Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 02:12 PM

OMG,I can see it now!
Little Bands of bovine-looking Humanoids foraging across the Prairie,feeding on Insects,and gathering Seeds!
Actually quite idyllic in sort of a primitive Neanderthal way!
Ultimate Bliss!laugh

I see you have no concept of virtual "tribes" of friend/family groups forming nodes on an egalitarian, interconnected F2F network. Everybody doesn't have to return to the stone age if they don't wanna, and cities of millions can be broken into small interconnected networks of "tribes" just as easily as the whole planet can.

So called government "leaders" become followers (administrators) of the will of the people, who will hold the purse strings and tell the admins how their money is to be spent...on an individual basis, by allocating their preferences in a budget proposed by the administrators, which again, can be modified by the people.

I dare say, most people would opt to spend money on things like infrastructure and aid to those in need, while the MIC would probably starve to death for lack of money for bombs & crap like that. Needless to say, there would be no room for fraudulent monetary systems and/or usurious banks or poisonous corporations like Monsanto, Glaxxo-Smith-Kline, Halliburton, et al in a network like that, so, far from being a stone-age hell, I think you'd find it really would come pretty close to some imagined "utopia", what with the, high productivity/prosperity, world peace & brotherhood & all.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 12:48 PM

seems to me some people are sort of frightened of that Gal!
If she is such a Airhead,why the Fright?:laughing:

Obviously you didn't see her on Hallowe'en with all her makeup on.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 12:46 PM

Worldwide Child Porn Ring Busted! Arrests Included 40 School Teacher! 9 Doctors! 6 Law Enforcement!

1 current US President............

And probably a lot of heads of state and many legislators, who after all, sometimes have to be told what'll happen if they don't do as they're told.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 12:31 PM
Holder's done?...So what should we do, pull him out of the oven or stick him in one?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 12:28 PM

as if that Crap hadn't been tried before!rofl

It has...and it was always the same old story, the lawyers and moneylenders didn't want the rest of the population raining on their robbery parade.

NOT THIS TIME!!...I think after ten thousand ywars of tyranny & slavery we've wised up just a bit. Time now to replace the rule of the tyrant with the rule of law.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 12:22 PM
Obumma committed fraud?...Well DUH!...How long dd it take you to figure that out?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 12:20 PM

She's a 100 times better then the Fuhrer.

Which one?...We have a planet full of them.

There is one Fuhrer. Barack Osama.

Nah...he's just the one the banksters selected from a whole mess o' potential fuhrers to run the US into the ground.

He's certainly not unique...Almost every country has one.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 07:38 AM
Isn't it just like that Almighty Lord G-d the Comedian to pit the descendents of Abraham against one another in a 4,000 year genocidal war that's still going strong after all these years...What a Card!

Who says G-d doesn't have a sense of humour?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 01:38 AM

She's a 100 times better then the Fuhrer.

Which one?...We have a planet full of them.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 01:37 AM

I'm a little puzzled about why anybody would care what Baldwin does and why any of this would even be news. With millions of people starving and being bombed on a daily basis, I would think people should rightly be a lot more concerned about that than the personal life of one man.

Because he is a loudmouth jerk a$$hole who runs his mouth non stop.

Who isn't?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 01:36 AM
Show cancelled?...GOOD!...Now if they could just cancel all the rest of them and shut down the TV stations, the world would be a much better place than it is now.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 01:34 AM
I'm a little puzzled about why anybody would care what Baldwin does and why any of this would even be news. With millions of people starving and being bombed on a daily basis, I would think people should rightly be a lot more concerned about that than the personal life of one man.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sat 11/16/13 01:23 AM
Time is cyclical; the "good old days" of the Golden Age will come again.

Man is really just a monkey after all, and, well, "monkey see monkey do" as they say, and this is the problem Man has faced since time immemorial.

Back in the Times we don't remember, there once was equality and brotherhood, but it was only the equality and brotherhood of the tribe, and tribes were really only extended families of about a hundred or so. "Outsiders" were not to be trusted and tribal wars were, as to be expected rampant in the ancient days. The altruism and love for the tribal brother didn't extend to other tribes.

The natural drive for peace and security caused tribes to form alliances so that their tribe could be bigger than any possible invader who might want their resources. The inevitable result of this was an ever-increasing population density and the need for organization. (It was the beginning of farming as preferable to gathering, since the amount that could be gathered was inversely proportional to the population density) Farming, with its increase in food production per unit area, became a necessity for the new city-states.

