Topic: Get All Money Out Of Western Banks Now! | |
It's a blog, but we all know it's coming, we've been warned, perhaps it's time to start using a mattress again like our ancestors did..... Russian Leader Warns, “Get All Money Out Of Western Banks Now!” Even worse may be what is in store for the Americans, who on 31 January lost an unlimited US government guarantee that was granted on over $1.5 trillion of their bank deposits during the 2008 financial crisis to assure skittish customers that their cash was safe. According to Kremlin sources, though, President Obama’s sudden visit to Israel this week, the first he has made since being elected in 2008, was to personally warn top Israelis of his regimes “plan” to begin confiscating his citizen’s bank deposits too. |
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" FDR.
Fear and panic are the most destructive forces on the planet, very useful allies for mischief makers. Why should you believe what devious politicians say? |
I have always said that if our leaders had chosen to bail out the people instead of the banks and wall street in '08 we would be living in a much better world and economy.
We need to fire the lot of them, hold their feet to the fire defending instead of destroying our rights and constitution, serving us instead of banks and corporations, and limiting themselves to the tasks they are allowed under our constitution instead of using secret interpretations by secret courts to legalize their illegal usurpation's of them |
Well, bailing out the banks is in effect, bailing out the people. If the banks collapse so too does society and hence the people with it. It may not be a perfect sytem but in an overpopulated, energy greedy world, what alternative is there? James Lovelock said " What we need is not 'sustainable growth' but a sustainable retreat" but who welcomes that idea; except me maybe..
Well, bailing out the banks is in effect, bailing out the people. If the banks collapse so too does society and hence the people with it. It may not be a perfect sytem but in an overpopulated, energy greedy world, what alternative is there? James Lovelock said " What we need is not 'sustainable growth' but a sustainable retreat" but who welcomes that idea; except me maybe.. Bailing out banks who suffer from bad policy decisions, when the common person must face bankruptcy and loss of assets, is NOT helping people (other than the bankers, their investors and wall street). "Too big to fail" is a myth that is used to justify criminal actions and the theft of the peoples wealth! Businesses fail every day and there is always someone in the wings to buy the failed enterprise, and debts are always satisfied before the failed business sees any compensation. People will never see complete compensation for their losses, but with the bank bailouts, it was theft of the peoples money, pure and simple, with nobody making a profit or being compensated, but the banks! |
If banks didn't receive that free money I don't think they have gone under, the people who run them love money way too much for them to sit by and let that happen. The share holders of these banks wouldn't let that happen either, greed is extremely powerful and will make the greedy very resourceful in keeping their way of life. There is no way these people would let a 40 million dollar quarterly bonus go away without reorganizing. |
Well, bailing out the banks is in effect, bailing out the people. If the banks collapse so too does society and hence the people with it. It may not be a perfect sytem but in an overpopulated, energy greedy world, what alternative is there? James Lovelock said " What we need is not 'sustainable growth' but a sustainable retreat" but who welcomes that idea; except me maybe.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I see some people not only swallow that line of bull$h*t, but try to pass it off as somehow true. The only people bailed out by the bank bailouts were the banksters, who I'm sure feel very grateful to the suckers & useless eaters they rob daily for their generous assistance. If the banks DON'T collapse, then society will shortly collapse into the global, criminal, fascist, economic tyranny that they almost have in place. Here's hoping that all the West's major banks & the corporations they own & support collapse soon!...and good riddance! Maybe people will finally learn that only the people who create and earn the wealth should be the ones to manage it. |
Banks are nothing but legal loan sharks. We pay them to loan us other peoples money and when they make bad loans they cry to congress for a bailout, then congress steals the peoples money and gives it to the banks so they can pay bonuses and lend it back to us for even more profit |
So, the Russians want to start a run on western banks. Well, there's sound advice.
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