Community > Posts By > rayne5

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Thu 04/24/08 09:44 PM

Oh, so your saying noone in microsoft ever made a decision that Bill didn't like. If that was the case Vista wouldnt have been pushed back so many years. Just because you are in charge doesn't mean you can control everything.

If his employees defied the rules or over stepped boundaries, they would be removed, you can bet on it. I expect nothing less from our president.

The problem with that is that bill dosent controll what happens at microsoft, the board of directors does.

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Wed 04/23/08 09:40 PM

There are more issues than that going on with the country.

He won't take office with his hand over the Bible.

So what?!

This Country was founded on the basis of freedom of religion. How the hell can you stand their and state that a president hopeful has to swear against the Holy Christian Bible? Or that he can NOT swear against another religion?
If you want your freedoms, you have to allow everyone else theirs as well.

Religion is not the point hear. Its the fact that he has been cought on camera disrespecting our national anthem and pledge of alliegence. Two things that should come first to a presidential canadate.

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Wed 04/23/08 09:26 PM

A fetus is not a baby until it actually comes into this world and can survive on its own.

So acording to your logic then no young child would be considered human. By your own definition a new born could be killed with no reprocussions becouse it cannot survive on its own. A baby can not survive without its parents. If this is you best argument for abortion then it is weak at best.

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Thu 04/17/08 09:57 PM
Get freaky in the oval office.laugh laugh laugh

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Tue 04/15/08 11:36 PM

The Prosecution has presented a formidable Indictment against the Defendant, George Walker Bush, President of the United States and Commander -in-Chief of US military forces for serious crimes ; waging a war of aggression on Afghanistan, war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Afghan people, against prisoners of war ; and the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons of mass destruction , against the people of Afghanistan ; with serious fall out effects on the military personnel of the United States ,UK and other forces deployed ; and on countries, in and around the region .


Not connected to afganistan, Not the doings of osama bin ladin, So the tape of him saying that he and alquida did it is not enough. Give me a break people. How is afganistan not connected to alquida, who the heck to they think were shooting at out guys. This "document" is the biggest joke in existance. You have the group that we went after claim responsibility for 9/11 and make more threats since then directly refrencing what they did on 911 and they say its not enough, please enlighten me as to what they want becouse it cirtenly is not the truth. Madman even you cannot be entertaining this nonsence. Iraq I will give you there were also personal reasons for him to want to go in and when the war spilt over to iraq he got his opertunity but afganistan was were alqueda has been this whole time and was there original main operations point.

Um, shouldn't they insert 'Iraq' in place of Afghanistan? ohwell

It honestly dosent matter. If you look half of that "document" is about the weapons we use. The DU rounds they are talking about is the rounds for our A-10 thunderbolt's and certian tank rounds, all of which are only used when you are dealing with a hardened aponet, IE close air support for the A-10 and other tanks and hardened bunkers for the tank rounds. If it is a soft target they call in apache gunships or C-130 spooky/specter gunship. There is not one weapon in that document that has not been used before and nobody said one word about it. Why, becouse it works and to make a better/safer round is just not posible right now and not have to fire countless more rounds to do the same job. We used the same weapons in the gulf war and every military conflict since there invention. If there was a long term effect then they would have already made a big deal out of it and they would have stoped making it. Another thing that would never make this stick is that if they actualy tried him they would have to try the governments of several other countrys.

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Tue 04/15/08 11:05 PM

The Prosecution has presented a formidable Indictment against the Defendant, George Walker Bush, President of the United States and Commander -in-Chief of US military forces for serious crimes ; waging a war of aggression on Afghanistan, war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Afghan people, against prisoners of war ; and the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons of mass destruction , against the people of Afghanistan ; with serious fall out effects on the military personnel of the United States ,UK and other forces deployed ; and on countries, in and around the region .


Not connected to afganistan, Not the doings of osama bin ladin, So the tape of him saying that he and alquida did it is not enough. Give me a break people. How is afganistan not connected to alquida, who the heck to they think were shooting at out guys. This "document" is the biggest joke in existance. You have the group that we went after claim responsibility for 9/11 and make more threats since then directly refrencing what they did on 911 and they say its not enough, please enlighten me as to what they want becouse it cirtenly is not the truth. Madman even you cannot be entertaining this nonsence. Iraq I will give you there were also personal reasons for him to want to go in and when the war spilt over to iraq he got his opertunity but afganistan was were alqueda has been this whole time and was there original main operations point.

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Tue 04/15/08 10:44 PM
This will brobably stir up a hornets nest but I dont care.

