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Just ask JustAGuy - part 7
Can you believe it's not butter? I've tried but I just can't it's effin butter I tell ya.
Pinocchio is my Brother!!
Jimminy Cricket is my bich (I dropped the T cause bich is latin for generosity)....Mr. Makey was my guidance counselor. Aww shucks you just made my day |
My new favorite topic!
Slow Computers
This poor women is probably sitting in front of her dismantled laptop crying by now. We've told her to download no fewer than 18 separate programs and run all of them at once (most probably have components that run in the background)...and she has to do this with her computer slowing to a crawl...nice.
best apple pie recipe
Edited by
Fri 06/05/09 11:18 PM
I'm making another today the brown bag I didn't feel comfy using oven started getting smokey so had to ditch the bag this time I'm using what they call red baking apples Don't lie, we've all seen American Pie and know exactly what happened to that first one. HAH I can even make the recipe and cooking section parents would be so proud. |
Rate my profile
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Fri 06/05/09 10:51 PM
Ouch dude, I know the feeling too well. Anyways, you have like 1 sentence for your profile, so probably filling that out with some info would be good. Try to interject your personality into it, if you read it and it sounds like a resume...try again. Me, I'm sarcastic so my profile is pretty sarcastic.
Pinocchio is my Brother!!
Jimminy Cricket is my bich (I dropped the T cause bich is latin for generosity)....Mr. Makey was my guidance counselor.
How to get rid of a guy
If you don't want to do it verbally, might I suggest interpretive dance?
Please rate me
Edited by
Fri 06/05/09 10:53 PM
I'm desperate for attention and I want a longer who's viewed me list
I'm being facetious. But feel free to comment anyways, I wrote it awhile back but I'm thinking about writing a whole new one...just need to find some time to actually come up with a new one. |
How to get rid of a guy
hey I know...when you're together just sit on your butt, drink beer, and watch sports... after awhile he'll have to break up with you or go insane or you can just talk at him incessantly, act all mad at him and when he asks you what's wrong tell him "if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you", then make him go buy your tampons. |
Slow Computers
Before you do too much, bring up the task manager cntrl+alt+del, click on the cpu heading twice (first time orders the list by CPU usage from least used to most, the second time will reverse the order). See if you have anything running in the background that is using up a lot of memory.
Spyware and adware can really slow down a system. Spybot search and destroy is good, I also use malwarebytes and I use cccleaner to clean out stuff like temp files and registry issues. For defrag, the one that comes with windows is slow and crappy. I've been trying diskkeeper and it's waaaay better. It's so much faster, it can also be set to active where it will continually defragment the drive even while you're using the drive so you can use the computer while it defrags. |
death to the weird
well if my history serves me correctly.. and ur right i wasnt around during the sixties but everything ive ever read about it from ppl who were there such as carolyn adams wife of greateful dead's lead singer.. i'd much rather be there than in the here and now. also if i remember right the dead and the beatles were pretty much around the same time and both great bands. the beatles did the same as ken kesey and the merry pranxter's did in the states.. drive around and hand acid to anyone who would eat it and have a good time Wow, the wife of a prominent, famous, wealthy singer enjoyed the 60's....hard to imagine. Like I and others have pointed out, ask older black people about the 60's, they won't be talking about love, peace, and weed. BTW the draft was still in effect then, I see you're a male. If you didn't have some kind of deferment you would've been drafted and sent to Vietnam. Sounds delightful. |
I Walk The Line
I figured out in my early 30's that always doing the right thing, working hard or aspiring to the American Dream didn't guarantee squat. And I try to keep positive, but it is so hard when you see others cheat, be lazy, get away with abuse in the courts, etc. What is self-respect worth? Doing the right thing because you're going to get a reward out of it, doesn't really strike me as the "right" thing. That's the real test of honor, doing the right thing even when (and it usually is)the hardest thing. |
What does a teacher make??
