Community > Posts By > mrheartfelt

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:33 AM

sorry to hear u lost someone. Will send prayers ur way!flowerforyou


mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:29 AM

Absolutely.!!!!! The most dastardly attack ever against the US in history. Woke people up and made them very vulnerable!!!!!!!

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:27 AM

Even when texting, I don't shorten words. Mine just sends a second text if it goes over the character limit. Though, I can understand why people may shorten words for texting.

But other than texting? I just don't see the point at all. As I said earlier, the occasional abbreviation is fine. But much more than that? It would take me longer to type everything in text speak than it would to type real words. laugh

When I text, I shorten words because of space limitations. In a place such as this, I don't do it. I try to put myself in the place of the person who is going to read what I have to say. And, more importantly, I don't want to be misunderstood or taken out of context, which what I have have seen happen with abbreviations. JMO.

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:22 AM
Coach Josh McDaniel fired by the Denver Broncos. I think being fired means you did not do a good job so you were basically ditched. That has to be a feeling that is like a punch in the stomach (ouch!!)

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:15 AM

I like heart and humor flowerforyou

True grit and a smile does not hurt either!!! Lists cut down on possible opportunites to move forward because your past is still in the way. Get rid of it for pete's sake. Opportunity only comes once and it just might be missed. Besides, listing is just hiding behind your fears.frustrated frustrated

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:07 AM

I know i haven't been on the site very long but i feel like I never get any nudges or emails. What am i doing wrong?? Suggestions?

Put yourself out there(smile). That gorgeous smile is very disarming and will have people rolling at your feet(smile). Show the charm you possess in the Forums. Something was said earlier about showing more of yourself in your profile. And definately put out what you are looking for. If someone catches your eye, wink or send them emails.Could not hurt your cause. Thanks for asking for help. Shows you are human and willing to listen to others. That is a quality people love. Good luck in your quest.:smile: flowerforyou :heart: waving

I may have said something other people have said. I just want to help in my own way and not offend them.

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 05:57 AM

Sometimes though I feel and wonder when I post, If I'm just saying, "look at me, listen to me"

like I am now......maybe that's a commonality?

I think you're right, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.

For those of us who have no one to interact with in "real life," this sort of venue can be a useful form of compensation.

And what would be the point of posting, if you didn't want someone to read it....?

I agree. Why post if you don't folk to read what you have to say. Interaction with real life is priceless. Self indulgence is ok as long as it is not overdone. The world is full of those who "overdo" it.

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 05:52 AM

Nice idea. However, you may want to edit the subject line so it has something to do with the thread, so people know what kind of thread it is.

Got it. Thanks.

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 05:51 AM

Antione Fisher of the movie "Antione Fisher" the real one. I met him here in San Diego in person for my 50th Bday. I still have his pic and shirt above my computer and his books in my collection. I love his enthusiasm for life and his personality.

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 05:43 AM
In response to a request, this forum will for those who are serving right now who are stationed anywhere in the world. This is also for family members who have loved ones serving now in the war on terror. I am looking for stories from people who are unique because they are serving now. This is not for people who are going to voice their opinions regarding dislike for war. I wholeheartly support this effort and it is my sincere hope that the troops who are serving everywhere and their families connect here with love and support.

Thank you for everything you do.:smile: :smile: waving waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 12:03 AM

Mud, LOL. just remembering some of the old school good bands.

I loved Mandrill out of the NY.

mrheartfelt's photo
Tue 12/07/10 12:02 AM


mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 09:08 PM

I am chicken. I will just have a Shirley Temple please.No alcohol for me.

I don't blame you man. These chicks aren't right..........drinker

Nah. Just believe in the KISS Principle. Works for me.

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 09:03 PM

I am chicken. I will just have a Shirley Temple please.No alcohol for me.

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 09:00 PM

She said and...then something bad happen and she told her mom...whats considered bad??

No sign of him checking our advice..... Should we concern ourselves? IF he is not willing to listen to us, then who are we? We may be wasting out time and energy. Life goes on for us whether he straightens out his mess or not. Scares me about people not wanting to accept criticsm..............

It's a "her" mrheartfelt.....she is a transgendered female.

Thanx Ms Eileen.I still feel very strongly about what I said.

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 08:54 PM

She said and...then something bad happen and she told her mom...whats considered bad??

No sign of him checking our advice..... Should we concern ourselves? IF he is not willing to listen to us, then who are we? We may be wasting out time and energy. Life goes on for us whether he straightens out his mess or not. Scares me about people not wanting to accept criticsm..............

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 08:46 PM

Tomorrow marks the fourth anniversary of my signing up on this site.

From the early days when it was known as Just Say Hi, to the brief interlude of One + You, and the two weeks at the end of 2007 when it was called Banjos For Less, to today's high-tech, ultra-modern Mingle2, this site has become an essential part of my everyday existence.

That's another way to say "addiction."

And I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who made this day necessary. To the Admin crew, to my fellow mods, to the people on my friends list, to the literally hundreds I've interacted with in the forums, to everyone who has offered support for, and encouragement to, my writing (and some pretty nifty book reviews!), to everyone on the site who has e-mailed or IMed me over the years, to the ones who were here and left but still made an impact (I miss you, Nus!), to the people who sent me stuff on my birthday out of the sheer kindness of their all of you, thank you.

Thank you for making this site what it was, and is, and will be.

Thank you for showing me that there are still some damn good people in this world. It amazes me that you've all found your way here. but I'm not complaining.

Looking forward to the next four....


As the "freakin new guy", I am glad to see you make it and earn valuable friendships and meet a lot of good people.I can only hope to have as much a positive effect on others as you have.Just a really cool guy to know and understand. Human kindness and goodwill among men should not be a saying, but raher a call to action.Many more years to you!!!:smile: :smile: waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 04:53 PM

regardless of her age why would anyone want to deal with this. it isnt love. its emotional co dependency. move the crap on to somethin else.

True!!! Leave it alone.More trouble than it is worth and life will go on!!!!!!!

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 04:50 PM

But massive state government debt. . . I prefer snow.

I prefer massive state gov. debt.

Well, you have it.

Meanwhile, snow will go away.

True, but I still love where I am. Just a fundemental disagreement. That is my story and I am sticking to it. I am not going anywhere and I still don't like snow, that is the bottom line !!!!!!

mrheartfelt's photo
Mon 12/06/10 04:46 PM

Whenever I get into that 'oh woe is me' mode -- I try to stop myself and think - 'ya know, there is always someone who has it "better" and there is always someone how has it "worse" than me'

But truly, I am so very, very, very blessed and usually fall asleep literally counting my blessings - from having a comfy bed to having great friends to having a kitty curled up with me - the simplest things are the best!!

There are so many 'out there' who are struggling for so many reasons - pray for them and keep them in your thoughts - you never know when just a simple smile can turn someone's day around !

True that!! As I said, many people die without even seeing any of this. So, live life as if it is your last adventure. Folk will disagree with you. Just realize that this is the nature of the beast and keep on movin........Somebody somewhere loves you!!!