older women, younger men
![]() ![]() I, like you, have a cut off point, if you will, as to how "young" I will go where a date/partner is concerned.. and agree that as we age, our perspectives change as well.. a process only achieved by experience (ie, the passing of time) however, I believe you've misunderstood MY intent when using the term "age is only a number".. as surely other have as well! I'm able to easily relate to others of differing ages, perhaps because I've been there and done that..? but most importantly I feel it's because I reMEMBER what it's like to be 'that' age and can easily relate, at that level, with empathy and understanding, along with a small mix of comradery.. by recalling HOW I felt, it offers common ground and readily puts people at ease, allowing the 'barriers of age' to melt away! but that doesn't mean I'd date a 20 year old! lol if I may.. when I'm with my grandson I play at a level he can understand, while encouraging his growth.. and oftentimes my own kids say they can't tell who's the bigger kid! also, friends & ex boyfriends of both my kids often drop in, for no other reason than just to say hi and chat (even though my girls don't live here any more, they say they enjoy my company and conversation).. for the most part however.. my idea of that saying is.. you're only as old as you allow yourself to feel.. some days I feel 80 (body aches from pushing myself too hard the day before) and other days I could go on, and on with seemingly an abundance of energy.. what it all boils down to is.. if we believe we're YOUNG.. we'll FEEL young.. that old adage "mind over matter" is, what many people fail to understand, that the mind is SUCH a powerful tool.. that our simple thoughts and decisions can alter our way of living, thinking and feeling, thus indicating "age is only a number"! if we close ourselves to possibilities.. we're stagnating our brain to only think in one way.. social conditioning perhaps? but by opening ourselves up.. we live richer, more meaningful lives by not only experiencing the moment.. but sharing them with others long after the moments have passed! ![]() I see what you are saying. I just found people use "age is just a number" as a justification to date someone 20 or 30 years younger. I am 54 and act 54. I don't belive I am young and no I certainly don't feel young but I am an active 54 year old and really that is what counts. To me its about aging gracefully; not acting like you are younger which usually equates to being immature. I find most people in my generation are almost in denial of their age which is sad. Why not be a proud 50 year old? My much younger co-workers, friends, and military friends think our generation is making fools of ourselves as the only one we are kidding is ourselves. They are of the same mindset that I am that we need to act our age but we also need to stay active. |
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Thu 11/06/14 11:26 PM
Just me being cheeky again. Must learn how to post AND do those smiley things. In defence that is multi-tasking and i am a bloke after all. Any cheeky comments about skirts and I'll kick your butt, even if you can probably take me. ![]() You are a bad boy. ![]() |
Some of the things mentioned here are true and i agree with them... ![]() ![]() Although I rarely agree with you on anything; there is some truth in what you wrote but again it goes both ways. My dad treated my mom like crap and he indeed was not a good man, father, or husband. I have a friend that is married and yes his wife treats him like garbage which is sad as he is such a terrific guy. I have lost faith in the human race. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Perhaps Too Laxed?
I will also add Crystal that I am still friends with all my ex-boyfriends. We still talk, email, do each other favours. Just recently I helped an ex-boyfriend with a job that he couldn't do on his own. So, if I am this horrible person that you make me out to be; why do they stay in contact with me? Despite the differences we had in our relationships; we always forgave each other. I even forgave the guy that hit me in the neck and has given me chronic neck pain for the rest of my life. Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions about people before you know anything about them.
how old r u? be honest?
I am 54.
Yep. I dated three guys in one summer and after a short bike ride of only 1 kilometre; they almost had a heart attack and I never saw them again. I wanted to do a 40 km bike ride but I guess that is not enough as according to you I am not as fit as a man. ![]() Serves them right for trying to be macho and prove they were better than a woman. I don't mind a woman having the advantage, married and stayed married to one who was far more intelligent and better educated than me. Nope if challenged I'd have merely told you take a hike. Though I guess you'd have probably done just that and challenged me to keep up into the bargain. I think you misunderstood. I love to go bike riding. It wasn't about challenging a man; it was about recreation. They insisted on going bike riding with me but found out it was too hard on their body. I never would have ended the relationship over it and I would have gladly just ridden bike by myself if they didn't want to ride with me; no hard feelings. |
Some of the things mentioned here are true and i agree with them... ![]() ![]() Although I rarely agree with you on anything; there is some truth in what you wrote but again it goes both ways. My dad treated my mom like crap and he indeed was not a good man, father, or husband. I have a friend that is married and yes his wife treats him like garbage which is sad as he is such a terrific guy. I have lost faith in the human race. |
Perhaps Too Laxed?
