Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
I am no psychologist but my understanding is this. The professionals state that those who present a pro conspiracy argument are more rational in their arguments and hence their state of mind than those who take the anti conspiracy argument. A scroll up this thread is a good example of this. they present a pro 'truther' argument,, not a pro 'conspiracist' argument truthers are only one type of conspiracist some conspiracies are logical and others aren't,,,,to just take one that happens to be logical as an assessment of all conspiracists doesn't seem professional or accurate to me,,,, it's been explained to them before, they won't understand it anymore now than they did then... I think there is a conspiracy to get CTers. ![]() Funny you should say that...I'm developing a theory about the irrational conventionalist zealots conspiring in a desperate attempt (pathetically by use of trite logical fallacies, evasions & misdirections) to somehow try to discredit the more intelligent skeptical minds of the more normal CT types. ![]() |
Forget about whether or not it's constitutional...It's against your natural human right to privacy!
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
I posted a rational argument, which is still not really addressed What was your argument and how was it not addressed? how is this a study about conspiracy theorists, if its really only about one subgroup ,, truthers As I posted earlier, it is NOT a study about conspiracy theorists. Please define "truthers" and how they differ from :conspiracy theorists such as to be a subgroup. and what has it to do with sanity, if its really about majority opinion? It doesn't have to do with either sanity or majority opinion. I just don't get how the conclusion was drawn from the information given,,,, What conclusion?...please specify. Did you read the study itself? What was the conclusion of the study? |
Adam Kokesh Arrested
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Sun 07/14/13 04:24 AM
Earlier I suggested suspending all statutes passed after to Nov. 1913 but based on the following video, I'd like to add that Maybe the 14th amendment should be replaced by the the original 13th amendment; or maybe the country should return to natural law (Lord Coke's common law) principles altogether. |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
still missing how any of the op pertains to ones 'sanity' so, on the issue of September 11, they collected more people who believed in a conspiracy than who didn't and,,what does that prove about 'conspiracists' and their sanity,,,? don't get it Well to me that is what the study done by professionals implies ok,, just doesn't seem like much of a study of conspiracists in any broad sense if it was restricted to one topic,,,,,instead of several random topics compared collectively,,,, That stands to reason doesn't it? The study wasn't about "conspiracists" in either broad or the narrow sense (as you can probably tell if you read it's title) |
Edward Snowden's martyrdom
I heard a rumor that Obama was so upset about the latest interview that he called Putin to tell him off. I sure would love to get the NSA recordings on THAT call! (though I can imagine it):
Obama: You'd better shut him up Vlad, or there will be Hell to pay!! Putin: Let me get this straight; you're so unafraid of the Russian nuclear deterrent that you're willing to arm your (allegedly) most hated terrorist enemy called "al CIAda" in Syria, but you are so $hit scared of Snowden that you're pissed at my country for not whacking him? Obama: Shut him up!...I mean it! Putin: Tell you what, You pull your goons out of Syria, recognize Palestine's statehood, get Israel to sign the NPF Treaty, Live up to your NPF obligations to Iran and help with their nuke program, Pay reparations to Iraq for some of the damages, and vote with Russia on the next, say 6 security council resolutions and I'll think about it...How's that? Obama: &$&)^$@$%!!!! Putin: By the way, I didn't get the satellite shot from the NSA's files today...Was my hair parted straight? Obama: *click* bzzzzzzzzzzz |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events. The most recent study was published on July 8th by psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent (UK). Entitled “What about Building 7? A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories,” the study compared “conspiracist” (pro-conspiracy theory) and “conventionalist” (anti-conspiracy) comments at news websites. The authors were surprised to discover that it is now more conventional to leave so-called conspiracist comments than conventionalist ones: “Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist.” In other words, among people who comment on news articles, those who disbelieve government accounts of such events as 9/11 and the JFK assassination outnumber believers by more than two to one. That means it is the pro-conspiracy commenters who are expressing what is now the conventional wisdom, while the anti-conspiracy commenters are becoming a small, beleaguered minority. Perhaps because their supposedly mainstream views no longer represent the majority, the anti-conspiracy commenters often displayed anger and hostility: “The research… showed that people who favoured the official account of 9/11 were generally more hostile when trying to persuade their rivals.” Additionally, it turned out that the anti-conspiracy people were not only hostile, but fanatically attached to their own conspiracy theories as well. According to them, their own theory of 9/11 - a conspiracy theory holding that 19 Arabs, none of whom could fly planes with any proficiency, pulled off the crime of the century under the direction of a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan - was indisputably true. The so-called conspiracists, on the other hand, did not pretend to have a theory that completely explained the events of 9/11: “For people who think 9/11 was a government conspiracy, the focus is not on promoting a specific rival theory, but in trying to debunk the official account.” In short, the new study by Wood and Douglas suggests that the negative stereotype of the conspiracy theorist - a hostile fanatic wedded to the truth of his own fringe theory - accurately describes the people who defend the official account of 9/11, not those who dispute it. Additionally, the study found that so-called conspiracists discuss historical context (such as viewing the JFK assassination as a precedent for 9/11) more than anti-conspiracists. It also found that the so-called conspiracists to not like to be called “conspiracists” or “conspiracy theorists.” Both of these findings are amplified in the new book Conspiracy Theory in America by political scientist Lance deHaven-Smith, published earlier this year by the University of Texas Press. Professor deHaven-Smith explains why people don’t like being called “conspiracy theorists”: The term was invented and put into wide circulation by the CIA to smear and defame people questioning the JFK assassination! “The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.” In other words, people who use the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” as an insult are doing so as the result of a well-documented, undisputed, historically-real conspiracy by the CIA to cover up the JFK assassination. That campaign, by the way, was completely illegal, and the CIA officers involved were criminals; the CIA is barred from all domestic activities, yet routinely breaks the law to conduct domestic operations ranging from propaganda to assassinations. DeHaven-Smith also explains why those who doubt official explanations of high crimes are eager to discuss historical context. He points out that a very large number of conspiracy claims have turned out to be true, and that there appear to be strong relationships between many as-yet-unsolved “state crimes against democracy.” An obvious example is the link between the JFK and RFK assassinations, which both paved the way for presidencies that continued the Vietnam War. According to DeHaven-Smith, we should always discuss the “Kennedy assassinations” in the plural, because the two killings appear to have been aspects of the same larger crime. Psychologist Laurie Manwell of the University of Guelph agrees that the CIA-designed “conspiracy theory” label impedes cognitive function. She points out, in an article published in American Behavioral Scientist (2010), that anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly about such apparent state crimes against democracy as 9/11 due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing belief. In the same issue of ABS, University of Buffalo professor Steven Hoffman adds that anti-conspiracy people are typically prey to strong “confirmation bias” - that is, they seek out information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, while using irrational mechanisms (such as the “conspiracy theory” label) to avoid conflicting information. The extreme irrationality of those who attack “conspiracy theories” has been ably exposed by Communications professors Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State University. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article entitled “Dangerous Machinery: ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ as a Transpersonal Strategy of Exclusion,” they wrote: “If I call you a conspiracy theorist, it matters little whether you have actually claimed that a conspiracy exists or whether you have simply raised an issue that I would rather avoid… By labeling you, I strategically exclude you from the sphere where public speech, debate, and conflict occur.” But now, thanks to the internet, people who doubt official stories are no longer excluded from public conversation; the CIA’s 44-year-old campaign to stifle debate using the “conspiracy theory” smear is nearly worn-out. In academic studies, as in comments on news articles, pro-conspiracy voices are now more numerous - and more rational - than anti-conspiracy ones. No wonder the anti-conspiracy people are sounding more and more like a bunch of hostile, paranoid cranks. ![]() (Hint:It actually was never even alive!) Yeah; you're probably right. I think we're all agreed now that the conspiracists tend to be more intelligent, rational and courageous than the conventionalists. Good thing for all of us they outnumber the irrational & nearly violent "conventionalists" by about 2 to 1 eh? |
Who's Zimmerman?
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
![]() never get tired of patting yourself on the back i see... Are you an unskeptical conventionalist? ![]() no, just a realist... Why did you assume he was patting himself on the back? I didn't see anything in his post that looked like self-congratulation, so I must have missed it. Where did you see it? |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
![]() never get tired of patting yourself on the back i see... ![]() Is there something wrong with Press TV? ![]() What what's wrong with it that isn't wrong with any MSM outlet? |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
![]() never get tired of patting yourself on the back i see... ![]() Is there something wrong with Press TV? |
OH, Now that's funny!
As sad as the accident was, that newscast was hilarious.
![]() ![]() ![]() |
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane;
Edited by
Sat 07/13/13 08:50 AM
![]() never get tired of patting yourself on the back i see... Are you an unskeptical conventionalist? ![]() |
Adam Kokesh Arrested
Edited by
Sat 07/13/13 08:46 AM
I can't post the source because they are seeking donations for this march and it is against Mingle rules. This is the content.... Kokesh is not the only person unhappy with the way the government is conducting The People's business, and where he failed to accomplish anything but get arrested, several other groups plan to hold protests in Washington D.C. in the first week of September; one such group is led by sworn law enforcement officers. Mark Kessler, Gilberton Pennsylvania's Chief of Police is also the head of the Constitutional Security Force (their membership is in the thousands, encompassing groups like Oath Keepers and others), and his group plans to hold an extended protest, entering Washington D.C. on September 7th and staying indefinitely, saying that they do not intend to leave until impeachment proceeding have been initiated against Barack Hussein Obama, and additional criminal charges have been laid against the President and his Attorney General Eric Holder for High Crimes and Misdemeanors against the citizens of the United States; including the crimes of Treason and murder. Members of the Constitutional Security Force, police officers, deputy sheriffs, and state troopers are going to make up the core of Chief Kessler's formation, which will be unarmed except for officers carrying their service weapon in the line of duty or for personal protection. This is not an "armed march" along the same lines as was initially planned by Adam Kokesh; it is a formation of sworn law enforcement officers who may, or may not, choose to carry a personal sidearm. There will be no open carrying of shotguns or rifles, and no one who is not a sworn law enforcement officer will be allowed to carry any type of weapon as it is against the laws of the District of Columbia. Chief Kessler has said that everything he plans to do will be in compliance with all laws; Federal, state, and local, which is a point of particular appeal for the editorial staff of The Truth Is Viral. The Patriot Movement does not need one lone hothead with a shotgun to make a point; look at him now, what good is he to anyone sitting in a jail cell? No, we need at least ONE MILLION VOICES to impress upon our elected representatives that The People are serious, that we have had enough of their genteel politicking, and if they don't quit flapping their gums and get down to the business of Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama and indicting Attorney General Eric Holder then there WILL be consequences. Do you remember what happened after Glen Beck's "Take Back America Rally?" A million Patriots were in Washington D.C. for just a few hours, and as a result the Tea Party swept the mid-term elections. Imagine what a million Patriots could do if we went to Washington D.C. and stayed; because that is the plan. We are going to make sure that our elected representatives know that if they don't get on the stick and get rid of these criminals, then THEIR jobs are in jeopardy! The Truth Is Viral not only supports Chief Kessler's plan, we intend to go to Washington D.C. with him to demand that our elected representatives take action immediately. Other groups are planning marches and protests on the same dates and as their plans begin to come together TTiV may support them as well. It is important to remember however that no one man or organization is going to make this protest a success. Take a lesson from Egypt: It is going to take a concerted effort by millions of people, even those who can not go themselves, to spread the word: Our LAST CHANCE to stave off Tyranny in a non-violent manner begins the first week of September in Washington D.C. That week is going to be extremely exciting, and The Truth Is Viral is going to be there. Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Bob Powell is going to bring his own sound equipment to the protest and will be speaking out against Tyranny in front of Congress, in front of the White House, and in the offices of his Michigan Representatives and Senators until he can speak no more. We need your help to make this happen. Don't assume someone else will do it, do it yourself and do it now! Time is rapidly running out. We need your voice in Washington D.C. telling Truth to Power, and fulfilling the mission of The Truth Is Viral; saving lives, and souls before a Satanic Tyranny descends on the nation. Most importantly though, we need your prayers for our success and our safety. Lifting us up to Father as we stand up for what is right and true, as we charge once more into the breach, is THE most valuable gift you can give. Semper Fi, and may God bless us all. And God bless the Republic! we need... ...Evidence sufficient for reasonable cause and prima facie cases for Treason against the Constitution for the united States of America, against named parties in the executive branch, and for warrants for arrest to be petitioned from and issued by the Supreme Court. Then those officers in possession of those warrants can lawfully arrest the parties the warrants were issued for. There should also be a declaration signed by the majority of the electors (note that I didn't say "voters" aren't voting as citizens, you are publicly ELECTING by declaration and lawful referendum), temporarily suspending all regulatory statutes passed since November1913 (When