Topic: The War on Intellectualism | |
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Sat 10/04/08 12:16 PM
This is a tactic the right uses to manipulate the masses they've underfunded education for over the years... They did it (and still do it) to Gore and Kerry, and now they're doing it to Obama. And people wonder why NASCAR got a tax break...
The War on Intellectualism "It seems there is a new threat to our country- an insidious danger that is seeping into our homes and everyday lives that must be stopped at any cost. That threat is intellectualism. We have heard the some of the buzzwords of this political season- Folksy, Joe Six-pack, Elitist, and Arugula Eating. It seems the new "culture war" or wedge issue is intelligence. The Vice-Presidential debate only solidified the lines in this war. On one side, you had Palin- full of "folksy charm" and "you betcha" language. Then you had Biden, who had a command of the issues, but was called "boring" and (gasp!) "professorial" by the pundits. Is this the point we have come to in our country? Do we really think that having knowledge about an issue is a liability? Have we learned nothing from the past eight years about voting for the person you "want to have a beer with"? Is being smart or intellectually curious a bad thing?" |
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Ya gotta love the unthinking dorks.
No really--I mean you GOTTA love em, or you're dead meat. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
Doesn't matter a bit what we think of intellectualism in parties or cantidates. Bottom line, the vast majority of voting citizens don't know and don't care about anything except how good someone looks and if they seem "nice".
Well if what this says is true I still wonder why anyone would vote for.....OBAMA! Talk about an empty suit????
Who's the useful idiots again??? |
intellectual discourse in politics?
Let me get this straight. Obama, as prime example, says nothing about erasing the National Debt. He does, however, use federal borrowing capacity as a tool to bribe the 22% of taxpayers that actually vote the democratic ticket in hopes of usurping the reigns of power from all taxpayers by simply defeating the 21% of taxpayers that vote the republican ticket. There is nothing intelligent about that. It is elitist, however, to decry "folksy" conversation as unintelligent. How is such straight talk a "war on intellectualism" ? If bankrupting the public treasure to the benefit of a private bank is the expression of intellectual proficiency, I am an idiot. In any event, idiots and intellectuals are equally bankrupted. Treason is treason. keep drinking that KOOL AID and washing doiwn those free lunches. ![]() ![]() |
Well if what this says is true I still wonder why anyone would vote for.....OBAMA! Talk about an empty suit???? Who's the useful idiots again??? The love just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. |
Well if what this says is true I still wonder why anyone would vote for.....OBAMA! Talk about an empty suit???? Who's the useful idiots again??? You, except usefulness is doubtful. |
see it pays to act number than a fart.
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The dumbing down of America was sealed with GWB and Faux News...
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Sat 10/04/08 02:36 PM
The dumbing down of America was sealed with GWB and Faux News... ![]() I know. ![]() You forgot Anne Coulter. How about that Hannity guy, isn't he a gem? |
try Drudge.
![]() ![]() apparently you liberals are more up to date on Fox News than conservatives. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() heaven forbid someone grows a brain and calls the BS for what it is..... Can't have the masses questioning why... One may just be shown for what they really are.... stooooooopid. ![]() |
"The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves."
