( rofl )


always something there to remind me - naked eyes (haha some more)

kinda' hard to pick a song since my current love life is on leave of absence for....ever it seems. biggrin

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 03/01/09 04:17 PM
Quit worrying sbout what they want and just be yourself, if that's not enough then it's not worth your time in the first place and it will never work anyway.

canaryrx8's photo
Sun 03/01/09 04:13 PM

is it true that nice guys finish last?

(sorry I couldnt help it)

It all depends on which race bigsmile

canaryrx8's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:39 PM

canaryrx8's photo
Fri 02/27/09 09:52 PM
Edited by canaryrx8 on Fri 02/27/09 09:56 PM

Well...I like to consider myself among the women with good morals and values. I'm not one to talk about sex online with someone I barely know. I don't sleep around. In fact I take sex very seriously and view it as an expression of love, not just a way to feel good. I think the majority of our problems as a sexual culture is that we have begun to view sex as casually as you would a handshake.

When people begin to see sex that casually, the odds of finding someone who will really be committed in a relationship becomes increasingly more difficult.

I constantly run into men that come on like a dog in heat. I keep expecting one to start peeing on my leg or something. I mean...if you could SEE HALF of the messages I get from men, you would **** yourself with the way they talk to me. They say things that even HUSTLER wouldn't print, and expect us to swoon over them. SOME even get offended when you DON'T! it's rediculous.

I can only imagine, probably gets worse depending on what pictures are posted bigsmile I've tried initiating contact here but it never works, then the ones who contact me are either flaky, fake, or they email me once and then never again. (I guess I'm a good timekiller until the ones they really want to talk to get back to them or something.) Funniest thing to me is how many millions of threads are on here about how there are no good guys left, where are they? where did they go? why are we all jerks and blah blah blah (the only thing that even comes close in number is all the lame "there is no God" threads)....meanwhile...those of us "good guys" who do make the effort never get anywhere anyway, if I could ask for any one thing on here i think my one and only wish would be for more courtesy, I take the time to reply to all of my messages whether I'm interested or not, sure wish other people would do the same instead of just blowing people off etc.

canaryrx8's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:43 PM
It's not like that with every guy, just the stupid ones.

canaryrx8's photo
Fri 02/27/09 08:42 AM
new U2 song - unknown caller

(new album is awesome bigsmile )

canaryrx8's photo
Fri 02/27/09 08:38 AM
Secret of my success? Michael J Fox was in it I think ot something like that?

.....or I could be wayyyyy off too. laugh

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