Let's go fishing! I'm in! |
a real man
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Are you happy with...
Zero debt. Now THAT'S happiness!!! Besides, when you look like that, how could you NOT be happy with yourself?? ![]() ![]() |
Are you happy with...
If we aren't happy with ourself....whats the point we could never be happy with anyone else. Can't base our happiness on another person...that just will never work. I know people like this and they are some of the most unhappy people I have ever dealt with. Developing a positive outlook - and maintaining it - can take some work, but it is always well worth it! Me? I have my bootstraps wrapped 25 times around my hands and when I get broadsided, I just twist them tighter. Cant stand the thought of being knocked down ... I WILL get where I want to be! I WILL! I WILL! |
Are you happy with...
I can pretty faithfully say that I'm not too satisfied as to where things are going for me. I won't go into the particulars as they're simply too numerous (and too boring) to list here, but things haven't been all that good. That goes especially for the last couple of years. I'll second that, dear. How 'bout you scootch over and make room for me in that boat? We'll ride the storm out together (and I'll have someone to eat when the food runs out!) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Are you happy with...
Your self, where your life is at this point? The reason i asked this, is i been on here for almost two years and not one time have i ever posted that i know of, am i attractive, am i ugly, does anyone want me etc etc other then playing around on here to have some fun. Now mind you, i'm not upset or anything like that, but whats up with people not caring about themselves and learning how to be happy with out thinking that another humon being is going to change that ![]() Some people need that constant validation, Mike by the way. Insecurity comes in lots of juicy flavors - this one, one of the hardest to recognize, and easiest to trip over (introspectively). It seems you have been witness to a miracle. Congratulations!! |
weird question MEN
To all the guys who think this is weird, try this: Tape toilet paper to your walls or what ever is around your toilet, then do your thing and see how much spatter makes it out of the toilet. You will be amazed. Also, make sure you put some on the floor right under you to catch the drip. PS, thats urine splattering out of your toilet and stinking it up. If you dont like to clean and you dont like a stinky bathroom, then sit down to pee. You won't have to clean as much. Amen! and Hallelujah!! <pats ned on the back and hands him a sucker> |
I dunno ... not really been anywhere 'exotic' where you can get authentic ethnic foods. Altho, I'll try anything at least once. I've eaten salads with flowers in them - violets and such. I've cooked with chive flowers and made jelly from fireweed flowers. Just dont let me near the bouquets!! :) |
Makes ya wonder if she's also flapping her arms and stomping her feet. Pretty good reason to get worked up, I suppose. But <shrug> ![]() ![]() |
When you eat popcorn....
I thought popcorn only came in a bag when you bought it at the theater. |
Where is your "safe place"?
In the woods, near a stream. With my daddy. Lying on my lovers' chest. |
Whatever the truth is, if you don’t believe Friday the 13th is unlucky, it won’t be, and if you do think it’s unlucky, then bad luck will inevitably follow those that believe it.
If you believe in something hard enough - it will happen. |
I didnt have any worse 'luck' than I normally do. 13 is just a number, and Friday another day of the week. Here is an article written by Jenni Dillon: Watch out for black cats, avoid mirrors and ladders and, by all means, don't spill the salt. As most people probably already realize, today is Friday the 13th, a date commonly associated with bad luck. For the next several hours, millions of superstitious individuals across the country will hold their breath anticipating misfortune. Others will avoid leaving the house altogether, refusing to drive, shop or work on the ill-fated day. But whether you're a true triskaidekaphobe (a person with an irrational fear of Friday the 13th, also called a paraskevidekatriaphobe) or just mildly suspicious, it's probably a good idea to know just where your trepidation comes from. Though it's hard to pinpoint the exact origins of any superstition, several Internet sites are devoted to the history of the Friday the 13th legend. And most list the same possible origins of the rumoured curse. One of the more lucid sites is David Emery's urbanlegends.about. According to a biography on the Web site, Emery is a freelance journalist, as well as a staff writer for both a TV sitcom and a satirical newspaper. He has a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Portland (Or.) State University and completed graduate studies in philosophy and the classics at the University of Texas at Austin. He apparently has a particular interest in modern folklore and founded to "debunk, deconstruct and discuss the most popular tall tales and hoaxes in circulation." While the Web site explores everything from e-mail hoaxes to dubious quotes, three pages are devoted to the history of Friday the 13th. According to the site, the superstition is derived from myths about both Fridays and the number 13. Fridays, for example, are hailed as a particularly significant day in the Christian tradition. Obviously, there is Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified. But according to Christian lore, Adam and Eve also supposedly ate the forbidden fruit on a Friday, the Great Flood