Community > Posts By > mrheartfelt
Military and suicide
The level of combat is definitely different than it was even in the first Iraq conflict. It seems military training isn't able to keep up with the trauma of the battlefield, which to me is alarming as I am thinking of possibly joining. People go in and they change, some are able to adapt to the change, others just can't for whatever reason. War...changes people, and war...has changed. As a vet of the Vietnam War era, it is powerful all of the support that is here. We were forced to join and now it is all volunteer. As I have said, people hide their experiences and when people ask them to share, they button up( I have done it).Combat does change things, but the stigma from the service is still there. They have to get rid of that stigma. It is however, easier said than done. It will take courage, conviction, and realizing that it is ok to let that stuff out. |
so far im not enjoying it Listen, work on yourself and what you will allow. You have to be open minded and except things as they are, but also be aware that you can change your feelings about things if you wish. It is called "attitude" and if it is bad, it will poison you. Seek advice and most of all, listen and be ready to face criticsm for your choices. Best of luck in your search and don't settle for anything you don't deserve. Also, look for friends to broaden your horizons. As a young person, you have a chance to make a difference. Do it the correct way and people will respond to you. dont take no.... from no one. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Military and suicide
Here is a topic that really bothers me. I have taken note that some of our military and vets have taken to suicide because they either can't adjust to civilain life after separation or they spent years without getting the help they need. They also feel the "stigma" of geeting help for their mental health issues. They feel that people will look down on them if they do so.
Also, some of the older vets keep their military experiences bottled up and not let it out(I was guilty of this for sure). This is poison and this hurts. I am just alarmed at the suicide rate among our veterens. It takes a special type of intestinal fortitude and courage to say one neeeds help. There are a lot of programs that focus purely on vets. There has to be a way for these vets to get help before they resort to suicide. It is just a scary thing. Another thing that bothers me also is the sheer number of vets I see walking around pan handling to support themselves and their families. Any one have any say about this? This pertains to both past and present vets who have experiences to share. Thank you to my fellow vets who have served and to those who are serving now and their dependents who allow them to serve and who face unique problems of their own. |
so when is the right time?
i can never seem to hit it... do guys just like the chase? once a gal bites its over? i dont get it! ive done everything.. i guess wrong i show no interest for a week to 8 weeks.. nothing in there seems to be right... what is the right time? or is there one? Trust me, you will know when it is right. Having been in a lot of situations, I know it is best to know yourself before any one else knows you. Learn what you want and don't let people fool you. You will be ready when the time comes when you know yourself first and do work on yourself. ![]() ![]() |
Tabatha's Salon Takeover
Anyone here watch that show on Bravo? Just recently fell in love with it. She is on a campaign to save beauty salon owners from losing their businesses. She is tough, opinionated and does not mind people bashing her because she has the talent to back up what she says. I just like that she is standing up for the working class of folks and doing it with her own unique style and spirit.
Please include in your prayers my dad who is undergoing cystoscopy under general anesthesia in morning...they will do biopsy..bladder washing on him....he had it done under local anesthesia a month ago...and the resident just slammed that garden hose on my poor dads private part under local anesthesia and he bled a lot after that.....dont understand why this has to be scheduled around christmas time...thanks in advance for your kind prayers dad is scared as hell....he also has colorectal cancer in remission and copd.... I am with your prayers in sprit and truth. You are fortunate to have a living parent. Many don't,so cherish it while you can.My prayers go your way. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
18 female Boston. Trying to have some fun ;) Welcome to Mingles!!!! My oldest sister and her children and some of my cousins live in Roxbury. Mingle with the folks in the Forums here. You could learn a lot if you express youreslf and your opinions. It is healthy. ![]() ![]() |
Utah football program
Oregon is obviously a great team, as well as Stanford, but UCLA is far from the powerhouse of years past and USC has totally lost it and won't be anything for awhile. And Washington??? or Washington State???? As a follower of Stanford sports and having seen Boise State play a lot, this is all about money, as things of this nature usually are. I watched that Game that Nevada and Boise State played.One of the best I had ever seen. Shame Boise State lost and put a dent in their championship hopes. This also could mean that Boise is serious about BCS representation for their school. Just waiting to see how this all pans out. |
A bit befuzzled...
| wildly curious as to why I am single...( I mean other than I choose to be). I'm intelligent, confident, can string 3 words together in a mildly coherant manner. I'm pretty clear in what I say, hard to misconstrue what I am why does NO-ONE and I mean NO-ONE even ponder learning more about me? Yes I'm in Australia...yes, I am 46, yes, I have children... even posting in the posts sit there with their poor little arses hanging out...and are rarely responded to...except by those who have known me for ever... What the perkuck is it? Am I really that scary? Is everyone really that repulsed by someone who is fairly forthright? When did 'timid' become the new black??? ![]() I am not sure about everyone else, but you are cool with me. Your type of personality is what men don't like. As they used to say in the miltary: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Besides, it is good to know other people in other places to broaden your horizons and let people know who you are. It is also ok to be you and not allow changes unless you allow them yourself.jmo ![]() ![]() |
Welcome and nice to meet another Jersey person. I grew up in Atlantic City. Anyway, welcome and make your mark in the forums. Lots of good folks in here. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
That I have a good and big heart,and that I'm a very strong woman That I am alive,kicking and don't mind having an opinion on things and most of all, I love the fact that I am a veteran who has done my time so selective service does not have to chase me anymore to register. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In search of.....
