Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII
courts are there to 'interpret' the laws,,,that decision is left to a majority decision so obviously,, there is room for interpretation,,,lol Law is supposed to be unequivocal, so there should be nothing to interpret. it was once 'reasonable' for people to own slaves , wasn't it? the constitution addressed it Wrong. The law addressed it. The Constitution HAD to be amended to make itself consistent with the law. It was the realization the common law had been wrong that forced a change in the common law. It didn't become unlawful because somebody passed a "law" on a piece of paper; it just finally dawned on people (after thousands of years) that it was morally wrong to make property out of people. Of course, those sneaky bankster lackey legislators found a way to make slaves out of them again...legally...not just black ones this time, but practically everybody; but that's a whole 'nother story having to do with banks, businessmen, avaricious or fearful legislators and of course a people's natural propensity to lie to themselves. so,, putting aside the FACT that the constitution grows with culture and is amendable ,,,what constitutes 'reasonable' courses of action when people seem suspicious,,,to a stranger, a cop, or a government entity,,,,? Maybe just ask a few questions of the suspicious character (if he has the time or inclination) & if he doesn't feel like talking there isn't much anybody can do. what would be some 'reasonable' ways, for instance, to gather information from suspected terrorists? do we think just asking them nicely would work? or announcing to them that we were watching them? ,,,,,,,what is the SOLUTION to the issue of protecting citizens in this age of advanced technology and weaponry that is equally available to citizens and individuals as they are to governments? Just asking nicely probably wouldn't work, because if he was a terrorist, he wouldn't tell you anything and if he wasn't, he wouldn't tell you anything, so either way, questioning wouldn't be very informative. I wouldn't recommend telling them you're watching them, because if I was told that, I'd give them an immediate cease & desist order, which if not obeyed would result in a civil suit for harassment. The SOLUTION, is to let the citizens protect themselves like they have since time immemorial. You are about 5 times as likely to be struck by lightning as to be killed by a terrorist, so I see the terrorist threat as kind of a low priority. The trillions your government is spending figting terrorism would be better spent buying people portable lightning would save a lot more lives for a lot less money. |
Canada can keep Ralph Nader. ![]() You must've been on the board for GM in the old days eh? Just the same, if you're offering him as a replacement for that stupid fascist slug we currently have, I'll be more than happy to take him. |
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Thu 08/01/13 03:25 PM
I always liked Ralph, all the way back to the "one car accident" Corvairs of the early sixties. You people in the US probably weren't privy to the CBC interview he did recently in Canada. You should listen to it. Better yet, maybe you should listen to HIM.
[url} Here's the audio: |
How the US Became the USSR
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Wed 07/31/13 06:00 AM
BTW,who would be having the Monopoly of issuing that new Money? THE PEOPLE! (not the banks)...They are the initial creators of value (money). That's the way the system currently works...The people create the money (value), and the banks rob them of it using legalized fraud. Why not just let the people keep the wealth of their production? |
,,,there is that word 'unreasonable' again,, leaves room for interpretation ,, doesn't it? what is not there, is mention of bugs, phone taps, or emails? do they clearly classify as a 'search' of ones home? The word "unreasonable" doesn't leave room for interpretation in law. Law is based on reason and logic. The judge is supposed to be the quintessential "reasonable man" you hear so much about. (of course I know of some judges who are about as "reasonable" as a drunken lynch mob, but that's another story.) I guess the reason bugs,taps & emails weren't written into the constitution probably had something to do with the fact that sophisticated electronics & the internet (or even the words we assign to them) didn't exist at the time. I suppose the reason they never went into a constitutional amendment was because the reason for the law was so clear to any reasonable person that they probably questioned having to even write it down in the first place. Ergo, if it is not clear to you what the law means, you are not a reasonable person...good thing you aren't a judge or a cop, or you'd probably be hanging or searching or shooting people on "suspicion" and without probable cause. Yes monitoring classifies as a "search" of one's home. Read a legal dictionary. |
![]() Bradley Manning trial verdict: Acquitted of aiding the enemy, convicted on lesser charges Yes he is, he is even pleading guilty! He wasn't tortured. How do you know? |
How the US Became the USSR
I think it's time the herd got it thru its collective head to quit following a leader to the slaughterhouse and all decided together as individuals to abandon the leader-ship, turn around and start a stampede of their the opposite direction.
