Community > Posts By > alrightguy2

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Fri 06/27/08 06:56 AM
Ya know, this would really bother me too. I agree that you don't have power over others. But I think you have to wonder why your girlfriend wouldn't be so pissed off about this that she wouldn't end the friendship as well. That seems umm.... Funny to me. I think if it were me, I would explain to her that it really bothers you that he did this and that it doesn't seem to bother her. You know it's her life, but you would hope that she would respect your feelings and end the friendship. Also ask her why she isn't more bothered by it. If she doesn't, you're left with 2 choices. Accept it, or leave her. My ex wanted me to stop being friends with a girl who I used to see when we were in high school. We had the occasional email and call. That was it. Her wanting me to end that was ridiculous. But you have a real reason to be upset here. Don't let anyone tell you it's no big deal. Good luck. drinker

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Wed 03/19/08 12:00 PM

I was out with a girl one night, a friend of a mutual friend.

During the course of dinner, I got a phone call from my babysitter informing me my son was not feeling good and wanted to talk to daddy. I excused myself, talked to him for a minute, then went back to the table.

When she asked me if everything was okay, I said, "Yep, just my babysitter. My boy wanted to say goodnight to me.".
"Oh, you have a son?"
So explained things quickly.. she said, "Oh, that's nice."

Five minutes later said, "I'm going to the bathroom..excuse me."

10 minutes passed...
I asked one of the servers, "Would you please check the bathroom, my friend went in there about 10 minutes ago.." I was concerned! The server came back and said, "Sorry, sir, there's no one there."

20 minutes passed...
I called her on her cell phone. No answer.

30 minutes passed...
I finally got up, paid the bill, and left. Came to find out later she called a friend of her's and got a ride. She told our mutual friend she "couldn't be involved with someone with children.". Fine, but at least finish the meal and TELL me.

Sheesh. Women!

=)drinker drinker

I still think I got you beat, but that was hillarious!!laugh

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Wed 03/19/08 11:50 AM
How about we tell our hellish date horror stories...

I’ll start with mine:

I pick this girl up who only had headshots on her profile. So I wasn’t sure if she was going to be huge or not. She looked cute in her pics and seemed really nice. She said she LOVED to kiss. So you would think she would be good at it. Well, I’ll just say that I wasn’t attracted to her when I picked her up. But I figured maybe we’d be friends, and even if not, we were going to frightfest at the amusement park. So I was going to have fun. We sat in traffic and she came over and rammed her tongue down my throat. I swear it was like a dog wagging it’s tail in my mouth. It was so bad, I wondered if I’d forgotten how to kiss or something. So we get to the park and I’ve decided I’m not interested in anything already. She we’re talking in line about how some guy she met on the computer asked her what kind of wedding she wanted on her first date. We both agreed that was crazy. So she starts asking me questions about my ex. She says “So you were engaged right?” I say yeah. She asks if I got the ring back. I told her I did. She asked what I did with it. I thought this was kind of weird. She then asked if it was white or yellow gold. I thought it was weird, but I figured, I’m never going to see her again, so I told her. She asked the shape of diamonds, again I told her because I didn’t see any reason to care. She asked if it was a 3 stone or solitaire. I must have looked at her funny, but again, I figured “what do I care if she knows?” THEN SHE ASKED IT… What size was it? I looked at her funny and said “Are you seriously asking me this?” She said “What, I want to know.” So I told her. Her response is funny as hell. “Oh, I would need at least 2 carrots. My friend works at Littman Jewelers and she let me try on a 2 carrot diamond solitaire. It costs more than some people’s cars, but I don’t care, I want one.” WOW. There was no 2nd date. She did have an email to me when I checked it next titled “Super Fun Night.” She liked me and so did her roommate, which is rare because her friends never like any of her dates. What did I think of her? What do I think my friends would think of her? WOW!!

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Fri 03/07/08 12:00 PM

now my question(s)happy !

what do you guys think about this whole thing?
was it right for her to do that to me?
Was it right for me to walk away?
Do you guys think that shell realize her feelings for me and come back?

I'm going to answer your questions honestly dude. Been there, done that (sort of.)

1.) It sucks. She changed some and didn't want to hurt you. But she wanted to date other people.

2.) The way that she did it sucked. But she was probably trying to not hurt your feelings.

3.) You did the smartest thing you could do by walking away. She will see that you have some dignity and self respect, and are not some wussy boy that she needs to feel sorry for. You don't look pathetic. And that's the best you'll get out of this. SO I highly recommend not re adding her to your myspace page or calling her again.

4.) She may if you don't call her. I will admit that it's unlikely. But if you act like a sad puppy dog around her, she won't look at you like a man. Good luck dude. I know it sucks. But it will get better. It just takes a LONG time!! Especially for your first love.

