Community > Posts By > alrightguy2
Taking it slow
I found out today what "lets take it slow " means ,it meant she was more interested in some one else and wanted me to hold on just for back up. Sorry dude... that sucks!! Don't hang around and wait for her though. She'll never respect that. ![]() |
Definitely once. Maybe twice. I'm not sure
Rate my profile :-)
I like your profile. Looks good, you look cute. Showing off just enough to peak my curiosity, but not too much to look slutty. So turn about is fair play though. What do you think of mine?
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I'm still single because I am willing to wait for Mr Right instead of Mr Right Now. That's pretty much me too. Though, I'm looking for the right woman. I'm probably picky. I'm asking for a lot I guess. But I'm willing to give a lot as well. |
Will I ever get over this?
I agree that you can't mess with kids. I mean it's tough on them, and of course you don't want to hurt them. But kids are a lot tougher than a lot of people give them credit for. I was just like a dad to my ex's kid. But the last time I talked to her, she said he never even talks about me anymore.
I respect that the guy wants to do the right thing. I do to. Just because I'm presenting the other side of the argument doesn't mean I'm a jerk. It doesn't mean I'm heartless or don't care about the kid's feelings. What I'm saying is that meeting your girlfriend's/boyfriend's child, and forming a relationship with them does not mean that you will necessarily be in that child's life forever. Being single right now, I will have to take that into consideration before I let my next girlfriend meet my son too. For all you ladies, say the guy dumps you and starts dating another woman. You want him back and have that relationship with the guy's kid. You have to see him dating this girl and whatever... I was really great to my ex's son. And honestly... I do kind of miss him sometimes. I'll hear a song on the radio that he loved, and think of him, the same as I would about an ex girlfriend. But me calling there to talk with him is just a dumb idea. It's dumb for me, it's dumb for my ex, and in the end, it will be easier for her son to forget about me and move on, if I'm not constantly talking with him. Just my opinion. I respect others, but I think this might be a "you have to be in the situation", and "every situation is different." |
Will I ever get over this?
You have to do what's best for you. When I broke up with my ex fiance', my son was attached to her. It was MY responsibility to help my son feel better. And in that case, she's the one who broke up with me. She chose to leave you dude. While I feel bad for her child, the same as I felt bad for my son... She needs to be the one who helps him. Incidently, my ex fiance also had a son. I really missed the kid for a long time. I was that kid's father too. But he was okay without me. And her child will be okay without you as well.
Hi! New here
What's up bud. It's a good time. Relax and have a beer
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Depressed People...
I wish only the best for people with depression, bi polar, and whatever. I know it's not their fault. BUt I will say that my ex suffered from depression and it can be very difficult to deal with at times. The side effects of the medications can also be a challenge to deal with. In the end, it was just too much. I wish her all the best and hope she finds the happiness she deserves. I still believe that deep down, she's an amazing woman.
I've somewhat felt like that. I mean I was glad to have met her and done other things with her. But I was sad that she left.
Breaking The Ice
I want to go to hawaii!!
haha. Nice nurjoice. You look amazing. And I'm sure you'll find someone who's right for you.
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WOW!!! If one of my friends had a mom like you, I'd have always wanted to go to his house!! You really are hot!! If you were closer, I'd be tempted even dispite the age difference.
nurjoice, you just earned more points. I'm a leg man. :)
Let me buy ya a beer klugman
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Sorry klugman. That really sucks. I may not understand exactly what you're going through, but I've been engaged and dumped before too. It sucks!!
Now that I definitely agree with you on lilith. Though, if I'm gonna see a girl's legs, they should definitely be shaved. :) I take my dates as they come. I've had dates where I thought, ehh... she's okay. And it was the best date ever. I've had dates where I thought WOW, but it wasn't. Chemistry is tough to come by. I don't necessarily think that it's a men/women issue though. When I used to buy flowers for a first date, girl friends told me that was too forward. I came to understand and agree with them.
I've felt that initial wow once in my life. With my ex we talked on the phone for 4 hours the first time. It was amazing. THe first date was amazing. I think relationships that build from friendships, or have that initial chemistry are the best. Thoughtfulness early on in a relationship to me means asking how her day went if you know she had an important meeting at work, or being on time for your date. Until more is established, nothing more is required.
Dating is awful. I only meant to express how wonderful it was that he had that old fashioned, okay to be excited and romantic thing. The right attitude. Maybe the problem is not "doing what's expected" it's not getting complacent. I recently had a guy buy me roses on the first date. Now, we had met before briefly, but this was the first actual date. I was very touched and we had a great time. Now, there was no chemistry, but he did everything "right". Try not to read into it, I supose. Maybe he is just assertive. Maybe he is just crazy about you. Why is that so hard to believe? This is just my opinion, and I mean no disrespect to you. But I don't understand how you can say dating is awful. I mean, yeah, you're nervous, and most of the time it doesn't go like you would like. But I think it's all how you approach it. You're meeting someone, maybe you'll make a friend, maybe you'll find your true love, maybe you'll hate each other and end it early. I'm not saying it's always fun. But I treat my dates with respect. To me, flowers are a sign of affection. Before a first date, I can't do that. That's like you saying you think you'll sleep with someone on a first date. Exagerated a bit, but I hope you get the point. You can have great chemistry with someone on the phone or computer. But until you meet them, how do you know. Flowers before even meeting would seem pushy to me. It would be like if the girl knew I liked NASCAR and showed up with a shirt, or die cast car or something. It would be very sweet, but it would seem a bit strange to me. That being said, my ex and I had a first date at the hard rock cafe. I bought her a T shirt that night because I had a great time with her. The 3rd date, she got flowers, and 4th she got roses. |
Sometimes chemistry takes a while to build. But IMO that's rare. You usually either feel it for them or you don't. I've had great girls that I really wanted to date, and then after being friends with them, they were just like a sister or something. Chemistry isn't something that can be forced. Personally, I feel people are attracted to confidence and being secure in themselves. Maybe this guy wasn't. Maybe he was. I don't know. He may deserve a 2nd date. It's really up to you. But dating someone because they are sweet, romantic, and have money even though you don't feel anything doesn't make sense to me. it's too much like settling, and you look good enough that you shouldn't have to.
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I think I am sweet in a relationship. I'm trying to find a way to put this. I used to get my ex flowers regularly. But then it wasn't as big of a deal. It didn't show thought, I'm guessing it showed routine. Even though the thought was there, she was used to it, and she didn't perceive it as being sweet. Now maybe this was just her, I don't know. But I can understand how it would get like that. If I got a backrub every time I saw her, I would have expected it. And adding a footrub would have made it more special. But then if that happened all the time too, maybe something else would have made it special. We're creatures of habbit. And we get used to things. Just my opinion. I don't mean to insult anyone else's.