Community > Posts By > SWEETENSEXYB

Sun 01/20/08 08:46 AM
Seahawk, "MEATHEADS". I'm luving it.
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sun 01/20/08 08:44 AM
You could have left the sexy in if you wanted to. It's YOUR name, so make it what YOU want. It's not your fault if some ppl never learned to read.

Sun 01/20/08 08:40 AM
Flirty, I'd love to be your friend. Thanks. See, I told you you'd make lots of friends on here.
laugh flowerforyou

Sun 01/20/08 08:37 AM
My all time favorite:
Gone with the Wind
Clark Gable "Frankly my dear, I don't give a Dam".

Now that's classic

Sun 01/20/08 08:33 AM
Girl, just do what you want. The Heck with whoever doensn't like it. Your not here to please anyone but yourself right????????? As you will find out, there are lots of great ppl here and lots of not so great ppl. Just have fun, hope you make lots of friends. I'm sure you will

Sun 01/20/08 08:29 AM
Hi Tim and welcome to the site. Join in all the forums and have fun. I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here.

Sun 01/20/08 08:27 AM
Hi, the only thing I saw on your profile was the part in the title where you say "looking for a man for freindship". Other than that, I see no reason men should think your misleading them. If you are looking for just men for friends than ok, but, whatever it is your looking for is YOUR business. Nobody has the right to tell you not to be here. We are all here for our OWN reasons. I don't see anything misleading at all. As long as your honest and upfront when you talk to ppl, there shouldn't be any problem. Hope you do make lots of freinds on here. I have. Actually, I think this site is more about freinds than anything else.

Sun 01/20/08 08:18 AM
Hi Kenny, friends first is the best plan, I think. You'll make lots of friends on here. This place is great. Welcome

Sat 01/19/08 08:50 PM
Why would someone do that???? If you buy something and it doesn't fit or look right, then, of course, bring it back. Why in the world would you buy it, wear it, and then bring it back?????? That's just crazy. Why do you ask? You know ppl who have done this???

Sat 01/19/08 08:17 PM
#1 Earth,Wind,& Fire
#2 Isley Brothers
#3 Miles Davis

Sat 01/19/08 10:52 AM
Edited by SWEETENSEXYB on Sat 01/19/08 10:52 AM
staying inside, it's cold here too, not too bad right now, but, suppose to get below 0 tonight. I'm getting ready to bake cookies, I'll let ya'll know when there done OK???? LOL

Sat 01/19/08 10:47 AM
Hi guys, I can't wait till tomorow either. Hope the Patriots get beat real bad, I can't stand them. Since my Colts are out, I'm going with Chargers and Giants, think it will be a great game. Think Chargers will take it all.

Fri 01/18/08 09:18 AM
Too much work????????????????? Come on now. That's just being lazy. It's not too much to ask

Fri 01/18/08 09:15 AM

Why cant you put the seat up ?

The seat was made with a lid, what does that tell ya??????????

Fri 01/18/08 09:11 AM
Hi guys. Ok, here's my biggest pet peeve about men. Are you ready???????????????????????????
Why can't they put the toliet seat down when they are done????
Is it because they just don't think about it, or because they don't care???????????????????????????

Wed 01/16/08 05:27 AM
Hello Grammy, You better not let any one run you away from this site. It doesn't and shouldn't matter if your single, married, gay, straight, black, white, or whatever. Each and everyone of us has the right to be on this site. You have stated that you are married, your husband knows, you stated you want to make new freinds. So, I don't understand why ppl would say there is a problem. Just tell them to mind there own business. I love this site. I have made more friends here than I have found dates. LOL. You stay put girl. Have fun. flowerforyou

Wed 01/16/08 05:23 AM
Why do you think someone on this site could help you with that??? Whoever your working for should be able to help you. Why don't you look in the newspaper or the phone book, or get online and look for hotels or something.

Wed 01/16/08 05:06 AM
So, what your saying is, you want to find a room to stay in while your working there??????????????

Wed 01/16/08 04:54 AM
Hello, welcome to JSH. What kind of help do you need???????????

Wed 01/16/08 04:53 AM
OMG, I couldn't agree with you more Monsta. I can't stand the Patriots. I'd like to see the Giants take it. Eli needs to show up big brother Peyton. You know?????? I'm a colts fan, but, they really dissapointed us. They just werent' playing up to par. They lost because of some bad plays.

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