Community > Posts By > Mystique42

Mystique42's photo
Wed 10/20/10 05:10 PM
Dream your grandest dreams
Hold tight as you take a chance
Look within yourself
To change your circumstance

Laugh as you climb the mountains
Never doubt who you are
It's your belief in you
Which can carry you far

Mingle with the best
Dare to walk outside
You'll accomplish many things
When you reach beyond the eye

Believe in who you can be
Always say you can
Try and try again
Trust God does have a plan

SDF Oct 20, 2010

Mystique42's photo
Wed 10/20/10 03:44 PM
Cool autumn breezes
Laughter and teases
This adorable boy of six

A glazed donut dangling
Gooey fingers wrangling
Colorful leaves and sticks

Cheeks red as embers
Moments to remember
Hot cocoa waiting inside

Pumpkins in a field
Children's laughters and squeals
Mommas sitting back full of pride

A glazed autumn smile
Just sit for awhile
Admiring children at play

Giggles and wiggles
Dancing and squiggles
Glazed eyes on a crisp autumn day

(c) October 20, 2010 SDF

Mystique42's photo
Wed 10/20/10 01:49 PM
I've had a friend since high school who is a guy so I know guys and gals can be friends. I think you can gain a lot from the male perspective on things and to me it's ALL good when you have a GOOD friend no matter what their sex is.

Mystique42's photo
Wed 10/20/10 01:47 PM
I love my teenaged son who can open a refrigerator and freezer and swear there is NOTHING in there when it's full.... nothing means NO PIZZA in there. LOL

Mystique42's photo
Tue 09/28/10 08:16 PM
Hello all..... Well I am all moved into my new place, and I believe the Lord is working in many ways in our lives right now. The school is allowing my son to continue his senior year in that district and they are even doing their best to accomodate his busing so I don't have to drive him so far. Doors are opening up. Gosh I was sitting here watching ON GOLDEN POND thinking how I just wanted a life with someone who wanted to grow old with me... my ol poop. It's just real sad when I think of the dreams I held for Noah, my adopted son with Down syndrome. His forever family is split apart and I just find it all real heart breaking. I know God will turn all of this around for our good even though I don't understand much of it today.

All of your warm thoughts, wishes, and prayers are so COMFORTING and you have no idea how much it means to me. Words just can not encompass how blessed I feel to have had so many people praying for us during our housing crisis. Now all I need is a washer, dryer, and lots of curtains... but for now the roof is fine! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!!!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:10 AM
Hello friends... I want to THANK YOU for all of your prayers. I got a call about a place to live and I can't tell you how relieved I am. Time is a ticking and Oct 1st is not long off. So you may not be hearing from me for awhile. I have to get things set up with internet, and all. I just wanted to report the good news since it's been a long wait. Your friendship and prayers mean VERY much to me and my boys. So thanks again. Well I have MUCH to do. Love ya all....flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Fri 09/17/10 08:14 AM
Frank, Thank you for posting that. I sure needed it today! :)

Mystique42's photo
Fri 09/17/10 08:01 AM
Hello all..... Here I am still boxing up stuff and I thought I was going to get into the double wide.... but first they wanted 5% down, then 10% down, and then they wanted $10,000 after they made a mistake in the math. So I put in an application to rent a house a few days ago and here I am STILL waiting.... I think this is the hardest part there is. The unknown factor when your life seems to be in the hands of other people as you wait for them to make decisions. Time is running out and now I'm sick... stuffy head, congestion. My two boys were ill this past weekend/week. I told myself my arms still work, my legs are fine, sick or not.... so KEEP packing.... KEEP believing. So this is where I am at today.... still waiting and praying God opens a door, and then I'm hoping he sends an army to help me move. Just a lady in waiting in NEPA. :) (Seems like the story of my life)

Mystique42's photo
Wed 09/08/10 04:26 PM
Gosh I've been needing a good laugh and lex you made me smile today.... oh noooo..... could I become another stalker? Eileena.... has it been three years already? Oh my goodness where has time gone? laugh

Mystique42's photo
Tue 09/07/10 06:15 PM
No news today... :( Still praying for a break through.

