Sometimes afraid of the dark. I have a night light. My cat helped me over come my fear of the dark. He would sleep with me at night and as long as he didn't see any thing, I knew I was safe. Once I would fall asleep he would leave and roam the house, but he would come back and check on me. One time I was crying in my room after a break up, he came up and pushed his head on my face, I started petting him and he put his paw on my face, then slapped me, then walked away. That was the best advice I ever got. lol |
Therapy does it really work?
Have you gone to a therapist.. Or a psychologist..and was it helpful . What should one expect when they first go..? If you want it to work it will. I've been in therapy my whole life off and on. It has worked for me when I wanted it to. Some times you need medication to help you through things, sometimes you just need someone to listen to some of your crazy thoughts and ideas. Some times they have access to resources that will help you as well. |
Serious relationship but;
Need. Physical relationship very soon.How do I explain that without sounding like a. nasty woman. It's not nasty to have human needs and urges. What would be nasty is to mislead or be untruthful with others. As long as your partner is on board with you seeking out others, and you are upfront and honest with others. Now, it may not be an easy thing to find, not too many people are really open to such things, but it is possible to find. |
Where she at
10:00 in which time zone? Doesn't matter, they leave a key under the mat. |
When we meet !! except requesting my past history Ok, what's with the shovel, and why do you insist on a walk through the woods? |
This is my story which happened just over a year ago with my Landrover Freelander. I took the car in December 2017 to a franchise and they replaced the brake discs and tightened the handbrake cable. I was happy with the work and the cost. Moving forward to March 2018, the car developed a squeal when moving off after being stationary so had my friend (who used to be a mechanic) look it over for me. He said my car needed new brake pads so I took the car back to the franchise. The mechanic called me to say that my car needed new brake discs!! I told him that his garage just replaced them 3 months prior and I hadn't even done 1,000 miles so I told him to put the car back together as I wasn't wanting him to repair it. 15 mins later the mechanic called back and said that it needed new brake pads and that I misheard him because he didn't say brake discs. I told him I knew what he told me and he did say brake discs the first time. I then explained that I used to work in a garage and knew the difference between discs and pads and then he apologised and told me he would replace the discs for free and would only charge me for the parts. I think garages think they can rip off females because we know nothing about cars and take their word about what needs to be done. Anyway, 2 months later I traded the Freelander in for a new car. IDK, people are dishonest because they lack proper knowledge of product, service, customer, or industry, or all, or a mixture of fore mentioned. I don't think the targets gender plays a role in the overall "con". At least that's been my experience when in sales with bad sales reps. Gender doesn't matter if they can make it sound good for a sale, they'll say it. |
sugar daddy wanted
;) Your profile has nothing about you in it. You show no teeth, so i can't tell, if you have nice teeth, or meth mouth. Also, before i allow myself to be associated with anyone, publicly, or privately, i'll need to see proof, that there's no felonious history, no mental illnesses, and no history of illegal drug use/possession. Plus, a copy of your MVR, covering the past 10 years, to present day. And, then, there's the STD testing, and testing for ANY other transmittable disease. I require a clean bill of health. And, then, there's the audition. Damn, that's an awful lot of work for a piece of candy. |
.. for the life of me every time I've taken a vehicle in to be serviced I always leave feeling slightly screwed over.... it's always the same old story... you take your car in and you think it's a quick fix... for an example...I say to the serves guy. .my alternator is burnt out pretty sure of it.. He say yup sounds like it... leave it with us will call with a shouldn't be too expensive...2hrs later he calls and says all friendly like (hi .it turns out it was your alternator but also.....(ok.. now there it is. The also). Here it comes the bumbing up the bill need this as well done to fix it.....always the same old song and dance...any one else feel like your always being racked over the coals? Well, There's a difference between getting your car to run, and actually having it running properly. Also, not all shops are professional experts with ethics. Now, assuming you take your car to an ethical expert, it's still gonna cost you more than you may expect or they may quote you higher and find other issues as well. An ethical expert will educate you and let you know what you can get away with to save some money now and what issues are critical and need immediate attention. Pretty much the same with anything else in life. |
sugar daddy wanted
Do you have a hard time arguing... your point with a loved one without really upsetting them.. . And then do you sometimes look at them and think I can't understand why I'm with is it feel that.. or sometimes you realize you're arguing about nothing at all.. arguing about how to communicate with each other.. effectively it all just one big learning process.. figuring each other out... You're going to have arguments and get upset every now and then, it's part of growing together. Having the same argument over and having arguments that don't lead to progression are not good though. If you're wondering why you're with them while "in the heat of the moment" and it's just a fleeting thought, I wouldn't give it much weight, but if it's something that you continue to feel, then there may be something to it. Some people like to fight and argue. Some people like to make up after a fight, and will pick fights just to make up. |
Abusive Relationships
I think our culture has made rude or undesirable or mean be symbolic to 'abusive'. And semantically, on one level, it can be synonymous. But I believe the nearly demonic criminal implication attached to the word 'abuse', causes it to lose its meaning, for me, much like the word 'love', which is also thrown around carelessly and for ill intent, IMHO. I believe people do love others. And I believe people do abuse with all ill intent and sometimes criminal, but not nearly, in my opinion, as often as they and others perceive them to. It feels like, IMHO, two contrasting concepts are converging to destroy us at once. The first, victimhood, which takes away the idea that we have power and choice. The second, the idea of all these 'conditions' that pop up with psychology, which takes away the idea that we have accountability. I dont think it will end well if we dont get back to some balance between being victims or being 'sick'. just MHO. Again, not a statement that I do not believe love, abuse, and sickness are real things. Just that they have become sorely overused excuses that make the real things harder to recognize. Right, and I feel there is a difference between someone behaving badly, mistreating others, etc. and abuse. Some times the lines between them can get blurred and it can be confusing to distinguish between them. I never had an issue before telling the difference, but some things, looking back on them and going on currently kinda have me wondering, but maybe that's just part of the process, IDK any more, but I do know when it's confusing, it's best not to focus too much on it, and just move forward. |
Abusive Relationships
That "victim" word sure seems to be used so freely by people who can't relate to a particular person's life expereinces.. Like someone else said/ hinted don't know what goes on behind the scene or what trauma or bad things a person went through ~unless you were don't judge.. Back decades ago...people didn't think abuse was real unless it left marks/ broken bones/ ER visits.. Nowadys, (most) people are aware of the mpore insidious stuff that never shows physical marks, but often hurts worse..because it f***s up your whole psyche/ self image... The mental, verbal, and emotional abuse.. My mom was one of those...and no one believed me until they talked to my aunt/ her sister..or heard her on the phone (I handed the phone to the guy I was with before my late husband when she was in the middle of one of her tirades once...he said "yep, she's crazy..") And, because *I* chose not to continue to be around her abuse/ cut off talking to her....*I* was the bad person...because the face she showed everyone else was completely different than what she was at home.. Most people would think I was making stuff up...that *I* was the crazy one (which is why to this day i have a sensitivity about this) I learned to stop talking about it/ asking for help.... I just stayedc away from her once I was able.. (when you are a kid...there's not much you can do) So..quit being judgey about and tossing out that "victim" card when YOU DON'T KNOW what actually went on in that person's life.. Instead, be thankful YOU didn't have to go through that/ experience it. I'm not saying I'm a victim or anything. I'm not even saying there was abuse. I'm really just sorting things out is all. I was really just pondering ideas. At this point it doesn't matter what is or was, figuring about every little detail, or trying to, is not productive and only serves to keep you hanging to the past and stuck. Somethings are better left broken, so to speak. |
Abusive Relationships
Could abuse be something that is subjective to each individuals boundaries and strengths and weaknesses? Kind of like the idea of 'cheating'? In an open relationship, the parties are not being cheated on as there is no deception, or at least they would not say they were cheating or being cheated on. But in a relationship where monogamy is a clearly set boundary, such an action is definitely cheating. I feel abuse is the same. I know it has become a cultural trend for people to be victims, but does a victim need to feel victimized, or is victimhood some objective definitive term that EVERYONE gets to determine for everyone else? My belief is that it is subjective to one's own boundaries. And if one is not feeling victimized during an incident, they probably shouldnt expect the other party to feel like or know they are victimizing them. Manipulation, on the other hand, by definition, is not something someone might recognize until after the fact. But I still feel things like cheating and abuse are totally subjective in every relationship, and I also firmly believe it should be well communicated what those boundaries and feelings are before a party should be labeled victimizer. That's pretty much what I was wondering. |
garbage Magnet
Maybe you need to look in yourself and examine some things, behaviors, perceptions, etc. Not saying anything here, except that we all need to examine ourselves and make sure we're thinking and behaving healthy. When we notice a pattern of things not going right, what is it we are doing to create such a pattern in our life?
I have read all of what some have said the best free stuff is ... to download ... but if I down load ... will I loose all my automatic security codes that gets me in my sites ... More important than choosing what malware software to use is keeping your software up to date, especially your OS. The free security that comes with your PC should be sufficient enough for your needs, in general. Make sure auto update is enabled in the OS and in your software, especially the browsers you use. By keeping your software up to date and using a bit of common sense, you'll be safe. :) |
To Whome it Concerns
Excuse me bro but who are you having trouble with i mean no disrespect but whos the mother of your child because im going thru the exact thing you are going thru ? inhooe that i apologize for anything you might get upset for but this is whats happening to me It's no one here or anything. It's an all too common issue. You need a lawyer, even if you think you can do it on your own. The system is set against us and tends to favor the mother, even when there are issues. When you choose a lawyer take your time and do your research. You don't want the wrong one. Stay strong and never give up, keep fighting for your children. |
Abusive Relationships
Based on what you just wrote, I don't think someone with suicidal mental instability is a wise choice for raising toddlers. I also don't know what inspired her to threaten to you to commit suicide not once but on two different occassions. Both of which were while you were present (according to the information you have given). I do know suicidal mental issues first hand and I never needed anyone else present to stop me. I also know that when faced with an abuser, or someone they might think of as an abuser, sometimes people will threaten suicide to try to make the abuse stop. What to ask yourself is; Does she exhibit suicidal tendencies to other adults when you are not present. Her mother, her sibling, a neighbor? If it is only when you are present indicates you are the contributing factor. I suggest you take a hard look at the situation from all perspectives and choose wisely. If she is unstable, your children are not safe when they are alone with her. If she is only unstable when you are near her, you are the problem. I wish you luck in figuring out the reality. She has a life long history of it. She was a cutter when she was younger. There has been incidents even after she left. Now, she's with old friends, doing old things. Her so called good friends have been deemed by the state to be unfit parents themselves, yet to her it's ok to let them watch the children. They're active addicts and I would not let them anywhere near my children, especially not alone. Then again, I'm just the father, I have no rights or say until a court tells me I do. Surprisingly, we do have a court date. We'll see what happens. I don't see anything promising happening. Totage, I believe yer concern is valid. I have experienced the type. Make sure you have a good lawyer. Make sure you document everything. You can subpoena 911 call records too. At least here in the states ya can. The "push topic" needs to be the health and welfare of the children. As a parent I don't need to tell you the children's welfare should be utmost important. Make sure you have all your own ducks in order. If there are issues with your past, address them right away. Any ammo you give her lawyers is going to be a bullet in your soul. Nobody is perfect. Take a really hard look, get it all right again. Give them no ammo to use against you. Exploit all the ammo she gives you. I lost everything to my X because her lawyers used all the ammo I ever left laying around and I didn't save any of her ammo. I had trouble paying my lawyer on time, he did a haf-asd job. Pay your lawyer. Treat the judge and the court people with extra respect. Keep yer wits about ya. Good luck, Your children's lives are counting on you. I paid my lawyer up already, unless it goes to trial he's taken care of. I know the courts. I'm not concerned about my past, it has been resolved even before our relationship. Her issues are certainly not resolved, current, and relevant to the case, it would be very foolish of her to try to use my past against me, you would think at least. I have a conference appointment with my lawyer and a court date set, we'll see what happens. |
Abusive Relationships
Based on what you just wrote, I don't think someone with suicidal mental instability is a wise choice for raising toddlers. I also don't know what inspired her to threaten to you to commit suicide not once but on two different occassions. Both of which were while you were present (according to the information you have given). I do know suicidal mental issues first hand and I never needed anyone else present to stop me. I also know that when faced with an abuser, or someone they might think of as an abuser, sometimes people will threaten suicide to try to make the abuse stop. What to ask yourself is; Does she exhibit suicidal tendencies to other adults when you are not present. Her mother, her sibling, a neighbor? If it is only when you are present indicates you are the contributing factor. I suggest you take a hard look at the situation from all perspectives and choose wisely. If she is unstable, your children are not safe when they are alone with her. If she is only unstable when you are near her, you are the problem. I wish you luck in figuring out the reality. She has a life long history of it. She was a cutter when she was younger. There has been incidents even after she left. Now, she's with old friends, doing old things. Her so called good friends have been deemed by the state to be unfit parents themselves, yet to her it's ok to let them watch the children. They're active addicts and I would not let them anywhere near my children, especially not alone. Then again, I'm just the father, I have no rights or say until a court tells me I do. Surprisingly, we do have a court date. We'll see what happens. I don't see anything promising happening. |
Abusive Relationships
Is it possible not to realize abuse until after a relationship has ended? What exactly counts as abuse? You have a lot of very good responses to consider. I'm curious why you are asking? Are you trying to figure out if you were the abused, or the abuser? Is your kid's mother trying to tell you that you abuse them so she won't let you see them or do you think she is abusing them and you are helpless to do anything about it because you don't think the kids know if they are being abused? When I was raising my kids, if their grades were bad, they lost priveledges. At the time, they might have thought they were being abused. However, everytime their grades came up to average, they had their privledges restored. The lesson was learned. There is no excuse for abusing the people you are supposed to love. For an adult to take abuse from someone that is supposed to love them and do nothing, is insanity. Well, given responses from other threads, I'd rather not say, seems either way some how it would make me look bad. I don't think calling 911 FOR someone you love that is threatening to drink antifreeze is considered controlling and manipulative, especially after they grab a bottle. I don't think grabbing the bottle from them to prevent them from drinking it is abuse. It may not be the right decision, but I don't think it's necessarily wrong. I did what I had to do to prevent her from harming herself, I called 911, the police came and took her to the hospital, they shook my hand and thanked me for calling. I don't think they would have been so nice if I were being abusive. I don't think it's abuse to call 911 again when a loved one gets upset and locks themself in the bathroom with a knife, especially after a history of dangerous behavior. I don't think a child climbing on their mother and crying for their father when the mother takes the children away from home is indicative of child molestation. |
Good to see you making light posts Tom, hopefully things are getting better for you.
I've heard you can stretch the skin again, but I don't think it's the same as undoing circumcision. I think once it's done, it's done and sometimes the do not do it right and things go wrong. My nephew has scar tissue and has had to have corrective surgeries due to a bad circumcision. I don't see how that it beneficial to his health as now he has a hard time using the restroom, and he is special needs as it is, so that just adds to his issues. |