Community > Posts By > soufiehere

soufiehere's photo
Sat 07/09/22 07:04 AM
Edited by soufiehere on Sat 07/09/22 07:05 AM

just fun respectful casual sex

What is respectful about 'Slam, BAM, thank you, Ma'm'...??

Welcome ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Fri 07/01/22 05:22 PM
Congratulations ;-)
Familiar faces are always nice.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 07/01/22 09:24 AM
Edited by soufiehere on Fri 07/01/22 09:24 AM
The more 'standards' or 'boundaries' one manages
to accumulate sorely limit the playing field
for one.

I have no boundaries for someone else, that is
their life not mine. And to miss that one true
love because you no longer appreciate the
younger generation (or any reason) seems self-

Love is such a rarity, I would not like to send
it on its way before knowing it.

For any reason.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 06/16/22 11:09 PM

Am I a skank?

Well, what are your qualifications?

soufiehere's photo
Wed 06/15/22 07:17 AM
I am a real teetotaler ;-)

I tried a drink when I turned 21 for the first time
but found it nasty tasting and my clothes fell off.

And I got really stupid.

So there really is no power on earth that can make
me imbibe nor have I in the last 50 years.

Now, my mate would gladly exchange water for alcohol, any time any place. This causes no conflict
and makes me a cheap date.

I will guess Crystal, he could go either way
with no impact ;-) ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Fri 05/20/22 07:06 AM

soufiehere's photo
Sat 05/14/22 04:26 PM
Kris Kristofferson.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 05/13/22 04:13 PM

I want to find someone who inspires me. Tell me how.
YOU are the only one who knows what inspires you.
So, what does, so we can answer.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 05/13/22 04:10 PM
So you ARE getting older!
Happiest of Birthdays darlin' ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Fri 05/06/22 08:47 PM
It was probably banned because you had more than
one, which is what is allowed.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 05/06/22 07:46 PM

Does the same rationale apply to men pitchfork
Obviously ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Tue 04/12/22 03:12 PM
Awwwwww..he surely was one of a kind..
RIP funny guy ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Mon 04/04/22 07:19 PM

soufiehere's photo
Tue 03/22/22 12:29 PM
Thank you everyone, could not fix it.
So I simply bought a new mouse and she
scrolls away ;-)

soufiehere's photo
Mon 03/21/22 12:03 PM

(New mouse)
Is it possible your old mouse had a side scroll feature which scrolled horizontally by tilting the wheel sideways? (I've had such a mouse before)

My current mouse does not have such a feature, it rolls and clicks but no side scroll tilt.
In order for me to get side scroll I must first click down on the wheel till the cursor turns to a circle with a dot and two arrows, then I move my mouse for auto scroll vertical or horizontal, click the mouse again to exit auto scroll.
I use auto scroll to read large volumes of text.

The side tilt wheel can usually be found on a multi-function gaming mouse.
It can also be found on basic+ mouse models which are usually included in the higher end manufacturer computers (Tower/Mouse/Keyboard)

See the arrows next to the wheel?

Common mouse properties when mouse is equipped.

To figure out if there is a mouse or settings problem, first look to see if there are two little arrows next to the mouse wheel.
If so, see if you can push the wheel sideways each direction (you should feel definite movement in each side direction).
If so, check the property box for side scroll settings in the control panel.
Go to Control Panel (Show Icons)>Device Manager:
Scroll down to Mice and other pointing devices and click the little arrow next to it.
It should show your mouse or mice in a pulldown list.
Rt Click your mouse and select update drivers or choose properties then find drivers tab and choose update drivers.
Let windows search for new drivers, then follow the screen prompts.

Think of hardware drivers as the engine that makes the hardware run. Many times there are multiple drivers for each hardware and often different hardware share the same drivers.

If the mouse is equipped with a side scroll wheel and updating drivers doesn't work you can try a driver rollback or uninstalling the device then unplugging the mouse and plug it back in to let windows install the drivers.

What likely happened is your old mouse had a side scroll wheel but your new mouse does not.
If that is the case, you can buy a side scroll mouse to test that theory (they are not really expensive). Just look for the little arrows near the wheel before you buy it. <|>

New/old mouse identical, no extra features.

When I get to where you sent me and asked to update drivers it said it already has the most updated driver.

I got the wheel to click when held down sideways, to the then shows the scroll icon and I can scroll but as soon as I hit anything the scroll is gone? And it is not the scroll where you simply touch any spot on the page, it is that one that moves everything so fast..

soufiehere's photo
Sun 03/20/22 05:32 PM

When I go to control panel then mouse in the mouse properties window is a wheels tab. Is that what you are trying to find?

The Wheels tab ONLY offers a choice to scroll a certain amount of lines, vertical or horizontal
and NOTHING else.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 03/20/22 05:27 PM

Funny, you say vertical scroll button is there.

Then it's not possible to lose horizontal scroll in Windows 10, as per control panel.
I did not say I have vertical, as I do not ;-(

I just miss the horizontal more.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 03/20/22 03:00 PM

Another thing you could try is to shut down the computer then plug the mouse into a different usb port and start the computer and it should redetect the mouse on start up,
Tried that and failed ;-(

soufiehere's photo
Sun 03/20/22 12:58 PM

Have you tried going to the mouse manufacturers web site and looking for updated drivers?
Hmmm have not checked updated drivers as I am unsure what they do?

soufiehere's photo
Sun 03/20/22 10:46 AM
Brand new mouse, rebooted several times also.