As far as it being "your body and your buisness what you do with it" Its not you that you are aborting there for its not your body it the babys. Ive heard in this thread whats the diffence in being for the war where men and woman are dieing and aginst abortion. Well if you use common logic, everyone over there signed a contract that stated they would be willing to go if they were ordered to. The baby dosent have a choice. Iv also seen the argument that a fetus is not a baby. Two words for you BULL SH IT. It has lungs, bones, a heart, skin, and the most important a soul. That sounds like a baby to me. Plain and simple if you screw up and get pregnent, give the kid up for adoption and it will be out of your life anyway, but it will at least be alive. You still dont think its murder, ok I got somthing for you to think about. (although this is not likely to happen) By your definition untill the baby is full delivered it is not technicly a "baby" So if you get some physco doctor that kills you baby halfway though delivery then you count have him arested for murder becouse the baby was not delivered yet. Never the less this wont change your minds so I dont know why I try.


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Sat 04/12/08 11:08 PM

I am BBQing ribeyes right now! Farm fresh! Not the stockyard crud!bigsmile bigsmile Taters with butter and coleslaw!:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I may die from cholesteral, but I'll eat good!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

All hail stake

mmmmmm stake with brown butter sauce.drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 11:06 PM
AAAAA. I try to steer clear of nvidia. Iv had nothing but problems with most of there equipment. I try to stick with amd. Plus its cheaper.

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Sat 04/12/08 11:04 PM
Oops sorry didnt see her specsblushing It is a good board though.

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Sat 04/12/08 10:36 PM

Just because others do not feel they need to speak out on it, doesn't mean there are alot of people who realize they were bamboozled into war in Iraq. I knew the day we did not go after bin laden and Saddam became the target that we were headed the wrong direction but there was alot of snow jobs on the American people so I cannot blame them too much for not thinking for themselves.

We should have bin laden, we should not be removing dictators without the people of the country asking us to do so. We should not be democricizing countries (especially since the people who favor the war tell us we are not even a democracy so WTF???).

The rose colored glasses of those who cannot see the Bush administration for the economically biased, personally biased, bigoted group that they are, will come off one day soon and it is not a pretty picture without the glasses clouding itnoway huh

Ahhh, so now they are also a bigoted group? First, bigotry is really not on topic so you might be getting a note from Madison but second (and really this is becoming a bit of fun) check out the ethnic diversity of the Bush White House as opposed to the Clinton White House. And Dragoness, part of being political is being biased. Voters don't pick presidents because of objectivity but rather for their subjectivity.


Voters dont pick presidents period, but we wont go into that. laugh laugh

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Sat 04/12/08 10:32 PM

Its great to see so many un informed comments I have suggested several books to digest and I wont argue with the un informed.

The problem with your definition of uninformed madman is that it includes anyone that does not think the same way you do. As far as the "not all terrorist are muslim" thing, answer me this. When was the last time we were attacked by the french, english, dutch, russian, chineese, japaneese, or any other of the non arab countrys. I think ive made my point, but just for madman ill spell it out. EVERY TIME WE ARE ATTACKED IT IS AN ARAB. Granted there have been a few in the past that have been non arab but only a very few. Another reason we are more focused on the arab nations is that they have declared a holy war, if you dont remember, on us and if we ocupy ourselves with dealing with the lessor threats instead of the big ones we will be wide open. One more quick thing, Enough with saying sadam payed for 9/11. We handed him over to the iraqis and they executed him. If we had killed him then you could say he did, but we handed him over they conviceted him and they put him to death. The simple fact that they were the ones that tried and conviced him shoots a hole a mile wide in your theory that he payed for 9/11.

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Sat 04/12/08 02:23 AM
I would go into this but my ideas would brobably get me commited.

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Sat 04/12/08 02:11 AM

Even before I saw the "Just Kidding" I was tearing holes in the story.

1. Congress is being mostly run by liberals, that last thing they'd want is Bush in office one more time.

2. The Constitution was Amended to limit the number of times a president can be elected, both Congress and the Supreme Court would have to agree to make another amendment and you can guess how other that happens.

3. Why would republicans bother with McCain if Bush would be running again, unless they don't think he could possibly win, in which case why make the Amendment.

...sigh, sometimes it's less funny to be smart...

Dude its a joke lighten up

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 01:55 AM
1lg bag tator tots (depends on how much your making)
1lb sausage-browned
1med bag frozen brocoli
2jars alfredo sauce
1lb white cheese-(your choice)

brown sausage in pan, mix everything up and bake untill its hot and melted.

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 01:44 AM

CNN News Room

Congrass passed a bill today that will allow president George W. Bush a 3rd term in office.