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Fri 03/07/08 11:50 AM
My recommendation would be to get involved in activities where you'll meet someone and someone will get to know you first. On here, if the first thing you read is that someone is in a wheelchair, that might scare some people off. Or they might think there are a LOT of people to choose from. If it makes you feel any better though, I will tell you that I think a lot of us have found this site to be more of a friendship thing than dating. Good luck!

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Fri 02/08/08 01:36 PM

Thanks for the special invite. Count me in. Though I have to say, I MIGHT be dating someone now. We're just starting but things are going well so far.

Freinds are always good too......lots and lots and lots of friendships from this game......

Another hand picked from V.I.P. ladies......

Thanks!! Yeah, ya never know what can happen. But as I said in the other thread... I do believe in being completely honest on here. Thanks for VIP status. It's nice to be important!! flowerforyou

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Fri 02/08/08 01:23 PM
Thanks for the special invite. Count me in. Though I have to say, I MIGHT be dating someone now. We're just starting but things are going well so far.

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Fri 02/08/08 01:03 PM
First I agree that not all guys lie (I'm one of them who doesn't.) 2nd, I agree that many women lie about things too. Like age, fake pictures, what they have. 3rd... to answer your questions:

A: No experience with this, but they probably want to make themselves sound important to impress a girl. I mean if you work at McDonalds but you're the manager, it's not a lie to say you're the manager of a company that employs thousands of people and is socially responsible. It's like talking yourself up on a resume.

B: Not sure what you mean about what they have. If you mean a house or car, again they're trying to impress you, or they're playing games.

C: Saying you'll call sounds a lot better than "Ya know, this date really sucked. Have a great life." At the same time, sometimes you might plan on calling someone the next day, and something comes up. Or maybe change your mind and decide that you can't accept something about the other person. I know women don't know anything about changing their minds. laugh

D: Well if you were married and trying to get some, would you tell the other person? laugh I say this as a joke, but unfortunately that really is messed up. I've never known anyone to do that. But I'm sure there are men out there who do that. Likewise though, I'll say that there are women who go for men with rings because they figure they're a good catch.

I believe in being completely honest on here. I see no point in pretending to be someone I'm not to impress someone I don't know. But both men and women lie about many things. But my profile is accurate, and that picture is of me (if I was lying, I think I would have picked a better picture) laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:54 PM

Go Steelers....I live 25 miles North of Bens hometown! but I have been a Steeler Fans since the Franco Army Days!!!

Why do I think we need a Steelers thread? drinker drinker

no photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:43 PM

GO STEELERS!!!! drinker drinker drinker
my post or my football team either way drinker drinker thanks

Well I live in Pittsburgh so... drinker

no photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:38 PM
Edited by alrightguy2 on Fri 02/08/08 12:39 PM
GO STEELERS!!!! drinker drinker drinker

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Fri 02/08/08 12:37 PM

Because at the time, we don't recognize that it is the same (or a similar) situation. That, or we think it's different this time because it's a different person or the relationship dynamic is different. So this time it will be okay. Sometimes we just figure that this person won't let us down, or that they'll stand by us. But at the same time, if you always question if this person's going to let you down because of past experiences, you'll never open up to someone and be truly happy.

Ya but more than making the same mistake with the same person .. which is pretty identifiable ..

How about you make the same mistake but with different people, different scenarios.

That makes me feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooo blonde. *rolls eyes and sighs*

Why can't women think LOGICALLY like men do ........ glasses

Men don't always think logically either. When the heart is involved and you find yourself torn between what your brain and heart say, it's much more appealing to follow your heart.

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Fri 02/08/08 12:25 PM
Because at the time, we don't recognize that it is the same (or a similar) situation. That, or we think it's different this time because it's a different person or the relationship dynamic is different. So this time it will be okay. Sometimes we just figure that this person won't let us down, or that they'll stand by us. But at the same time, if you always question if this person's going to let you down because of past experiences, you'll never open up to someone and be truly happy.

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Fri 02/08/08 11:44 AM
I actually had a girl do this. She just showed up with her infant son and said she couldn't find a babysitter and didn't want to cancel. I thought it was weird, but I went along with it. I never saw her again. I think it's inappropriate at best. You're supposed to be getting to know someone.

As the person who had a date bring their child, it is strange no matter what age the child is. Even if the child is in diapers, it changes the dynamic of the date. If the child is older, you don't know how much to pay attention to the kid Vs. how much you're supposed to pay attention to your date. It just complicates things.

As a parent, I would never take my son on a first date. He was VERY upset when my ex fiance' and I broke up. I wouldn't want to expose him to a bunch of random women. I certainly wouldn't want him to become attached to a girl that I might not be seeing for very long. And honestly, if I'm trying to get to know this girl, how much attention am I paying to my son? I wouldn't think it would be fair to either of them.

