Community > Posts By > geektothetenth
Y'all can deny biology all you want with the oft-repeated, "men/women should look at personality not looks," but the fact remains, we have been programmed to search out mates that have the greatest chance of surviving and passing on genes. For men that means a woman that is not too fat and not too thin, has good-sized (also not too big or small) breasts, a small waist and hips big enough to allow for child-birth. I'm not saying this natural inclination is a good thing and/or can't be overcome. Rather, it's just how it is. She speaks truth. Men select women for a high replication value and women select men for a high survival value. That's what you get when you ask "why?" which is meaningless without asking a "how?" I wouldn't call it biological imparitive though. Throughout time and between cultures people have different ideas of beauty. You can see how the image of beauty has changed by looking at art and the models used for art. A lot of women who are considered hot now would have been too thin back in older times. I cited other examples somewhere else in this post. Chinese people consider light skin and tiny feet to be attractive traits. These are both disadvantageous in that low melanin increases sun burn and tiny feet make you easier to push over lol. It's part biology, but society and class systems play a large role as well. |
Why do I get the feeling that all the women saying what a great idea those 10 things are have plenty of male friends who'd do those things and yet don't date them?
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Thu 12/06/07 09:14 PM
wow some people are bitter. You're born with what you got, make the best of it, deal with it and be secure in yourself. Hey I'd love to be 6ft tall ain't gonna happen so there's no use in me crying over women who want to only date tall men. I smoke, some women don't want to date a smoker, that's fine, they are entitled to their preferences. I'll admit it, I have no qualms about it, I like attractive independent women with intelligence, sense of humor, wit, who's loving, and caring.
What kind of message would it send to the women I'm conversing with if I just said, oh looks don't matter to me? Looks are just part of the equation. Pretty girls with empty heads aren't my cup of tea either. So am I discriminating against the girls who aren't smart? Why don't people make an issue about that too. |
Is it possible?
Is it possible to know you found the one just by reading their profile? I met this girl today and we have so much in common it is insane. We both love movies and music. We both want to go to school for the same thing. Is it possible to fall for someone just by reading their profile? My fiance predicted we would fall in love and get married the very first day we met (met on a different site). I told him he was crazy. Much time after the fact... here we are... but he knew from day one... took me a bit longer to realize it, though. Ohh I'm gonna say that to every single girl now, cause that way when I do fall in love and get married I'll seem like I have supernatural powers. But back to the OP, no. Wow you both want to go to school for the same thing and love music and movies huh? I can't think of anyone that likes both music and movies. |
Can't believe nobody has mentioned this one:
I love a Chili burger, a hearty portion of chili, some melted cheddar over top, maybe some chopped onions. |
I'll add another I guess
11. I will give her a kiss to revive her if she happens to eat a poisoned apple given to her by a magic weilding hag. I'm being a tad facetious but what I'm getting at is people need to stop watching romance flicks cause there's a reason why they're flicks and not documentaries. They are fantasy and not reality. Women always say that one of the things they look for most is confidence you can't be confident if you're always putting people above you. Relationships are on equal levels not one person on a pedastal and one person kissing her feet all day. Of course you should do spontaneous nice things for a girl you like and be there for her but don't grovel and beg. I've done the "nice guy" act, I used to put girls on pedastals, do everything I could for them, I made a lot of female friends that way. |
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Wed 12/05/07 02:47 PM
Curios is on the right track. It is absolutely true that the physical attractiveness is purely based on our evolution. And to throw this in there, the laws of nature come in to play "the survival of the fittest". Men are genetically wired(i guess you could say..) to be more appealed to a woman in great shape than a woman who's, say, overweight and not in shape. It's about what kind of genes we want to pass on to the children we have, the next generation. As well, the female is also in better condition to take care of her young. Another thing to note though, is that in our time today there's a large crowd of men who don't desire a certain level of physical attractiveness and base their decisions on the level of intelligence a woman has. These types of men look to mate and have children who are more intelligent and sometimes have a higher mental capacity. But that's not to say that someone who is very attractive physically isn't smart, but sometimes it's either one or the other. As for me.. a sexy lady with a smart noggin wins me over any day :-P you're very right on that. It's also a cultural thing, but there's not many cultures that roll that way. The majority usually goes the way i explained. remember ladies.. who'd you rather want... Some big ol' fat guy with a big ol' belly or do you want Heath Ledger(just an example)? I don't know about that. Different cultures have widely different ideology of what's attractive and what is ideal. They also prioritize differently. In china for example, white skin if considered attractive dark skin isn't. It's a class thing, dark skin meant that you worked in fields and were of lower class than nobility who spend time indoors and would stay pale. As weird as it might seem, feet are important to asian, girls should have little feet, they go so far as to bind them tightly as little girls so they don't grow. In africa large women were especially attractive because nobility could afford to eat. So largness shows status. There's also tribes that value neck length or other featurs. I'm not sure about other cultures but to make a blanket statement as if you understand all other cultures is a bit sophmoric. It's as much class status as evolution because if it were solely evolutionary men wouldn't dig thin chicks with flat toned abs. Toned abs and low body fat would be an evolutionary disadvantage, reduced energy stores. The idea of what constitutes beauty changes on a time scale much more miniscule than what it would take if it were only decided by evolution. Though evolution does play a role as well. |
dating a potsmoker?
