Community > Posts By > anoasis

anoasis's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:16 PM

The sun shines on all the earth. On whom does its ray not extend? Every man of every nation feels it. If one dares to behold the beauty of it for too long, it will burn the light from his eyes forever.

But, there the sun stands, immovable. What could make such an amazing wonder? For though it is many millions of miles away, it heats deserts and kills men! What could make such an amazing wonder!

The sun puts mans attempts at creation to shame. Oh man, are you even wiser than the magnificent One who created the sun? If you are, then replicate it. Make one yourself oh man; if you are so powerful. Go ahead, if you know better than God. Not even! If you know just, as much as God; do it!

Oh man, from where does your pride come? God made hundreds times hundreds of thousands of these suns, and you cannot fathom just one. Be humble you man, and take awe in the God who created the sun!

I also think creation is vastly beautiful and awe inspiring and the creator must be multitudes more so...

And I wonder then how man can think that he can guess *anything* about the nature of god.

How presumptious to think that we could truly comprehend the nature of the creator?

Peace. flowerforyou

anoasis's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:05 PM

I find God in more simple and every day things.

Me too M. For me it is nature- how beautiful is the world. I am glad you feel god near you.

Peace and joy to you my friend.


anoasis's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:23 PM

Abra! It happened!flowerforyou You claim that you are annoyed when people proseltyze. I have seen it twice in 49 years. The first time was at the airport on my way to boot camp in 78 and two Moonies wanted to sell me a paper flower. The second was an hour ago while I was in the parking lot loading materials for a job and two bike riders told me they were missionaries for the Church of Latter Day Saints. I said Thanks but I am not interested. Did they beat me with a bible? Point their finger and scream that I was going to hell? Look down their noses at me? Nope. They smiled, said "thank you" and "God bless" then rode away. flowerforyou I can hardly bear the pain they inflicted upon me and didn't even know I was a Christian. Be strong young man. You can do it too.flowerforyou


I have been saying the same thing for a long time around here. Most of my life was living as a non-Christian in the Bible belt and none of the stuff the people around here weep and gnash their teeth about happened to me.

I lived in South Carolina for six years where there is are as many churches as there are convenience stores and it never once happened. Amway folks were a different story though. laugh flowerforyou

Wow I don't know where you live. I have lived in NC and SC and they prayed at government meetings "in jesus name" and people were hired because they were christian, companies flat out advertised that they only hired christians, I had 7 day adventists come by at least weekly... the 7th day adventists didn't bother me.

But being at my place of employment, a secular government agency, and being required to attend meetings that began and ended with prayers to jesus bothered me. Noticing that the holders of the 6 highest positions in the agency all attended church of christ churches that bothered many of us. So we left. I do have a friend who still works there. She is Church of Christ. She feels like her career is a shoo-in. She doesn't think it's right, but admits that she has every reason to believe she will be favored because of her church.

i don't really care to dwell any further... but all this does not mean I "don't like" christians. How stupid. I once had my purse stolen by a hispanic man. a friend asked me if i hated or feared hispanics now? Of course not. just because people have something in common doesn't mean that they are all the same or act the same in any other way.

By the same token the opposite is true. You saying that something doesn't happen just because you personally have never experienced it is ridiculous. If you haven't had cancer I'm happy for you, that doesn't mean that cancer doesn't exist.

I respect your right to discuss your religions. All of them. But when you say something incredibly arrogant and self-centered like "this never happened to me, therefore it doesn't happen" that is obviously ridiculous.

Think. Peace.

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:40 PM
And I do agree with Abra, I think Redy would be an excellent goddess. Also Jessie Lee. And don't forget Cute. She would be a no-nonsense, action-oriented goddess.

Nite all. Peace and joy.

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:36 PM

First of all, let me apologize, because this was really not meant to offend anyone. I had no idea that this 'fun' question would be taken so seriously!

I saw the lighthearted nature of your question right away. I think it’s a cool question.

At first I was thinking that I can’t think of anyone I would vote for. But that’s because I was thinking of people I either know in person, or people know from current events, etc. I would be hard-pressed to think of anyone too choose.

However, when I started thinking in terms of people I’ve met on JSH several come to mind,…

Artgurl would probably get my number one vote
Redykeulous is certainly right up there with her.
As is DD – (Anoasis)

Actually I’m sure I could think of quite a few more women,…

Notice that I’m thinking in terms of female Goddesses here, but in truth I think there are some pretty decent men on here too.

