Community > Posts By > Pucks

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 08:34 PM

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 08:31 PM
telling a lie is not self explainatory? not in my books at least. If its
not lying its distorting the truth at the very least and that is just

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 08:29 PM
you wish you had that eh tant?

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 08:15 PM
opinions vary.yawn

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 08:04 PM
32 hours is a long friggin train ride.

Katie, you'd be worth a much longer ride though.

Wish you all the best with Chris. Cheers to you too.drinker

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 08:00 PM
I would say it is not polite to ask, especially initially. If it is
asked right of the bat i would suspect that this is an issue.

What peeves me is when you meet people in person and they have put
average yet they are clearly overweight. Why bs about it?

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 07:50 PM
i gotta know if there is an attraction. Pics help determine that but i
realize that some people do not photo well and look better in person so
i take it with a grain of salt.

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 07:33 PM
I'd like to know how you can be a bad parent parent from posting a
picture of your child with you????? Please tell me how stupid this is.
Oh wait,,,i already know this dont bother. Duh.

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 04:52 PM
My daughters come first before anything....Any person viewing me needs
to know that. I am not going to hide that i have kids or that i am very
involved. I am proud of it and love my family life.

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 04:18 PM
to each their own. i personally see no harm in a picture of my kids and
have posted them on various sites.

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 03:50 PM
Way to go Chris and Katie

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:46 AM
single and luvin it

Pucks's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:34 AM
both should cook so who cares.

Pucks's photo
Mon 04/16/07 12:21 PM
Family doctor is a great place to seek advice. He/She will guide you to
the support and resources you need.

Pucks's photo
Mon 04/16/07 12:16 PM
it would be good if Bertuzzi came back. The wings would even be stronger
up front.

i dont think the old veterans on the wings can keep up with Buffalo's
youth, skill and speed.

Pucks's photo
Mon 04/16/07 12:13 PM
some people have no self respect.

some people dont know how to get out of a relationship.

there are many reasons why people cheat. Its wrong and should not

End the relationship first, it saves a ton of hurt and turmoil.

Pucks's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:51 AM
take her shopping. that always works for girls, of any age. Or at least
it has for me. Any topic do with girl hygiene/puberty etc i take them to
the mall.
Last week it was bra's....When i dont know an answer to a question, all
the help is there as i just ask a lady employee.

Worked well for me, as i made it a fun, relaxed outing.

Pucks's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:39 AM
Wow sorry for the bad grammar and spelling...havent had my coffee yet.

Pucks's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:38 AM
Who do you think is going to win the cup? Who will be in the final?

My think it will be Buffalo vs. Detroit.

Win Buffalo winning the Cup.

Pucks's photo
Tue 04/10/07 12:45 PM
Dont forget me.