If I smoked pot 3 times a day.. I'd leave me. Lethargy being the least of the symptoms. You'd find me hiding in the cupboard under my bathroom sink more often then not. All the studies regarding carcinoma's and addiction can be disputed all day long. It's all theory anyway. Using personal experience to say conclusively, that it is not a carcinogen or not addictive is a bit short sighted, however. It leaves out, that some people are predisposed to addictive behavior while others are not. Conversely...I'm a recovering alcoholic. Just because I've had issues with it, does not mean I will not be friends with people who do not. There is substantiated proof that Cannabis has much medicinal value... That does not make a very sound argument either. Opium, Cocaine, even Clostridium botulinum ~ or botulism ~ a deadly Neurotoxin has medicinal properties. All, when misused or abused can kill. Yes.. of course people can die under the influence of Cannibus. It is pretty much common knowledge that operating heavy machinery or driving a car and pot is not a good mix. The road test for alcohol is the same one for Cannibus for a reason. Reaction time and judgement are impaired. There is also a link to mental illness as well. It is suggested in many studies that it can both precipitate and exacerbate latent or existing disorders such as schizophrenia.. an illness of which suicide rates tend to be rather high. In so far as the original posters question. All this statistical information really is insignificant. If it makes you uncomfortable in the relationship...there is probably good reason. Whether the pot smoking, the personality, or a combination of the two are to blame is not really at issue. The fact that you are uncomfortable is the issue. Everything else seems secondary. I agree with a lot of what this guy says. But when people talk about pot not killing someone, they mean through drug overdose. Falling asleep at the wheel, or putting on make up or eating a chicken sandwhich while driving can cause you to wreck and die so you're not going to date anyone who's had a vehicular accident? The last part I agree with most. It's about you and what you're comfortable with. It's not really about pot, it's about the guy. I don't like the assertion that pot makes you a lazy loser, I just think a lot of lazy people smoke pot. You can moderate usage, and responsible people who enjoy it usually aren't the type to go to class or work stoned. For years I smoked daily, but I treated it like I'd treat a glass of wine at the end of the day. |
IS IT WRONG TO CHAT WITH A FEW DIFFERENT LADIES i AM INTERESTED ON LINE OR SHOULD i FOCUS ON ONE AT A TIME? i AM A ONE-LADY MAN AND i AM NOT SURE IF i AM DOING THE RIGHT THING CHATTING WITH DIFFERENT LADIES AND DO NOT WANT TO HURT ANYONE DANIEL Umm besides some witty and sarcastic comment I was going to make about capslock, I'd say yes you should talk to several people at a time. I'm guessing the ladies do the same I am not so conceited to think that the women I talk to with 20 people in their friends list are not talking to other men. You don't know if you're gonna click till it happens so why limit yourself, it's not like you're dating multiple women and keeping it a secret from them, it's just talking. |
dating a potsmoker?
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Tue 12/04/07 08:57 PM
just for the record...i never inhale...dont want to mess up my chances of being the next president..also i never had relations with that woman..i dont know how my spunk got on her dress.... oh,can i be the Vice President?.i'll keep all that stuff a secret.... only if you shoot your friend in the face with bird shot sometimes truth is soooo hilarious without embellishment |
Umm no no no SDM (i don't know jack, chief actually has helped me find resources for what I'm looking for), I've just started to read some of this stuff. I have no interest in building attraction, I read the stuff that pertains to "inner game" or boosting self esteem. And I do practice that stuff, how to walk more confidently, how to talk more confidently, most important how to think in a confident way.
I dialoge with myself all the time telling myself I DESERVE things in life because I WORK hard, I'm a NICE person, if a girl doesn't dig me, well whatever she's losing her chance to converse with someone smart, funny, and who also wouldn't cheat or play head games. I don't like a lot of the PUA talk, the terms, the braggadocio but whatever to each their own. I wouldn't "practice" by just trying to get girls to give me their numbers or give me a kiss. I'd "practice" by just trying to talk to other girls and try to be friends with them without being a syncophantic wuss. I have a certain sense of ethics, honor, respect. I feel the world doesn't talk about these things as much as they used to. I have a mother and a sister and if I wouldn't want a guy doing a certain thing to them, I wouldn't do it to another woman. You can learn and practice how to be socially aware without being a jerk...or so I believe. Being able to interact comfortably, being able to take advantage but not doing so is honorable and truly NICE. A lot of nice guys are really asses who'd play girls if they knew how, they just don't get it so their nice-ness stems from lack of options. What would a woman want? Someone who has no other options so settles for her, or someone who has choices but has chosen her because she is the one he truly has come to love. This is just my own personal view on the whole thing. A little old time good values, with a new school twist lol. |
dating a potsmoker?
Geek,keep away from my pop tarts! Ewww, don't you have toaster strudels. or capn crunch |
dating a potsmoker?
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Tue 12/04/07 08:33 PM
I've smoked pot, quite a bit of it in fact. The stereotypes are what they are. They exist cause you see someone who looks like a pot smoker who acts like an idiot and you're like...yeah that's a pot smoker.
