Girl & Guy Talk
definitely Navygirl..better if you slap his face ![]() Nah; not worth slapping his face then I would be as dumb as he was. ![]() |
Like I'm a complete piece of crap that can't seem to do anything right. No matter what, I'm in the wrong. Maybe I just need to meet one of those Jihadist suicide bombers and take him off his trek of whatever he was supposed to blow up, and just be me that blew up instead. I don't believe that for a moment. Just sounds like you are going through a rough time. Hope things will get better for you. ![]() |
Same here. You get a few your age group, by the time you look again, they're usually gone. LOL Yep the good ones get taken quickly; and the only decent guys my age here are married. |
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Fri 10/31/14 04:47 PM
Anyway I feel I am on a roll now..... I guess the best advice is.... remember who counts most to you, your partner or the rest of the world..... who makes you happy and feel good..... who supports you and is there in bad as well as good.... don't let your friends trash your partner, regardless of their so called good intentions..... show where your loyalty and heart is and defend your partner..... this will stop future crap and reinforce your partners confidence..... no person on this planet has the right to judge you in matters of the heart..... and you will find few if any have the experience or knowledge to give solid advice..... good luck to you all. ![]() Although I agree that no one should judge you for who you are with; its still not that simple. There are lots of variables when it comes to dating. For instance, working with law enforcement and the military; it would be a bit dicey dating someone with a criminal record or say who did drugs. Teaching children; the parents would not be real keen on me dating a younger guy. My family is important to me and they need to also get along. For me; its all about image and dating the wrong person would make my life unbearable; maybe even cause me to lose my job or my position doing volunteer work. So, it may sound awaful but partners come and go in your life but once your reputation is down the toilet; you life is screwed. I guess it helps though that I have never found younger men attractive and actually most of them turned out to be very creepy. ![]() |
Worshipping the devil.
Don't know. Had a local kid come back from the Twin Cities after joining a Satanic Cult there. A few years ago, only to kill an old, 80 yo woman and drain her blood from her wrists into a large bowl. Yeah, I think they're idiots. eta: oh, and I worked with his rotten mouthed meth head sister at the local nursing home. Bet that was hard for her to live down. ![]() Oh wait! And the mother worked in the kitchen there too. ![]() I think they are extremists. I have a few friends that worship the devil and have never harmed anyone. Everything they do is symbolic but they don't kill or sacrifice anyone. As well; they are great people; just have a different belief. |
Girl & Guy Talk
What's the most absurd thing that you've heard about yourself? ![]() ![]() ![]() Most absurd thing is a guy said he couldn't date me because I knew too much. Gee folks; can you say insecure? ![]() |
Well, I think that what they actually said was that it wouldn't be you that the older women would be hating on but the younger women. Anyway, what that particular dating guru said was that as men age their value to society is increased but the opposite is the case when it comes to women. Ummmmm...your dating guru must not get out much... ...women being valued less in society is NOT aging-related. ![]() Oh, and for the record - personally, I don't "hate on" younger women who go for you older men. I like knowing that they're willing to take one for the team and deal with *your* insecurities for awhile. ![]() So true. I know a guy that is 55 and met a woman 20 years younger. After 8 years of being together; he was hitting on a woman 30 years younger. I found out this was a trend of his to meet a younger woman until she got older and then dump her for an even younger woman. Then to top it off; he was sleeping with hookers in the Philipinnes. Personally; I feel sorry for this younger women but so glad that I did not date him as my friend wanted me to date him. So like you I could care less if men want to date younger women. Afterall; in some countries; guys in their 40s are marrying girls 14 years old; so nothing amazaes me. |
![]() You got it; its all about survival. Yeah; way I figure it; I am fortunate to have what I have in life. I have learned to appreciate what I do have and not what I don't have. When it gets closer to Christmas; you will see post after post of people whining about being alone for Christmas. I don't feel for them at all as my worries are those who have no jobs, no food, and even worse in this -40 below weather that we have; have no shelter. On top of it; they are alone as well. My thoughts are with those people; not the ones on here that have a roof over their head, a full stomach, employment, and a nice warm bed to sleep in. |
Old Fashion!
My Father was born in 1910 my Mother was 16 years younger! I had 3 older sisters! Therefore I was brought up with respect, honor,manners,and courtesy! I was around a lot of older people with the same outlook as i have! They were of all cultures ,races religious beliefs!Respectable ! This is what i hope for in a future! I don't condemn others in their beliefs but wish them to honor mine! If i bring a Rose on a Date (who am i harming?) ![]() I think just about all of us women are saying that gifts are pressure and if you are making the girl uncomfortable on the first date; there won't be a second date. That being said; a single flower would probably be acceptable without feeling any pressure. |
Worshipping the devil.