Smurfypoet has asked me to stop in and ask if anyone has heard from "funnyguyhere". He hasn't been on here in a month and she is pretty concerned. If any of you talk to him, could you please ask him to contact her?....Thank you! ![]() I checked his status. Says he has not been online in a month. Must be something serious going on. I have heard he had some sort of accident and he has a tough road ahead. Just pray for him that he is ok. |
To all of you here
And thank YOU for all you've done in your brief time on the site! I've been impressed with your postings and it's always good to see you in the forums! Hope you'll be back in full force in the very near future....! Thank you very much. I hope to do some thing soon. I am not leaving this site. Just wanted to say a few things as to my status. |
you will find that special someone that will fall madly in love with you, and you will feel the same! dont loose faith in fate. It will happen sooner then you expect! At least that s what I want to belive! Yep, it will for sure.Lose the lists and demands and it truly will happen!! Lists are a bad thing and they are used for the wrong reasons. Just keep the faith!!!! |
Such a loser...
Every team I pulled for lost today. the Cards, Steelers, and Rams all effin blew it ![]() ![]() should have been pulling for the cowboys then.... I could be in need of life saving surgery and the Phallus Chowboys could play a benefit game for me and I would still root against them ![]() ![]() Amen Amen brutha!!! Hate those Cowboys! Ugh!! ![]() ![]() |
I must be a magnet....
For all the crazy people in the world!..I swear no matter the location,age or race of the guy that contacts me..they are all crazy..and they just get worse and worse with each guy!! ![]() I am not sure where to go with this, however here goes: It is true because the crazy guys do exist and they give the good guys a bad name. Some of the women place men in catagories and stereotype them. Again, bad news for good people. Be assured that there are people here who would love to contact you on a civil and human basis. I hope that this makes sense to you. jmo. |
To all of you here
To those of you who took the time to befriend me in the forums, I apprreciate it lots. Thanks!!. I have not posted in a while because I have been busy trying to get things in order. I miss my postings and still enjoy giving things for people to think about.
For those of you who sent me Christmas cards and those who wished to, thanks all the the same. I have no means to send anyone cards right now, So I still appreciate the thoughts any way. I will be posting here as my life permits me to do so. I enjoy the time I can get here because of all of the feedback I get(one way or the other). It is ok to have an opinion about things because some of our young poeople have died so that we could be free to express our opinions and not be muzzled like in some countries. Thanks again for everything you have done. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I had enough
I used to meet a lot of unemployed friends in the unemployment lines in one state because about all of the lines available were temporary jobs. Then moved to another state to a permanent job with a shaky foundation. Pay is less but the perks of the job have been in my own personal growth as a human. It reminds me when I was a school bus driver and I loved driving the bus. The only real problem with it that I had was they expected me to pick up children. Other than picking up the children I really liked the job. I hope you find work that you will like doing and an employer that you like working for. I too, drove a school bus. I loved it, but there were days where children had no respect for me and I would not tolerate it. I got into things with my supervisor because parents would call and complain about bus drivers having that power to toss kids off the bus, which I did a lot. Parents used to think their children were angels and can do no wrong, even though there were cameras on the bus catching them in the act. I retired from that 2 years ago because they phased in early retirement and I was tired of all the politics and griping that went on. Just a stepping stone to other things and valuable experience for me. ![]() ![]() |
I had enough
Retirement is working out well for me. ![]() Bravo!!! ![]() I have not posted here in a little bit, however, here goes: I had a job doing what I loved, but the state decided I should not do it anymore. It is a tough job market out here in Cali too. As a veteran, my job search should be a little easier for me because our state places military veterans first and gives up priority in job searches,unemployment programs and such. However, this not about me. Having a job could be stressful, especially if you hate what you are doing. It is ok to do something you want to do and be free from the stress of doing work you hate. Look at this as a time to reflect on what you want to really do.My veteran counselor told me to write out a list of life skills I have and apply those to a job search. If you want, that is something that you can do with your free time. No one should intimidate you nor should you have to settle for it.Life is way too short for that apple to have to be in your barrel.. Best of luck to you and be at peace with yourself whatever you do. |
Relax"friend" relax
Hahahah snatch me up ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually think I may sabotage that at times I really do enjoy my time alone actually. When I meet them and find out all the drama some have and the whining some seem to enjoy I tend to back away real fast........ Funny how when one is independent it seems to scare a few off as well. ![]() Don't get me wrong would be great to find one to do things with but still want to be able to have my freedom as well. I am with you Ms. Kristi. I just wait for someone to find me (giggle). I love my time to myself. But, today is football day.I will watch the games and finish some research online afterwards. Good Morning all!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |