stuck up!
There indeed are lots of gold diggers and very shallow people but not just here; they are out there in every day life. Fact is people don't really want honesty as relationships are built on lies. People try to justify them so they are only white lies so that they won't hurt the person but they are lies none the less. As metal wing says; try the forums and see what happens.
Girls Think All Men Are Dogs
.....and YES...we just checked out that 22yo waitress's azz. Sorry for being human! .....but when we are at our lowest low and you grab our hand and explain that everything will be ok, we keep moving. I think we all know who is control here. I know it's not "really" about control, but thanks for stepping up and being the "sensible ones"!!! "A Love Letter To The Stronger Sex." Yeah.....but those chicks won't kill a spider. ![]() ![]() I know of several men who are scared to death of spiders so I have to kill the spiders for them. ![]() |
older women, younger men
INdeed in my 20s I dated one such male in his twenties,, already the man of his household of no father and younger siblings,, he paid bills, looked after family and took care of business,,,, ,,he had an issue with possessiveness, but that's not age exclusive,, in my experience my present peers (in their 40s and 50s) remind me quite a bit of him,, My niece dated a man in his mid 20s. Seemed like a solid guy; had a good job; adopted her daughter, and had a child with her. Then suddenly out of the blue; he decided to have an affair. He divorced her and is paying no child support and is with another woman. He also has another woman in another province that he is not paying child support to. Yeah; a fine example of a mature 20 year old. ![]() |
Feeling very tired. Always so much to do and not enough time. I think I need a vacation.
Romeo have you been ignoring milansoul's messages? You seemed like such a gentleman.. Back to the original topic..this person wanted to know if I had yahoo email because they have a chat feature, I told him to give me his email first and he did, but then I changed my mind and asked him why we couldn't chat here if that's alright with him..but he says that he doesn't like chatting here because there are so many fake people...that's when I told him this is the same reason I don't want to give my email out...and he never replied back. Later when searching for other matches I found another person who has the same profile picture as him and I messaged them both saying why are you being fake? Sounds like you saved yourself some grief. Scammers try to get you off the site very quickly by suggesting an email. |
winter dating..
Navygirl... you don't even decorate..? .. not even a Christmas tree..awww Nope; not even a Christmas card. I never liked Christmas but I won't get into why as its a long story. I will donate to charities to help others celebrate the day but it really doesn't mean anything to me. ![]() I like Halloween but all I do is throw a party for our cadets but I don't decorate the house. I don't celebrate Easter or Thanksgiving either. |
Girls Think All Men Are Dogs
I agree with the two fellows above. Women make the world go around and make it all worth while. As I woman; I never thought of myself being anything more than just another person. |
winter dating..
Edited by
Sun 11/16/14 01:17 PM
Navygirl... you don't even decorate..? .. not even a Christmas tree..awww Nope; not even a Christmas card. I never liked Christmas but I won't get into why as its a long story. I will donate to charities to help others celebrate the day but it really doesn't mean anything to me. |
I could survive without the modern conveniences but I certainly wouldn't like it. LOL Did lots of survival training with the military. ![]() ![]() ![]() I think living in a colder climate has made us Canadians a litte more resistance to adverse conditions. For instance; I just did Remembrance day or as you guys call in Veterans day at -16 and except for a light sweater under my uniform; I did not wear a winter coat. The City Police and Railway Police were shocked that I wasn't freezing but really I am used to the cold. Me; it would have to be -40 before I consider it cold. Don't get me wrong; I simply hate winter and cold but I as I have to go out in it regardless; I just make sure I dress for the weather. |
Divorce papers:o)
Op; you asked a question of why these single women walk away from you when you say you are separated. I think many have answered your question that you are legally married and these women don't want to date a married man.
Divorce papers:o)
You can't trust a man.
As if a woman has NEVER been untrustworthy. ![]() I'm just shocked at the things men do to decent women everyday all over the freaking world, in my life as well, is that alright with you sir? I have to agree with you on this point but Dodo does have a point. I have seen some pretty untrustworthy women out there as well. There are indeed some horrible human beings in this world and makes me wonder if they even have a conscience. |
winter dating..
Edited by
Sun 11/16/14 12:45 PM
I never did well with winter dating as I get very depressed over the winter months. I tend to isolate myself and hibernate like a bear. I also don't celebrate Christmas which is really a turn off for most guys.
I could survive without the modern conveniences but I certainly wouldn't like it. LOL Did lots of survival training with the military.
^^^^ I could do with those holdups Not easy to get ones that are long enough, and I ain't even all that tall ![]() Gonna be another online shopping spree soon.. So no, stockings aren't a thing from the past .. as long as they're holdups.. I'm not so keen on the whole garter-belt stuff. The holdups don't work very well as I tried them. I still love my pantyhose. |
There are different levels of maturity. I teach 9 to 12 year old kids that have a level of maturity but that doesn't mean they are on the same maturity level that I am on. I believe maturity is based on one's life experience. I think some handle it well when the maturity comes with age and others don't deal with it well; so they revert to being immature which does happen in mid life crisis.
Does age really matter?
I think does matter to a lot as compatibility is easier if there is not a large age gap. Also the maturity is important but however if the older person is very immature; then they will get along fine with the younger person.
Stockings are still out there but they are a pain to wear where as pantyhose are much more comfortable and easier to put on. No worry of a garter letting go of the stocking or cutting into your leg.
I think this sums up what I was trying to say. Its one of many interesting articles about people our age denying aging and this is why my younger friends are asking about why we are not acting our age. |
Never been married and I love being single; so must go with being single.
If you define yourself and a relationship in gender specific roles then both parties are likely to suffer. If you need a maid or someone to pay your bills you are entering a dependent relationship which is unhealthy as there is generally a power struggle between the two.If you cant pay your own bills or need a maid you are better served getting a second job, or hiring a maid and or going back to school to get the necessary training to avoid being dependent as most folks get tired of adopting others even for short periods of time. As painful as it is, the person without their own assets and ability to be self sufficient does no relationship any good and often is the precursor to resentment and quarrels... Well said. ![]() |