Regime change
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Wed 03/05/08 10:11 AM
Im not Amercian..honey...I live in a country that is directly affected by American politics, the more screwed up you guys get the worse it gets here....Im one of the ones clamoring for National independence and to put a stop to catering to foreign interests like whores. Our politicians are pimps and Im on the side that keeps trying to get rid of pulling weeds. But worth the effort. I hope to be alive the day the last McDonalds in Argentina is burned to the ground. I know your not an American honey. can we have some of this back please. The Department of Defense has announced plans to move more than 152 tons ofmixed medical and dental supplies and equipment to help the people of theArgentina. The supplies -- enough to fill eight 40-foot trailers -- will besurface shipped from the Defense Logistics Agency Depot in Mechanicsburg, the Argentine city of Buenos Aires for distribution through the AmericanEmbassy. or this; Argentina, submerged in its worst political, economic, and institutional crisis in recent history, is seeking $25 billion in financial assistance from the United States and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to address the crisis. 1 Argentina's situation has deteriorated rapidly; people are rioting and attacking politicians in the streets, looting supermarkets and stores, and withdrawing money from banks to buy U.S. dollars. They clearly have lost confidence in their institutions and leaders. or maybe this; To compensate for the reduction of social public spending in Argentina, the best the World Bank could do was to disburse $328 million to the Argentine health care, housing and other social sectors from 1985 to 1990, just 15 percent of total outlays to the country for that period. The International Monetary Fund doesn't even extend such loans to the "social sectors," preferring instead to remain institutionally blind to the poverty it helps create and sustain. oh theres more where that camr from, dont mind taking our money but we scare you?Give me a break, go eat a cheese burger or something. |
Regime change
Who are you fighting? Where is the other army? Terrorists are civilians...are you shooting at civilians? How can you tell which ones are terrorist? Do they wear brightly colored turbans on their heads for easy identification??? answering your questions in the order you asked. terrorist iraq among other places trick question, but yeah they are civilians, with guns and other such things, have i shot at them or worse, hell yeah. they carry guns, and for the most part yeah they wear identifiable clothing, they want the real civilians to know who they are(wouldnt expect you to know that tho from where you are) Im not indiscriminately going around killing anybody, but thanks for the questions always like to educate when i can. |
Regime change
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. ![]() ![]() Hey, as horrible as it sounds, we are the most powerful nation in the world, it would take the combined might of every other nation to take us in... If our leaders decided we should commit a few war crimes, hey I don't agree, but I'm not the one in charge. Well, now you know why Im afraid of Americans...excuse me but if you are an American citizen YOU are in charge and responsible for holding your "elected" officials accountable for their actions, especially if you dont agree...apathy is leading America down the path to ruin.. your jobs exported to foreign countries for the benefit of big business, no big deal, your way of life (middle class getting squeezed out of existence) that everyone covets..slowly one takes any action.. agressive measures taken against other countries (my opinion not withstanding)politicans suddenly loose their spines (Im talking about Dems backtracking now that they hold the majority in congress) and yet STILL no action from the American people... For pity sakes, what does it take to get your guys off your butts and DO something?????? ![]() afraid of americans, sweety if so many people were afraid of americans they wouldnt still be coming over to our country in droves, risking their lives in makeshift rafts, the arduous track thru mexico's border towns. get off our butts and do something? thats ripe. where are you again? argentina? |
Regime change
they ARE now using iraq as a battlefield. and as in as much we should stay there and keep the fight going to them as best we can. not by pulling out with our collective heads between our legs.