Click below for full story.

.....bigsmile bigsmile Just kiddingdevil devil

Just thought EVERYONE could use a good laugh. Sorry if I scarred anyone. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Fri 04/11/08 10:20 PM
Edited by rayne5 on Fri 04/11/08 10:22 PM

Lindyy says:

Let me refresh your memory - President George W. Bush is NOT running for President again.


We are all aware that Bush is not running for president but many of us feel he is a war criminal and after the rapeing of our nations treasury for the Iraq war swindel many of us think he should not get off the hook. This man should be haunted to his grave for his crimes agains humanity and the crimes he commited against his own people.

Hey Madison, perhaps you'll find the time to answer the post in which I pointed out a number of Democrats and their sincere belief long before President Bush was elected that Saddam had bio/chem/and even a nuclear program going. As far back as 1998 the same group that now claims they were "lied to" were saying EXACTLY what GWB went to war over. In this case the only difference is that while Dems believed that Saddam was a massive threat back then they didn't feel the need to do anything about it.


I wouldnt hold you breath drew. You got him back against a wall and he knows it. Besides he's to bussy acting superior right now. Guess what madman, yes there are many people that think gw should be tried as a war criminal, but guess what you and the rest of those people are in the minority. I may not like the guy but at least he had the balls to step up and do the job that needed to be done when everyone else was unwilling to do it. As for losing more troops in iraq than on 9/11. We loose guy's becouse we are conducting what the polititions call a humane war. We are making sure we dont compleatly distroy the place in the process. If all we wanted was to conquer the county and take there oil, as so many have claimed, I have one word for you MOAB. Look it up some time. The simplest way to understand what this thing does is think of a nuke without the radiation. all we would have to do is drop a few of these and that would eliminat a large amount of the populated portions of the country. But on the other hand we would be sacrificing countless civilians. So we take the high road and put our men and woman in harms way so we can keep civilian casualties as low as possible.

no photo
Fri 04/11/08 01:03 AM
I havent messed with the msi board so I cant say one way or the other. I personaly have the m3a and it is a fantastic board for gaming, video editing, etc.

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Fri 04/11/08 01:00 AM

........" What Does the Bible Say about Reincarnation?"........

Q: "Does the Bible talk about reincarnation anywhere? How can we know this is our only life?"

our A: Great question. Beyond the answer given below, we also have an article that discusses this subject: Reincarnation, Karma & Life after Death.

To answer your question, the Bible never mentions reincarnation and in fact states the contrary...

It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)

If the Bible is correct, then why doesn't God allow for reincarnation? Consider that the idea of reincarnation may be flawed at its core. Reincarnation is the theory that with enough lives, a person can somehow finally get it right and then be allowed into paradise/nirvana. Many people think they are good enough -- already -- for heaven. (They haven't robbed banks or killed anyone.) With reincarnation, the idea is very similar. The only difference is that it suggests that you'll be good enough...eventually.

Why is such a scheme flawed? Because it doesn't take into account the sinfulness of man. The Bible says that the human heart is the most deceitful thing in existence (Jeremiah 17:9). That's pretty bad. It gets worse. The Bible also says that all people have sinned and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23), that all have turned from God and gone their own way (Isaiah 53:6), that there is not even one person who does good (Psalm 53:3), and that there is no one who doesn't sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20).

Therefore, what good what it do to come back to earth in a different body? The degree of change would not be enough to make a difference. You live your first life as a sinner who has turned from God, then you come back as a different person who nonetheless is a sinner who turns from God. This endless cycle would give no benefit to anyone.

Since we are sinners, we need forgiveness. Since we all turn away from God, we need to turn back to Him (repentance). This is the consistent message of the Bible.

God tells us to turn to Him for forgiveness and seek Him in order to know Him. If we do that, then heaven begins in this life and can merely carry on into the next life. For He Himself -- not a different place to live -- is what it's really all about.

Even though the Bible refutes reincarnation, it does speak of a resurrection of all people...

"An hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; those who did the good to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil to a resurrection of judgment." (John 5:28-29)

Here is more Scripture regarding that judgment...

And I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it.... And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened....and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds....And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:11-15)

Want to know how to have your name written in the book of life? Sincerely ask God now for His forgiveness. Jesus died for your sins so that you could be forgiven. But to receive God's forgiveness means turning to Him in sincerity and with a commitment of your life. See Knowing God Personally.



I didnt ask what the bible said I asked what you belived. My belifs are not what you would call conventional.

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Thu 04/10/08 11:33 PM
All Hail Stewie

--family guy

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