Community > Posts By > Zipper

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:06 PM

okay, who's my next victim!

AHAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh!)

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:57 PM

I noticed a new friend on friends list, only problem I dont know her, what happened, how did she get on? I dont mind, but I cant even talk to her??? can any one help??drinker
:heart: YOU had to accept her??? lol Maybe you were drinking that night,lol,lol,drinker bigsmile

Ya, that's probably correct.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:56 PM

i have one too i tried to email her she does not email back.omg what ever does it meanlaugh laugh laugh

Better not be talking about me John!

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:53 PM

In law school they teach us how to have an entire conversation using only one mind-numbingly long sentence. I'll spare everyone the pain.

Agree... the power of the semi-colon.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:49 PM
Ya, Lex noticed also. But, he used the wrong form of, "to"


Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:48 PM
Thank you.

I can relax now.


Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:46 PM
You have to loose you're inhibitions and just talk too people like their just normal woman. They're is know reason to think there out to get you. Were all human's after all.

Can't resist again.

You have to lose your inhibitions and just talk to people like they're just normal women. There is no reason to think they're out to get you. We're all human after all.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:43 PM

Seems like were all looking for the same thing hear. I need some body who will complement me vocally and compliment me as a pare. If your up to the challenge, bring you're 'A' game. Their has got to be some one for me out they're. Am I write?

broke down under the pressure.

Seems like we're all looking for the same thing here. I need somebody who will compliment me vocally and compliment me as a pair. If you're up to the challenge, bring your, "A" game. There has got to be someone for me out there. Am I right?

Feel better.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:40 PM
Edited by Zipper on Wed 01/16/08 06:40 PM
Desperately resisting not editing your post...

... must edit...

can't resist the temptation...

breaking down under the pressure.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:37 PM
Good luck gangsta.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:35 PM
Too much thought moment.

Make sure it's decaffeinated tea.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:33 PM

just kick back, get some tea, watch some cartoons, and if that doesn't work, crack open some tequila

Skip most of that and go straight for the tequila.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:32 PM
Been a rough day... okay, month... for others as well.

I'm ready for a vacation.

maybe someplace where I can't be reached from work. Antarctica?

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:31 PM
I love the part about driving to abandoned homes and rummaging! God, that would be such a blast! Your own little treasure hunt!

Very good profile by the way.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:26 PM
You may want to get that published. I already copied and pasted it for my future reference.

Zipper's photo
Wed 01/16/08 06:23 PM
Been through it. That was painfully beautiful.

I still wish on a star. I still hope. I still know it would have been a mistake.

Zipper's photo
Sun 01/13/08 11:20 AM
I had to copy and paste that tech support advice! Have to forward it to friends!

That was great! laugh laugh

Zipper's photo
Sun 01/13/08 08:59 AM
I hope the guy from yesterday who wanted a opinion on his profile reads this!

Extremely true!!!!!!

Zipper's photo
Sat 01/12/08 10:35 PM
I dated a guy once who kept telling me, "You're fired!" Supposedly he said this in a joking manner. We no longer date. It is rude to put someone down.

Zipper's photo
Sat 01/12/08 10:21 PM
If your purpose is to say, "Here look at my body, look how good looking I am" Okay, nice shape. That is exactly the reason me and many other females would blow you off in a heart beat. Your profile gives the impression all you care about is looks in yourself and others. It looks like all you want is a f---. You don't talk about the things that are really important when looking for a mate in life. Remember, we all eventually lose our looks. I use to be a model - I've learned the hard way looks disappear with age.