Edited by
Thu 11/06/14 08:25 AM
I am pretty laid back myself. When I was in relationships; I didn't get jealous, possesive, controling, or demanding which I which I thought a guy would love. Instead; the guy(s) took it as I didn't care about them. Seems you just can't win either way. Did you expect the same in return? Yep. Guys need to relax and not get so upset over silly little things. I always believed if no one got hurt or killed; it can be fixed. Life is too short to be so uptight. Please don't take it the wrong way, but you always make it sound like all men are wrong, a-holes etc. and you always do / did the right thing. It's not a one way street... You have had your part in how things went just the same. What you're conveying with your last posting is basically "Men NEED to do this, the SHOULD do that, they HAVE to feel/behave/respond/act this and that way or else .. " A lot of women subconsciously attract the wrong men for them - not per say a really bad guy, just not the right one for them - so they can hold on to their own garbage, complain and point fingers. They attract men that confirm their convictions, so they themselves don't have to change --> Ppl in general subconsciously fear change. How can you find love if you don't open up, work on yourself, and allow a guy some space to be him? Goes for men who do this to women just the same of course... Where are getting this from? All I said I was laid back. I never ever have said a man needs to do anything. In fact; it is just the opposite. When I was dating a guy; he can do whatever he wants. I don't make him call me when he is out, make him accountable, I let him break dates with me if he wants to do something else, I don't force him to work around my home, I don't make him accompany me to events if he dislikes them. I have never made a man do anything that makes him uncomfortable. As I said; I am laid back. But whatever. I already stated many times that I am the reason that relationships don't work. I freely admit its always beem my fault because I refuse to get upset over little things. I have lived a life full of hardships and seen more death than I care to; so no I am not going to fly off the handle if a man doesn't call me, or a woman is flirting with him, or he doesn't want to accompany me to an event, or breaks a date with me. When I say someone needs to chill out; it is just a suggestion; not a demand. You are reading way to much into my comments. I simply think there is too much stress in life and this is why we all need to chill out. These things I mentioned aren't life and death; so why get upset over silly things? Your comments are only a reminder that I am way happier being single as I simply don't need the stress of being in a relationship. Also; if you know all the answers; how come you are still single? |
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Thu 11/06/14 07:49 AM
Paunches are now perfectly acceptable on us older women, too, these days??? Who knew?!? Another pint of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream for me, it IS, then!!! ![]() Are you saying they were previously only accepted on the young before. What a strange nation you must be. Nahhhh...I'm not *saying* that, at all. Someone in the thread mentioned that older women should be "as fit" as older men are, thus giving US the green light to develop paunches, too. THAT'S what I wrote. A "strange nation"? Nahhhh...only about half of the US is "strange", but the condition appears to NOT be confined to our boundaries. Thanks for noticing my post!!! ![]() Isn't that the truth. The majority of men in my age have that beer gut or as I say look like they are six months pregnant. And they have the nerve to knock women? Oh the irony. LOL |
I think dash cams are a great idea and lots of our police cars have them here for the officer's protection. Of course; you will get the whiners who say the cops are playing "big brother" and how this infringes on their privacy or human rights.
What is noodling? lol ![]() Actually the first time I heard the term was from my band master. It means to improvise or play a musical instrument casually. Oh. In that case, I've been known to "noodle" an instrument, when my heart's not really been in it. Most times, I prefer to play an instrument with great flair, fervor, and enthusiasm, though. ![]() I have a cd which plays background music and I will noodle a melody of my own on my clarinet. I quite enjoy it and it certainly improves your musical skills. |
Only if they are as fit as us and not couch potatoes!! Most are overweight and lazy or smokers who can not function out of the house. OK ladies fire back,as most older men are the same I know ![]() Yep. I dated three guys in one summer and after a short bike ride of only 1 kilometre; they almost had a heart attack and I never saw them again. I wanted to do a 40 km bike ride but I guess that is not enough as according to you I am not as fit as a man. ![]() |
What is noodling? lol ![]() Actually the first time I heard the term was from my band master. It means to improvise or play a musical instrument casually. |
Well Navygirl, at least we can laugh about it because I'm sure those guys aren't ![]() I don't take much in my life too seriously and tend to laugh at a lot of things these days. I think a good chuckle is what is keeping me healthy and sane. ![]() |
Perhaps Too Laxed?
When I am "GETTING AFTER" what I want by communicating as clear and concise as I can , and feel I'm not being communicated back with, I get gone. (Perhaps I should not assume that most people understand general colloquialisms however.) I figured that was what you meant. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 11/05/14 08:55 PM
Just here for the forums. Lost interest in dating long ago as I am just not anyone's cup of tea but I am quite alright with that. Have better things to do with my time anyway.
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Men can be so strange! (I know women can be as well.) But I actually had a bf that got mad at me for not getting jealous! ![]() Jealous is something that happens with both men and women. It rears it's ugly head in many different ways unfortunately. LOL Same here that a guy got mad because I wasn't jealous. He took it as I didn't care. Talk about insecure. ![]() ![]() ![]() My ex was used to his exes throwing fits so he was surprised when I didn't. You sound a lot like me. I just laughed at him for being so childish. |
Perhaps Too Laxed?
Edited by
Wed 11/05/14 08:39 PM
Here's an example: I am pretty laid back myself. When I was in relationships; I didn't get jealous, possesive, controling, or demanding which I which I thought a guy would love. Instead; the guy(s) took it as I didn't care about them. Seems you just can't win either way.
You can never win until you learn how other people actually see you, until you actually learn how to communicate with people, and learn how people, individuals, are actually communicating with you, rather than focusing on what you want them to think or believe. Well duh; communication is number one for me. Its the men that aren't communicating to me what is bothering them. I have no problem of speaking my mind. I just don't get upset over things like I mentioned. I have had a life time of dealing with hardships and death. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff that I mentioned above. People need to chill out. |
Men can be so strange! (I know women can be as well.) But I actually had a bf that got mad at me for not getting jealous! ![]() Jealous is something that happens with both men and women. It rears it's ugly head in many different ways unfortunately. LOL Same here that a guy got mad because I wasn't jealous. He took it as I didn't care. Talk about insecure. ![]() |
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Wed 11/05/14 07:09 PM
I use to feel the same as most you folks,but not only I've observed how alot of females compete and get jealous over petty things that alot of guys would care less about,I've seen some females rip another apart over maybe some whose ,outfit,lol petty stuff ECT OMG. I work on a shift with a bunch of guys and right now you should see how they are competing with each other over who can get the most speeding tickets in one evening. They are almost fighting with each other over this. All I can do is sit back and laugh. I think men and women are equal with being jealous. It has much to do with insecurity and immaturity. |