Well what is the reason teachers are so underpaid? Getting a BA or Masters degrees in education and starting wages are around 25-30K? You spend more than that on schooling. Its governments fault, entitlement programs and saving SS are more important than the children. A little selective in budget cuts are we? We also have a massive defense budget we could pull money from. Stupid welfare, Timmy doesn't need to eat as long as he has long division and homework. I got a BA in biological sciences and started working as a research tech about 8-9 yrs ago. My starting salary was 25K and I didn't get summers off. The average teacher in PA makes around 50K, low/start range is around 28K and upper range is 70K. 50K isn't bad when you get about 3 months off. One of the big issues is unions, most unions are against merit pay they want everyone on the same level regardless of actual ability. So great teachers end up getting the shaft. Teaching salaries are generally done by seniority not ability. I know the popular notion and the PC one is that teachers are underpaid but really the good ones are underpaid and the poor ones are overpaid, thanks to the unions. The vast majority of reports and studies I've read that actually compare teacher salary perhour with other jobs say teachers really aren't that underpaid. As with nurses who only recently started getting good pay, the market should fix the issue. If salaries were that poor, nobody would want to teach, with a shortage of teaching jobs the pay would increase to entice people into the profession. |
Please Rate me, I'm new!
Please rate my pic and profile, thanks x Pic is nice, the profile doesn't say too much. You listed your job and education, might as well just send your resume and 3 references. You did say you liked shopping, drinking, animals and surprises. So while you were shopping, I got a liger drunk and pissed off and left him in your've just been mauled by a 1000 pound predator....SURPRISE! |
The pic is real, that guy really did look like that at some point in his life, then he got an infection from reusing needles and had to have surgery.
About the roids, I don't think it shrinks the ****, it causes testicular atrophy. The body is getting so much testosterone that the testes stop producing it leading to atrophy. That's why Manny was taking human chorionic gonadatropin. Laughable that he'd say his doctor prescribed it for a condition....what the hell Manny, you having trouble with your period or are you having trouble with your ovaries? Anywho, it jump starts the testes to produce testosterone again after a cycle of roids. As for the OP, all those categories are subject to interpretation, not just the athletic one. How many of you guys have seen someone described as A few extra pounds and when you see the picture you wonder why did William "the fridge" Perry have a baby with Jabba the Hut? And I would agree with the circus muscle comment. If those big muscles were such an advantage why don't Navy Seals, Green Berets, Marines etc look like that. Why don't boxers and MMA fighters look like that? The muscles do not have a balanced proportion, a balanced proportion would not look like that. Body builders try to make their muscles stand out they work them in isolation so people can see the separation, they have tiny waists compared to their shoulders and core strength is the most important thing when talking about athletic or usable strength. If you look at the ancient greek ideal male build as seen through statues of their Gods you'd notice a much smaller waist to chest ratio. Also power lifters don't look like that either. The only guys who have that build are body builders and they shave their bodies, oil themselves up, and strike poses....seems like they want to be a female stripper. |
Zune -vs- I Pod
I have a sansaview only 8GB (10 with a 2gig SD card). Sure it's not as much space or as snazzy with the interface but it was like 60 bucks from tigerdirect. (refurb) If I were to get another, I'd probably look at the ipod touch just for the screen size and wi-fi.
I don't think of Tetris as one of the all time great games but i sure did waste tons of time on it.
BTW the first N64 Zelda game is Ocarina of time AKA (ZOoT). Majora's mask didn't sell as well but great game too (I might buy the GC anniversary pack just to get Majoras mask). |
death to the weird
Todays problems actually started in the 60's. With the "if it feels good, do it" and "tune in, turn on and drop out" attitude and it hasn't stopped. The 50's were way better. Yes McCarthyism what a bastion of free thought. Must've been a nice time when you could get your neighbor's house wiretapped by accusing him of being a communist. Again, I'm sure minorities aren't exactly thrilled with the 50's either. |
death to the weird
The sixties were nicer and more friendly? Really? Ask a black person about it, Civil Rights Act was signed in 1964 prior to that segregation was legal. In the 60's they were still being hosed down and chased by dogs.