Community > Posts By > Redrider1500
Trump ..
It's very believable. I thought that would happen when Trump announced he was running in 2020. The candidates that had planned a run against Trump within the Republican party, did get a shafting. But-
Had you ever heard of them prior to them announcing they would run? The first, was Bill Weld. I'm going, Who? Never heard of him. The others struck me the same way. Dem candidates did the same. Who was Beto O'rourke? Marianne Williamson? Andrew Yang? Cripe, I didn't see some names before just a minute ago, when I looked them up. Did you ever hear of Pete Buttetege BEFORE he announced? I bet not. By the way- I changed the locks in his house. He is NOT impressive by a long shot, I was not wowed talking to him. He could have cared less about me, I was nobody. Cry foul all you want to. These nobodies are just throwing their time and money away. They are referred to as "vanity candidates". They're only running to impress themselves. |
Eipstein Arrested
Yes, but I got annoyed yesterday when the prince was laying a wreath at a ceremony in Belgium which was pretty Sollom, The press were shouting across the courtyard at him asking about the friendship! Sometimes, a person gets tied to who he knows. Right offhand, I'd say his granny isn't any too happy about who he chose to associate himself with. So who can he blame for it? Himself. |
<news> Human Composting
That isn't how people are cremated. Yes, they do start the process with a gas flame, but after about 15-20 minutes, the burner is turned off. The body burns by itself with no outside fuel. After several hours, the remains are removed. What bones are left, get crushed, and the metal left is discarded. Then the remains put in a container, and the family does whatever with them.
People composted? What about the stink from a rotting body? Do us a favor- warn us, then point out detours. |
barbie death camp bistro
Burning man is a strange event. I played with the idea of going, then I found out what it all entails.
Leave nothing but footprints. Care to take wild guess what goes out? Everything. You had to apply for permission to attend. $425? Not when I checked on it. $1000+, and be accepted to attend. Tents only. Better make your reservations Jan 2, (or the first monday of the year) Your get there vehicle can only be driven in, and out. It's a LONG drive for supplies, if you need them during the festival. On the other hand, if you'd like to walk about painted purple, and nothing else-enjoy yourself. Don't do anything to get yourself tossed out- no refunds. That anything is up to their staff. If you're even funny looking, they can give you the boot. I can think of better ways to blow a lot of cash. |
Fix ups
Not many actually participate in the forums. Which is too bad, because so much more comes out about a person, than just personal messages.
I tripped over one in another forum. I didn't think much of her at first. I kept reading her posts, there was certain things she'd say, that I instantly picked up on. Curiosity finally got the best of me, and looked at her profile- She was an avid off-road motorcycle rider, like me. Bunches of messages later, I could tell we'd hit it off, had we ever met. Our problem was 1200 miles. So nothing would have happened. Oh well. |
Interesting responses.
Can't tell you how many times women have told me that I should dress up, or change myself in some way, shape, or form. Ask them to? Prepare to duck. If you don't want change, it's fine by me. But I also won't do anything on my behalf, to initiate interest in you. I'll be cordial, that's all. |
Dorian Hurricane
Latest news from the national weather service here- |
Dorian Hurricane
Hate to correct you, but it's now at 175Mph now.
The barometric pressure keeps dropping, from 946MB last night, to 939MB now. (27.36 inches) Very nasty. This is no longer a hunker down and wait it out storm. This is a pack up and get the hell out storm, now. In my surfing of the 'net, I just happened to do some reading of the worst tornados, since those are more likely in my area. The Tri State tornadoes of 1925, were mostly FJ 4, and 5. One in particular, dug a two foot deep trench in the ground. Very Scary to even think about that happening. I respect events like that. About 15 years ago, I had an FJ 3 go past my house, about three miles away. That one, hit a BIG maple tree that was standing by itself in a neighbors field. That tree, was old, and about six feet across at the trunk. That took a direct hit from that tornado. It twisted that tree about twice around, then ripped it out of the ground by the roots, and threw it about 200 feet from where it stood. If I didn't respect weather anomalies before, I do now, just seeing that. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Easy .., peasy ![]() ![]() ![]() This is a dating site. (Or so I have been told) Not the Hallmark Channel. |
Maybe they're scared of rejection. That's just one reason out of many. Aren't you? They're allowed to be. |
Hi I'm Surya, plz share your opinions on being genuine for a relationship on this forum Well, it would be nice if there were members in this forum that were local. Then, real time conversation could happen. I've yet to see anyone from my town participate in any forum, be it here, or another forum. |
older men
Has a serious philanderer with a very shallow interest in women other than to **** them on a no strings attached basis I'm constantly astonsihed how stupidly guulable women are, particularly those women will failed marriages who have some misguided hope that will find love with a complete stranger on a free dating site. Free dating sites see are simply an opportunity for men to shag desperate women seeking adoration. I've unashamendly met and dated women and had sex with the conveyor belt of stupid women from sites like this.... The sad truth is men will want to **** without the baggage and there's plenty of opportunity . Yeah BUT you don't need to be a lying disrespectful little s*it to date and have sex with multiple women! It's guys like you that make women think that ALL men can't be trusted like you, you're an embarrassment to our gender! You'll learn about KARMA someday boy. ![]() ![]() You know why that is- we're boring. Someone might come along that's better than us, and they're willing to wait. There isn't thing one we can do about that. |
Net Exporters and Importers
I just looked up US top imports. I was surprised. From the site I looked at, it stated Machinery,including Computers was the top import at $386.4Billion, then Electrical Machinery, Equipment at $367.1B, Vehicles at $306.7B, Then Mineral Fuels, including Oil at $241.4B.
Those were listed as the top imports to the US. I suspected as much. All one has to do, is walk out, and look up at any power line in the US, and see an imported good. Those round cans that hang from a power pole, transformers, is a big import item. Only one company in the US makes those. The rest, are imported. I doubt there is a tv, computer, or any electronic gear is made in the US anymore. Manufacturing does not appear overnight. I watched a program about Ford changing over to an automated chassis assembly process. It was well planned, and done in a rush. It took millions to do it, and very little time was allotted for screw ups. And they had 'em, too. Us making things isn't an overnight process. We'll continue to import until domestic production gets online. Shutting down a factory is a lot faster than starting one up. |
Takes someone of the opposite sex to show interest in you.
Plenty of women claim that career, and income mean nothing. Very few women that I've ever met, have proved that to me. Looks, matter also. Being sociable is a big plus. Gotta be able to BS them, and their friends. If you don't sound interesting, you're dead in the water. Better be up on the latest and greatest, and cater to the fickle winds of fashion. Ever hear the term, Grin and bear it? very important to be able to do that. I just skimmed the surface. There's loads more to it. |
Net Exporters and Importers
Yes, I agree that the trade imbalance is distressing news. I'd like to know some specifics, like what is the most imported items to this country.
I tripped over a website last year, that had exports from the states. I expected Indiana to be a net exporter of farm related goods. Boy was I wrong! Number one item going out of my state-Steel. Number two was just as astounding- Car transmissions. Obvious guesses, Petroleum, electronics, and steel. |
I think men want to do the chasing. Nope. I'm .000 for the century. So I gave up on that foolishness. I'd rather do something that will get me a return for my effort. |
How about one that doesn't need a physiatric evaluation?
I don't know why, but it seems like every woman I've met, needed one. |
Have you noticed
There's a few around me, but not like it was. My issue with most of the dance venues, is that most of the bands around here aren't really good enough to be called a garage band. Then they kill you with country music, which I hate with a passion.
I'd rather not go for that reason alone. |
Eipstein Arrested
Any bookmaker wouldn't have bet even money on Epstein living to face trial. It was a given that he'd kill himself. The only way he's have lived, is put in front of another person 24/7.
At least now, the victims can sue his estate for compensation, provided they can show proof that he had sexual relations with him or his cohorts. Justice served? Not from what his victims would claim. He was going to die in jail, that was a given. The only plus, he didn't live on the government's nickle for very long. |
Favourite wrestler
I got a couple-
Lou Thesz Killer Kowalski Wilbur Snyder |