— Plato, philosopher (427-347 BCE) |
"The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves." — Plato, philosopher (427-347 BCE) could be. it begs the question, though, Who will enforce the claim of the international bankers to all property rights of American interests when default of the National Debt occurs? That will be fun! Meanwhile, liberals pursue leadership by default with 22% of the vote. That is not a dumbing down, nor is it a coup. It is evidence of the lack of conscience of that very 22% of voters selling their allegiance for a scrap of free lunch. When the National Debt is foreclosed on, liberals will be running for cover. The silent majority will spring to the defence of this nation. Warr crimes tribulas will be backlogged for a generation. ![]() ![]() Treason is a complicitous act when populated with mutual consent. Encouraging liberals to borrow more money for public misuse and the lending of it by private bankers is also a conspiracy with an intent to defraud. The bankers know, and the silent majority knows, that the National Debt cannot be cleared with tax revenues and still maintain the daily operation of the federal government. But the silent majority is not complicitous with the private bankers, only the representative leadership of the public treasure is, with forethought and premeditated intent. At least McCain says we have to rein in spending by the federal government. Obama ignores this and says he will increase government spending to promote his agenda. Treason is treason, any way you slice it. Civil war will ensue, and liberals are not going to find themselves in a good place when it happens. The only ultimate fallout will be the demise of the democrats and their socialist mentors. Freedom and liberty come with a price and that price is not an illegitimate debt due and payable by the silent majority, but by the individuals defrauding them. In the end, socialism will be buried once and for all as the unmitigated lie that it is. In the meantime, keep drinking the swill to the full. ![]() ![]() |
This presidential race is just like every other one. You have two major candidates that sell us false hopes and empty promises. Americans are more than happy to buy it all, talk about how the candidate they support is going to save our country and then argue you to death with pre-programmed talking points if you don't believe what they believe. The people who actually care enough to closely examine the two party system and their candidates realize that there is actually very little difference in the two major parties. They may talk a big game about what the other is doing wrong but rarely do you see them do anything to change what the other is done or do anything much different than the other was doing. In 2006 Democrats won big because people wanted a lot change. Has anything changed?
The only candidates you can expect ACTUAL change from are 3rd party candidates but most people won't even consider them. They get very little to no media coverage and when around 80% of Americans opinions are formed from media coverage it's nearly impossible for anyone outside the two main parties to compete. The media coverage 3rd party candidates do receive is usually filled with names such as "fringe" candidate or something similar that makes anyone who supports them come across as crazy for supporting anyone other than one of the two major candidates. Unfortunately most the this country is still very susceptible to the bs the media feeds you day in and day out so any real change won't be coming any time soon. George Carlin sums up the educational system and politics best in this skit. |
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Sat 10/04/08 05:26 PM
try Drudge. ![]() ![]() apparently you liberals are more up to date on Fox News than conservatives. ![]() Most of us like to stay informed. ![]() |
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Sat 10/04/08 06:20 PM
This is an issue that bothers me. No one seems to want to think. They want the world served up in sound bites and easy answers. Those are the people who are interested! Then most of them blindly acceptance of what they are told.
The huge number of people who do not participate at all...well saddens me. When you consider what people have given to preserve their freedom to vote it's almost criminal to not participate in the process, to run for office and to vote. A large number of people don't even know the basics. An in depth discussion of the issues, the cause and affect stuff isn't possiable if you do not know how government works. People piss and moan about politicians but cannot describe the electoral process, name the three branches of government or how laws are made. People have all sorts of opinions on the war but cannot locate Iraq on a map. People have all sorts of opinions about Muslims but have never met one and have little idea of what the religion is about. The list goes on. We are collectively dumber as a nation I think now, despite the many resources we have to acquire knowledge,now than we were fifty years ago. It's very sad but from a practical point of view it's far worse than just sad. If we do not educate ourselves other nations will surpass us in technology, production, health care...all those areas and leave our children and this country far behind. Knowledge is Power! |
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Sat 10/04/08 06:35 PM
here is some useful knowledge to consider when contemplating the next liberal abuse of capital.
This too is interesting: The increase of FDIC insurance from 100 thousand to 250 thousand dollars per person increases that agency's liabiliy from two trillion to five trillion dollars. Held in the FDIC coffers at present: 40billion. Reassuring, isn't it? Now how is knowing that power? Power to freak out when the FDIC can't live up to expectations afforded it in willy nilly democratic style? please...... the ill informed are the ones voting for these trash collectors and free lunch purveyors. It's what they do. the silent majority has a conscience disallowing justifcvation of the lesser of two evils. And running against this quagmire and spew? please....... it never gets the airtime or the attention of the MSM, all liberal malcontents themselves. please....... keep sucking down that KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am sorry perhaps I missed them but I feel sure there are several threads devoted to the bail-out, the rescue or the financial crisis aren't there?
Am I wrong? Grats on the pic Wouldee it suits you well. |