Community > Posts By > mrheartfelt

mrheartfelt's photo
Sat 12/11/10 09:41 PM

From Philly huh? My brother lived there for years. Best pizza I have ever had was in Philly......smokin

ya we got lotsa good delis & grinders there - it's been awhile since I have actually been in town - grew up there & only lived there till I graduated HS

best known for cheese steak hoagies and pretzel vendors - none better

I grew up in NJ.Always went to Philly for cheesesteaks. Even ran track in the Penn Relays. I never saw so many people in my life. Tastycake Bakery was the bomb!!!!:smile: :smile: :smile: waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Sat 12/11/10 09:34 PM

I thought it was odd that someone not from my state would email...but ok. But there are red flags popping up all over.We have exchanged a couple of emails. Now he is being detailed in West Africa until he pays 10% of some tax for money he earned while there. His bank has froze is funds,and he forgot all contact information because he was rushing for his flight. Like I said flags everywhere.

Red Flags!!!!! Report him quick before he nails you and perhaps someone else.

mrheartfelt's photo
Sat 12/11/10 06:56 PM

We all go through phases in our lives, and if you are hitting the midlife stages, it could be a part of it........if you have given up things to achieve other never know it could be you sleep sequences.......many things as long as it doesn't last two weeks to six months it is perfectly normal......if it lasts longer I would speak to my doctor it could also be some changes in our bodies cause such things and no I am not talking about a period but that does do it in certain ages we can start to develop things like diabetes.....changes in certain levels our bodies used to could just be a passing feeling as well........good luck to you in figuring out your mystery

I already have a midlife crisis and no one has beaten me yet!!! I just keep it movin' and don't let this stuff eat you up!!!!!

mrheartfelt's photo
Fri 12/10/10 05:47 PM
I am thinking about all of this research I have to do and how fun it will be to do it. We did not computers once upon a time, so it was usually spreading books everywhere. Now, there are computers to cut down on that time and the ability to gather more information.waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Fri 12/10/10 05:42 PM

Is there any nonsense work? What is nonsense to you that may be quite sensible to other. It is similar to Einstein's relativity theory. What do you think?

nonsense work is work that serves no purpose

work should provide income where needed and where not needed it should still result in PROGRESSION or RESULTS o some sort

Id say selling something for 5 bucks that costs you ten bucks to make is nonsense

Flipping burgers anyone? That is as non sense as you can get. It should be giving back to humanity and not have people complain about what you are doing. Ugh!!!

mrheartfelt's photo
Fri 12/10/10 03:54 PM

Prayers being sent...........flowerforyou

Prayers from me flowers flowers waving waving :angel:

mrheartfelt's photo
Fri 12/10/10 12:53 PM

Some of you may remember a few months ago I posted that my brother who has cancer was getting married, well I need to ask for more prayers for him, please.

He was getting chemo and the doctor thought the tumors were shrinking and things were on the road to recovery. The last time doc checked had her very puzzled, the tumors are back, so she sent him to a cancer hospital to have them check.

Winds up, the new doctor wants to open his abdomen and see just how much cancer is there and take out the tumors. He will be going in tomorrow morning and should be on table for a number of hours. He will be getting a high does of radiation directly into his abdomen after the doctor removes the tumors.

Please keep William in your thoughts and prayers.


You,ve got it!!! Remember there is love here for you and human kindness as well. Many prayers and hope for recovery from me!!!!!:smile: :smile: :smile: waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Fri 12/10/10 12:49 PM

Need some ratings please. Any suggestions? I'm not getting many responses.

And the title was meant as a joke..Don't take it seriously...

Now, as one man to another, here goes:

You have an interesting occupation and an interesting life. You need to higlight those in your profile( women do not like sparse profiles).

Do some research. Look at about 5-10 other profiles. See what you can glean from them to dress up your profile a bit.

Pics look good. Keep them.

Put a bit of humor in the profile.(Women love a guy who has humor).

Try these things. See if you get any responses. By the way, jump into the Forums here. Express your self and you will find that there are a lot of good ladies are here. And, be patient, be patient, be patient!!!
Rome was not built in a day and neither are relationships. Good luck in your search!!!:smile: :smile: waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 05:01 PM

Too many people have too many rules and then spend their time wondering why they are alone.

The post is great and true. I do agree with this part.Rules will inhibit your future and your past will never go away. Gotta leave it behind and move forward or you will never find "the one". Patience is a virtue.

Listening is the greatest thing a man can do. Having time to listen is also important. Women hate being rushed!!!!!!

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:55 PM

Read online that China has more skyscrapers that any where else in the world. It has overtaken the USA with this. They say one of the reasons is because China has so many people that they have to build up and not out. It could also be that China has the soil to support them. I have read that you need a base like New York City has to hold all of the foundations to support these buildings. I am sure there are other reasons. They showed some of those Chinese buildings and they said American architechural companies are going over there helping them out.

The soil has virtually nothing to do with it. There are tall buildings in all major US cities (and most of the rest of the world) and they all have different soils. Houston has the Williams Tower founded over sand and clay while New York City has bedrock much closer to the surface. Los Angles and San Francisco have the worst conditions due to seismic activity (Like Tokyo) but it doesn't stop anyone from building tall.

The reason China is such a powerhouse in highrise construction is the influx of money and growth of the GDP. As cities build factories, they have to import workers from the farms, just like the US did. The Chinese government has planning control over growth and has spent many billions of dollars to bring the country up to modern standards.

Over the past twenty five years or so the US state department has sent engineers and architects to China under the "Friends of America Program". In addition, China has hired engineers and architects from all over the world to help China modernize.

While much of the construction is high rise, much is also mid-rise over what was farmland. The result is a complex change in society to a more Americanized system where transportation of food gains importance.

It's a nice place. I enjoyed my stay there.

Thanks for your input and education. I just noticed the article and thought it was cool to post and to have opinions.:smile: :smile: waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:49 PM

I know I'm not here as often as I used to be, but I could sure use your help wityh a little prayer. My youngest brother (40 years old), is a deaf mute with a mild case of cerebral palsey. He was recently doagnosed with myeloma cancer and was told today that he has a very large tumor behind one of his thyroid glans and it must be removed asap! Please snd a little prayer for Bobby, that the surgery goes well and that they don't find that nasty black monster in this tumor...I love you all.....thank you for your prayers and God Bless You.:heart: brokenheart

Consider it done....Hope he recovers.:angel: :angel: :angel: waving waving

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:46 PM
How do you post pics to this page? I would love to do that.......

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:44 PM

Gonna be studying photography next year in college!<3

I love Photography. I have no formal training, however, I do LOVE IT !!! I am afraid that too many people do this already,so I will just continue to enjoy it as a hobby. I have been told I take beautiful pics.

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:37 PM

I'm not sure of this has been posted before (I'm sorry, but I'm not combing the whole community looking for it:) ).

How many ya got? Any interesting experiences?

Don't have any!!!!Too much pain and I am soooooo chicken!!!!!!!

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 04:35 PM

Read online that China has more skyscrapers that any where else in the world. It has overtaken the USA with this. They say one of the reasons is because China has so many people that they have to build up and not out. It could also be that China has the soil to support them. I have read that you need a base like New York City has to hold all of the foundations to support these buildings. I am sure there are other reasons. They showed some of those Chinese buildings and they said American architechural companies are going over there helping them out.

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 01:27 PM

Good morning everyone!!!

Good Morning Ms. Kristi. Good morning Ms.Carole. Hope your date goes well for you.

It was 70 degrees in San Diego yesterday and they are talking about it being the same today. Gotta love this San Diego weather!!!:smile: :smile: :smile: waving waving :angel: winking

My youngest daughter was stationed there for 6 months after her ship was retired.. She loved it!! Said she knew why everyone wanted to be stationed

That is still true, which is why I am here now.

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 10:45 AM

Welcome Yellowrose....flowerforyou

How's your day mrheartfelt? flowerforyou

My day is fine Ms. Carole. I just have some papers to do online. Good luck on your date.

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 09:14 AM

hummm maybe it is not my age? laugh i wish you luck.. and dont close off any options... welcome hereflowerforyou

I am with this lady. don't close yourself off from options. Cooking for yourself is a good thing.

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 09:11 AM

Do you think my current picture is provocative?

Because, ever since I put this picture up.... I am getting emails and nudges. ohwell

I wonder. People do have imaginations you know!!!!!

Well, that didn't answer my question! Ugh! :tongue:

It could be a possibility because guys are imagining you. It only takes a little bit to set them off.waving :angel:

mrheartfelt's photo
Thu 12/09/10 09:09 AM

New in this pg... Hi people!flowerforyou

Hi Angie!! Nice to see you!! Drop in and don't be a stranger!!:smile: :smile: :smile: waving waving waving