Community > Posts By > Mystique42

Mystique42's photo
Wed 12/29/10 08:25 AM
My prayers go out to you and your family. I'm raising my son who I adopted with Down syndrome. What a gift we are given to have God's special angels in our lives whether it is for a day, or many years.
I wish you the very best during this difficult time.

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 10:09 PM
In the dead of winter
Raging winds doth blow
A pitter patter beacons
For all of you to know

Beneath the winter chill
My heart beats on and on
Spring will come tomorrow
Full blossom like a song

Emptiness will cease
As I reach out to you
A friendship warming soul
A cup of tea for two

Never under estimate
The power of one that be
Within your fingertips
Could a new friend be me

12-26-10 SDF

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:48 PM
((LA)) Beautiful... hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:47 PM
Very nice!flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:44 PM

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:40 PM
Married for 11 yrs... felt alone for 5 of those years and am now separated going on 7 months.

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:26 PM
windy night

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:24 PM
I guess I have my little boy with Down syndrome who keeps me very busy. It's hard going to the ER alone though and boy I wish life were different for us, BUT U count what U do have and U focus on the gifts we all take for granted. Alone can be much better than with someone and miserable.

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:21 PM
((DAN AND LISA))))) What wonderful news! Wish you both the very best!

Mystique42's photo
Sun 12/26/10 09:14 PM
Boy it's really nice seeing all the well wishes for Christmas! Christmas Day Noah woke up with a high fever and so we ended up at the emergancy room. He had been on antibiotics for an ear infection/cold and we were told both ears were infected which just surprised me becuz he was taking his antibiotics. Anyway, he played with toys today and felt much better. So the greatest gift I could get certainly is Noah's health. I sure wish he'd make a full recovery since he seems to be battling sickness since he started school.

Wishing you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! So nice to see me old friends and some new faces too! Hugssssssssssss

Mystique42's photo
Thu 12/23/10 01:47 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mystique42's photo
Thu 12/23/10 01:44 PM
Wanted... Man bear.... furry, cuddily, intelligent, witty, who will spoil me, and enjoy a pic-a-nic basket with me. Must love kids and be compassionate, patient, and kind. Honesty is a must.

Mystique42's photo
Thu 12/23/10 01:03 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Terry

Mystique42's photo
Tue 12/21/10 08:19 PM
ahhhhhh true love... if only it could be,
My love he flew the coop, so I had to set him free

Mystique42's photo
Tue 12/21/10 08:14 PM
I'm thinking I'd like a cup of chocolate milk.

Mystique42's photo
Tue 12/21/10 08:07 PM

Mystique42's photo
Tue 12/21/10 07:54 PM
Dropping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas Charles!

Mystique42's photo
Tue 12/21/10 11:44 AM
Merry Christmas njmom, and wolfchic! flowerforyou

Mystique42's photo
Tue 12/21/10 06:05 AM
For awhile there I deactivated my profile. Anyway, I NEVER forget about my friends here on Mingle and I wanted to wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas! Hugs to all!

Mystique42's photo
Fri 10/22/10 09:29 AM

((thewater)).... how are you doing? Hope all is going well for both of you.

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