Community > Posts By > MsLeeHM

MsLeeHM's photo
Sun 11/04/18 06:26 AM
I’m going out on a limb here but I’m going to say this

1. If I want to go slow and develop a friendship first I don’t sit and hold hands and blow kisses across the table with a man I just met. That most definitely is sending mixed messages

2. If I took it too far on a first meeting and then regretted it the next morning I need to own that and apologize. Hopefully the guy will understand. The apology would help and redefine boundaries.

Personally I think you need to move on. Mixed messages and no apology spells future problems.

As a woman my behaviour needs to match my words. If a little alcohol prevents me from taking it too far then I better stop drinking alcohol on a first meeting. I am responsible for my behaviour. There are ways to let a guy know you are interested besides blowing kisses. You could just say, “I’d like to see you again”.

MsLeeHM's photo
Sun 11/04/18 06:08 AM
Edited by MsLeeHM on Sun 11/04/18 06:34 AM

Maybe I'm different but when a man posts his profile pics with his child or children I am put off. First I think you are exposing your child or children to the predators out there. If you mention in your bio info text that you have a child or children that should be sufficient. This would go for women as well but I don't see female profiles so I don't know.

Any other women or men bothered by this?

Yep, I am bothered by it, it's off-putting.

Also a cropped photo where you can see him leaning in to where his ex used to be slaphead If you cannot even make a decent NEW photo for your profile, then don't bother at all.

- Pouting men, the 'duck face' lips. HORRIBLE, and not masculine. Plus it reveals smoker's line on the top lip. So not attractive!

- Men holding a big fish, EEWWW.

- Men sticking out their tongue. I don't need to see that huge lap of meat. So gross ill

Fish or dead animals - real turnoff

Kids or friends - posting photos without a person’s permission

Posting with other men - so which one are you?

Profile says you don’t smoke but the photo shows you holding a cigarette or cigar

Profile says you drink occasionally but every photo shows you with a drink

Men who use a woman’s name for their ID and a woman’s photo - are you transsexual? If you like THAT woman why are you here instead of with her? If she is an ex then let her go. No woman wants to be a replacement for your fantasy woman

And yes photos with kids - either your own or grandkid is just wrong - photo editing is too easy for child pornographers

MsLeeHM's photo
Sat 11/03/18 08:19 PM
And raise the camera so I don't have to look up your nose

MsLeeHM's photo
Sat 11/03/18 10:28 AM

I would love to tell you guys everything I know, but I'm not allowed to in the forums.

I've noticed that many people on Mingle have a number of misconceptions about scammers and spammers. I would love to rectify those false ideas.

How do I know what I know? I was stalked by one for 18 months. So I began playing the game, learning from the scammers themselves. I also befriended one of the spammers, having many many conversations with her.

So what I know isn't conjecture or speculation. It comes from the source itself.

There are some things I know too but can't share openly because it would only give them more ideas.

MsLeeHM's photo
Sat 11/03/18 02:12 AM
Just got another friend request:

ME: Why do you want to be friends with me?
HIM: Yes
ME: Do you Read English?
HIM: ____________ (no answer) I don’t think it is in the script

MsLeeHM's photo
Sat 11/03/18 01:38 AM
Well I just had an exchange with one of them. It seems no matter what you say they have an agenda- get the email address and get her offsite.

He admitted he had not read the profile before asking what I was looking for. Then read it it ignored it all, kept calling me babe and was determined not to answer any questions.

I wonder if these guys have a script. They all have very similar questions and responses, and rarely answer direct questions.

MsLeeHM's photo
Fri 11/02/18 10:37 PM

They are phishing for find better targets....or improve their come-on to the unwary targets.

So basically, no matter how you reply, you're actually helping the scammers. You may not think so, but you are.

Trust me, I know how they think.

I don’t think we are helping the scammers. I do thinkmanyofthese so-called young people are really scammersloking for amark. Some will ask for money. Some want a quick way into a country. And yes some think we are sex goddesses.

Iris only by talking about it that we have the power to stop them. Crime grows the fastest when people don’t report it or turns blind eye to it.

MsLeeHM's photo
Fri 11/02/18 02:15 AM
I bet she can run faster than some of the fellas. Just hope she can run faster than some of their wives.

MsLeeHM's photo
Fri 11/02/18 02:10 AM
Nope Definitely not interested. it is hard enough in here figuring out who is lying and who is being honest. Like others have said - I've had enough drama

MsLeeHM's photo
Thu 11/01/18 07:47 PM
My mother is 85 and just moved into a nursing home. Knowing my mother the men are probably getting a lot of activity in the past few weeks.

MsLeeHM's photo
Thu 11/01/18 03:03 PM
Not more than 15 miles.

I have tried long distance before. There were a few problems.

A couple of men thought that if they came for the weekend for a first time meeting they would automatically get sex.

Nope NO ONE gets sex the first time I meet them. Just because he comes from far away is no reason to commit to sex with a person I haven’t met yet. Needless to say we never met.

But there are issues of time and cost of traveling. There are no spontaneous dates. It costs money to travel back and forth. It takes time to drive a couple of hours there and back.

I don’t think you really get to know someone on weekend visits. It is too easy to be on your best behaviour. Do an extra cleanup before the person arrives. You don’t get to see the true person. Even a day to say slob might clean up before a visit and then revert to old behaviour after the visit. So who are you really meeting?

As the relationship progresses you may stay over more often and get a better idea of who the other person is. Plus if problems arise you would have a greater chance to see reactions and responses. These perspectives are very important to the development of the relationship.

So long distance isn’t an option for me

MsLeeHM's photo
Thu 11/01/18 08:45 AM
Edited by MsLeeHM on Thu 11/01/18 08:50 AM

And I don’t know about women but guys, please when I look at your photo I don’t want to look up your nose. Please hold the camera a little higher.

Yeah, for some reason "upnose" seems tpo be common... sick

I laugh when i get a message that says "you have such a beautiful smile/ sparkling smile."

Hoeny, I am not smiling in my picture...LOL

Or "you have beautiful eyes.."

I have on sunglasses, goober..try again...

Clearly they are scammers..

I think they have scripts to follow. And they don’t speak English and simply post. I consistently see the exact sa
Me grammatically responses to those

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 10:15 PM
Just so you all know. There was a problem in the programming and the button was not there. it has been corrected.

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 10:13 PM
A field full of trees wearing their orange, yellow, red and pink costumes for the autumn season. Even in the rain they were breautiful

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 09:51 PM
Edited by MsLeeHM on Wed 10/31/18 09:54 PM
Feel free to use it any time you need it pitchfork

false teeth might work. hearing aids, coke bottle eyeglasses. thinning hair. using a walker. You name it.

I love dealing with reality and some of these guys need a huge dose of it

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 09:30 PM
I don't quite get the mind of these guys. Maybe a body that gravity has taken hold of is a turn on. What gets me is that they say they want a long term relationship that will last til the end of our lives.

So I told him this:

Hmmm I am 66. and He was 19. In 20 years you will be 39 and I will be 88 and most likely be wearing Depends to bed.

I have said this to the guys in their 20s, 30 and 40s. It stops them cold. Not one has ever come back with a good response or any response. That is an end of conversation comment and it works every time.

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 09:21 PM

After you have written hundreds of messages without receiving any responses, why bother writing a decent message? If I send a very short message and you respond in some way, then I'll bother starting a decent conversation.

That is what copy and paste is for. if you can't write a good individual response to everyone who contacts you then have a generic one that fits all sizes.

I do have a fair amount of info in my profile. not that many men read it but it is there. So when a guy from the US sends me a message and says he loves my profile then I know he hasn't read it. It clears says no long distance and no international. Although I suppose they may not know that Ottawa ON is in Canada or they want out of the US and see Canadians as a ticket out. I do think most have no idea about the immigration process. And well the scammers aren't planning to be around that long anyways.

I never ever copy and paste generic responses. I will admit that I do like to be bad and play along with some of them before I offer a few facts.

I will say though that my profile has gotten the attention of more scammers than propositions. In fact I have only had one rather blunt sexual offer.

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 09:11 PM
I had a 19 year old hit on me. he was younger than my GRANDDAUGHTER!!!

He said he wanted to teach me all about sex.

I told him "Child I have been having sex since before you were born. I doubt there is anything you you could teach me or at least nothing I would care to learn."

And yes I used the word child. if they are closer to the age of my children then they are considered children too and my kids are in their mid 40s.

I will never ever be that desperate.

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 07:10 PM
What gets me is that by not reading my profile and only looking at the photo they can tell how smart I am.

And I don’t know about women but guys, please when I look at your photo I don’t want to look up your nose. Please hold the camera a little higher.

MsLeeHM's photo
Wed 10/31/18 09:37 AM
I agree about the looks and fun part. I look younger than I am. Some men have said I was lying about my age. Oh well. I see no point in lying. My photos were all taken in 2018.

I don’t mind a few years younger but not more than 10. I think the generation we grew up with important. It gives us more in common to talk about if we shared the same things growing up. Where were you when Kennedy or Lennon was shot? Or when men landed on the moon? Do you remember drills in school for what to do if an atomic bomb exploded? Yes I remember those things. They had an emotional impact that clearly stayed with me and helped form the person I am today. But they can also be what music we listened to. Concerts we saw, movies or TV shows we grew up with. These things are the basis for our cultural landscape and I think the more of these things we have in common the better chance we have of meeting the person we are looking for.

That’s not to say differences can’t be fun but I don’t want to be in a position of teacher to someone too much younger