oh you guys come on, you know bush is to blame for the weather
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Regime change
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. ![]() ![]() you criminal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() he said some international lawyers, he didnt say that the international court(that you tout). and that statement does not lend creditbility to your accusations. I am happy though that you decided to write this yourself. The international lawyers already state we are illegally there. The point here is that we are A PART OF THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN, we should be considering the world counsels and their determination of what we do to SOVEREIGN NATIONS THAT HAVE NOT STRUCK US!!!!! As in 9/11 that started the ball rolling on Saddam. You guys cannot make it right, no matter what you spout off about. We were wrong and when and if they decide to prosecute for these crimes, it will be deserved. We cannot and should not invade and occupy countries that did not do the crime. No matter how much you try you cannot make that right. ![]() we should be considering the worlds counsel..... no i dont think we should. We have seen over and over again the ways of the world and the counsel that advises them into inepthood. the world counselors gave us world war 1 and 2, the french gave us veitnam, and that leaves the mid east for giving us counsel there, in a place where freedom is only granted when you die. No I am not going to listen to the world counsel or their bad flippin advise. To sound mean and arrogant, we lead the world contrary to your desires, and if the world listened more to our counsel "what a wonderful place it would be" as the song goes. Uneducated, unciivil, pretensious and ignorant world of hugging til it hurts. the world of genocide, the world of poverty, the world of the uneducated, the world of unable to feed themselves, the world of unable to fend for themselves. No ma'ma, when the world needs something they come to us, right or wrong that is the way it happens. If the world was so smart they wouldnt require our help. SO ONCE AGAIN, NO MA"AM I WILL NOT LISTEN TO THE COUNSEL OF THE WORLD THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Wow, such superiority and arrogance. My daddy would have shown you a little humility and no it was not an ass whuppin. LOL He was a medic like you in Vietnam he had ![]() YES, I am arrogant, but I am also truthful, what has the world done for us would have been a simpler debate I guess. Modern times that we live in have the US leading the way on EVERYTHING positive in the world. we rebuilt Japan and gave them technology, then they took that and ran with it, good for them- see people can make it without government. we rebuilt germay and gave them democracy and now look, theyre doing just fine too. the list is longer as I am sure you know or remember from your college days. "arrogant is the man who says war can be fought with hugs and understanding" Ah yes, I've loved how our country could come in blow everything up, help to people we attacked rebuild and then leave them better than ever. Sadly in none of those cases did we have a network of people resisting us at every turn. Let's face it we cannot make Iraq a better place until the terrorist threat is extinguished there. huh? what do you think we are doing there? killing terorist and their networks. It took TEN YEARS to de-nazify germany, so yeah there was a network of defiancy. it'll all work out in the end. dont worry be happy. spread the love around. hahahaha |
I grew up with Gloria Steinem tossing her women's libber movement around. Quite a scarey person. And, perhaps, unconcerned for others who have an opposing view. She, to me, is Narcissist. Did not like her in 60's and 70's, do not like her now. She and Fonda, birds of a feather flock together. ![]() Lindyy "women and men will be equal, not when women do everything men do, but when men do everything women do."....Ms.Gloria Steinem. A great role model for young girls like me growing up in the my opinion, comparing Fonda and Steinem is like comparing apples and oranges. I am all for equality. "when men do everything women do" huh? really? gun to my head emocon here. ![]() |
Regime change
Even if we stay in Iraq and help them and make sure that terrorists dont move in again, the terrorists will just set up base somewhere else. The war on terror will never end, as long as there is good there will always be evil and vice versa. There will always be terrorists, well almost always, someday the earth will face another mass extinction and terrorism will be the least of our worries. so since they will just pack up and move somewhere else is no reason to not track them down again and KILL them. eventually we will either die trying or die successful, either way we die on our own terms not theirs, putting down the rabbid animal known as the terrorist. |
Regime change
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. ![]() ![]() you criminal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() he said some international lawyers, he didnt say that the international court(that you tout). and that statement does not lend creditbility to your accusations. I am happy though that you decided to write this yourself. The international lawyers already state we are illegally there. The point here is that we are A PART OF THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN, we should be considering the world counsels and their determination of what we do to SOVEREIGN NATIONS THAT HAVE NOT STRUCK US!!!!! As in 9/11 that started the ball rolling on Saddam. You guys cannot make it right, no matter what you spout off about. We were wrong and when and if they decide to prosecute for these crimes, it will be deserved. We cannot and should not invade and occupy countries that did not do the crime. No matter how much you try you cannot make that right. ![]() we should be considering the worlds counsel..... no i dont think we should. We have seen over and over again the ways of the world and the counsel that advises them into inepthood. the world counselors gave us world war 1 and 2, the french gave us veitnam, and that leaves the mid east for giving us counsel there, in a place where freedom is only granted when you die. No I am not going to listen to the world counsel or their bad flippin advise. To sound mean and arrogant, we lead the world contrary to your desires, and if the world listened more to our counsel "what a wonderful place it would be" as the song goes. Uneducated, unciivil, pretensious and ignorant world of hugging til it hurts. the world of genocide, the world of poverty, the world of the uneducated, the world of unable to feed themselves, the world of unable to fend for themselves. No ma'ma, when the world needs something they come to us, right or wrong that is the way it happens. If the world was so smart they wouldnt require our help. SO ONCE AGAIN, NO MA"AM I WILL NOT LISTEN TO THE COUNSEL OF THE WORLD THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Wow, such superiority and arrogance. My daddy would have shown you a little humility and no it was not an ass whuppin. LOL He was a medic like you in Vietnam he had ![]() YES, I am arrogant, but I am also truthful, what has the world done for us would have been a simpler debate I guess. Modern times that we live in have the US leading the way on EVERYTHING positive in the world. we rebuilt Japan and gave them technology, then they took that and ran with it, good for them- see people can make it without government. we rebuilt germay and gave them democracy and now look, theyre doing just fine too. the list is longer as I am sure you know or remember from your college days. "arrogant is the man who says war can be fought with hugs and understanding" |
I agree with symbel. ![]() I agree also on this one. But I still think although not a bad mark against him being a POW is not a strength more of a concern for us Americans who would be at his whim. We have had enough of being at the whim of a madman with shrub for the last 7 years. ![]() so being a POW is a concern for you because you think it turned him into a flake? any man who survived as he did knows how to overcome tradgedy strife and struggle. I do not agree with some of his politics but I sure as hell wouldnt say that being a POW made me rethink his mental abilities. |
Regime change
Edited by
Wed 03/05/08 08:54 AM
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. ![]() ![]() you criminal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() he said some international lawyers, he didnt say that the international court(that you tout). and that statement does not lend creditbility to your accusations. I am happy though that you decided to write this yourself. The international lawyers already state we are illegally there. The point here is that we are A PART OF THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN, we should be considering the world counsels and their determination of what we do to SOVEREIGN NATIONS THAT HAVE NOT STRUCK US!!!!! As in 9/11 that started the ball rolling on Saddam. You guys cannot make it right, no matter what you spout off about. We were wrong and when and if they decide to prosecute for these crimes, it will be deserved. We cannot and should not invade and occupy countries that did not do the crime. No matter how much you try you cannot make that right. ![]() we should be considering the worlds counsel..... no i dont think we should. We have seen over and over again the ways of the world and the counsel that advises them into inepthood. the world counselors gave us world war 1 and 2, the french gave us veitnam, and that leaves the mid east for giving us counsel there, in a place where freedom is only granted when you die. No I am not going to listen to the world counsel or their bad flippin advise. To sound mean and arrogant, we lead the world contrary to your desires, and if the world listened more to our counsel "what a wonderful place it would be" as the song goes. Uneducated, unciivil, pretensious and ignorant world of hugging til it hurts. the world of genocide, the world of poverty, the world of the uneducated, the world of unable to feed themselves, the world of unable to fend for themselves. No ma'ma, when the world needs something they come to us, right or wrong that is the way it happens. If the world was so smart they wouldnt require our help. SO ONCE AGAIN, NO MA"AM I WILL NOT LISTEN TO THE COUNSEL OF THE WORLD THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! |