Reverend Rabbit comes to mind
Mirror Mirror would make a pretty good God I think

Oh hell, there’s lot of people on JSH who would be potential candidates for God.

Of course, all of these people are human and bound to make mistakes, but I think they would at least make honest mistakes and do there best to fix them up.

Did I mention Jeanniebean???? I’m certain that she would be a great God too. I could just see her in her soaring around the universe in her spaceship checking in on all her different worlds.

For me, the main trait for a God would simply be to have a genuine unconditional love for others. I’m sure that all of the people I’ve mentioned here have that trait.

Now I’m going to get emails from all my close friends saying, “Why didn’t you pick me?”, then I’ll have to explain to them how evil they are. laugh

So it all depends on who’s running. I’ll vote for Artgurl if she’ll run! bigsmile

I was going to vote for myself (despite the op's gentle discouragement of such... oh naughty me disobeying instructions!!! )

But you beat me to it Abra.

But I don't really want to be head goddess. I can be a minor goddess. I could just give people *interesting* dreams or something...

Actually I don't even need to be a goddess. Empress suits me just fine. bigsmile

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:31 PM

cult of butt lovin? where? i wanna sign up!

oh well then you can go to that cult....noway

don't be jealous

jealous is not what I am....

usually threads start in sex and dating and need to get moved to religion, now the religion thread needs to get moved to sex and what a turn of events.

Ahh... but what if sex is part of ones religion? Perhaps it is a sacrament.

It can be...

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:27 PM

and it sounded good....


hey, I am not entirely unreasonable, no matter what you may have heard about me.:wink:

Oh I never thought you were... after all we have occasionally had similar thoughts...

and I am eminently reasonable. :wink:

Peace and joy. flowerforyou

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:36 PM

I'm starting a cult.

Any takers?

It involves hot tubs, movies, and astral sex.


Asstral sex? I prefer to use the front door thank you. drinker

Movies and hot tub sounds good though. bigsmile

Astral not asstral. You naughty boy. laugh

I thought we already started that cult??!!?

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:31 PM

It's all black magic....and yes I agree with people will believe whatever it is that they think at that moment works. I brought up the book Kingdom of the cults for a good purpose. There are differences between religion and cults.....religion is based on usually the Bible....where cults imo are people who don't believe it or were hurt in some way and search for something that will fit what they need at the moment. It is not an easy thing to live as God intended, and if people cant for whatever reason they will switch it up to fit what they believe.

Voodoo is the darkest of magic.....and yes is considered a religion. And just for me all the dark magic, witches, satanism is all satan involved......Because for me anything that is not of God is of Satan.....If you truly know what voodoo is.......a voodoo priest will call on the diety which is satan......who thrives and lives on the weak and those that don't believe in God....Because if you have a relationship with God....he cannot touch you.

Sugar, by definition they don't worship Satan... they don't believe in his exsistance.

There is no such thing as "black" magick, that's all hollywood.

VOODOO has priest and preistess, and the preistess calls diety, and THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN SATAN.....

Actually some do and some don't. the west african (original) voodoo has nothing to do with christianity or satan. But the american and island versions (voudou, vodun, santeria, etc.) mixed voodoo and christianity- specifically catholicism which is ritualized and thus appealed to them.

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:26 PM

It's all black magic....and yes I agree with people will believe whatever it is that they think at that moment works. I brought up the book Kingdom of the cults for a good purpose. There are differences between religion and cults.....religion is based on usually the Bible....where cults imo are people who don't believe it or were hurt in some way and search for something that will fit what they need at the moment. It is not an easy thing to live as God intended, and if people cant for whatever reason they will switch it up to fit what they believe.

Voodoo is the darkest of magic.....and yes is considered a religion. And just for me all the dark magic, witches, satanism is all satan involved......Because for me anything that is not of God is of Satan.....If you truly know what voodoo is.......a voodoo priest will call on the diety which is satan......who thrives and lives on the weak and those that don't believe in God....Because if you have a relationship with God....he cannot touch you.

Actually, traditional voodoo has nothing to do with "satan" or christianity. It is based on sun and moon goddesses. Mawa is the sun and lisa the moon.

But you are right that in the sects of voodoo that mixed it with christianity when it moved through the slave communities of the carribean islands and into the islands and the US. However, these practitioners are more likely to call upon forces of earth, wind, fire or water or even on catholic saints for assistance than to "satan". Some sects do use the "fallen angel" "satan" as a source of power but it's hardly primarily satanic.