Maybe a national referendum to change their monetary system & kick out the banks? That'd be a step in the right direction, after all, the country belongs to its people...They should be the ones who decide on what to do with it, not some crooked administration working for the international banking cartel. |
How the US Became the USSR
We've all seen where "follow the leader has gotten us!
I say it's time that The People took the reigns of power away from the criminals. This implies a DUTY on the part of EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU to do just that. Note that a failure to do your duty at this point does NOT bode well for the future! The ball is now in the peoples' court...Are you as an individual component of a UNITED FREE PEOPLE going to make an ace serve, or are you just going to lie down and beg for mercy like a whipped slave because you're afraid you'll get "in trouble" with your master?? |
How the US Became the USSR
Wow! Even some of the liberals are turning on Obama. ![]() I think they're turning on the crooked government itself. Obama's bad, but he's just a stooge. Nobody seriously believes he's the man in charge. |
How the US Became the USSR
This vid more or less tells the story of how the USA became the USSA: |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
Besides,the Investigation into those Fifth Planes didn't lead anywhere! Why do you keep ranting about conspiracy theories and more than one fifth plane? Obviously another "fifth" plane would be a sixth plane, wouldn't it? How many planes were reported hijacked that day? I counted five; how many did you count? What makes you think the investigation into the fifth plane reported hijacked didn't lead anywhere? Wasn't it mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report? Why are you so hot not to give me a simple answer to my simple question? What happened to the fifth plane that was reported in the news to be hijacked on 9/11? What is so hard about that simple question?? FBI investigated a series of Planes that were possible Fifth Planes! Seems you are not quite up to it! Some of them are still phantom-flying through Prisonplanet even today! But it seems there wasn't really anything to it! Hey, I only asked. In point of fact I already knew about Delta flight 1989...It WAS mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report, BTW...I just wanted to see how people responded to the question for research purposes. ![]() |
What should he care if the rest of the country collapses under his and his administration's policies? What do you mean "if"?...The country collapsed quite a while back; he's just presiding over its dismantling. This is nothing. Just wait (if you want to) until no one can afford to buy anything when the economy goes into another recession. Then you will see true collapse. However most people would like to avoid that. ![]() Yeah I know...But all I'm seeing is a lot of talk and no action. It seems almost everyone would rather see the economy like a sword of Damocles over their heads. Instead of doing something about it or walking out from under, it's like they're paralyzed with fear and simply cower under it, hoping it won't fall on their heads. |
Forced sterilization victims
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Thu 07/25/13 08:26 PM
Just as a note of trivia, Canada had forced sterilization of people considered "incompetent" until the 1970's ! (In fact, I think we invented the eugenics concept so eagerly adopted by the US & Germany and the forced sterilization that went with it.)
I remember the story of one Polish woman, who was forcibly sterilized and confined to a mental institution for years...All because she couldn't speak proper English! |
Edited by
Thu 07/25/13 08:19 PM
What should he care if the rest of the country collapses under his and his administration's policies? What do you mean "if"?...The country collapsed quite a while back; he's just presiding over its dismantling. |
How the US Became the USSR
Good article!
![]() |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
Besides,the Investigation into those Fifth Planes didn't lead anywhere! Why do you keep ranting about conspiracy theories and more than one fifth plane? Obviously another "fifth" plane would be a sixth plane, wouldn't it? How many planes were reported hijacked that day? I counted five; how many did you count? What makes you think the investigation into the fifth plane reported hijacked didn't lead anywhere? Wasn't it mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report? Why are you so hot not to give me a simple answer to my simple question? What happened to the fifth plane that was reported in the news to be hijacked on 9/11? What is so hard about that simple question?? |
Edited by
Thu 07/25/13 07:50 PM
