Community > Posts By > The Wrong Alice
Yes, that is a common reaction Soufie
I myself hadn't heard of him, until I read of him in a guide book He sounds interesting, thought I I've seen his statue, I would put a picture of it, but despite being explained to me how to do it, the know how, of how to do it, still evades me I wonder why, most people haven't heard of him, ( or if they have, then the 'fictional' him) despite him, being a quite important historical figure If I look up hypnotism , in an encyclopedia, something which I've done before, I learn about Mesmer, but he doesn't even get a mention I wonder why, he lies in an unmarked grave And just what did he do, to get imprisoned And just what did he do, to get out of prison And being under the mental health system, since the age of 21, I've had a fair amount of dealings with, psychologists ( I studied psychology, at A level, never heard of him there, Piaget, is far more en vogue, Vygotsky, spit, no, we're doing Piaget) and psychiatrists. Why would a psychologist use hypnotism? Would a psychiatrist use hypnotism? And if so, or, if not, why? Is it possible to hypnotize somebody, without them knowing, they've been hypnotised? And if it is, are there any laws, about this sort of thing? You see, in all these years, you would think, that these people, would have hypnotised me, I think that's rational and reasonable, you know, to get to things that lay, in the subconscious, unconscious Particularly, as when I first encountered them, I told them, that I thought, that people were hypnotising me But they've never told me I have, never made me aware, that I have, and remain resolute in their diagnosis, that this, is a delusion of mine. Well, well, which is more rational That they have, or that they haven't Anyway, sorry if I've gone a little of track, and bleeted about personal experiences, but if you haven't read any of my posts before, it may give you a little insight, as to a reason, why I find this man, particularly interesting, and why I would greatly love, to learn more about him |
Edited by
The Wrong Alice
Thu 08/29/19 11:18 PM
Other than anything you might read on google
Yes, I know, he was a character in a fictional book, The Count of Monte Cristo, by, Alexander Dumas , the guy who wrote the 3 musketeers But he was a real guy, famous for his work in hypnotism, and dare I say it, perhaps even esotericism He hung around with some pretty famous characters, who you may have heard of, if you haven't heard of him Marie Antoinette, for 1. I must 'fess up to my own ignorance here, I've heard of her, but don't know much about her, other than that she's French, and was around at the time of Napoleon, I think Anyway, I was just interested Thought it may provoke / inspire a few thoughts / discussions |
Death of Masculine
Edited by
The Wrong Alice
Thu 08/29/19 08:31 PM
Um, I don't agree with you, in the slightest
You make some sort of magik triangle out of Feminism, Nihilism and Communism I don't see how wanting equal rights for women, equates to either of the other 2 In Britain, it's not that long since women were allowed to vote They are still vastly unrepresented in some professions, and are still on the whole paid less than men, for doing the same job Football or soccer as you probably call it, has seen a recent resurgence of interest in the women's game recently At 1 time, it was more popular than the mans game This was stopped, deliberately, they weren't allowed to play anymore I didn't know this until fairly recently myself I found out, watching a program about it, which was on during a weeks worth of programs, which was the anniversary of either the Suffragettes or the vote I believe. Have you heard of the French Resistance from the second world war? They were largely woman And if caught, would suffer the same fate as men would Only worse, I'll leave to your imagination, what it is they may have suffered For all that I disagree, with what you say I do agree, that their maybe a lessening of masculinity But I've heard of a completely different theory, as to why that is The active drug, that is in the Female contraceptive pill, passes into the water table, and thus is passed onto us all As a side note, in this country, should a woman want to come off the pill, for any reason other than to conceive Said lady will receive a barrage of questions from her doctor, who will strongly advise her against doing so, and will then proceed to do their best, to get her to see a psychiatrist |
Bury FC
This sort of stuff has been on the cards ever since they introduced the Champions league
When I first heard of it's possibility, I thought it sounded like a good idea My Dad, did not It's a typical rich get richer, poor get poorer situation And money aside, you can win the Champions league, without even winning your own league Plus it's devalued other things. The League Cup and UEFA Cup, don't really have half the prestige they used to have Bring back the European Cup, and the Cup Winners Cup |
Visit Tunisia
Edited by
The Wrong Alice
Tue 08/27/19 11:41 AM
After a brief look on the internet, there is advice, that it is safe to travel in some parts of the country
It advises against going close to Libya So I googled travel advice for Libya It is advised, not to go there And I have to say, I find some of the previous posts, very insulting |
Free Palestine
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Visit Tunisia
My friend, I mean no disrespect to yourself or your country
But it is not currently regarded as a popular tourist destination I believe there were some incidents, that put people off Also as a largely Muslim country I believe, I'm not sure if alcohol, is legal That's pretty much a deal breaker, for many people Morocco, maybe, Tunisia, doubtful |
In England we have tendency to drink beer and watch football
I'm not entirely certain, that is true
I think the fact it's used, surreptitiously, and that it has a bias, I believe is deliberate, is wrong Facial recognition was devised and first used, quite successfully, by casinos I believe |
![]() And that, 'the Donald' is a 'real American' ? ( cue, rips off vest, and flexes muscles) |
Please let me buy Greenland😂
I think he's called somebody nasty, about 5 times now
Each of those 5 people could be described as a strong woman. A coincidence? I think not Also, he thinks climate change is a hoax, or at least, he says he does What are his principles? Ego and money it would seem, with those 2 things, in a sort of unholy union, both feeding off each other. I honestly think there's little room inside his heart or head for anything else |
Edited by
The Wrong Alice
Mon 08/26/19 01:35 PM
Blondey, I directed my comment at the wrong person, sorry
But sweet on him? Sweet on him? She forced him to marry, somebody he'd never even met, and had no desire to marry Thus completely doing away with his free will, in order that she could get what she desired She then commenced to try to pervert. his free will, by enticing him, to place his neck within either of 2 nooses At no time did she present a 3rd option So, old Mr White Knight, may well be a sweety, but I certainly, would not describe him, as a fool, and I'd sure as shiπ still get divorced or run away What's good for the goose, is good for the gander, but, what's good for the gander, ain't good for the goose, bollocπs |
That's a nice tale, I like it
I couldn't let her choose, because I myself hadn't had the ability to choose to be married to her , but neither would I try to deny her choosing. And Blondey you forget, that she essentially forced herself on a man, oh but you might be thinking a little differently, if the sexes were reversed in that story, so did she do, what she did, out of benevolence, or to serve her own desires, a pound of flesh, was mentioned |
Why run?
Well, me old mate Arthur, has landed me in some right old schtuk He made some deal to spare his life which was fair enough, and I'd like to help him, but not really at the expense of my own I do not agree, that all men are selfish Whilst I'm looking forward to the end of this tale I will not engage as what I see as a negative philosophy, or bind. Both choices are wrong. If I can't get divorced or run. Then I will simply not have sex with my wife, therefore fulfilling said contract, and releasing me from it. Not only that, I would tell my wife this, hoping she will understand and forgive me, but fearing that she may not And I would certainly no longer be pals with Arthur, and strongly think about punching him in the face Essentially, he made the deal, not I And might I add, Arthur's life was spared, when he gave the answer Nothing has been mentioned of what said Witch would do, if her price was not paid. So frankly , I would never have married her in the first place |
Net Exporters and Importers
A lot of this goes of my head
But it smacks of the chickens coming home to roost |
Please let me buy Greenland😂
We all know the Devil is in the detail, I examined that contract thoroughly
I want a divorce If I can't have it, I'm running away |
Get divorced
It was after this, that squares, and thus square tables, were invented
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Hi, not bad mate, thanks, how are you?