started on a Friday, the builders of the Tower of Babel were tongue-tied on a Friday and the Temple of Solomon was destroyed on a Friday. Of course, the Bible doesn't specifically note many these events occurring on Fridays, and Emery explains some of the tradition may have stemmed from the fact that pre-Christian pagan cultures hailed Friday as holy days. The word "Friday" is, in fact, derived from a Norse deity who was worshipped on the sixth day of the week and who represented marriage and fertility. Fridays in the early Norse culture were associated with love and considered a good day for weddings. Over time, however, mythology transformed the Norse fertility goddess into a witch, and Fridays became an unholy Sabbath. Incidentally, the goddess' sacred animal was a cat, which may explain the legendary connection between witches and cats, as well as the superstition about black cats heralding bad luck. In addition to the legendary significance of Fridays, the sixth day of the week also was execution day in ancient Rome and later Hangman's Day in Britain, according the Emery's Web site. The number 13 also has mythological and religious symbolism. Both the Hindus and Vikings reportedly had a myth in which 12 gods were invited to a gathering and Loki, the god of mischief, crashed the party and incited a riot. Tradition in both cultures holds that 13 people at a dinner party is bad luck and will end in the death of the party-goers. Following in that vein, the Last Supper in Christian tradition hosted 13 people and one betrayed Christ, resulting in the crucifixion. The number 13 also has been associated with death in other cultures. The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed life unfolded in 12 stages, and the 13th stage was death. The Egyptians considered death a part of their ultimate journey and looked forward to the spiritual transformation ‹ thus 13 was not an unlucky number in their culture ‹ but like so many others, the tradition warped through time and cultures, eventually associating the number 13 with a more negative and fearful interpretation of death, Emery writes. Finally, Emery suggests the number 13 may have an unlucky connotation because of its association with the lunar calendar (there are 13 lunar cycles in a year) and with femininity (women have 13 menstrual cycles in a year). Then, there's the event that ties the two superstitions together. "Though it's clear that superstitions associating Fridays and the number 13 with misfortune date back to the ancient times, some sources assign the precise origin of the black spot on the day itself, Friday the 13th, to a specific historical event," adds Emery. It was on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307, that France's King Philip IV had the Knights Templar rounded up for torture and execution. The Knights Templar were an order of warriors within the Roman Catholic Church who banded together to protect Christian travellers visiting Jerusalem in the centuries after the Crusades. The Knights eventually became a rich, powerful ‹ and allegedly corrupt order within the church and were executed for heresy. So, who knows? The date may be forever cursed by one event that occurred nearly 700 years ago, or by a series of cosmic coincidences. Or it may be a figment of human beings' collective imaginations. Peninsula Clarion (Arkansas) Friday, June 13, 2003 |
It's obvious to me that after reading these series of hating threads, that some (or one) take this crap way too seriously. The drama that you can allow to come in your life from online friends just confuses me..... ![]() There are some great people on here, I have made some great "online" friends, but I cant think of one that can influence me to act as idiotic to what I just read! To all my friends that live in my computer ![]() ![]() Please dont let online drama affect you ![]() 'Online' or not, drama is drama. Silly, the lot. Roll on ... ![]() |
Im new
Welcome to JSH/1+U
Jump in there (and nevermind Rob tonight) and have a good time. ![]() |
My finger, your...?
Pointing out the new car you just bought me?? ![]() |
Bad Night...
I need a hug.... ...A-A-And some smooch too.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() AAAAWWWWWWWW!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Learn, grow, live. It's a painful process. I know you'll come out of this a better man. Makes me think of a line from that Bridget Fonda movie Point of No Return ... "I never bother much with the little things ..." Do you know it? Funny how that's helped me over the years. "It came to pass ...." from the Good Book itself. Simple, but demonstratively poignant. Apply as needed ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bad Night...
I need a hug.... ...A-A-And some smooch too.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
write whatever you want
Jump Just do it The trip is fantastic - excesses of hilarity, joy, stimulation and vision - plenty of time for the imagination to take you on the journey of your life - the one you dream of - of freedom and hope and inhibition and love. Prepare for the sudden stop. There is no avoiding it, but the trip is worth it. |
Am I too
Goodness!! Too serious? Loosen up? Babe, if you get any looser or sillier, you'd looks something like a hand full of butterscotch pudding. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() How to be a Pervert 101: Be the Best You Can Be Classes start immediately. Attendence is required for full credit. Must bring own riding crop, latex mask, and jello. All tests will be Hands-On and are critical to your final grade. Welcome to class .... Now, STRIP, SHUT UP AND SIT AT MY FEET!! |