the FED was created) pending review of their constitutional validity and consistency with principles of the Rule of Law (i.e. check them for common law fraud and toss them if they are found to be fraudulent). Also, the original 13th amendment should be declared valid, since is the allowance of titles (like esquire for lawyers) that allowed Britain to take control of your country again not very long after it first gained independence.) If the supreme court refuses to issue the necessary warrants without a genuinely lawful excuse, then the Supreme Court should also be considered a possibly treasonous entity, as it should be bound by oath to serve the American Public and not anything like the BAR association or law society. It's time these clowns learned once and for all, that John Q. Public is the bloody owner and BOSS of ANY administration hired to administer its affairs! He is NOT a servant of his government!...His government is HIS servant and this time its bloody well gonna listen to the BOSS!!! |
I say every body must know the reality of world politics. Poltics is for democracy we dont see much in the world on the contarary politics & polticians rulling the nations, world.Where is democracy is?? in hands of few powerful & gang of police & milatary leaders &corporates. The same story for every nation. And commone men is just bearing all pains &paying taxes for running the politics. Lot of money,hard work & good brains just following & rulling by few this way. No option no other way left, but the constittion is all what ?? parliaments are what doing only budget,money raising places. Keeping healthy police &milatary to save only these few people. This is the real truth of world & all govnts of world. All corporates & huge pvt sectors having control of total money keeping in their hands &making such policies favouring only them. Few exeption is you see like Bill Gates,etc, TATA of India only keep some social cause. But Stiil If on point of business you see they are also not different. Just U see the inflation &price hiking rates for day to day requiremets for eduation, for medication atlest USA, UK &few countries are littile better. But who will think for rest of world. on doing business it is global deeds. But environment, for other parts things are indiviuals. All big gints selling every things every where snaching money from public. But we dont have other way U can just vote &elect then left for ruled over. I just want to know then who will care for 7 billions peoples of the our world. The great seen of polticient like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther king or french revolution like good exa.are also we see. Dont we see similrly we now need a total world revolution for sake of 7 billion of our beutiful Blue planet. Really otherwise we are close to anothr next world war & again killing of innocent people by few leaders may turn out any time Hitler or Musolin & pull world in nuclear war of total lost of for ever. who will care for 7 billions peoples of the our world. WE will! (because there's nobody else we can rely on to do it.) |
Adam Kokesh Arrested
Adam is blowing it in court. His refusal to speak has already been used against him (Law maxim: He who does not deny admits.") His best bet is to get in touch with the CIC crew or people like Brandon Adams or Gordon Hall to find out what he should be doing about his situation. If Adam has any friends on these forums (as I believe he does), I strongly suggest they take it upon themselves to get some advice from them about what Adam should be doing in court. |
Adam Kokesh Arrested
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Fri 07/12/13 10:35 AM
Our government has taken WAY too much power away from the people. Yes they have and it's knuckleheads like this punk make the government want to even take more away. And it's people like you who make people like him, the founding fathers, Paul Revere, and other patriots who actually have the guts to stand up against tyranny necessary ! WELL SAID!! ![]() ![]() ![]() It's well past time to give $hit to the slavish cowards and traitors wherever we find them! It is that sort of fear, cowardice, apathy, and/or outright treason that got us all into this mess in the first place. Obviously, it will take men of courage, ethics and just principles to get us out of it. Well past time for them to stand up and be counted I'd say. |
Edited by
Thu 07/11/13 05:02 PM
HAH!!...Looks like the house of cards is beginning to fall...Next stop: charges against the states parties to the international ECHELON Program for conspiracy to violate the various publics' rights to privacy.
![]() These loons are so into spying they're doing it on each other! |
Edited by
Thu 07/11/13 04:37 PM
oop...accidental double post.
Adam Kokesh Arrested
I've shared a few conversations with Adam on different sites and venues. This whole thing will hopefully go to MSM with the real message and not be distorted by political gun control freaks with BS drug charges. I can see it all now.... they'll cover all the bases..... Gun crazed Iraq veteran, high on drugs, makes terrorist threat against the US..... and not a word of truth in it! Adam has a show on RT, 1000's of videos, text and photos of him during his time there. The NSA will photoshop and edit enough to sell the masses a need for more control..... on everything! The "Powers That Were" are probably pissed that he cancelled the armed march on Washington they were counting on to stage a major shooting incident at. The best they can do now is retaliate by framing him on some bull$hit charges. |