Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII
A Word for Liberal Media
Here is what educating myself revealed. My current insurance policy is being canceled at the end of the year. I like it but I can't keep it....BROKEN PROMISE!! Current policy and comparably priced new policy. Current policy 1000/10% deductible, no co-pay or co-insurance for major medical, any tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI, emergency room or hospital stays. New policy 1500/20% deductible. 20% copay for all tests, x-rays, c-scans, MRI after deductible is met. 250 copay plus 20% co-insurance for emergency room , 500 copay plus 20% for hospital stays until deductible and out of pocket cap of 4500 is met. Insurance is fraud...You are naturally insured by your natural estate held in breach of trust by the de facto trustee/executor who doesn't want you to know..."he" is busily robbing your private estate and making you pay extra for "insurance" you already have so an insurance corporation can profit at your expense. |
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Sat 10/26/13 11:15 PM
Wrong...In the end the bankster will own diddleysquat because it was all stolen from the common man with usury and fraud. The common man is gonna take it all back, put the play money, pieces, & board back in the box, and never play monopoly again.
Then of course, we can all live happily ever after. And don't say "Oh...If only it were that simple. ...IT IS THAT SIMPLE YOU LUNKHEADS!...QUIT FALLING FOR THEIR CON AND THEIR GAME IS OVER! |
Five Most Dangerous States
The most dangerous state of all is the state of mind of the average citizen.
A Word for Liberal Media
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Sat 10/26/13 06:55 PM
Meh...liberal media/conservative media/socialist media/fascist media/commie media...
Only the names are changed to protect the guilty...It's ALL propaganda designed to confuse & bamboozle you so you won't see the guy robbing you blind and killing your friends around the world in YOUR NAME. If you wanna believe anything, believe the whistleblowers...They are risking their lives to tell you the unvarnished truth! Listen to the whistleblowers... The only ones they are traitors to is the murderous crooks they used to work for. ...and they are now under siege: Probably because of revelations like this: ...fortunately, there is light at the end of the tunnel IF you keep the pressure up, they will find the spying uneconomical & ineffective anyway: |
Sean Hannity steps up....
Sean did the right thing. The Obama support group did the wrong thing. See how many liberals admit it. Don't fall for the phony right/left paradigm...It's the man controlling the left & right hand puppets you have to worry about...While the puppet show distracts you, he's got pickpockets in the audience robbing you blind! |
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Sat 10/26/13 05:01 PM
They write the bonds they use to borrow with using your birth records as the security. Once they have your SSN and you have filed your first income tax, they go to town and start robbing your private estates.
Put all those private securities together, and they become the NATIONAL SECURITY (now you know why it's so damned important to them). You can stymie them and correct your monetary system, simply by ordering your birth record sealed (That information is your PRIVATE intellectual PROPERTY!) The US is beholden to the FED owing to the rotten deal they pulled on you in 1913, BUT...Your State is beholden to YOU...Your birth certificate BOND is the proof...THEY OWE YOU...The birth certificate is proof that they are holding your private information (date of birth, etc.) The birth record is proof of the existence of a human being capable of creating CREDIT and working to pay off the debt that government incurs. What happens when you lay claim to your private information (your absolute property)?...The whole corrupt system falls to pieces!! If you want to straighten out your country, you'd better act fast, because the Fed is getting ready to make off with all the loot! (those guys are some MIGHTY SLIPPERY banksters!) |
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Sat 10/26/13 02:29 PM
Wait'll it becomes public knowledge that all the money stolen from you & your ancestors by fraud and usury is actually owed to YOU...At that point, the BIS, World Bank, IMF, Goldman Sachs, et al will ALL have to fold, open up their vaults, and pour the wealth they have hoarded back out into the world again! It will be the final victory of the human race against the legal fictions (Banks & business corporations) which we ourselves created and which now rule the entire earth in an inhuman and inhumane tyranny. Let's hear it for the common man (also called the "mindless masses" and "useless eater" by the "economic elite")...He is about to WIN! Maybe then we can finally get some of the peace & love we so richly deserve...or not...the choice is entirely yours. Whatever the case, the only thing we can be sure of is that the human race is about to get what it properly deserves, either extinction, or happiness. It entirely depends on the choices YOU make. Most of my friends tell me it's all over for humanity, and if we're lucky, the avians will be taking over after you're gone. It'd be kinda nice to think so, but I'm not so sure...You can't all be so stupid as to hang yourselves by the collective rope you've placed around your neck! I want all the innocent ones among you who are going to die (there must be a couple, I'm sure...maybe the babies) know that your deaths will be avenged! If any of the murderous banksters come out of their bunkers after it's over, us ducks & geese will be right there to $hit on their heads until they hide in the bunkers it isn't like the end of the human race means the end of justice or anything stupid like that. What "Wealth" would that be? ![]() Wads and wads of paper? ![]() Nope, mostly gold and everyone's private information (birth records) If they can't borrow money on your private information (like even knowing you exist), what value are you to them as an asset they can write bonds on?...If it wasn't for your credit & labour value, you'd have no value to them at all and there'd be no "money!" Take back your private information (it's your intellectual property)...even better...LEASE it to them for a royalty! |
Sean Hannity steps up....
I don't trust Hannity or his motives...but then again I don't trust anyone but myself...Guess you could say I only have faith in myself to do the right thing. Too bad humans aren't like that. You're too wrapped up waiting for your "Saviour" to "come down" to bother looking inside, where He lives. If you can't see that your own hand is the Hand of God, there's nothing I can say or do that will save you! If you watch that sparrow fall and don't reach out to catch it safely, it will fall to it's death, and it will be YOUR FAULT that "God" didn't save it and just let it die! Let that be a lesson to you. If a sparrow is falling it is its time to die, thats nature and nature is real. Thanks for pronouncing the "death by collective suicide" sentence on humanity...duly noted. |
Sean Hannity steps up....
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Sat 10/26/13 08:52 AM
I don't trust Hannity or his motives...but then again I don't trust anyone but myself...Guess you could say I only have faith in myself to do the right thing.
Too bad humans aren't like that. You're too wrapped up waiting for your "Saviour" to "come down" to bother looking inside, where He lives. If you can't see that your own hand is the Hand of God, there's nothing I can say or do that will save you! If you watch that sparrow fall and don't reach out to catch it safely, it will fall to it's death, and it will be YOUR FAULT that "God" didn't save it and just let it die! Let that be a lesson to you. |
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Sat 10/26/13 08:23 AM
Wait'll it becomes public knowledge that all the money stolen from you & your ancestors by fraud and usury is actually owed to YOU...At that point, the BIS, World Bank, IMF, Goldman Sachs, et al will ALL have to fold, open up their vaults, and pour the wealth they have hoarded back out into the world again!
It will be the final victory of the human race against the legal fictions (Banks & business corporations) which we ourselves created and which now rule the entire earth in an inhuman and inhumane tyranny. Let's hear it for the common man (also called the "mindless masses" and "useless eater" by the "economic elite")...He is about to WIN! Maybe then we can finally get some of the peace & love we so richly deserve...or not...the choice is entirely yours. Whatever the case, the only thing we can be sure of is that the human race is about to get what it properly deserves, either extinction, or happiness. It entirely depends on the choices YOU make. Most of my friends tell me it's all over for humanity, and if we're lucky, the avians will be taking over after you're gone. It'd be kinda nice to think so, but I'm not so sure...You can't all be so stupid as to hang yourselves by the collective rope you've placed around your neck! I want all the innocent ones among you who are going to die (there must be a couple, I'm sure...maybe the babies) know that your deaths will be avenged! If any of the murderous banksters come out of their bunkers after it's over, us ducks & geese will be right there to $hit on their heads until they hide in the bunkers it isn't like the end of the human race means the end of justice or anything stupid like that. |
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Sat 10/26/13 08:00 AM
I hate to have to say it, but it's pretty clear that the USA & Canada have become turd world countries. I guess it's only natural that the drone strikes will soon be very close to your home...
...if not directly on it. |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
Wake up people, the Internet is there for you, do your own research on any of these government labelled "conspiracy theories" try stopping watching tv for a while. There is a reason Bradley manning is going to be in jail all his life for telling the truth, or Julian assange being in a foreign embassy in fear of his life for telling the truth....jeeze! WAKE THE F*** UP!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() yea, your right... the reason he's going to prison is for telling government secrets when he swore an oath not to...during war, no less there is a chain of command the military uses that he could have tried, but didn't... There were other people who, in the past observed their oaths to protect their "homeland" and followed the "legal" orders of their commanders. Some of them were hanged for atrocities & war crimes at Nuremberg because they were "only following orders.". no, your completely wrong... only like 11 top generals/high commanders were executed...i posted that article from wiki for you about a month ago... but feel free to look it up... you don't get persecuted in the military by following orders... the only persecution is by the non-military idiots that cannot understand what its like in the military... the soldiers getting spit on by the loony liberals coming back from Vietnam... they were just following orders and they were persecuted not the military, but by the citizens... Lemme get this straight with a hypothetical situation...You are a drone pilot following orders, and you are ordered to kill what you KNOW to be innocent people (even citizens of your own country) with a drone. Which is treason, obeying or disobeying that order? How is warrantless surveillance, invading the privacy of innocent people not a crime committed by the state? |
Here's a lengthy but fascinating interview with Carroll Quigley.
