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Topic: Daughter coming of age…
CampLight's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:22 PM

Would like some input from you ladies.
My daughter is 13 and will be having her first period soon. I would like
to do something special for her, to recognize her becoming a lady and
moving through a significant development phase when that happens.

What could a caring father do to make this a pleasant and special
memory? Ideas? Positive experiences?

no photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:32 PM
Just be open and honest with her, and if she asks a question that you as
a man can't answer, then take her to the Dr.
And let her know that you are always there for her and she can come to
you with any question. And DON'T overreact. Please don't tease, it's
scarey and hard enough as it is.

Let us know how you handled it.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 04/13/07 02:43 PM
Hi CampLight,

I am not a lady but I been in your situation 3 times.

My oldest had no problem letting me know what was up and excepting my

The other two were not willing to discuss it with me. With one I had to
go to one of my lady friends and let her deal with it cause it was
'embarrassing' to her. The last one just could not see talking about
that subject with her 'dad'. Had to take her to a doctor and she talked
to her about it.

being a single parent with daughters and being a father to boot is way
difficult in some areas. There is a book out there I read that helped a
lot. Its call 'Womans body from birth to old age'. Very informative.
Way thick book but worth the read.

Autumn_queen's photo
Fri 04/13/07 03:12 PM
she may not like the attention from her dad.
I know when i had my first period I didnt visit my dad for awhile, it
felt akward.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:04 PM
Maybe I'm just a pessimist, but I did NOT consider having my first
period any cause for celebration..


I'm close to having my last, so...

If anyone wants to buy me a 1966 Jaguar XKE convertible with spoke

drinker bigsmile

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:24 PM
Nope, just pretty much stay the $#%$%^$^@$ out of her %$#@%$@$ way for
five to seven $#%$%$^$ days a month!!!!

explode :angry: devil :tongue:

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:32 PM

come on now hun, not ALL young ladies are as touchy as you :tongue:

lol j/k

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:39 PM
Oh get real! LMAO!

Yeah, you're right. I'm the only woman in the world out of billions who
is "touchy" about it.

Get back to me when you have intense cramps and bloating for a solid
week every month for 35 years, m'kay?

:wink: drinker

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:44 PM
<--- runs and hides in the corner...

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:47 PM

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 04/13/07 06:51 PM
It will never be pleasant or special.Just talk if she's willin g or take
her to the doctor if she is too embarassed.
Have plenty of ibuprofen and her prefered feminine product on hand.
most importantly have plenty of chocolate on hand and hide the knives.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:14 PM
I was excited for my daughter... but, found making a huge deal of it was
going to embarrass the hell out of an already shy girl, lol.
I gave her info, and continued dialog.
My daughter began early(age 10) and was in NO way ready for it. Didn't
even want to think about it. Hell age 10, all they wanna do is play...
She's almost 15 now, and handles it very well.

Just be honest. Not sure about there, but here the schools have alot of
info. And, the school nurses are pros at being discreet.

I is not going to be a pleasant thing, LMAO!

I knowyou mean well. But, even at 13, they aren't ladies...or, even
close to being womne:smile:

Autumn_queen's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:40 PM
Sometimes having your period is like temperary depression, you can have
some suicidal feelings at times durring your period.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:43 PM
Either that or use it as a convenient alibi for REDRUM...

grumble grumble grumble

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:48 PM
laugh laugh laugh

I think my daughter has it worse than I did. She gets colds, craps so
bad she feels sick...
the first few days are the worst, then better.
before hand though, OMG! PMS defined... smells chocolate miles around.
And, if I have any..she gives me this look and the fierce glint
immediately makes me want to toss it and RUN! hehehehelaugh laugh
she gets wild craving, cries..and snappy...

between meopause Mom, and PMS girl... HAHAHAHAHAHA!

CampLight's photo
Fri 04/13/07 09:19 PM
Goodness, good reads – thanks to all who responded.
That did add some perspective. My daughter & I have a great relationship
and we do talk about a lot of stuff. Sound though, this my have to be
one areas that I need to be present and at the same time give plenty of
space for her to do what she needs to do. I’ll take a look for that book
too, information always helps. thanks

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:34 AM
I'm impressed you want to do the right thing...
Always good to see a Dad involved!

One thing to remember...

When she does have those cry moments, the less than kind moments...and
the pms alien monster moments.

Just love her. Try not to make reference to the PMS if possible, and
acknowledge her feelings...

and, have chocolate on hand, hehehehe.

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:39 AM
How cool to want to honour her...

Some ideas...

Take her on a a grownup kind of cute dad and daughter
thing...never to early to teach her what a date is supposed to look

Take her for a bike ride, (push bike), have a picnic together, read to
her, basically spend time with her, one on one, kids spell

It is an ancient tradition to honour young women and men, when "coming
of age' in many taditions, and cultures..

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 04/14/07 07:54 AM
really? I got a box of kotex ..i been robbed!!sad

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:00 AM
laugh laugh Aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww Jax..I'll take you on a dtae...or a

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