Community > Posts By > SWEETENSEXYB

Fri 12/07/07 04:33 PM
Can't we all just get along???????????????????????????? Wouldn't that be nice?? Some ppl never grow up. Guess, Ford didn't have a better idea.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh Yes, we are LMAO at him.

Fri 12/07/07 04:25 PM
I don't think he needs a heart dr. He just needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Rudeness is so unattractive in a person. If you can't say something nice, why say anything???????????

Fri 12/07/07 04:22 PM
sweet american guys?????????????????? Like Angel just said, Good luck with that. I don't know where any are, when you find em, send them this way, laugh laugh laugh

Fri 12/07/07 04:21 PM
Hey Daniel, welcome to our world. I think we all know you want to meet a guy, that's been stated, we are just welcoming you. OK??? Get involved with the topics, talk to ppl. Just make new friends, we have lots of fun on here most of the time. I luv it

Fri 12/07/07 04:16 PM
Can i refer you to a good dentist?...PLEASE...LOL

Fordman: I think that was very rude of you. Do you not realize what the topic of this thread is?????????????? It's called "big girls". Nothing to do with teeth. OK???

Fri 12/07/07 04:12 PM
Hey Munch, I feel ya on this subject. I had pnemonia last month and didn't/couldn't smoke. Hell I couldn't breath. Well, I quit for almost 4 weeks. Then all of a sudden I bought a pack and, well, end of story. It is the hardest thing for me to do. Everytime I try or do quit, I start right back up. There is medicine called "chantix". I know lots of ppl who have quit using this. I'm thinking about trying it myself. Just have to see if my ins. will cover it first. So, don't feel alone, I'm sure we're not the only ones in this boat.

Fri 12/07/07 04:06 PM
Hey Robin, good point. Tell them to bite ya. I like that.laugh laugh laugh But seriously, your right, we all do have our own preferences. But, no one has the right to be rude or disrespectful to someone. If a guy is looking at your profile he obviously can see what you look like, and it say's athletic, heavyset, or whatever. So, they already know something about the persons appearance. If they didn't want to talk to a "BIG GIRL", they should just keep on looking.

Fri 12/07/07 04:02 PM
And then, some men are just idiots.

Fri 12/07/07 04:01 PM
Hi Lolly, Not all guys are like that. Some men prefer "thick" women. If they can't see what you look like from your profile, than forget them. Don't waste your time on those losers. Your a very pretty girl and I'm sure you'll find some nice guys to talk to. Just give it a little time. OK???? flowerforyou

Thu 12/06/07 01:25 PM
Hello, I don't want to sound rude or anything but I have to say this to you. You are only 18 yrs old right??????????? How do you think you can give ppl advice or help someone at your young age???????????????????? I'm sorry, plz, don't take offense to me saying this. I honestly don't see it happening. You have to get a few more years on ya first honey. OK??? I'm 46, and still don't know everything. But, I'll help someone if i can. The point I'm trying to make is this: I just think your WAY to young to give advice. But, maybe to ppl your age, it might work. Who knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thu 12/06/07 01:13 PM
I always delete mine after I look at their profiles. Seems like the same ppl keep looking at mine over and over again.

Thu 12/06/07 09:16 AM
Hi Tom, I don't know a whole lot about laptops, but, I do think you should check the battery. Maybe it's dirty or dusty. I would take out the battery and check it, then put it back in and see what happens next. Did you ask the friend you got it from??? Maybe he can help you. So, how you been doing???? I'm just at work goofing off right now.laugh flowerforyou

Wed 12/05/07 05:19 AM
I never call in to work. But, if I did, I would just say I have a fever, and make your voice sound kinda hoarse. Say you have a fever of 102. Not real high, but good enough, might be contagious. LOL laugh laugh

Wed 12/05/07 05:17 AM
Enya, the words are suppose to end in "ing".

Wed 12/05/07 05:16 AM
I don't know if this is really a word or not.laugh

Wed 12/05/07 05:12 AM

Wed 12/05/07 05:08 AM
I'd be happy with just one wish
1. Never to worry about having enough money to live comfortably.
2. For everyone to get along with each other
3. To find that special guy to have in my life
May sound kinda crazy, but, that's it.

Tue 12/04/07 05:00 AM
Morning everyone. How is everybody doing this morning??? I'm at work, just stopped in for coffee. Who's got a cup??????????????
drinker drinker drinker drinker

Mon 12/03/07 05:02 PM
Light, prayers for you and all your family. This is a very hard time for all of you. Everyone deals with grief in their own way. May God comfort and watch over all of you in your time of need. God Bless you and your family.

Mon 12/03/07 04:57 PM
Hello all. Well, I'm single because that's just the way it is right now. I sometimes think this is how my life is suppose to be. I guess the right one just hasn't come along yet. Only the good Lord knows what's in store for us. Maybe one day, I won't be single anymore. flowerforyou

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