What do they get out of it? Or are they just idiots? Why are they idiots? Are people that worship God idiots? Its all about choice and we have the freedom to worship whomever we want as long we aren't hurting others in doing so. |
I've been burned so many times by guys as im sure a lot of women have. Yes you need to date losers to figure out what u want, now I know what I want and it seems impossible to find. Am I the only one? I know what you mean. I figured out years ago that all the good ones are taken. ![]() Yeah but with the current divorce rate, they will become available again ![]() LOL Well; the good ones I know are still married so I am not sure they will be availabe anytime soon. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I do have much to give which is why I have devoted all my time to community work. I have been through hell and honestly have no wish to repeat this. Life is too short and I want to be happy; not stressed out. I like my freedom; hate the drama attached to relationships; the control, or the accountability to someone. My community work gives me a sense of belonging, being appreciated, a sense of accomplishment; and people accept me just the way I am. As for being lonely; I am never truly alone as I have supportive friends, family, and now even co-workers who are always there for me. I found once I stopped dating; I was much happier; more rested, less stressed, and enjoying life. I don't believe that being in a relationship is the right thing for me. The forums here have been educational in the fact that a relationship would do more damage to me and not let me grow as a person. I have a very analytical mind and I see no reason to subject myself to being in a relationship as it would only restrict me from new experiences that I feel are better explored on my own. I do think very highly of you and I do hope you find what you are looking for. ![]() |
I've been burned so many times by guys as im sure a lot of women have. Yes you need to date losers to figure out what u want, now I know what I want and it seems impossible to find. Am I the only one? I know what you mean. I figured out years ago that all the good ones are taken. ![]() I also know when to stop looking because all that is left is bad apples. There is a reason no one else is taking them. |
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Wed 10/29/14 08:06 AM
I am 61 yrs old and find most women my age still stuck on the possessive thing, single minded and singly determined to find a monogamous and monotonous relationship. What I suggest is they focus on loving the moment they are in and stop worrying about the rest of your life. It will take care of itself. Especially if you have the kind of friend you will find standing with you in the man you have unconditionally loved and supported. Don't label it, no conditions, no rules no boundary's, just devotion and appreciation that there is love present to be had and shared! As I tell everyone, 'Love Me While I'm Here'! Maybe these ladies just want a nice guy to settle down with rather than playing games by dating guy after guy. Being monogamous means less chance of catching some sexual disease which is wise. Perhaps these ladies want a real man who is not afraid to commit rather than a immature man who wants to date like he is a 19 year old kid. Needless to say; thank you for reminding me hodw lucky I am to have stopped dating as I truly am not missing a damn thing. ![]() ![]() ![]() You are kind but its just as well after reading what this guy wrote. Very sad world we live in. |
What does your shirt say?
Mine is " Don't piss me off as I am running out of places hide the bodies" LOL
I've been burned so many times by guys as im sure a lot of women have. Yes you need to date losers to figure out what u want, now I know what I want and it seems impossible to find. Am I the only one? I know what you mean. I figured out years ago that all the good ones are taken. ![]() |
You forgot financial standing :-) *giggle* And immigration :-) *gigglesnort* Older women "hating on" older men who prefer younger women? Nahhhhh...personally, I prefer such men to be open and honest about it. Saves us both a lot of time and effort, yanno? The only time I'd come close to "hating on" an older man who likes young women would be the one who comes chasing my daughter...she deserves the right to figure out life on her own terms and in her own time, without *Daddy's* continued 'guidance' telling her what to do. Even then, it wouldn't be "hating on" him; the correct wording would be "killing on". ![]() Agreed. Why would I care if an older man dates a younger woman and why would I hate them? Do older men hate when an older woman dates a younger guy? Sounds silly to me. |
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Wed 10/29/14 07:49 AM
There is no love, there is just sex. What we call love is just responsibility and respect. If you are responsable and have respect to the person you are having sex with (or relationship even withouit sex) you will never tell them you do not love them, you will never cheat on them. But the real reason for the relationship is sex, the insinct. In order to get what we want we say we love, we lie to ourselves and our partners. The other lie there is just one woman for one man. There thousands men for a woman and vice versa. I will confess I love almost all nice women I met,and I would like to have sex with all of them even at once, I am not 20 years old anymore but I am the same as I was 20 years ago. So I think I will never change. Yet another man who uses women for sex and my friends ask why I don't date any more? |
I think trust is different in each situation. We are talking dating. It's very dangerous these days for women to openly trust a man without knowing him quite well. Sexual assaults and rape are on the rise. This is real life; not the movies. i agree, it is dangerous for a woman to date somebody they don't know very well, but what are you going to do, lock yourself away from the world for safety sake ?....the kid who bags your groceries may follow you home one night and break in your home and do you harm...i personally would rather be a trusting soul to the majority of people, rather than be suspicious of everyone, just because of a small percentage of them who intend to do harm or cheat me in some way.. i was only expressing my view on trust, as to whether it is given or earned.. I am saying we need to be cautious and in time you trust people which is what is meant by it being earned. I can't speak for any other woman but anyone that breaks in my home and tries to do me harm will be very sorry. My ex thought it was okay to hit me but he learned a painful lesson when I knocked him on his ***. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 10/29/14 12:30 AM
I am 61 yrs old and find most women my age still stuck on the possessive thing, single minded and singly determined to find a monogamous and monotonous relationship. What I suggest is they focus on loving the moment they are in and stop worrying about the rest of your life. It will take care of itself. Especially if you have the kind of friend you will find standing with you in the man you have unconditionally loved and supported. Don't label it, no conditions, no rules no boundary's, just devotion and appreciation that there is love present to be had and shared! As I tell everyone, 'Love Me While I'm Here'! Maybe these ladies just want a nice guy to settle down with rather than playing games by dating guy after guy. Being monogamous means less chance of catching some sexual disease which is wise. Perhaps these ladies want a real man who is not afraid to commit rather than a immature man who wants to date like he is a 19 year old kid. Needless to say; thank you for reminding me hodw lucky I am to have stopped dating as I truly am not missing a damn thing. |