Perhaps Too Laxed?
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Wed 11/05/14 06:50 PM
I am pretty laid back myself. When I was in relationships; I didn't get jealous, possesive, controling, or demanding which I which I thought a guy would love. Instead; the guy(s) took it as I didn't care about them. Seems you just can't win either way. Did you expect the same in return? Yep. Guys need to relax and not get so upset over silly little things. I always believed if no one got hurt or killed; it can be fixed. Life is too short to be so uptight. |
Perhaps Too Laxed?
I am pretty laid back myself. When I was in relationships; I didn't get jealous, possesive, controling, or demanding which I which I thought a guy would love. Instead; the guy(s) took it as I didn't care about them. Seems you just can't win either way.
Posting pictures of children
Tawt; I totally get where you are coming from. I work with cadets from ages 9 to 12 and we are forbidden to put any pictures up on Facebook for their protection. Lots of sick people out there.
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Car was brought to a safe stop with only minor injuries to the perpetrators. That is rare, even using spike strips. I think it was because he slowed down. I was listening to the police band when this happened. He got lucky. |
what u hate most and why
What I hated today was some idiot saying "Hello Gorgeous" while in I was in my uniform in a court room full of people. This was totally inappropriate. it only exposed him in plain site as an "idiot"... so why should one "hate" this? it totally worked in your favor, easily showing in plain site to all who witnessed who were of poise, the contrast, you, hence solidifying your leadership and poise, and his immaturity and stupidity of "appropriate... which one shall move up the chain of command naturally and easiest with the least resistance and most success? not hard to know. it takes a bad to reveal in plain site to all what be better. Thank you for that. I never looked at it that way. I did keep my composure despite what he said and you are correct that he did indeed make himself look foolish. ![]() |
any real woman left?
Nope; I am not real. I am a figment of your imagination.
older women, younger men
I could never date a younger man. 10 years is the most I would ever go but not more. I think the statement that "age is just a number" is ridiculous. We can kid ourselves all we want but as we age; we have more health issues, we aren't as active, we are more prone to injuries; need more rest, can't eat the way we used to, don't like loud music, etc. May/September romances don't work. I have seen lots of people on here say yes they do but within a year after trying; they say never again. Me; I would be embarassed to be seen with a much younger man as I have a repuation to uphold not only as military woman but as a peace officer and teacher of children. I could think of a thousand reasons not to date a younger man but can't think of one reason why I would want to date them. I have no wish to be a "mommy" to a younger man. Ewww
I am sorry about what you are going through with your lady but I am most impressed that you aren't pushing. I will cross my fingers for you that the two of you will get back together. You are one of the few decent men that I have met. Its too bad the man today in court lacked any class. He had the odasity to say "Hi Gorgeous" to me while I was in a full court room and in my uniform. Why do men think its alright to show so much disrespect for a woman; especially when she is in uniform? |
Oh ok.....i was in the U.S years back Yeah; I figured that. |
I am certaily not into it but I had my fill dealing with both male and female idiots fighting when I served in the military Police. Where about was that ? I was in Special Ops It was in Ontario. |
sugar mummies
"why is it nt easy to get a sugar mummy" ... because most women are smart! ![]() |
I am certaily not into it but I had my fill dealing with both male and female idiots fighting when I served in the military Police.
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Honestly; even if the people did get serioulsy injured; it was better them having them run loose and either hurt or kill other innocent people with their recklessness. |
what u hate most and why
What I hated today was some idiot saying "Hello Gorgeous" while in I was in my uniform in a court room full of people. This was totally inappropriate.
Honestly it has been my experience that men over 50 are looking for women under 50. In general they seem to want someone that will make their x's look less attractive, I guess it just seems to me they are looking for eye candy and not really wanting a relationship of any kind. Most have been burned so bad that they dont want to share anything with anyone else. Correct me if Im wrong tell me if you're the one exception to my generalizing the over 50 male gender.. ![]() |
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Car was brought to a safe stop with only minor injuries to the perpetrators. |
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Mon 11/03/14 09:05 PM
you know what happens when you assume the facts.... when did you ever see a cop not give chase to a fleeing suspect ?? chief vance stated the officer "did not give chase because the suspects turned down a side street and crashed into a tree" that is the biggest crock of bull i've ever heard in my life....this is irresponsible reporting at best and jumping to conclusions... produce the dash-cam video, if there is one, to show whether or not these kids were, in fact, pulled over and then fled...or just a high-speed chase until they crashed into the tree.... I don't know about the States but where I live in Calgary; the police do not give chase to a vehicle as a high speed chase would endager other lives as well as the stolen car. Here we have the Hawks helicopter find them and the police close in on them. There was a person on my last shift speeding down the highway at over 200 kms and the only course of action was to put out the spike belts as many more would have been injured if they hadn't. It was sad of what happened to these kids but it could have been much worse as they could have driven into another car or cars and killed even more people. |
life in canada
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life in canada
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Mon 11/03/14 04:21 PM
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Same here. You get a few your age group, by the time you look again, they're usually gone. LOL Yep the good ones get taken quickly; and the only decent guys my age here are married. ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, now that is not what I expected to here from you....I thought you had an interest in a specific lady and were pursuing that avenue! ![]() Oh; I think he is just being a flirt and just having some fun with me. I am sure he is still persuing the woman that he desires. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |