Community > Posts By > Totage

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 04:41 PM

Just different steps IMHO
A disagreement may or may not lead to an argument.
An argument usually starts out with a disagreement.

It's really the other way around. An argument could really simply be a statement, whereas a disagreement is a rejection of an argument. Pretty much as Igor stated.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 03:17 PM

I t's just a Theory .

Then someone thought up a TV series to make millions.


It's also a song.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 02:43 PM

Is anyone else drawn to certain accents? I find there are a few that definitely 'cause me to pay closer attention.

I think the southern gentleman, who speaks with southern accent AND charm and manners is one of those accents.

The same is true of the English gentleman, or the Italian gentleman. of course, it all falls away if the requirement of gentleman is not met. Ignorance sounds like ignorance with any type of accent

what are some of your favorites?

Yes, but nothing really particular in itself. It's more the person, the accent, and the way it's used. Anything can sound exotic, if done

I agree, anything done right can be exotic.

Right, it can easily go the opposite when done wrong though. lol

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 02:41 PM

There was a time in America when we had physical lynch mobs. That is to say, a person or persons would claim someone had committed an offense, and mobs would set out for their own 'justice' to find and lynch that person, no trial, no proven guilt, just on the claims and accusations.

Today, we seem to have a similar climate against men. I said it. There seems to be that only claims are required to 'lynch' men, not physically, but in terms of ruining their livelihoods and reputations via media. I am not talking about the ones whose own words and actions confessing illegal activity align with the claims to do them in, so much as I am talking about the ones who proclaim innocence the whole time, have no actions or words to align with the claims, but are still socially persecuted.

As a survivor myself, I understand the importance of women being able to tell their story. I also understand the REALITY of how a culture where sex is a personal choice not open to anyone's judgment, and men and women are 'equal' in their sexual pursuits, one can no longer say (in my opinion) that a woman is not likely looking for casual encounters. I know in reality, that both men and women drink to rid themselves of inhibitions, WITH FULL INTENTION, of being able to 'get laid'. I also know, in modern times, both men and women seek and yearn for the chance to be in the public eye, which they get plenty of if they are accusing others of terrible things. Its like a type of munchaussen by proxy, seeking attention through the harm of others.

But we seem to be in a culture that, if the women say it, the man did it. IF enough people have blogged or youtubed about it, it must be true.

As sister to four brothers, and someone who tries to be a fair and compassionate human being, this bothers me.

This brings me back to the idea of sacrificing others. If we care about getting it right, and if we care about ACTUAL guilt or innocence, how careful should we be to MAKE SURE we aren't sacrificing innocent people towards the means of trying to 'convict' the guilty ones, especially when said conviction now must only happen in the public eye and not in a court room?

Be careful, lest we go too far the other way..where we're back to women having to cover up (think prior to the 1920's here)..lest they be declared immodest or exposing themselves, or "obviously asking for it"..

Now, that does in no way mean a woman (OR man) should parade down the street in pubic in their underwear..use some commone sense, people of *both* genders..

But if you can't control yourself because of what someone is wearing, that's YOUR problem, not hers (or his...I have gay friends and gay men run ito this as well).
Also, i see on a few social media sites guys trying to get in touch with women who had the nerve to look at them, look them in the eye...even accodentally..because, hey...she looked at me, must mean she's interested, right?
(also applies to gay guys...they're bad about this as well)

Horse ****.

I was date raped when in 1979.
Didn't tell anyone because I willingly got in his car, and went for a ride with him...and they'd claim it was my fault.
Never mind I didn't want to have sex, never mind that wasn't on my agenda...he asked if i wanted to go for a ride, it was a nice night he, I took him at face value..

That being said...I did not drink when i was going to clubs (too afraid of wrecking the car/ getting a ticket), any one-nighters I had I went into willingly.

I just cannot wrap my brain around a woman accusing a guy who she gave consent to of forcing her..
Oh, wait..there's ONE instance...
Say she initially said yes...then they guy got rough, and wanted to push her to do things (kinky things) she had no desire to do...and said "hey, know what, I don;t want to do this..." and tried to get away..
She intitally said yes, but had no idea it was goimng to turn rough..

My point here is that, even when you are nekkid..and one person changes their an adult and stop right there...don't force someone tp contuinue a thing they don't want to..

If you do, that *is* rape...
If you whine and say " boner..." that's YOUR problem, not hers..
And if that has happened to you more than once,...maybe you should examine yourself and see why that might be...
Instead of calling such women "cock teasers" who "deserve to get raped for leading a man on"..

Women should speak out against those who wrong them, everyone should have that power. Justice should be blind and impartial, righting all wrongs regardless of race or gender. This power should not be abused though, not by anyone for any reason.