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Fri 02/08/08 11:43 AM
I actually had a girl do this. She just showed up with her infant son and said she couldn't find a babysitter and didn't want to cancel. I thought it was weird, but I went along with it. I never saw her again. I think it's inappropriate at best. You're supposed to be getting to know someone.

As the person who had a date bring their child, it is strange no matter what age the child is. Even if the child is in diapers, it changes the dynamic of the date. If the child is older, you don't know how much to pay attention to the kid Vs. how much you're supposed to pay attention to your date. It just complicates things.

As a parent, I would never take my son on a first date. He was VERY upset when my ex fiance' and I broke up. I wouldn't want to expose him to a bunch of random women. I certainly wouldn't want him to become attached to a girl that I might not be seeing for very long. And honestly, if I'm trying to get to know this girl, how much attention am I paying to my son? I wouldn't think it would be fair to either of them.

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Thu 02/07/08 11:45 AM
Dude, she won't always be this busy. Tell her you like her a lot and if that's all the time you can spend together right now, that's okay. You didn't mess up, but if you don't give her a little space, you will mess up. Good Luck!

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Thu 02/07/08 09:24 AM
What's up dude? drinker

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Wed 02/06/08 08:28 AM

Ok, so I went out tonight with a guy I met on this site, and everything seemed to be going fine, until we decided to sit and talk for awhile before he left. We were having a perfectly pleasant conversation when he looks at me and says "I like you, I think you are a very pretty girl, but if you are willing to go on a diet and exercise plan, and get down to about 130-135 lbs, Id be willing to keep talking to you, and date you than." Am I wrong for thinking this was TOTALLY out of line????

Please tell me you kicked him in the balls!! I don’t even no how to respond to this, except to say, what a classless dumba$$!!!

As bad as I believe that was, I cannot condone the kicking of a man in that area. VERY FEW exceptions are permitted such as in the case of a woman's safety. But if it were me, I think I would have to play the game a little. So in her example, I think my response would have been: "OK, I can work with that. But I'll need for you to grow at least 3 inches taller, star benchpressing at least XXX pounds, and commit to at least 100 sit ups a day." bigsmile

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Wed 02/06/08 07:25 AM
OK the dude is clearly an idiot. But I'd more get a laugh out of it than anything. I mean if he wasn't attracted to you for any reason, that's fine, and it should have been it. But to say that is just rude, weird, and well... it really says a lot about him. But I'd say just laugh it off, and hey, you'll have it to add as one of your funny internet dating stories. I'll tell you my funny first date one too.

I met this girl and I wasn't really attracted to her. But I figured we'd still go out and have fun. We were going to the amusement park. While we're in line at the park, she brought up that I was engaged before. She asked if I got the ring back. I thought that was weird. But I told her. She asked if it was white or yellow gold. I said "Huh?" She said she was curious and I figured I wasn't going out with her again, so I told her. She then asked the shape of the diamonds, again I told her. She asked if it was 3 stone or a solitaire. I told her (The entire time thinking it was weird but I just didn't care.) THEN SHE ASKED IT. "How big was it?" I looked at her and said "Are you seriously asking me this question?" She said "Yeah, well... I just want to know." I thought for a second and just didn't care. So I told her. The words she said are hilarious. "Oh, I would need at least a 2 carrot ring. MY friend works at Littman Jewelers and she let me try on a 2 carrot solitaire. I fell in love with it and I don't want anything smaller. I know it costs as much as some cars, but I don't care."

Just be glad you didn't date him, and look back and laugh at the idiot.

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Wed 01/30/08 12:20 PM

Dude....just cause a girl can't hold her liquor does not mean something is wrong with her. OMG....she puked on your shoe!noway Give me a f*cking break!

This is a prime example of people who just want someone who is perfect. Thing one is. I believe in a "perfect" for you, but that still means that she will have faults. Hell, I am quite sure you have yours to dude. Just stop being so picky about every little detail. Hell, I knew a guy who quit dating a girl cause he found out that she once had been in an orgy. So, she was in one. Didn't change that she treated him like royalty and even was upfront to him about it cause she was falling for him. But he just could not see passed it and he lost out on what I felt was the perfect girl for him. He is twice divorced and even regrets letting her go (she is happily married and never has been divorced.). Bottom one girl is perfect man.

OK yeah, I agree with you. Except if a girl pukes on your shoe, it wouldn't make for a very good first impression. If he's known her for a long time though, I agree he should be able to look past this.

Nobody's perfect. You just gotta look for someone who you find attractive, and who you have chemistry with. Perfect is boring anyway.

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