This is where everything first went wrong, because when an empathy-devoid psychopath was born in the good old days, he was soon apparent to his brothers in the small tribe, and if he tried to serve himself at someone else's expense, he probably found himself beaten and banished from the tribe (psychopathy was probably very rare, as the trait would not have selected well, evolutionarily speaking...My guess is that psychopaths were probably less than one percent of the population, maybe even a tenth of that.)

The need for organization and efficiency meant more specialization and while some remained farmers, there also had to be accountants, grain handlers, and eventually hookers, pimps & crack-houses to make the society a functional one.

Naturally, to make things more efficient, a hierarchical, or "stratified" society became necessary, and that meant God-kings of the city-states, which (as you might expect) still had wars with other city-states, much like the tribes did, only the stakes were a bit higher and the number of people killed in the wars probably went up about 400-fold. It seems the self-culling of the excess population started about 7 thousand years ago, when the population was only about 50 million on the whole planet. (one gets the impression that for any two people, the planet isn't big enough for both of them)

Thus began the power pyramid of the "New World Order" we hear so much about these days. (Kinda funny when you think about it; that "order" is pretty old.) The "Battle between good and evil" turns out to be the age old struggle between a natural order of things for which we evolved and the natural consequence of our evolution, the imposition of an artificial structure (of organization).

We could look at it as the difference between a beautiful chaotic (fractal) mountain and the Khufu Pyramid...which really looks better? Better not ask one of those neo-monkeys called "Man" his opinion, because he's probably quite proud of his monkey-see-mountain-monkey-make-own-mountain pyramid.

Most people think that tearing down the monkey-like imitations of nature entails the dismantling of all the progress we've made over the centuries, but a change in the structure of society shouldn't have to entail that at all. All we need is the intelligence to see that the artificiality of the structure of society has allowed psychopathy to prevail and flourish at the expense of empathy, remove the psychopaths (now about 3% of the population and climbing as usual) from the power they murdered & clawed their way to attaining (thanks to the anonymity that began with the city-state)

Thanks to the internet, we now stand on the verge of creating a global "village" of interconnected communities of communities of communities that will end the need for states as they are now defined. The naturally chaotic global village will be self organizing and egalitarian/altruistic by its very nature. Once formed there will be no more wars, stratified societies, or power pyramids, as nobody will be "in charge" fact EVERYONE will be in charge as humanity inherits the earth and starts looking after it.

One might think of something like that as a new (and permanent) "Golden Age."

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/15/13 11:07 PM

Do you just drift through your day and your life or do you know exactly what you want?

If you know exactly what you want, what are you doing to get it?

I know exactly what I want...a happy, prosperous and peaceful life for everyone. Since it seems everyone else is too bloody lazy to be bothered even dusting, I've started cleaning up humanity's mess for it.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/15/13 11:02 PM
True love DOES exist...In fact it is ALL that exists; too bad so few can see that.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/15/13 11:00 PM

We all would like to live forever,...

That is an erroneous assumption. The price of immortality comes at the cost of your very mortal soul. That price is far too high for me.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/15/13 10:56 PM
To become as God you only have to do the right thing. (Is it really that hard to do?)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/15/13 10:39 PM
Model #3 is the NESTED virtual reality simulation.

Each level of virtual reality contains only a subset of the "ultimate" reality (which by necessity must exist), so each deeper level contains fewer elements corresponding to the ultimate reality and (presumably) more elements of "fantasy" taken a real by the programs which consider themselves sentient.

"We" (and I use the term loosely...there may only be one, or even none of us, depending on your point of view) are in all probability at some "nth" nesting of virtual reality, and therefore have no idea what things have a correspondence to the ultimate reality. we don't even know if homo sapiens does, as it may simply be a creative and totally artificial pseudo-life-form in an unreal cyberspace.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/15/13 09:59 PM
I think you guys are being too hard on Sarah. At least she didn't call the Pope a "Pinko Socialist."

She's probably more concerned about the USSR anyway, and she's doing her bit for America by keeping an eye on those Russkies from her back porch.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/15/13 09:50 PM

Just one problem, the courts have been bought and paid for long ago in the US.

Just one problem with your problem...Grand juries stand OVER the courts, the executive branch, the congress, the senate, and just about anything else you can name. They are investigative juries of "We the people" and not the slugs you vote into office.

Have a look at my old posts if you can...One of them dealt with grand juries and their lawful power. In a nutshell, they not mentioned in the constitution, but they arise from the common law in the Bill of Rights as a 4th branch of government that stands over the other three to keep them honest.

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