yeah,right,just arrest him and cart him off to Jail! and the question is,who is legally authorized to call up a Grand Jury? Doubt it would be any Tom,Dick or Harry! Also doubt that the very Agencies to be investigated would call up a Grand Jury so it would pretty much be Check-Mate! Yeah, pretty much just Tom, Dick, Harry and maybe aa few more of The Sovereign People could create a lawful investigative Grand Jury. In fact tey'd have to, since, as you just poited out, you'll never get the crooks in the government to do it! There was no "appealing" to government authority in 1776 either. I note that it didn't stop The People from creating a lawful Declaration of Independence. The question REALLY is, who has the lawful sovereign power in the US...The People, or the crooks that run the joint? you would probably call it a Commission Of Inquiry in your Jurisdiction! Don't be silly. I'd call it me sending a letter demanding they "show cause",and if they couldn't, I'd get their lawful agreement that they committed treason. It would be in the nature of an agreement with (the tacit confession of) each of the treasonous congressmen. Having that confession, I could then lay charges of treason in a Crown court (oops...I guess in the US it would be a People's Court of some kind...Disrict Court?...Superior court? (not a Federal court...that'd be the same crooked deal we have in Canada, UNDER the government's jurisdiction instead of OVER it)...Maybe even Judge Judy's court, though I'd rather see that Napolitano guy issuing the arrest warrants...I think he's got the jam to do it.) There'd be no need for a grand Jury or "Commission of Inquiry" to investigate, since we'd already have their confessions to treason. We could go straight to trial after the arrests (and they be nuts not to plead guilty, since they've already confessed their guilt on the record. So these 217 corrupt politicos have given this administrations NSA and its cronies carte' blanc...or so they seem to think! Not even a day has passed and here we go, but this is a violation of our rights no matter how they spin it! Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords Secret demands mark escalation in Internet surveillance by the federal government through gaining access to user passwords, which are typically stored in encrypted form. Hey...Don't complain to me...You guys voted for them...If you don't like it, yank them out of office & jail them! |
Democratic establishment unmasked: prime defenders of NSA bulk spying NYT: "The Obama administration made common cause with the House Republican leadership" To say that there is a major sea change underway - not just in terms of surveillance policy but broader issues of secrecy, trust in national security institutions, and civil liberties - is to state the obvious. But perhaps the most significant and enduring change will be the erosion of the trite, tired prism of partisan simplicity through which American politics has been understood over the last decade. What one sees in this debate is not Democrat v. Republican or left v. right. One sees authoritarianism v. individualism, fealty to The National Security State v. a belief in the need to constrain and check it, insider Washington loyalty v. outsider independence. All the more reason for The People to take my advice and write the Congress to impeach those traitors. I'm talkigng here to everyone in US Jurisdiction. Write that damn letter. I guearantee you can impeach the bastards and put them to trial! Even if it didn't, what's the worst they can do to you?...Hit you with a drone? C'mon some gumption here! Look at it this way...If you let them get away now with this NSA garbage, there is no telling what they will do to you next. You didn't sit areound letting King George crap on your heads in what's happened in the interim?...Has the spirit of freedom totally died in your country? I'm telling you now you can take the country away from the traitors & criminals and hold it proudly in your own hands, all without firing a shot. Impeaching half of congress would only be the start of a Second (hopefully bloodless) American Revolution that would send the message around the whole blopdy world that the spirit of freedom and respect for the REAL rule of law hasn't died! I explained in an earlier post that ANYBODY* in US jurisdiction can arrange to have the treasonous congressmen suspended, arrested & tried for treason. For some reason, either nobody believes me or they're all too cowardly to give it a shot. *(Well maybe not lawyers...Their BAR oaths probably prevent them from doing anything to upset the banksters who run the US & most of the other countries.) Reps can't be impeached, they can be "recalled". The State Legislatures can be forced by the public to recall or redress a grievance, much like a trial, but the only action is comparable to a disbarment. Legal proceedings can come of course if it is felt a crime has been committed, but most politicos count on the fact that, like the "Blue Line", their peers will do what they can to avoid that, and protect them. The people do have the power to remove a sitting representative if they feel that rep doesn't meet or follow the will of their people. So what do they call it when a citizen arranges for the court to issue an arrest warrant for a congressman and the cops walk into congress & pull him out of his seat & cart him off to jail? A complaint..... but the GJ has to issue an arrest or apprehension warrant.....ain't gonna happen in a corrupt system Who's the GJ and why can't the warrant be issued by any superior court? Don't make assumptions about the corrupt system not cooperating. I'm pretty certain it would. (and I know the kind of criminals in it that you're dealing with...we have them up here too...but not for much longer. LMAO) |