Edited by
Wed 03/05/08 08:45 AM
I like to watch the candidates without the sound on the tv to see their body language, stance, eye contact and such. Although I did turn the sound on for McCain for a bit. Here is what I saw: Hillary is confident, she believes what she says, this is a strong point for a candidate Obama is not quite as confident but he also believes what he says. Another good point. McCain is completely dependent on the expert written speeches given him. There is no confidence or belief in what he says. This was also the same with Bush his first go round. He is brow beaten or appears so. Also, McCain is frail, does anyone else notice this? ![]() I think this says alot about the candidates. Just sharing here, would like to hear others views of what they see with the candidates. A real person, a normal person when away from their comfort zone tends to not be able to "perform" up to their potential. the fact that both Hillary and Obama "perform" wonderfully to you says something not only about them but you as well. You talk passionately about your beloved party and that is wonderful. But there is no room for anybody else in any conversation with you. To you we are all but lost little sheep who are to dumb to understand anything for our own good. I dont want an actor for president, republican or democrat. I want someone with experience and sound judgement. Neither Barrack or Hillary have any real experience or sound judgement, body language to the contrary. Expertly written speech? as if Hillary scribbled on a note pad just before hers. truth, no matter how hard to swallow is still truth. Be truthful in your post and others will do the same. Yes there are speech writers in and around DC, have been for a long damn time. It is not news to anyone, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant to the fact of how politics works. Body language as a gauge to the presidency, really, come on- thats pulling out all the stops even for you. |
Regime change
Edited by
Wed 03/05/08 08:32 AM
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. ![]() ![]() you criminal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() he said some international lawyers, he didnt say that the international court(that you tout). and that statement does not lend creditbility to your accusations. I am happy though that you decided to write this yourself. |
Some good news america!
the bad apples as it were, spoiling the barrell. and some are even rotten to the core...if you know what I mean.. ![]() no puns intended Im sure. ![]() |
1191 IT'S McCAIN!!!
mccain/powell mccain/hunter mccain/whoever the underlying common denominator, mccain has just won the presidency of the united states. and republicans will win control of the house and the senate, not by a little but by a landslide!!!! its christmas i febuary. thank you hillary. ![]() |
a bridge for sale?
I think theyre claiming to be more intelligent than Pelosi and Reid. An assertion that I believe as well. To many times in recent history we republicans have been characterized and assaulted for not being as "smart" as the hippy loving socialist communistic party known to most as the democrats, Im glad happy and messing all over myself watching the collapse of their elitistism, people waking up all over the place, just out of the blue saying wait a damn minute, I know I work in a union and they tell me dems are the greatest, but these people dont believe what i do! texas and ohio yesterday did more than predicted, first they kept Hillary in the race (just as I said they would), second they insured the dems would lose all power this coming november. its more than a prophecy, it will be fact. people are tired of their stupidity. ![]() ![]() doc....... I believe the Democrats are going to do more than lose their power. Hillary is going to destroy the party with all the dirty tricks she is using to beat Obama. Additionally, Hillary and Obama are spending campaign funds fighting each other and are going to be hurting for money to run TV ads and what not when the time comes to run against McCain, which makes me want to "go find a tree to hung." When Hillary is finished, in more ways than one, it is going to take a long, long time for the Dems to recover. the dems will never be hurting for money, they have to many special interest groups who donate like crazy, not to mention all the illegal funds by the like of shu. no they will be fine, or even if like you say they dont have the funds then there will be some move on dot org group that runs ads for them. |
Some good news america!
the bad apples as it were, spoiling the barrell.
Some good news america!
let them eat cake
a bridge for sale?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yeah, me too, the rebel rouser part, not the trees. ![]() good morning to you ![]() |
a bridge for sale?
Not really looking to pick a fight, but have your civil liberties(YOUR civil liberties) been violated in anyway what so ever, or have you just been told that they are or can be?
I have never, not once, ran across anyone who said that the patriot act actually violated their civil rights, not one person. Do you know anyone who has ad their violated? Just a question. ![]() |