There are plenty of intelligent motivated people who smoke pot but still handle their S***. I can see both sides of the issue, I've been clean for a quite awhile now about 6 monthes or so. I smoked in highschool graduated 3rd in my class and took chemistry and calculus 2 at the local college, I was on the soccer team, tennis team, and practiced and taught martial arts. I smoked daily my last 2 years in college. I only smoked after classes were over and I had finished studying. My grades were good enough to TA orgo chem, biology and I took grad level bio classes. It's about a persons control and motivation. The ones that work hard and do the things they're supposed don't know that they smoke pot because you have a preconceived notion of what a pot smoker is. If pot made you dumb I wouldn't be able to function after years of using it on a regular basis. That said, I'm fine with not smoking it too. Whatever you do just handle your s***. Oh yeah, cannabinoids in pot has been shown to reduce the size of tumors in people with glioblastoma, considered to be one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer. Also been shown to shrink lung cancer by up to 50% from a study done by Harvard's department for experimental medicine. It acts to inhibit angiogenesis. Science daily is kind of watered down abstracts and news type info, but I've looked at some of the actual published papers and it's not some hippy science published in crack pot journals. |
Anyone from Philadelphia?
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Tue 12/04/07 07:46 PM
Oh you thought this was one of those
"uhhh, derrr, hey yo, hot sexy philadelphia ladies hit me up huh huh huh" Rest assured that's just not my style. I just wanted to take the time to tell you all about this wonderful, amazing, city that I live in. The cuisine must be great, it's made the list at number 2 for america's fattest city. Woohooo, time to celebrate with slabs of beef, covered in cheese, smothered in cheese whiz (the name of which not so coincidentally sounds like a block of cheddar took a piss on your sandwhich). Philly recently was named Ugliest City in Leisure magazine. Now they're not talking about the wonderful bouquet that smells like a garbage can had a love affair with a urinal. They mean that the people of philly have mugs not even your blind mother could love. Well, I plan on leaving so that should bump us up a few notches. Our city mascot is now the manatee (also known as the butt of the sea) Philadelphia has one of the highest crime rates among large city. Only Detroit people bust more caps in more asses than the citizens of the city of brotherly love. Incidently those numbers are largely filled by one brother shooting another brother. Philly is the worst sports city EVER. We got the Eagles, Sixers, Phillies and Flyers. and zero winners. We say we're tough, resilient, we don't give up. Actually we just get the image of our city persona from a movie that came out in the 70's about a retarded boxer. So there you have it, a tourist brochure of Philly written by one of it's own. We're fat, we're ugly, we kill each other at alarming rates, we don't win, and we like watching the mentally handicapped engage in the pugilistic arts. Come here, it'll make you feel better about yourself and your life. |
Wow, that was sorta quick...
"Wow that was sorta quick"
I cringe from the topic, reminds me of bad times Great to hear. Hope you both have a good time with one another. I haven't messaged that many people, I have met some interesting folk here though, but same complaints....Distance. But I like chatting with these people and who knows where we'll end up in the future I have no intention of staying in philly my whole life. I'll post about that later though. I try to put up some funny topics and if people enjoy them I sometimes try messaging them. I'm also putting up links to those topics in my profile so hopefully someone who's interested will take a look and see if they like my sense of humor. |
whats love
Love is butterflys in your stomach when you think about them, your heart leaps when you know their calling, you laugh at them when their doing something dumb, something you can say without saying anything, makes your nervous when they are around you, a jolt that goes through your body when they touch you, makes you think about them 24/7, something that will make you go to the ends of the earth to find them, something that makes you give up everything for them, and it makes you light headed when they say something sweet or romantic. Love is not sex. I AGREE. that's infatuation, it's puppy love and it's short lived and a poor comparison for the real deal (or at least I hope so, never really found the one i LOVE) |
*I will always call her every night and tell how much i love her *I will always buy her flowers on any given day *I will always take her out to eat *I will always share my feelings with her even if we get in a fight *I will always spend my every minute with her *I would want to have a baby with her(sorry) *I will always Respect her Space *I will never hide anything behind her back *I will always Be honest with her *I will never Hit her HiYA SDM, I just felt my ears burning and I now see why Okay, I will never Hit her should just be a given and not listed as one of the things that will win a girl over. If you spend every single minute with her, she'll just be creeped out. Women are not your little girls, you don't have to do EVERYTHING for her, women are capable and they like to feel like they can handle their S***. You can't spend every minute with her and still respect her space. And learn how to cook fer cripes sake, she'll love it, you'll have learned a life skill that makes you self sufficient and you'll save money and show you're fiscally responsible. Men don't NEED women, women don't NEED men. We enjoy one another's company, we enrich each others lives not sustain it. |
key to a sucessful Marriage?2 words....Duct Tape one word: Prenup |
Anyone sexy ladies want some
And the answer is a resounding NO lol.
This topic has been now nominated for the JSH wittiest title ever in the sarcasm category. |
Love it, I'd buy one. I'd make fun of dumb people more but it's not much fun trying to explain it to them.