Democratic establishment unmasked: prime defenders of NSA bulk spying NYT: "The Obama administration made common cause with the House Republican leadership" To say that there is a major sea change underway - not just in terms of surveillance policy but broader issues of secrecy, trust in national security institutions, and civil liberties - is to state the obvious. But perhaps the most significant and enduring change will be the erosion of the trite, tired prism of partisan simplicity through which American politics has been understood over the last decade. What one sees in this debate is not Democrat v. Republican or left v. right. One sees authoritarianism v. individualism, fealty to The National Security State v. a belief in the need to constrain and check it, insider Washington loyalty v. outsider independence. All the more reason for The People to take my advice and write the Congress to impeach those traitors. I'm talkigng here to everyone in US Jurisdiction. Write that damn letter. I guearantee you can impeach the bastards and put them to trial! Even if it didn't, what's the worst they can do to you?...Hit you with a drone? C'mon some gumption here! Look at it this way...If you let them get away now with this NSA garbage, there is no telling what they will do to you next. You didn't sit areound letting King George crap on your heads in what's happened in the interim?...Has the spirit of freedom totally died in your country? I'm telling you now you can take the country away from the traitors & criminals and hold it proudly in your own hands, all without firing a shot. Impeaching half of congress would only be the start of a Second (hopefully bloodless) American Revolution that would send the message around the whole blopdy world that the spirit of freedom and respect for the REAL rule of law hasn't died! I explained in an earlier post that ANYBODY* in US jurisdiction can arrange to have the treasonous congressmen suspended, arrested & tried for treason. For some reason, either nobody believes me or they're all too cowardly to give it a shot. *(Well maybe not lawyers...Their BAR oaths probably prevent them from doing anything to upset the banksters who run the US & most of the other countries.) Reps can't be impeached, they can be "recalled". The State Legislatures can be forced by the public to recall or redress a grievance, much like a trial, but the only action is comparable to a disbarment. Legal proceedings can come of course if it is felt a crime has been committed, but most politicos count on the fact that, like the "Blue Line", their peers will do what they can to avoid that, and protect them. The people do have the power to remove a sitting representative if they feel that rep doesn't meet or follow the will of their people. So what do they call it when a citizen arranges for the court to issue an arrest warrant for a congressman and the cops walk into congress & pull him out of his seat & cart him off to jail? |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
well,we have arrived at the Point where OP intended to lead the Thread anyway,,discussing the 9/11-Insanity once again,and seems it has grown since then! Some more Talking-Points have been added by the Truthers since,obfuscating the Matter even more! ![]() Hey...I just wanted a simple question answered (which I note was never done). All anybody had to do was look it up, but I see nobody bothered. It seems for some reason, that the conventionalists would prefer to try to ridicule either the people who have simple logical questions, or the questions themselves, than to actually address them with a logical and researched answer. I can only conclude from this that the OP study appears to be bang on in concluding that the "conspiracists" tend to be reasonable, logical people, who question the official narrative, while the "conventionalists" are more interested in using all sorts of logical fallacies & misdirections to obfuscate matters than to actually address legitimate questions about anomalies & inconsistencies, or even simple facts about events which, owing to their suspicious nature & ludicrous official storyline, strongly warrant more in-depth and impartial investigation. OP has started quite a few Threads this way! Funny,actually! As to those "Inconsistencies,they exist largely in the Minds of the Truthers! Mountains made from Molecules,not just Molehills! Get your Stories straight once and for all,instead changing it everytime you are proven wrong,and maybe some might just listen instead of laughing! That's cute Conrad...I have to give you an "A" for effort, but you just keep proving how valid the OP study was every time you post. You know perfectly well I know nothing about a conspiracy theory about a "series" of fifth planes (if such an animal even exists); I just had a simple and logical question about fifth plane that was heavily reported in the news that day and then suddenly "disappeared" from the newscasts without so much as an explanation, or a "Wham, bam; thank you ma'am!"...What do they call that?...A red herring fallacy? If the inconsistencies exist in the minds of the "Truthers" then it would appear that the "truthers" are intelligent & logical people, because I see loads of them in the official line on just about anything from vote counts in elections to a casus belli for a war & everything in between. Funny isn't it how nothing a politician says is to be believed or at all trusted unless it's a crime so horrendous that only a politician could commit it, so he is suddenly so wonderful that he'd never do this to his own people eh? Just like Obama and his drone program. He has been documented to have whacked US citizens with them extrajudicially (isn't that murder?), ut no...He wouldn't do that!...Yeah right...he only authorized it, he didn't fly the damn things. As for the "proven wrong" crap you just tried to feed everyone, I know you weren't talking to me since I wasn't telling any stories, but it was a cute little tidbit of fallacious innuendo for the unsophisticated has-to-be-watered-twice-a-week mind(?) to chew on. Too bad there are only a few of them on here eh? |