Mystique42's photo
Mon 09/06/10 06:21 PM
I called several lawyers and each sent me on to a new lawyer. The one lawyer who did see me told me there was nothing I could do.

Mystique42's photo
Mon 09/06/10 03:16 PM
You know I just can't wait to report good news to everyone. I do not believe the Lord has forgotten us, and I believe something is bound to happen this week. I am having a big yard sale for as long as I can... geez can't seem to give away a free dresser here. It's long with 9 drawers. Tomorrow I will begin knocking on more doors hoping for a loan or something to happen. I just pray Gods hand is in it and he puts me on the right road. I've been trying to work from home, have a yard sale, pack, and check on places.... I feel so tired. I believe if God brings you to it, he just has to help ya through it. Still waiting on the Lord to open the right door.

My husband told me next week I can come to counseling with him. I am thinking about it all since he told me "If I shut my mouth, maybe he'd come home." It's as if to say if I don't make him angry, don't ask for love, don't ask him for honesty.... then he wouldn't get angry and lose his temper. Thing is I do call him on his lies, and his unloving behaviors. I guess I won't just 'shut up' as he puts it. I feel I have rights for a loving home built on a solid foundation of truth and stability. Question is... is his counselor working for him or for the marriage? I read if she isn't working for the marriage, then I am wasting my time. Anyway... I'm waiting on God here and doing ALL I can to try and get a home for me and my two boys. Noah has Down sydnrome and he sure deserves the best from me.

Mystique42's photo
Fri 09/03/10 06:10 PM
I hope it's going well for you Eileena! Hugs.

Mystique42's photo
Fri 09/03/10 05:52 PM
Happy Labor Day to all!!!!!

Mystique42's photo
Fri 09/03/10 05:37 PM
It's been a humdinger of a week. I had gotten news I was accepted THEN the very next day I was told that I would need a cosigner OR $10,000. Neither is an option for me. So they asked if my husband would sign an agreement and have it notarized.... so he did do that and he gave me full custody of my child on this agreement... not through the courts though. I've been on hold since. The yard sale continues and I've sold SOME stuff. The landlord says he will WORK with me.... he knows I am in a major panic who wouldn't be? Today a woman dropped by my hard sale and there we both stood praying in my yard together. I did not know this woman at all.

I've been waiting on the Lord and hoping we'd be approved for the doublewide. Noah started kindergarten and he's doing okay. I pray every day, and every night. I believe God will answer our prayers and I hope it's soon. I've been a nervous wreck, and I find myself crying at the drop of a hat these days.

Tomorrow the mobile home woman is suppose to call me with a plan B. I have no clue what that is. I wake up each morning wishing this were all just a bad dream. Thank you for all of your prayers and kind wishes. The boys and I appreciate them.

Mystique42's photo
Sun 08/29/10 02:15 PM
sending prayers your way

Mystique42's photo
Sun 08/29/10 02:13 PM
Update: I am hoping I am approved for a doublewide if this is in Gods plan for us. Hopefully I will hear something more on Monday of this week. I have a yard full of stuff that needs to go.... bikes, twin mattress set, toys, games, picnic tables, clothes, a livingroom suit, coolers, bee keeping equipment and more. Im praying all this stuff finds homes soon.

Mystique42's photo
Thu 08/26/10 01:57 PM
Yellowrose... how blessed she is to have you! My prayers and thoughts are with you both. God bless...!

Mystique42's photo
Wed 08/25/10 08:16 PM
I'm thinking "where the bleep is my fairy God mother when I need her?"

Mystique42's photo
Wed 08/25/10 08:14 PM
Saying a prayer for ya! Hugs........