Anybody who wonders what's happening to our world, "Who done it?" and where it's headed, absolutely MUST listen to this. The illiterate & apathetic among you won't bother of course, because it has no neat special effects to go with Quigley's "prophecy" of the impending fall of western civilization. |
I have often recommended Carroll Quigley's book "Tragedy and Hope" to anyone who wants a scholarly reading on the true agenda behind the global banking system and the NWO.
It seems there are now some websites taking a more intelligent view of the development of the New World Order. I came across one such video and for those who are interested in such things, I figured I'd post it here. |
Well, bailing out the banks is in effect, bailing out the people. If the banks collapse so too does society and hence the people with it. It may not be a perfect sytem but in an overpopulated, energy greedy world, what alternative is there? James Lovelock said " What we need is not 'sustainable growth' but a sustainable retreat" but who welcomes that idea; except me maybe.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I see some people not only swallow that line of bull$h*t, but try to pass it off as somehow true. The only people bailed out by the bank bailouts were the banksters, who I'm sure feel very grateful to the suckers & useless eaters they rob daily for their generous assistance. If the banks DON'T collapse, then society will shortly collapse into the global, criminal, fascist, economic tyranny that they almost have in place. Here's hoping that all the West's major banks & the corporations they own & support collapse soon!...and good riddance! Maybe people will finally learn that only the people who create and earn the wealth should be the ones to manage it. |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
Wake up people, the Internet is there for you, do your own research on any of these government labelled "conspiracy theories" try stopping watching tv for a while. There is a reason Bradley manning is going to be in jail all his life for telling the truth, or Julian assange being in a foreign embassy in fear of his life for telling the truth....jeeze! WAKE THE F*** UP!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() yea, your right... the reason he's going to prison is for telling government secrets when he swore an oath not to...during war, no less there is a chain of command the military uses that he could have tried, but didn't... There were other people who, in the past observed their oaths to protect their "homeland" and followed the "legal" orders of their commanders. Some of them were hanged for atrocities & war crimes at Nuremberg because they were "only following orders.". |
Aside from Israeli airstrikes, France is now sticking its nose in...It looks like the West (the Banks) is determined to start WWIII, which is what this is going to turn into soon if "we" keep sticking our noses into Syria.
How the US Became the USSR
BTW,who would be having the Monopoly of issuing that new Money? THE PEOPLE! (not the banks)...They are the initial creators of value (money). That's the way the system currently works...The people create the money (value), and the banks rob them of it using legalized fraud. Why not just let the people keep the wealth of their production? ![]() "Uncle Karl" didn't make the mess, the banksters did. All "Uncle Karl" did was propose an economic theory for the banksters to twist to their advantage & profit. They did the same thing with Social Credit, by changing a beautiful economic theory that makes economies productive & sovereign, eliminates fraud, and improves everyone's standard of living, into a political stance while they twisted the implementation of parts of the theory itself into something profitable for them so they could gain even more control.. I will accept upon proof of claim that it was Marx's idea and not the banksters' idea to rob from the people who earned their money to enrich those who didn't. |
Nice propaganda piece. I like him all the more since I read it. It's good to know that his enemies are (coincidentally) my enemies too. |
How the US Became the USSR
BTW,who would be having the Monopoly of issuing that new Money? THE PEOPLE! (not the banks)...They are the initial creators of value (money). That's the way the system currently works...The people create the money (value), and the banks rob them of it using legalized fraud. Why not just let the people keep the wealth of their production? ![]() "Uncle Karl" didn't make the mess, the banksters did. All "Uncle Karl" did was propose an economic theory for the banksters to twist to their advantage & profit. They did the same thing with Social Credit, by changing a beautiful economic theory that makes economies productive & sovereign, eliminates fraud, and improves everyone's standard of living, into a political stance while they twisted the implementation of parts of the theory itself into something profitable for them so they could gain even more control.. |