I agree with all being said. The trouble is though that sex is just not all so simple or happening in the 'logical' brain. Once that ball is rolling, especially where alcohol or drugs are present, the 'accused' may not be any more aware than the 'accuser' of what is actually happening, at some point in a sexual interaction, people are no longer living inside their heads, but on impulse.

And I think we should be careful, if we want a 'free sex' culture, of labeling such 'grey matters' or those involved in them.

I think we need to communicate better BEFORE things get started, so there isn't so much miscommunication or false impressions AFTER they get started.

It comes down to the thing I have said before, not everyone likes the same thing. But the only way one person can know is after they ask or TRY, and we shouldn't throw people under the bus for those attempts as though they should know every individual, especially when neither individual has really attempted much to KNOW the other in the first place.

Exactly, it really comes down to communication BEFORE action.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 02:28 PM
Sorry about that last squanch, it was really unsquanched for. I'm just really squanched up right now, going through some squanch. You know I squanch you man, don't be such a squanch, we can squanch this out. Just give me a squanchuin' chance. Squanch it, I'm getting squanched, I don't give a squanch about squanch anymore.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 02:18 PM

There was a time in America when we had physical lynch mobs. That is to say, a person or persons would claim someone had committed an offense, and mobs would set out for their own 'justice' to find and lynch that person, no trial, no proven guilt, just on the claims and accusations.

Today, we seem to have a similar climate against men. I said it. There seems to be that only claims are required to 'lynch' men, not physically, but in terms of ruining their livelihoods and reputations via media. I am not talking about the ones whose own words and actions confessing illegal activity align with the claims to do them in, so much as I am talking about the ones who proclaim innocence the whole time, have no actions or words to align with the claims, but are still socially persecuted.

As a survivor myself, I understand the importance of women being able to tell their story. I also understand the REALITY of how a culture where sex is a personal choice not open to anyone's judgment, and men and women are 'equal' in their sexual pursuits, one can no longer say (in my opinion) that a woman is not likely looking for casual encounters. I know in reality, that both men and women drink to rid themselves of inhibitions, WITH FULL INTENTION, of being able to 'get laid'. I also know, in modern times, both men and women seek and yearn for the chance to be in the public eye, which they get plenty of if they are accusing others of terrible things. Its like a type of munchaussen by proxy, seeking attention through the harm of others.

But we seem to be in a culture that, if the women say it, the man did it. IF enough people have blogged or youtubed about it, it must be true.

As sister to four brothers, and someone who tries to be a fair and compassionate human being, this bothers me.

This brings me back to the idea of sacrificing others. If we care about getting it right, and if we care about ACTUAL guilt or innocence, how careful should we be to MAKE SURE we aren't sacrificing innocent people towards the means of trying to 'convict' the guilty ones, especially when said conviction now must only happen in the public eye and not in a court room?

Be careful, lest we go too far the other way..where we're back to women having to cover up (think prior to the 1920's here)..lest they be declared immodest or exposing themselves, or "obviously asking for it"..

Now, that does in no way mean a woman (OR man) should parade down the street in pubic in their underwear..use some commone sense, people of *both* genders..

But if you can't control yourself because of what someone is wearing, that's YOUR problem, not hers (or his...I have gay friends and gay men run ito this as well).
Also, i see on a few social media sites guys trying to get in touch with women who had the nerve to look at them, look them in the eye...even accodentally..because, hey...she looked at me, must mean she's interested, right?
(also applies to gay guys...they're bad about this as well)

Horse ****.

I was date raped when in 1979.
Didn't tell anyone because I willingly got in his car, and went for a ride with him...and they'd claim it was my fault.
Never mind I didn't want to have sex, never mind that wasn't on my agenda...he asked if i wanted to go for a ride, it was a nice night he, I took him at face value..

That being said...I did not drink when i was going to clubs (too afraid of wrecking the car/ getting a ticket), any one-nighters I had I went into willingly.

I just cannot wrap my brain around a woman accusing a guy who she gave consent to of forcing her..
Oh, wait..there's ONE instance...
Say she initially said yes...then they guy got rough, and wanted to push her to do things (kinky things) she had no desire to do...and said "hey, know what, I don;t want to do this..." and tried to get away..
She intitally said yes, but had no idea it was goimng to turn rough..

My point here is that, even when you are nekkid..and one person changes their an adult and stop right there...don't force someone tp contuinue a thing they don't want to..

If you do, that *is* rape...
If you whine and say " boner..." that's YOUR problem, not hers..
And if that has happened to you more than once,...maybe you should examine yourself and see why that might be...
Instead of calling such women "cock teasers" who "deserve to get raped for leading a man on"..

