Community > Posts By > Mystique42

Mystique42's photo
Wed 06/30/10 06:39 PM
Pata.... all I can say is OOH baby, baby... nice pic! LOL
What a wonderful birthday present. hee hee hee!

Mystique42's photo
Wed 06/30/10 05:46 PM

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 04:02 PM

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 02:46 PM
Sending hugs out to ALL who need one. Hang in there!flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 02:44 PM

geez... and i was getting ready to change my name to "bigtool9" oh well...laugh laugh laugh


Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 02:41 PM
Tunkhannock which is about 45 min from wilkes barre or scranton

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 02:08 PM
Very nice Terry!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 02:06 PM
Awe.... sad, but a beautiful write! Good one Capt'n!flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 02:04 PM
I know how you feel! Good write!flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 12:56 PM
Alone I've sat so many times
Wishing for a change
Enjoying nature as I sat
I know it may sound strange

At times I do enjoy tranquility
Watching deer frolick in the yard
Yet when the stars come out at night
Sometimes alone seems so very hard

I close my eyes and picture
Laughter and sheer delight
I close my eyes and wish a wish
So I wasn't so alone at night

I have believed that God is here
Yet still I miss that hug or kiss
Aloneness has it's moments
Yet it's sharing love I miss

Dancing with somebody else
Instead of dancing all alone
Talking to a listening ear
Instead of staring at the phone

My birthday's coming and here I sit
Pondering what it is I'll do
I just wish it wasn't celebrating all alone
That would be a wish come true

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 10:21 AM
Aye, the competition starts,
Men donning kilts galore,
I could not help but to smile,
As one raised his kilt up more.

Daunting eyes, canvassed skin,
Tattooed thighs here and there,
A baby with a bottle,
Posing cutely doing his share.

One by one they lined the stage,
Showing off their manly legs,
Women wowed and wooing,
Strutting their stuff parade.

Individual tartan patterns,
An array of colors and styles,
Some seemed short and sassy,
Some with few yards, some miles.

Some came with accessories,
Sporrans, buckles, Celtic knots,
The cutest were the little ones,
Teeny tiny kilted tots.

Bikers and bakers in kilts,
Business men and little babes,
Manly men showing off their legs,
What a glorious day this made.

June 29, 2010 SDF love blushing

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 09:26 AM
Nice to see you writing again.... intense write. Keep 'em coming!flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 08:47 AM
Good question.... it's also my birthday... and I'm not sure.

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/29/10 08:38 AM
Kids sure do say the darnest things, and certainly can surprise you when you least expect it!

Mystique42's photo
Mon 06/28/10 06:39 PM
Happy Birthday Baby Cakes! Wishing you the very best always! Hugs....... :banana: :banana: :banana:

Mystique42's photo
Sun 06/27/10 06:49 PM
Taken within this month

Mystique42's photo
Sun 06/27/10 06:41 PM
I'm wondering where I can head for a vacation.

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:19 PM

nurses aide
campground cleaning personnel
factory worker
Avon sales rep
daycare teacher
hotel desk clerk
tarot card reader

Forgot I also sorted tomatoes on a farm as a kid
Also volunteered for the March of Dimes
Telemarketer giving away vacations
freelance writer
Mom... most important job of all

Mystique42's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:16 PM
nurses aide
campground cleaning personnel
factory worker
Avon sales rep
daycare teacher
hotel desk clerk
tarot card reader

Mystique42's photo
Mon 06/14/10 10:56 PM
Why is it I'm always left holding the bag, and the bag is always empty?