Community > Posts By > SWEETENSEXYB

Tue 12/11/07 04:46 AM
Edited by SWEETENSEXYB on Tue 12/11/07 04:47 AM
Nurjoyce, I would meet for coffee or something in public first. I met a man online after talking for several months. We met at Walmart, of all places, did a little shopping, went to eat, then went to a private place. That's what we both felt comfortable doing. You both have to decide what it is you want out of the meeting. Just be careful. And let someone know where you are, just in case. A girl can't be toooooooo careful these days. Well, I guess not just us girls, guys toooooo. Oh, and I drove 2 hrs to meet him.

Tue 12/11/07 04:42 AM
What a great subject. Yes, our health care system sucks. I'm a single mom, have 2 girls. I have a decent job, pays pretty good, BUT, do you know how much I have to pay for health insurance????????????? It's ridiculous. Thank God my kids are healthy. It's so unfair. If I was one of those ppl with lots of kids and made little money, I could get all kinds of help from the state. Makes no sense to me. Those of us who work hard to maintain our lives, seem to always get screwed. grumble

Mon 12/10/07 05:48 PM
Prayers being sent for your friend. It will just take time for him to recover. Your a great friend to him. Just be there for him. God bless.flowerforyou

Mon 12/10/07 04:42 PM
Hi and welcome to the site. I think you'll like it here. We have lots of fun. Good luck in your search. flowerforyou

Mon 12/10/07 03:46 PM
Hi and welcome. Hope you enjoy it here with us. We all have fun here. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Mon 12/10/07 03:26 PM
Hi and welcome to the site. You should get more into the forums. Always something going on around here. Hope you enjoy it with us. Some times there are some really good conversations going. Enjoy.flowerforyou

Mon 12/10/07 03:23 PM
Hi welcome to JSH. I'm not latina or afr.amer. but, I do luv chocolate, does that count??????????laugh laugh laugh

Mon 12/10/07 03:21 PM
Msteddy, that sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon. I spent my day at work, as usual. It was a pretty good day, not too busy. Glad you had fun today.flowerforyou

Sun 12/09/07 04:38 PM
Hey Knox, yea, his profile says he has 107 freinds, what do you think of that??????????????? We all got some catching up to do. Why is he asking what ppl think of him??????????????? I just don't get it.

Sun 12/09/07 04:32 PM
That was really nice. My mom lives with me. I see her everyday, and Lord knows we drive each other crazy, but, I luv her to death. flowerforyou

Sun 12/09/07 04:26 PM
Well Tall, I don't know you, so don't know how to answer this question of yours. I did look at your profile. It shows you have 107 friends on here. So, why are you asking what ppl think of you????????????????????? Isn't it obvious????????????????? Ppl must like you. DUH?????????????????????????

Sun 12/09/07 04:04 PM
Billy, says you've been here since 08-07????????? How is that nearly a year?????????? Well, it really doesn't matter does it?? What does matter is this: You said you've met a lot of ppl here, some friends,right???????? So, why aren't you staying on here for them??????????? Just because you havent' found that "special someone" doesn't mean you have to delete your acct. Maybe you just need a break from it all for a while. You know, I felt the same way once. Got real discouraged because I haven't had much luck in the dating dept. But, you know what??????????????? I have met more nice, caring, freindly ppl on this site than I could ever have imagined meeting somewhere else. We are all on here for different reasons, but, we all end up making new friends. I am a firm beleiver in the old saying, "THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON". If not to find that special person on here, than it's too find wonderful new friends to last a lifetime with, hopefully. Never know when you might need a good friend. Right?????????????? Well, that's just my thoughts on you or anyone else leaving. I luv this site. Take care and God bless.flowerforyou

Sun 12/09/07 10:14 AM
OMG, you are tooooooooooooooooo funny
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sun 12/09/07 10:12 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sun 12/09/07 10:12 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
that was cute.

Sun 12/09/07 10:09 AM
I met a guy from here a few months ago. We had talked for about 3months. Seems like everytime we planned to meet, one of us had to work, timing just wasn't good. So, finally, after about 3 months we met. I drove 2hrs to meet him. Normally, I would never have drove that far to meet someone, but, he was special. We had a connection. It was a great time. We still talk and plan to meet again sometime. Guess, you just have to go with your gut feeling on things. It felt right for me doing this. But, that doesnt' mean it's right for someone else. You have to go with your gut and your heart. Do what you beleive is right.

Sun 12/09/07 10:02 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sun 12/09/07 09:30 AM
I loved that show. No, I haven't seen it on any channel come to think of it. It was a great show, wasn't it?

Fri 12/07/07 04:41 PM
me tooooooooooooooooo laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fri 12/07/07 04:37 PM
Yea Hawaii, don't lower yourself to that. He aint worth it. Lolly, I think whoever talked crazy to you needs they azzzzz whipped. If they keep on, just report them. No one deserves to be treated like that. But, like it was said before, some guys are just idiots and don't know how to grow up. I wonder what their Moms think about how they are. Makes ya wonder. I know if I had a son and he acted the way some of these guys do, I would tear him up. But, then again, if I did have a son, he sure as hell wouldn't be like them. I would have raised him to have much respect for ppl. AMEN on that note.flowerforyou

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