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:00 PM

There are supposingly over 1000 or more religious organizations around the world. Would you say that most of them are cults? Would voodoo be a cult or just a fantasy that people enjoy?

I have a fantasy game going if you like to escape reality. It is not voodoo don't worry. More like dragons and knights involved. lol

I would like to hear your thoughts on why we have soo many cults and religions and if voodoo is a religion or not?

I didn't read through the whole thread so I apologize if this is repetitious but...

There are many practitoners of voodoo here- we have large Haitian and DR populations and the religion is quite popular in Haiti and the Dominican Republic and other carribean islands.

Any religion can be called a cult by outsiders but I really don't see how VooDoo in general can be called a cult because to me a cult seeks to entrap people and isolate them. Most voodoo preiests and preistesses do not keep their followers away from family or non-believers.

In general, voodoo (which has various sects and different practices just like christianity or Islam, etc. e.g.) is about how everything is divine and has power that can be tapped by practitioners. In a sense it is therefore primarily a religion of nature.

Like most religions voodoo seeks to answer questions about why things are the way that they are and what happens after death,etc. The main difference between voodoo and most western and many eastern religions is that voodoo practitioners believe that they can change things in practical, immediate ways. They believe that they can use their religious practices to control the actions of other humans and make things happen in the world at large. Voodoo also is about family and tribal histories, genealogy, general history, and fables. Gods and ancestors are both honored and worshipped.

Of course I'm sure that there are cults based on voodoo just like there are cults loosely based on other religions...

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:41 PM
I asked a question a bunch of posts back and wanted to see if anyone had an answer for me...

It seems rehashing the same arguments was all consuming.

Sigh. ohwell

There were some other interesting points in here too, but all are lost in the he said she saids....

grumble grumble grumble

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:27 PM

Intimacy in the afterlife ... Is there such a thing?

it's called Necrophilia

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

You're sick funches.huh

some ancient cultures use to practice necrophilism as a way to spiritualy communicate with the dead person or to try and revive the corpse don't know if the dead person got anything out of it but clearly one of the two parties did

Maybe they were just trying to make sure the person was really dead...

so they wouldn't be buried alive?

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:19 PM
and it sounded good....


anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:17 PM

did anyone else hear hell freeze over?jklaugh

I heard it, I heard it!!!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

anoasis's photo
Sun 05/04/08 05:02 PM

Thank God for Christ Jesus.:heart:
John 3:16

I think this is interesting. Isn't Jesus Christ god? Do you thank him for himself?

The trinity confuses me. Especially as some here have professed that the god of the old testament is jesus? That's not how I interpreted the old and new testaments... but if jesus didn't exist prior to the birth of the man jesus christ, was he then a creation of the other god?

this is confusing to me.

anoasis's photo
Sun 05/04/08 04:57 PM

thanks was very helpfull an interesting to know

You are very welcome.

anoasis's photo
Sun 05/04/08 04:56 PM

the density of your own hatred of Jesus is the very type of thing I am talking about.

I didn't bother to read beyond this sentence Wouldee.

If this is your impression of me you are so far off the mark that anything else you might have to say is totally irrelevant. You’re clearly imagining things that have no truth in reality.

Oh Abra stop being such a "hater"...

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

People, he doesn't hate the player(s)- he hates the game!

anoasis's photo
Sun 05/04/08 04:54 PM

Atheism exists because God exists. If there was not really God there would not be the need to say I don't believe in God because the concept of God would not even exist in the very first place.
Therefore, it follows that atheism is just a confimation of God's existance.
Then again as I have always sais atheists are good servants of God.
Denying him they confirm His existance.


I have no intent to offend you but to me that is like saying that Santa Claus must exist because some people don't believe in him??!!??

Oops, I used your example before reading all the way through the rest of the posts. Great thought, though!flowerforyou

No problem I reply to a post that catches my attention before reading the rest all the time!!

anoasis's photo
Sun 05/04/08 03:25 PM

Atheism exists because God exists. If there was not really God there would not be the need to say I don't believe in God because the concept of God would not even exist in the very first place.
Therefore, it follows that atheism is just a confimation of God's existance.
Then again as I have always sais atheists are good servants of God.
Denying him they confirm His existance.


I have no intent to offend you but to me that is like saying that Santa Claus must exist because some people don't believe in him??!!??

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