Community > Posts By > dylux35

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 02:35 PM
Also, Txs Gal, does Pogo have Friend's Lists, Lobbies you can chat in
and different variations of spades that I could play?

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 02:32 PM
So TxsGal, can I join Pogo for free? That sounds like the ticket!

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 02:05 PM
I used to play card and board games at the MSN Game Zone. Now, MSN has
recently revamped Zone so that it is the epitome of a wasted website.

So I have 2 questions:

1) Has anyone on here that used to play on find that the "new"
zone totally sucks?

2) Anyone know where else I can go to play card games like Spades,
Hearts, Euchre and Cribbage and board games like Backgammon and Chess?
Please don't tell me Yahoo, because I don't like it there either.

Thanks a million guys/gals!

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:45 PM
Go Cards!

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:31 PM
I am originally from Canada and now live in the States. So I know both
Health Care systems.

There a few things I miss about Canada. The Health Care is definitely
one of them.

I have had doctors who practice near the border tell me that Americans
would much rather pay THEM to have their children in Canada rather than
to pay the outrageous prices to have them in the States.

What does that tell you?

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:24 PM

I heard that joke before but the answer to "the difference between Lust
and Love" was "Spitting and Swallowing". lol

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:21 PM

Open your mail and click on the "Delete" underneath your already opened

Trust me, no one knows how to delete "The Fictional Russian Woman" mail
faster than I - lol

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:16 PM

Nope, no 'fictional' Russians for me! Hehehehehe!

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:12 PM

The funniest past of that joke was missy9's comment.

Tell him what you really think, missy....Good Grief, don't sugarcoat it!

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 01:08 PM

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 12:59 PM
1) No
2) Yes - but not Russia! LMAOOOOOOO
3) No
4) Probably

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 10:21 AM
Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of The Moon".

dylux35's photo
Mon 10/23/06 10:17 AM
Scorpio. Ugh.

dylux35's photo
Fri 10/20/06 10:08 AM

dylux35's photo
Thu 10/19/06 02:07 PM
Although this has never happened to me (I swear!!), but one of my best
friends claim the worst way EVER to get dumped is to get dumped
immediately after having sex.

That HAS to be the epitome of "pathetic".

dylux35's photo
Thu 10/19/06 01:57 PM
"How To Post a Photo 101" by Usadad.

dylux35's photo
Thu 10/19/06 01:35 PM
Two words: Dump her.

She's using you, dude.

dylux35's photo
Thu 10/19/06 01:24 PM
Where are the cameras? Is this the "Dating Game"? lol

How did you get in that mess anyway?

dylux35's photo
Thu 10/19/06 12:58 PM
I think you are speaking on behalf of the entire site and couldn't have
said it any better...

And, yes, time DOES heals all wounds. Good luck! :-)

dylux35's photo
Thu 10/19/06 12:53 PM
Similiar things like that happens to me CONSTANTLY. I frequently go out
to eat - about 12 times a week. And, yes, I can hear my arteries
hardening from cholesterol.

I have more bad experiences than positive ones, and I am not the type
who "complains about every little thing" - you know the type I am
talking about, too! We are talking MAJOR things. Things that would make
the U.S. Dept. of Health scream for mercy!

My list is wayyyyyy too long to even consider mentioning....Sad, huh?

Now I am hungry for grilled cheese, thanks a lot! lol