Women should speak out against those who wrong them, everyone should have that power. Justice should be blind and impartial, righting all wrongs regardless of race or gender. This power should not be abused though, not by anyone for any reason.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 02:12 PM

a disagreement is what a man doeshuh
an argument is what a woman does::angry:

not my words but what a friend of mine saidbigsmile

Yes and no. Women tend to act more on emotion than logic, men tend to act more on logic than emotion. That's just in general of course. But, really an argument doesn't necessarily require a disagreement, whereas a disagreement is basically a rejection of an argument.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 01:41 PM

There was a time in America when we had physical lynch mobs. That is to say, a person or persons would claim someone had committed an offense, and mobs would set out for their own 'justice' to find and lynch that person, no trial, no proven guilt, just on the claims and accusations.

Today, we seem to have a similar climate against men. I said it. There seems to be that only claims are required to 'lynch' men, not physically, but in terms of ruining their livelihoods and reputations via media. I am not talking about the ones whose own words and actions confessing illegal activity align with the claims to do them in, so much as I am talking about the ones who proclaim innocence the whole time, have no actions or words to align with the claims, but are still socially persecuted.

As a survivor myself, I understand the importance of women being able to tell their story. I also understand the REALITY of how a culture where sex is a personal choice not open to anyone's judgment, and men and women are 'equal' in their sexual pursuits, one can no longer say (in my opinion) that a woman is not likely looking for casual encounters. I know in reality, that both men and women drink to rid themselves of inhibitions, WITH FULL INTENTION, of being able to 'get laid'. I also know, in modern times, both men and women seek and yearn for the chance to be in the public eye, which they get plenty of if they are accusing others of terrible things. Its like a type of munchaussen by proxy, seeking attention through the harm of others.

But we seem to be in a culture that, if the women say it, the man did it. IF enough people have blogged or youtubed about it, it must be true.

As sister to four brothers, and someone who tries to be a fair and compassionate human being, this bothers me.

This brings me back to the idea of sacrificing others. If we care about getting it right, and if we care about ACTUAL guilt or innocence, how careful should we be to MAKE SURE we aren't sacrificing innocent people towards the means of trying to 'convict' the guilty ones, especially when said conviction now must only happen in the public eye and not in a court room?

There does seem to be an attack on men. Not just in sex, but we're damn near criminalized for fighting for our rights to be fathers, and we have to fight for those rights.

I understand that too. I do not understand parents who use kids as weapons against each other, regardless of gender. I really believe kids DESERVE both parents to have a relationship with them, as long as there is no physical or emotional abuse happening.

When women do it, hey the man must be a monster and she's just trying to protect her children. When men do it, he's a monster and just trying to control the woman. Either way it's unacceptable, but there's bad and evil woman as well, it's not always the man that's the monster.

Anyway, I was just using that as another example.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 01:35 PM

Not alot of difference between the two semantically. Do you think there is a difference? For me, it is all in the listening.

If two people have different opinions, and they listen and think about each others opinions, even without agreeing, that is a disagreement in my opinion.

If two people have different opinions, and at least one is not really listening or thinking about the other opinion so much as waiting for their chance to continue to impose their own or belittle the other person, that is an argument in my opinion.

Is there a difference in your perception of disagreement versus argument?

An argument is basically ideas and reasoning for or against an idea. Whereas a disagreement is the rejection of such ideas or reasoning.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 01:30 PM

There was a time in America when we had physical lynch mobs. That is to say, a person or persons would claim someone had committed an offense, and mobs would set out for their own 'justice' to find and lynch that person, no trial, no proven guilt, just on the claims and accusations.

Today, we seem to have a similar climate against men. I said it. There seems to be that only claims are required to 'lynch' men, not physically, but in terms of ruining their livelihoods and reputations via media. I am not talking about the ones whose own words and actions confessing illegal activity align with the claims to do them in, so much as I am talking about the ones who proclaim innocence the whole time, have no actions or words to align with the claims, but are still socially persecuted.

As a survivor myself, I understand the importance of women being able to tell their story. I also understand the REALITY of how a culture where sex is a personal choice not open to anyone's judgment, and men and women are 'equal' in their sexual pursuits, one can no longer say (in my opinion) that a woman is not likely looking for casual encounters. I know in reality, that both men and women drink to rid themselves of inhibitions, WITH FULL INTENTION, of being able to 'get laid'. I also know, in modern times, both men and women seek and yearn for the chance to be in the public eye, which they get plenty of if they are accusing others of terrible things. Its like a type of munchaussen by proxy, seeking attention through the harm of others.

But we seem to be in a culture that, if the women say it, the man did it. IF enough people have blogged or youtubed about it, it must be true.

As sister to four brothers, and someone who tries to be a fair and compassionate human being, this bothers me.

This brings me back to the idea of sacrificing others. If we care about getting it right, and if we care about ACTUAL guilt or innocence, how careful should we be to MAKE SURE we aren't sacrificing innocent people towards the means of trying to 'convict' the guilty ones, especially when said conviction now must only happen in the public eye and not in a court room?

There does seem to be an attack on men. Not just in sex, but we're damn near criminalized for fighting for our rights to be fathers, and we have to fight for those rights.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 01:24 PM

Is anyone else drawn to certain accents? I find there are a few that definitely 'cause me to pay closer attention.

I think the southern gentleman, who speaks with southern accent AND charm and manners is one of those accents.

The same is true of the English gentleman, or the Italian gentleman. of course, it all falls away if the requirement of gentleman is not met. Ignorance sounds like ignorance with any type of accent

what are some of your favorites?

Yes, but nothing really particular in itself. It's more the person, the accent, and the way it's used. Anything can sound exotic, if done

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 01:20 PM

(slowly backs out of this thread) noway

Don't squanch on my squanch man. Squanch you and the squanch you rode in on. You can go squanch off for all I care. I don't give a squanch.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 01:07 PM

I must google this term.

I just googled it... It's a little confusing, not sure if it's auto-erotic asphyxiation masturbation or drinking. spock

"Squanchy culture is more contextual than literal – you just say what's in your squanch, and people understand" - Rick Sanchez

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 01:00 PM

I like cheesecake :wink:

I like the way you squanch.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 12:27 PM
Nope, just been squanchin'

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 12:21 PM

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 12:02 PM

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 08:48 AM

Sometimes afraid of the dark. I have a night light.

My cat helped me over come my fear of the dark. He would sleep with me at night and as long as he didn't see any thing, I knew I was safe. Once I would fall asleep he would leave and roam the house, but he would come back and check on me.

One time I was crying in my room after a break up, he came up and pushed his head on my face, I started petting him and he put his paw on my face, then slapped me, then walked away. That was the best advice I ever got. lol

Reading this made my day:blush::blush::blush:

:) Glad it made your day. flowerforyou Some times we need a good friend that will just slap us around a bit. lol

Nope but I’m afraid of the calzone :joy:carbs are not my friend

An old friend of mine lived in a nursing home and was a veteran. He smoked despite having some health issues. He told me we're all going to die some time, we may as well die happy. He died one of the happiest people I know.

So, go ahead eat a calzone (or two or three), you're still going to be pretty and it will actually make you more beautiful because it will make you happy. When you die, at least you'll have tasted some delicious calzones a time or two.

Guess what? I'm on my way to get two whole large pizzas to eat all by myself, you know why? Because f*** it, I can. lol

It was a joke lol I don’t care about that stuff I eat what I want it’s why I’m fat :joy::joy::joy:and yes your friend is everyday for the day life is short and who gives a **** what anyone else thinks? Lol

drinker drinker drinker

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 08:42 AM

Is the way to a man's Heart really through his stomach? :heart:

Name at least two things you can cook well.

This may attract some men !

This is the 21st century and many men can cook.

I can make the Red Lobster biscuits pretty well. I used to work their and when they would have me make them, they never stayed in the oven. lol Everyone seems to like the way I make them better as well.

I make a good meat loaf too.

I can cook pretty much anything, if I want to. lol I helped my exes dad cook some chicken once, blew his mind.

I appreciate when others enjoy my cooking, but really the only two opinions that matter to me are my childrens, if they like it, I'm happy.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/16/19 08:27 AM

Sometimes afraid of the dark. I have a night light.

My cat helped me over come my fear of the dark. He would sleep with me at night and as long as he didn't see any thing, I knew I was safe. Once I would fall asleep he would leave and roam the house, but he would come back and check on me.

One time I was crying in my room after a break up, he came up and pushed his head on my face, I started petting him and he put his paw on my face, then slapped me, then walked away. That was the best advice I ever got. lol

Reading this made my day:blush::blush::blush:

:) Glad it made your day. flowerforyou Some times we need a good friend that will just slap us around a bit. lol

Nope but I’m afraid of the calzone :joy:carbs are not my friend

An old friend of mine lived in a nursing home and was a veteran. He smoked despite having some health issues. He told me we're all going to die some time, we may as well die happy. He died one of the happiest people I know.

So, go ahead eat a calzone (or two or three), you're still going to be pretty and it will actually make you more beautiful because it will make you happy. When you die, at least you'll have tasted some delicious calzones a time or two.

Guess what? I'm on my way to get two whole large pizzas to eat all by myself, you know why? Because f*** it, I can. lol

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